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this is a duel between sylvio and the deck i would use if i was in yugioh arc-v. |
*note* my deck is a warrior graveyard advantage deck to be clear with whoever reads this sylvio draws and summons Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser ( lvl 4 ATK 1100 DEF 1000), he then ends his turn. sylvio hand 5, lp 4000 my hand 5, lp 4000 i draw and since sylvio controls a monster and i don't i can summon level warrior ( lvl 3 ATK 300 DEF 600) from my hand as a level 4, i then normal summon jet synchron ( lvl 1 ATK 500 DEF 0), i then synchro summon jet warrior ( lvl 5 ATK 2100 DEF 1200) and when its synchro summon it can return 1 card on the field to the owners hand, so curtain raiser goes back to sylvio's hand and with the effect of jet synchron i can add a junk card to my hand, so i get junk synchron to my hand, i then attack sylvio directly but he gets the action card evasion so the attack is negated, i end my turn with setting 2 cards. sylvio hand 6, lp 4000 my hand 3, lp 4000 sylvio draws and sets Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian and Abyss Actor - Evil Heel in the pendulum scale, he then pendulum summons Abyss Actor - Wild Hope ( lvl 4 ATK 1600 DEF 1200), Abyss Actor - Superstar ( lvl 7 ATK 2500 DEF 1800) and curtain raiser from his hand, he uses the effect of superstar to add Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony to his hand from his deck, he then uses it to gain 500 lp times the amount of monsters he controls, so he gains 1500 lp, he then uses the effect of funky comedian from his pendulum zone to send curtain raiser to his extra deck to give super star the same amount of attack curtain raiser had, so superstar gains 1100 attack making its attack power 3600 this turn, sylvio attacks with super star but i use the face down skill successor to give jet warrior 400 attack, i then use the effect of rush warrior in my hand by sending it to the grave to double the current attack of jet warrior makings its attack power 5000 during this battle, but sylvio gets the action card miracle to make superstar not be destroyed and he only takes half the damage so sylvio only takes 700 damage, sylvio ends his turn. sylvio hand 2, lp 4800 my hand 2, lp 4000 i draw and i play the spell synchronised realm, it deals 500 damage to sylvio every time i synchro summon, i then use the effect of jet synchron in my grave by discarding junk synchron to revive itself and with the effect of dopple warrior ( lvl 2 ATK 800 DEF 800) i can summon it from the hand, i then banish rush warrior to use its effect to add junk synchron back to my hand, i synchro summon using jet synchron doppel warrior and jet warrior to bring out colossal fighter ( lvl 8 ATK 2800 DEF 1000) and with the effect of doppel warrior i get 2 tokens when its used for a synchro summon and jet sychron banish's itself, colossal fighter also gains 100 attack for every warrior in the grave so it gains 300 attack also my spell deals 500 damage to sylvio, i then normal summon junk synchron ( lvl 3 ATK 1300 DEF 500) and with its effect i can revive doppel warrior so colossal fighter loses 100 attack, i then synchro summon using junk synchron doppel warrior and the 2 tokens to summon lightning warrior ( lvl 7 ATK 2400 DEF 1200) and doppel warrior summons another 2 tokens so colossal fighter gains 400 attack with sylvio taking 500 more damage with my spell, i then uses the face down call of the haunted to revive junk synchron making colosal fighters attack 3100 once more, i then uses the effect of jet warrior to revive itself by tributing 1 token so colossal fighter loses 100 attack, i then synchro summon with junk synchron and jet warrior to bring out crimson blader ( lvl 8 ATK 2800 DEF 2600) and jet warrior banish's itself and making colossal fighters attack 3100 also making sylvio taking another 500 damage, colossal fighter attacks and destroys superstar, lightning warrior then destroys wild hope but since wild hope was sent to the extra deck he takes no effect damage with lightning warrior's effect, crimson blader attacks sylvio directly but he gets the action card miracle to halve the damage, i end my turn sylvio hand 2, lp 500 my hand 0, lp 4000 sylvio draws and he then pendulum summons from his extra deck superstar, wild hope, curtain raiser and from his hand Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie ( lvl 4 ATK 1700 DEF 1000) and Abyss Actor - Leading Lady ( lvl 4 ATK 1500 DEF 1000), sylvio returns curtain raiser to the extra deck to give superstar an extra 1100 attack power, he then uses the effect of superstar to add Abyss Script - Fire Dragon's Lair to his hand, he the plays fire dragons lair to make it when superstar destroys a monster he can banish 3 cards from his extra deck, he then uses the effect of evil heel sending wild hope from his field to the extra deck to make crimson blader lose 1600 attack, he then equips super star with Abyss Costume - Hero's Sword giving it an extra 300 attack making superstar have 3900 attack, super star attacks colossal fighter dealing 800 damage but colossal fighter has the effect to revive a monster when its destroyed but the effect of dragons fire lair kicks i, so sylvio banish's my road warrior, nitro warrior and gaia knight the force of earth from my extra deck, so he revives junk synchron in defence mode, sassy rookie attacks and destroys crimson blader dealing 500 more damage, he uses the effect of leading lady to make lightning warrior lose attack equal to the damage he dealt this turn, so lightning warrior loses 1300 attack, leading lady attacks and destroys lighting warrior dealing me 400 damage, sylvio gets 2 copies of the action card quick guard moving leading lady and sassy rookie to defence mode and he ends his turn. sylvio hand 0, lp 500 my hand 0, lp 2300 i draw and i synchro summon using junk synchron and my token to bring out armory arm ( lvl 4 ATK 1800 DEF 1200) and with the effect of synchronised realm sylvio will take 500 damage, but sylvio gets the action card acceleration to negate the effect damage, i then summon rose warrior of revenge ( lvl 4 ATK 1600 DEF 600), i use the effect of armory arm to equip itself to rose to make rose gain 1000 attack points, i then banish skill successor from the grave to make rose gain 800 more attack making its attack power 3400, rose attacks super star and wins me the duel. winner me |