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A bubbly teenage girl gets an after-school job working as an assassin for rich clients |
Link to PDF formatted version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jPsydFgnbtffmAxytwLqhEq-Fef9rFeJ/view?usp=shari... EXT. BACK OF STRIP MALL surrounded with leaky trash bags and broken glass. GWEN (15) stands in the middle, wearing goth clothes, a crookedly clipped on tie, and a super-duper excited smile. She holds a flyer reading "HELP. WANTED. LOOKING FOR TEENAGERS. YOU GET TO MAKE MONEY". She nods her head when she realizes the address on it matches the one spray-painted over the cellar stairs. She pulls open the doors, but gets distracted by a moth flying past and follows it instead. Gwen halts her pursuit. It dawns on her that she's distracted herself, again. She shakes her head like a dog to regain focus, pulls her head up high and walks down the splinter-filled stairs. INT. BOB'S OFFICE - DAY A rusty, leaky cellar. Boxes with weapons poking out scattered about. BOB (40s), with hair decades older than him, sits at his lone desk on the far end. He fills out a brightly-colored form labeled "FAXILL'S GUIDE TO FORGING A DEATH CERTIFICATE" BOB The fucking bullshit I gotta waste my time with, just so some rich prick upstairs can save a few bucks by hiring teenagers. GWEN proudly waltzes in, but loses focus, again. The source of her amazement, this time, are the brightly colored promotional posters filling the dark room. They contain images of happy people carrying assault rifles and phrases such as "RUTHLESSLY DEFENDING YOUR BRAND" and "HAVE SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, AGAINST ALL ODDS" BOB Holy Shit! Officer look I didn't... Gwen tilts her head, confused. BOB Oh, Oh! You're here for the interview. Thank god. So, why don't you take a seat? She scampers towards him, plops herself onto the chair and grabs hold of his desk. BOB So, uhm... GWEN Gwen! Elizabeth Adams! She pulls out her cheese-dust covered resume. GWEN (CONT.) I get really good grades, and I do a whole bunch of after school stuff and I volunteer a lot which makes me a really really good person who'd be super duper amazing for... whatever job this is. In her eagerness, she unintentionally lets go of the desk causing the chair to slowly swivel out of control. She figures out the chair's moving when she's no longer facing Bob. Desperate, she flails her arms, searching for an anchor, which only makes the chair move faster. Bob is shocked. He glances away from the free entertainment to take a peak at her resume and is surprised by how impressive it actually is. He looks back at Gwen, who has just regained hold of the desk. She puffs in victory. BOB (under his breath) Fuck it! I'm not wasting my life waiting for a good applicant. He pulls out a job offer from his desk labeled: "FAXILL: HITMAN" and hands it to Gwen. BOB So Gwen, would you be interested in-- GWEN Yes! BOB Wait, what? You're not going to at least look at the paper in your hands. She reads it with all her might. GWEN Wait. I have to bwow up bweople's bwains? BOB No No No. Don't look at it that way. You're just... taking care of a few bad apples. GWEN Oh! That's a relief! I mean there's way too many bad people, and I think something super duper serious needs to be done about them and, to be honest, if I heard someone else downplay kablewing, like you did, normally I wouldn't be so sure if I should trust them, but the fact that you were nice enough to give me all this money just for spwooshing people's bwains must mean you're extra dextra wextra trustworthy. BOB Oh. Thanks. I guess. Bob grabs an extra large bag of weapons and a dossier. Gwen stares at the bag amazed, as Bob opens the dossier to an image of GEORGE WILLIS (20s). BOB (CONT.) Now, this is one of the bad apples we were just talking about. Gwen, paying no attention to Bob, reaches to grab the bag. He rolls his eyes and tosses it into Gwen's warm, cuddling embrace. BOB (CONT.) See, this man wants to risk depriving millions of Americans of their jobs by leaking secrets about a well-loved oil conglomerate. GWEN That's terrible! Jobs are super triple wipple important. BOB Yes, yes. You're right. That's why it's so important that you have to go stop him now. GWEN Okay? Gwen meanders towards the exit. She's not 100% sure she's doing the right thing. She looks back at Bob, and tilts her head, awaiting confirmation. He gives it to her through a gentle, but eager, motion to leave. GWEN (CONT.) (waving while walking out) Okay! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! INT. ADAM'S HOUSEHOLD/LIVING ROOM - DAY Floor covered in candy wrappers and months-old leftovers. Nobody even pretends to give a crap about cleaning here. SUZY (7), Gwen's sister, is situated on the couch. She piles spoonfuls of a full tub of ice cream into her mouth, letting drips stain her over-sized business suit. Surrounding Suzy is a suited-up staff of stuffed salesmen, with MS. FLUFFY, a stuffed bunny, seated as her right-hand woman. SUZY Unbelievable! Gwen walks in eating a bag of cheese-wiz with some chips underneath it. She's quite comfortable, despite the massive book-bag weighing down on her back. SUZY (CONT.) (to stuffed animals) How are me and Ms. Fluffy ever gonna reach our dreams of buying the world if you keep wasting our firm's money on worthless stocks like Funland Toys, who haven't made a pretty pink toy car that balances my needs for fun and style in years. Gwen raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. GWEN Suzy, why are you trying to buy really big companies when you could build up a bunch more power by buying businesses with teeny tiny market caps? SUZY That's too big of a risk for our fledgling firm. Which would be real if mom bought the equity I asked for for my birthday. Speaking of which, she left us dinner, by the way. She points to a melting tub of ice cream on the kitchen table. GWEN Ice cream! For the 14th night in a row! Gwen rushes towards it and piles it on top of her chips. She returns to the couch, ready to dig in, when her phone buzzes. GWEN Ooh, I gotta do my super- important training. Gwen pulls a tablet from her bag. She uses both hands to shovel food into her mouth while answering questions with her nose. SUZY (pointing to Gwen's snacks) Where'd you get the cash for that transaction? Gwen sneezes and shakes off her snot like a wet dog, GWEN If you really wanna know, I just got a super cool new job. She jumps back into her quiz. Suzy sneaks a peak at the app. Her eyes widen when she sees all gory questions showing Gwen how to kill people. SUZY Wait, are you working as a--? Suzy lets out an excited SQUEE. Gwen covers her ears and squeezes her eyes shut. GWEN Why are you so happy? SUZY I mean, you literally get to crush the competition. Except for the tiny difference that you're doing it with people instead of corporations. Gwen rolls her eyes and looks away. SUZY Please can you let me and Ms. Fluffy help you with management, or research, or something? We promise we'll be super professional. Gwen glances back at Suzy's big begging eyes. They are too cute, even for Gwen. GWEN Fine. But you better not get your little kid blood on my snacks. INT. HOTEL/HALLWAY - TRACKING Peeling wallpaper. Rusty door handles. Not somewhere you'd expect someone worth the effort of getting a hitman hired on them to stay. Gwen's eyes wander around the hall, amazed. She chews on licorice from one hand and holds an assault rifle in the other. Suzy rides in her bag, excitedly showing the dossier with Ms. Fluffy. SUZY Hey Gwen. Do you think it's smart to be carrying that thing now? GWEN Well the nice man on the TV said people get super hurt when guns are present, so I'm just hoping that if I do a really good job holding this, eventually Willis will get super hurt too. SUZY (looking down at dossier) Okay? They approach room "3-13". SUZY Hey, Ms. Fluffy, isn't that Willis's room? GWEN Omygosh! Really? Gwen kicks down the door into INT. WILLIS'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Personal belongings are neatly put together, but it is vacant. GWEN Aw! He's not here. Suzy's eyes light up. She SQUEES and drums on Gwen's head. GWEN What's with you and happiness? SUZY (climbing out of bag) Don't you see Gwen? We're getting to do the funnest part of a hostile takeover. Understanding your target's deepest darkest weaknesses to take advantage of later. Suzy strolls around the room, giggling. She gets to the closest and studies the suits inside. SUZY (looking at Ms. Fluffy) What do you think girl? This guy must be pretty important. (shrugs) Or maybe he just thinks he is. Gwen looks around the room, unsure what's happening. She notices Suzy heading to the dresser. Gwen, trying to figure out what she should be doing, tilts her head and copies Suzy's inquisitive expression. GWEN Oh! I know what's going on. Gwen picks up a vase and smashes it. She continues her rampage on the small furniture around the room. Suzy climbs to the top of the dresser and notices a letter addressed to Willis. SUZY Oooh. What do you think this is, Ms. Fluffy? She peaks inside and sees it's an invitation to an environmentalist dinner happening right now. She turns to tell Gwen, but is immediately overwhelmed by a tsunami of disappointment when she sees what she's up to. SUZY (CONT.) Gwen. What are you doing? GWEN (smashing a lamp) Raiding. Duh. Suzy shakes her head, trying not to lose whatever little sanity remains in the room. GWEN You know, it's a federal offense to go through someone's mail. INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT Formally dressed 20-somethings fill the fancily decorated, but clearly aging, building. In the back corner are Gwen and Suzy. They hide behind a potted cactus. Suzy yanks a pair of binoculars from Gwen's bag and uses them to search the room for Willis. Gwen, stuffing her face with chocolate, searches her bag for the right gun. GWEN Hey Suzy? Which do you think is better (holding up the MK-13) making Willis really red, but really really fast (holding up the AR-50) or making Willis really really red, but only really fast? SUZY Uhm...the... GWEN (nodding at the AR-50) Yeah. Really really red. Suzy eventually finds WILLIS'S TABLE He sits with his equally suited-up acquaintances. WILLIS Yeah man. I just gotta find some sort of way to tell the world how great I am for finding out about PEARSON OIL's big EPA scandal. BACK CORNER SUZY Our acquisition's in sight. GWEN Look at him. Talking about taking innocent people's jobs under the evil guise of saving the planet. She aims the gun at Willis. Suzy's expression goes blank as the morbidity of what's about to happen dawns on her. SUZY Wait, I... I haven't gotten enough info on-- Gwen pulls the trigger. WILLIS'S TABLE WILLIS Like shit, dude. I can't decide where I'm gonna speak first? Maybe Dubai, or Calgary, or Oslo. They're all pretty nice and I bet they'll all thank me for saving the world. He picks up his glass of water. His movement is just enough for Gwen's bullet to miss him and instead bounce around the room. Panic ensues as patrons, including Willis, duck for cover. BACK CORNER Suzy ducks down, pulling Ms. Fluffy closer to her. Gwen's eyes joyfully lock on the bullet. SUZY Do bullets normally work that way? It lands back in Willis's glass, shattering it. All the patrons rush out, terrified. SUZY (tugging on Gwen's shoulder) Uh, Gwen. I think, maybe, we should exit this transaction. GWEN Ah, but I didn't get to see any bwains go spwoosy. INT. HOTEL/HALLWAY - NIGHT Gwen, depressingly sprays whipped cream into her mouth, letting it pile. Her feet, and the AR-50 drag down the hall. Suzy follows after her, focused on the ground, still disturbed from the events that occurred in the ballroom. GWEN (swallowing) Suzy, what if we never get Willis? What if he lives forever and the jobs never get saved? SUZY Oh, yeah, uhm. Look, I'm sure you'll probably solve this with your unique Gwen brand, maybe. They freeze. A POLICE OFFICER stands in front of Willis's room. Suzy squeezes Ms. Fluffy, terrified. Gwen tilts her head and waltzes towards the officer SUZY (whispering) Gwen! Get back here! Gwen taps him on the shoulder. GWEN What'cha doin? The OFFICER jolts around to face the teenager, who's now playfully rocking her arms back and forth. OFFICER Oh, good evening ma'am. I'm just responding to a call for another break-in in this neighborhood. GWEN That's terrible. It must be terribly wearily awful to have someone force themselves into your room just to break all your super nice stuff. I mean who in the whole wide world would do something so mean? OFFICER Oh no, no. Everything will probably be okay? GWEN (sniffing) Weally? Willis stammers up to his doorway, drenched in sweat. WILLIS Look man. I escape a shooting and come back to find my room trashed. Clearly, this must mean I'm so important that Pearson wants to get rid of me, before I leak info on them. The Officer makes a "crazy" expression, aimed at Willis, to Gwen. She shrugs back. WILLIS Please, dude, even you should be smart enough to see someone's trying to stop me from saving the world! I mean, the dude behind this was even crazy enough to commit a federal offense by looking through my mail. Suzy lets out a nervous giggle. OFFICER (to Gwen) I'm sorry. Calming this one's probably gonna take a while. WILLIS Will you fucking... (takes a deep breath) Look. I don't know if you understand, but my life is important. Somebody, should protect it or I could... I could die. SUZY (tugging on Gwen's leg) You know, I think it's time for Ms. Fluffy to get her beauty rest. OFFICER Look sir, I might not know much about leaks or saving the world, but I do understand courtesy. And it is not courteous to interrupt the conversation I'm trying to have with this very polite young lady. He motions to Gwen, who's licking her arm like a cat. Willis puffs. He's had enough. He looks at Gwen's gun. WILLIS Well if you won't protect me I'll just protect myself. He reaches to grab it. Gwen nibbles on her arm, oblivious. The Officer pulls out his gun and aims it at Willis's head. OFFICER Sir, what are you doing? Suzy holds Ms. Fluffy closer to her and squeezes her eyes shut. Gwen, looks up, only now realizing the events unfolding. The Officer fires the gun at Willis's head. Gwen tilts her head, feeling nothing except mild curiosity. INT. BOB'S OFFICE - NEXT DAY Bob stares at Gwen and Suzy shocked. BOB Wait. He went out like that? SUZY It just happened. I didn't think it would be so fast or like this, but it... it-- As Suzy talks, Gwen focuses on a moth flying around her. She tries swatting at it, swiveling around to keep it in her sight. She makes a full circle, sees Bob again, and completely forgets about the moth. GWEN Wait a minute! I saw Willis's bwains go spwoosy. So, I technically finished the mission and saved the jobs. Bob is taken aback by Gwen's quick change of emotion. BOB Well, even though you didn't really follow corporate training, the job was technically done for our well-paying client. (laughs) I'm just glad the paperwork for this shit's on that donut-licking bastard's hands instead of mine. The moth reappears and flutters past Gwen. She snatches in her mouth and eats it, exerting her dominance. BOB Well, I guess you two deserve a congratulations for getting this taken care of, and, might I add, noticeably more alive than most first-timers. Gwen sits back, quite proud of herself. Suzy leans in to object, but draws a blank. SUZY You know what, I might as well just accept this madness. GWEN Woo-hoo! Bob hands them another dossier. BOB Here's your next project. I, normally don't say this, but I actually expect good work, and good commissions, from both of you. |