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by Nick
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2234369
A misfit that has a nightmare that seems more real than he wants it to be (For Halloween)

" Aw shit." Nick said. "Just another day in paradise, I guess." He was waking up to a life that he didn't like. He was an outsider in the school he went to and was not wanting to go back to it. Can't wait till this is finally over. He thought. I'm sick of it. The teachers...most of them, liked him. He would make stories up that would show the sacrifices and perseverance for the greater good of people, his characters, and that's what his writing teachers liked about him, but what he can come up with his mind, he lacked in reality. His teachers would have nothing but good things to say about his writing, but the way he lived was different and they would keep those thoughts to themselves. Whether it would be out of not wanting their opinion to make him lose hope at life, or they didn't want him to report it to someone and get a bad review as a teacher. He didn't know, He would hope for the latter. "I'm so glad the year is almost over." He said to himself. He's a senior at a high school and from elementary to now was an outcast. Almost a full outcast, he had friends and they were outcast just like him. It was one of the few things that not make his life full hell. " I wonder what's on the agenda today." He said jokingly. Because he knew what was in store. The feeling of not fully belonging in life. His other outcasted friends try to help him feel liked he belonged, but teasing and trash-talk from his other peers made him think otherwise. He had his own place, and paid his own bills, but it would be from social security partially and worked part-time at an auto maintenance shop at the weekends during the day time in the morning and afternoon. He knew about cars from his father, and he loved him.

He was a man in his 40's now to his teenage years that was very popular around his peers and anyone outside his click. He wanted to make his father one day proud of his accomplishments. For everyone in his life to one day have a smile of approval. And my friends, he thought. To state more clearly, he was not referring to the friends that he has now. It was the friends that he had before, that he felt he treated badly. Being a different person back then. He sometimes thinks about what he would say to them if he ever ran into them. Would it make a difference? He thought. He couldn't dwell on it for too long, one other thing that he cared about was his grades, to finish high school a graduate. Then that was it. Everything else he would learn from books and he would, only if he needed to, go to college for a degree, but only with money he worked for. "Oh, shit!" He said. He had looked at the clock and it was almost time for school to start and his bus was almost there.

He climbed a high fence that he doesn't normally climb but had no time to go all the way around. He could see the bus at the bus stop and was sprinting like a runner on a track. "Wait! Hey!" He yelled, but he missed it. "Fuck." He said quietly as if though he was in a library. He would have to wait for another bus to come.

He got drenched in rain water while waiting for the bus to come. When he got there, he was half an hour late, but would be able to know what was on the agenda today and be able to keep his grade at an A for now. He was going to his next class that was science and was still drenched in water from the rain. He was ready to change out of his clothes. He tripped while making his way to the class and heard laughter from some where near. "Whatever." he mumbled to himself and made his way to science class and sat next to one of his friends next to him.
"What's up?" His friend Brad said.

"Not much, just ready to get out of these clothes."

"Yea, looks like it sucks."

"Yea, it does."

"Have you seen what the homework was last class?"


"Can I copy off of you?"

"I guess so, but this is the fourth time you done this. I won't say yes all the time. Next time make sure you're here."

"Okay, mom."

He waited until class was over and made his way to the library to meet up with his female friend, Rachel. When she saw him walk through the door to the library, she gave him a rainbow wave with a smile included.
"Howdy, how you doin?"

"I'm alright."

"Are you sure? You look a little down."

"Actually, I am. Like I told Brad, I'm ready to get out of these clothes. I was waiting for the bus and it was raining hard."

"Wish I could do something."

"It's alright, I'll be fine once I get home."

They had both spent being friends with each other from freshman to senior they both shared the same hobbies, almost all of them. They got along with each other all the time and were single the whole time. Someone could ask why they never went out with each other. The chance of her saying yes was high.
"Have any plans?" Rachel said.

"No, just go home and sleep. My soaked clothes got me tired."

"Alright, talk to you later?"


After school was over, he waited for the bus to come. Wearing his facial mask because of a virus that was spreading around and to be able to go on the bus. He got home and took off his clothes and jumped in the shower. He held his arms out to the wall in front of him in the shower. Having a wave of depression flow over him for a while.

Sometimes in our sleep, it seems that we are awake, but we are asleep. Then there's times when we know we're asleep and we're just dreaming. During that time, our senses are with us sometimes in our dream, but only a little bit. In this case, he was now in a dream state but knew he was. When he entered into his dream state, he was in an area that was empty and was pitch black all around. Only a light above him made him not be completely blind to the darkness. He started to hear a voice in the distance that seemed to be getting closer every second until it would show itself in the light. To him it seemed like it was the laughter of someone who completely lost their mind. Then the voice stopped at middle of his laughter, leaving him to wonder where the voice went. Few seconds later, a figure came out of the darkness while doing a cartwheel.
"Hey there, Nicky!" the figure said.

What Nick saw was a man in a clown suit with a insane smile on his face and eyes that seemed as though they were staring in to soul. "How ya doin?" the mysterious clown said. Nick's eyes were wide open in shock and couldn't respond to the question.

"What's the problem?" said the clown. "Cat got your tongue?"

As soon as the clown said that, Nick's skin was starting to feel weird to him. "What the hell?" He said. He looked down to his arms to see something trying to push out of his skin and started to work it's way to his whole body. He at first grunted and worked his way up to screaming loudly as he started to feel the pain as soon as what was growing out of his skin which was sunseeds that fully replaced his entire skin.
"Looks like that's not all you lost." The clown said.

Nick stood frozen in pain and couldn't do anything to stop the sodium from the sunseeds from burning. The clown moved to Nick's shoulder and said, "Cheer up!" then smacked him on the back hard enough to crush the sunseeds on his back, making the shells stab through his muscles. He accidentally fell to his knees only to have the sunsseds break on his knees as well.
"I need to wake up." Nick said. "It's just a dream, all I have to do is just wake up and then I'll be fine."

Then he started to hear other voices from the darkness. He realized that was laughter from all around him in the darkness.

He could no longer hold back the tears from the pain he was enduring and the laughter he was hearing and started to cry.

"Awww, poor baby." The clown said. Then started to laugh with the same insane laughter. As Nick was about to lose his mind, he screamed out loud, "Wake up!"

He sat up in his bed, realizing he was covered in sweat.

Bad dream, or was it a bad dream? Why did I feel pain? Is that possible? He thought.

Either way, he would come to grip with it even more when he would soon realize it was more than just a dream.

(To be continued)

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