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Young woman learns of her remarkable background of being a were,why was it kept from her? |
Waking up has always been a breeze for me im up a few minutes before the alarm goes off every morning. I'll lay in bed and think about my day and what i have to get done. This morning was no different, i looked over at my way out-of-date alarm clock. It's only 6:30 my alarm is set to go off in fifteen minutes. I wonder to myself if my mom has gotten out of bed yet, and started making coffee. She doesnt like it when i drink it, she says it stunts your growth. I'm kinda short for my age, and i have a few extra pounds. But hey I'm happy with the way i look. She has always been worried about me, whether or not i was getting what my body needed to grow healthy and strong and all that. She has always told me to excercise more and then maybe the boys in my school would actually notice me. And I could finally start to date. Truth is, I have no interest in dating anyone anytime soon. I didn't have the heart to tell her that, so I just let her nag at me all day every day. I can hear the start of faint beeps coming out of my clock. Yup 6:45 time to get up I lean over and push the off button get out of bed and head to the shower. After a relaxing hot shower, I brush my hair throw it up in a ponytail to get myself ready for the day. I then head out of my bedroom following my nose. Yup mom was out of bed and I can smell the coffee. I peak around the corner into the kitchen to see exactly where my mother was. To my delight she wasn't in there. I eyeball the coffeepot and wonder where she is? If I can grab a cup and fill it before mom comes in I will be great. I'm not really in the mood to hear her grumble at me today. I have an exam today and it was going to suck without a little pick me up. Without thinking anymore about it, I creep to the coffee maker, grab a to go cup from the cabinet, fill it, pop the lid on. I hear my mother behind me clearing her throat. Shit! I turn around to see her staring at me stink eye and all. I give her one of my innocent looks and lean over to her give her a peck on the cheek. As she starts to open her mouth to say something; I tell her to have a good day and i love her. I bolt out the door before she has a chance to stop me and give me one of her famous talking to's. I head over to my car, it's not much but I can't really complain. My mom tries her best since my dad left. She has stuggled to keep us in a house with food on the table, most of the time anyway. I took on a job to help her out but she refuses to accept any money from me. She says kids are supposed to be kids and are not worry about adult problems. I am almost eighteen and a senior I'm hardly a kid anymore. As I'm driving myself to my first day of school I wonder when she is going to look at me like the adult you might as well say I am. I go to school, I go to work, I save all my money, I don't even have a cell phone. I don't need materialistic things to keep me happy. I'm happy with the way I am though I wish my mom would stop worrying so much about me and let me help her to take care of us. As I'm rounding a curve on the road I see a very large dog laying along side it. I am a big animal lover so seeing this breaks my heart. I know I should just leave it alone and keep driving to school but something tells me to stop and check on the poor thing. I pull over and look out my windshield in front of me, to see if it looks like it could be mean. All I see is its backside its laying on it's side and not moving. "Poor guy" I whisper to myself, as i open my door to get out. I keep my distance from it as I walk closer. You never know if an animal has been abused or not. It could go all crazy at any time, and there wasn't anyone out here but me. I don't want to be hurt so I just look. What I see in front of me is the most beautiful coal black dog I have ever seen in my life. It looks like someone had hit it, but its chest was moving a little. Which told me that it was still alive, barely. I wondered if I managed to get it in my car, if I could possibly take it to the vet? I hate to see any animal in this state. So I go back to my car and pull it next to the dog. Right by the back door. This is going to take some work, for it was huge. As I opened the back door I can hear a whine escape him. Poor guy, he's in so much pain. I reach over to rub his ear to reassure him that everything is going to be alright. As I make contact with the top of his head he opens his eyes. It made me jump back, his eyes are a dark golden yellow. I tell him "everything is going to be alright." I can feel a sudden urge to keep him safe, and a warmness inside me starts to grow towards this dog. I ask him "can you manage to get into the car for me?" I have to take him somewhere to make him feel better. As if I had given him a command, he starts to get up on his feet. He fumbles a few times but manages to get over to the car all on his own. He only had like two feet to go, but it took him a few minutes to get there. He looks over at me with those beautiful eyes of his as to say thank you. He tries to get in the backseat. He struggled and struggled but couldn't get in on his own. I decided to try and lend a hand. As he was pulling with all his might, I leaned over him and tried to pick him up into the car. The car sits low, he was hurting bad, and he was very heavy. Between the both of us we managed to get him in there. I shut the door behind him and drove to the nearest veternarian clinic. I walked in and asked for help to get my dog inside to see the doctor. The lady behind the desk scowled and said "we don't have time for any more animals today." She proceded to tell me that the doctor was all booked up. I pleaded with her and said "he is in rough shape. I didnt know if he is going to make it or not." She rolled her eyes at me, took my name and home number and walked out the door with me following. As I lead her to my car she asks me, "what happened to your dog?" I lied and said "I live in the country and I found him outside this morning looking pretty bad." She was about to ask me another question but when she opened her mouth to say something she closed it again. Well that was odd I thought. This lady has some serious issues. I brushed it off, I didn't like to worry too much about people. Their problems are their's to keep. All I wanted was this poor guy in my backseat to feel better. I opened the door, and then I realized he was starting to growl furiously. The lady looked at me with a concerned look, she peaked over my shoulder to see what I had in there. Before I could get the door opened all the way, she slammed it shut. Looking at me she started to scream in my face, she asked "what kind of prank are you trying to pull?" I looked at her with confusion, as she started to walk back into the clinic. I watched as she slammed the door. What in the world was that all about I wondered. Instead of going back in and causing a scene I just got back in my car and drove home. As I got home I was thinking of how I could get him past my mother and into my bedroom? As if god had answered my prayers, my mom wasn't even home. Her car was gone whew that was close. Apparently it was getting later into the morning. She had already gone to work. Sweet I thought to myself. I shut the car off and looked at my passenger. I told him to sit tight for a minute so I could get him a nice comfy bed all ready for when he went in so he could rest. I had no idea how to take care of animals but I wasn't getting any help from anybody else. So I was going to try to save this beautiful creature. I ran into the house and found some old blankets and put them on the floor in my closet. He was a big guy and I wondered if there was enough room in there for him? It would just have to do, I had to put him in the closet because if my mom would come home and see a dog in the house. She would flip especially such a large one, I went back out to my car to get him inside. He seemed to be napping, he looked at ease. As I opened the door it creaked a bit and woke him up. His head shot up and he growled instantly, which made me jump away from him. I looked at him and smiled trying to calm him down. It seemed to work because as soon as I did he stopped growling. He just looked at me as if to study me, it was kind of creepy. I didn't know anything about this dog, was he going to lunge out and bite me or was he plotting an escape? As if to answer my question he started to move, outward towards me. I just backed up and gave him his space. He pulled himself halfway out of the car and almost fell on his face. I went to step forward to help him and he snapped his head in my direction. Which made me think twice, "I'm trying to help you big guy" i told him. Hopeing he wouldn't try and go all crazy and tear me to shreds. I had to remind myself that he was hurting bad and I don't know him, or how he was going to act. I had to be careful but there was something inside me that told me he would never hurt me. Haha, ya right! As I'm haveing this inner debate on whether or not I was going to die today. He had managed to get out of the car and limp to the front door. He looked over his shoulder at me as if asking me to open it. So I did, I watched him closely as he walked through it and straight to my bedroom. I followed him to see if he would make it on his own. He looked around and sniffed a couple times. I sit on my bed to watch him further, I pointed at the closet and told him "your bed is in there." He rolled his eyes a bit and went to his makeshift pallet that I made for him earlier and laid down never taking his eyes off of me. He seemed to relax a bit which helped me a little, but I was still a bit skeptic about him. |