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Rated: E · Fiction · Arts · #2227110
Winner! Daily Flash Fiction 7/17/20

Glass Flower

Andrea and I went to an exhibit of a new artist. ‘Glass Paintings’. We were expecting stained glass in the usual forms of windows, hanging doodads, vases, those sorts of things. What we saw took our breath away.

The artist, Rose Blume, had painted a flower in glass. Impossible you say. Well somehow she did it. The tiniest pieces formed a perfect little red rose. This was the signature piece of her exhibit.

I had to see how this all fit together. No glue, no solder, no lead, nothing visible. All other pieces in the exhibit were the same. They fit together seamlessly, magically.

Rose stood by a tiny flower, a blue tulip two inches in height.

“Hi there. I just have to ask. How do you do this marvelous technique?”

Rose Blume looked at me, smiling like the Chesire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, mysterious and not giving away any secrets.

“It’s all done with fairy magic, cobwebs and angel dust.” Then she winked at me.

Was she kidding? Seriously.

“I can’t tell you. Proprietary secrets. I’m just glad you like my work.” Then off she went to speak with another guest.

Andrea found me. “Did you find out the secret of how she manages to make such beauty?” She stood by a bouquet of lilacs so realistic one could almost smell their scent.

“She claims fairy magic, cobwebs and angel dust.”

“That’s crazy, and not possible.”

“But she believes it. And I can’t see anything keeping these flowers together. So what say we suspend our disbelief for a time. I’m going to buy one. I think the daffodil. Then when I get it home, I can study it, figure it out maybe.”

I took the daffodil home. It reflected light, one night I saw fairies inside. Truly magical.

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