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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2236227
The after-party party: Paranormal Romance Short Story Contest
Back in the day parties and people were tame. As ideas and innovations changed the world and the way we think, people pushed everything to the limits and beyond. The future was exciting, had many unique and wonderful medical advancements, and the inventions allowed for almost anything that can be imagined to materialize.

Society lives at a fast pace. Everything is all about getting things done. Having instant gratification became addictive. Even pets and other animals have been swept into this craze. A new way of life that sometimes has secrets. My best friend regularly wants us to explore more possibilities in our relationship and our world. I prefer taking a more leisurely approach.

We’re getting together at a friend's party tonight and then plan to feast on some alone time later. Time is wasting so I should take inventory of my wardrobe and get ready for the evening. This looks good and will work well. I won’t be long getting ready, oh the tingling and rush of anticipation.

Yup, I’m looking sharp and am hyped for some action. My girlfriend should be very pleased. I will meet her at the party which works for me. I can ride my custom motor wheel.

There she is and looking delicious. I could sample her wares right now, but only after the party. Our usual or... rather unusual host throws phenomenal parties that invariably foster the need to be close to companionship. Food and drink also with the essential music swoon and swoop the party people into another world. By the time we get full of its essence and offerings, it’s time to shut down the fun and glamour so that everyone can retreat to their favorite private place and hunker down for the night. We decide to decline this offer and seek our favorite crib beneath the vast sprawling park near the train station. Nature is exciting for us and we enjoy being excited together.

Holding each other up and gliding toward our destination we discover a new cave-in near the park entrance. I hear scampering and squeaking, sliding, and other small animal noises. the taste of the air has more tantalizing elements and some elements I never was aware of until now. We decide to investigate further and find a huge boulder blocking our forward advance, so we turn back and head to our special spot.

Our spot beckons to us. We move effortlessly toward it. The darkness begins to wrap around us. We are drawn into another world of our own. Our hearts race. The excitement rises along with our blood pressure and then we …

After a close encounter of our unique kind, I notice a shift in the surrounding. Listening intently, sniffing, looking deliberately for any slight clues, my skin crawls and shimmies responding to the shift of the earth right under us. She clings to me with her mouth closed tightly and her muscles tense. The earth gives way and we find ourselves in a huge cavernous enclosure that is smelling of sweat, soiled cloth, and moss.

I see figures lounging around coupled together as they sleep, hear familiar noises beyond the walls of excitement and pleasure, and can feel someone or something overshadowing us. Blending in with the surroundings and keeping my hand over my girlfriends' mouth we are like statues and blend into the situation.

After many moments of silence, we hear,

“it’s about time you joined our orgy. Now you know what you’ve been missing.”

“is that you, Gregory?”

“Yes of course it’s me, Simon. I too have the same abilities you have.”

“How did we get here? I didn’t think this place was as close to here?”

“Tunnels my friend.”

We decided to stick around and boy did we have a great time at the after-party. She considered returning again with me, but we discovered that there was more to this event than was revealed to the first party guests. I found out because I stuck around for another glimpse during another after-party party and found varied horrors and despicable acts I will not share with anyone because these are absolutely evil.

We never went to another party again until we moved away, far from the influences of creatures who although they act and look like humans they have powers that flirt with the dark side.

I still have my own special abilities that I use to protect and help people. We are now a family with our young ones and enjoy life. Sometimes, though I still see, hear, smell, and especially can feel the ripples of those parties from far away.

g.enhanced human (eg, hightened hearing, eyesight, running ability, or to blend into surroundings)

4437 characters, 778 words. Readability level: 9-10th grade student.
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