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He'd just summoned a succubus...what now? |
Succubuses And Other Life Sucking Demons; Chapter 2 Mortal was walking down the street, hand in hand with someone, who looked just like that deamon, last night. Same short, ebony hair, leading him around the city centre. Same tall and slim figure, except that deamon may had inflated the chest a bit. It was kind of sick, but excitingly-good kind of sick. Whenever she smiled at him, he almoust burst out in hysterical laughter. It was like he knew a really embarresing secret about her, but in reality he just couldn't keep the memories of last night away. It was the same smile that had sucked his dick! It was also strangely endearing... The hand that held his now was the same one that- "Are you okay? You are being... simply strange. Is something wrong?" Shit- sound the alarms- Ebony was looking at him, too incocently. Her dark green eyes, that so nicely paired with her somewhat reflecting skin, were so differend, even thou the same, they seemed to be somewhat shaped by her virtous personality, rather than some lustful charachter. He clenched his jaws together to suppress a laugh-seizure, while his fingernails dug into his free hand. “Hmm?” He tried to play it of as if he just spaced out. She stopped them walking, to stare into his grey eyes. That was easy as they were almost the same height. Oh hell, his teeth were tighter together than his butt-cheeks when he got scared. She seemed to be looking for something, concentrated, while he prayed for strenght to contain himself. Who was he kidding he had slept with a succubus!- “Dear god, are you high?” She stopped gawking into his eyes and demandingly looked at him. A snigger escaped him at the mentioning of god and he tried to brush it off as a sneeze. Same trick he used to get out of laughing at fart jokes, ashamed he had to admit, it just never worked. Ground beneath his feet may as well part to engulf him, to spare him the efford of diging out a grave with his name on it. She sighed. “Antonie?” Yep that was it. He started to shake again. The way she eyed him, made him expect to be called by his full name at any moment now. He also may have sniggered a bit more- “Sorry, Laura, I’m just-” Just what, Sleep deprived because of fu-? “A little tired.” Laura stood silent, reading his facial expression to help her decide weather to believe him or not. Not counting one or two suspicious texts, she never knew for him to get drunk or stoned... At last she came up with an ‘ok’ response and a kiss on a cheek. Antonie found himself breathing more freely. ‘Phew, saved’… They got coffee and walked trough the city park. It was a nice sunny day and none of them minded the breeze occasionaly pushing the hair into their eyes. Laura could simply brush her french aside or place it behind her ear while Antonie experienced a good handful of pang-mutinies, that would only go away after the gusts of wind went on. Luckily, there were only few of gust colonies. “Would you prefer to go home, rest for a bit?” she asked nonchalantly as they were passing some chestnuts and Antonie was right in the middle of another attack. He flinched. “Em…” It was not at all nonchalant question. Not when- “No, nope, I’m here with you. I’m gonna nap later.” Antonie tried to take a sip of his coffee and choked. Laura pat his back. “Don’t be stupid. You’re gonna kill yourself for me. I can tell you, Romeo, it’s not, at all, romantic.” She took his coffee away; smiling like she was doing him a favor. “You know you have a problem when you need caffeine to get through Sunday, trust me.” She poured his cup into hers. Awwhh, no, no, no! He really needed that! ‘What a noble sacrifice.’ Antonie muttered to himself. “Ugh!” he mourned his lost companion while she continued to drag him towards his house. The closer they’ve got the more he wished, he could tell her why; he so desperately wanted to stay in the park. The thing was- “Here we are. We can go and walk Cracker tomorrow, to make up for today, okey?” She smiled a smile that was so astonishingly different. With her plum-p lips so astonishingly chase it made him cringe. “Can’t wait.” He muttered out with difficulty. Cracker was her dog, a Boxer puppy, and he was sure she would get rid of either if she had access to his associations. ‘Doggy style-’ He could hear himself ticking, a matter of time before he ticks off. Walking a dog with his current mindset was like looking for land mines with a hammer. He bit his lip and bid her farewell, before he could explode in an atomic-bomb like fashion. Hesitantly closing the door he found himself still shaking. It wasn’t from laughter, was it from all the adrenaline or caffeine? Antonie took shaky breaths, leaning on the front door for support. Adrenaline must have been in some way attached to Laura as it left with her. He soon felt much less hyped and much more tired. He apathetically gazed up at the stairs. What wouldn’t he give for a bed without a soccubus in it? He yawned, wishing Laura would have been kind enough to drag him up to his bed. Or maybe keen enough? That would have been a powerful preventive. You see, the thing was- “Hello, daddy! Want a suck-u-bus?” She was still there. And she wasn’t supposed to be!! He jumped in what he was sure was a near miss of a heart attack. Letting go of his shirt that he grasped close to his heart, he offered a shaken greeting. Putting down his bag he had to curse himself again. ‘What a total fool!’ Is a censored and altered version of his thoughts. And ‘Go the hell out and leave me alone you deviant prostitute!’ is what he wished he could say. Instead he went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and googled how to get rid of ‘big chested Laura’ on his bed. Harder to get rid of; Soccubuses: 2, Humans: 0 |