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Rated: 18+ · Critique · Supernatural · #2224070
Warning: [commentary]
"Hand me one of those Marlboro reds, will ya?" I roled my eyes," I can't." The 'smoker' across the counter was my old pal Chance, wearing a tank top and cargo pants. He thought I was joking," Hehe, why not?"

"I'm 17; I have to be 18 to sell cigarettes to anone. Here, I'll get Ben." It was busy and me and Ben have been working our asses off with no break." Ben! We got some cigarettes here." Ben, twenty years older than me with a beard and balding hair as if he lost it during our chaotic shift, with a cheery voice," Just hold on, bud! I'll be right with you... here's your... change. Have a great day!" Chance called," Marlboro red 100s." ben eyed them with his big glasses," 15 dollars and 89 cents." Chance scatched[yes I spelled it wrong] his long dirty-blond hair," Kay, here's a twenty; keep the change[!!!???]." Thanks, Ben, wish I could sell every product so you don't have to run over here." I chuckled. I looked at the time. Oh Crud! I was supposed to be off work ten minutes ago," Sorry I have to leave you Ben, hopefully Ted comes here soon, he'sten minutes late!" We both grunted.

SHREEK![that was supposed to be my time card being punched] Work was finally over. Now to finally talk to Chance; he has been gone for a month training for the Air Force." So... what've you been doing for the past month?" His hairdrooped down with guilt," Getting into trouble, like, God forbidden trouble!" I shaked my head smirking," Whoa, did you... look at secret documents that you weren't supposed to see?" Chance went wide-eyed," Exactly! Well... sort of. I found a fallen document on the floor, as I picked it up, I saw 'Top Secret' on the cover and the seal was open." "Strange, you guys got a spy on your hands,[foreshadowing] did you- did you look at the document?"[you think I should do another paragraph for every dialogue?] "Before I could do anything else, security was already strapping me up and sending me to solitary confinement with questioning. I told them that I didn't read any of it, but of course, they didn't believe me.[I don't believe you either] They though I was some spy to use they're technology!" As I absorb this all in, I was wondering why he is telling me this with such intensity," Technology? Some sort of secret weapon?"

Chance looked around the candy store which we stood in[now you tell us]; bricks and shelves full of sugary candy stretching far, where you can barely see the end of the store; like a maze. Silence.

"Why are you sounding so tense? You were doing fine a few minutes ago." Chance gave an evil, almost Joker-like grin with his cigarette in his left cheek. "I caught you now spy!" "What?[What?] I-" "Don't play innocent with me, you Isis bombarder! You just admitted we have a secret weapon! Now to take you in! And I can rest after a long month's hunt!"[This was hard to read>.<]

"No, you can't be Chance. Chance wouldn't frame his best friend for-" Fake Chance snapped"Your're right! He would never tattle about giving away secret information to his best friend!" He proclaimed sarcastically. All I could come up with was- RUN. I slid past his grip, but fumbled toward the door with a CRASH, I looked toward the phony friend and saw he was now wearing a gas mask... I tried... to get up... but... too tired," You won't get away... with... this." He guffawed. And now I was in a deep... deep sleep.[Transition starts]

"KXTA Automotive system reporting: subject 152833 will be ready in 30 minutes. Subject 152832 has been terminated in Room M-12.[my favorite radio] Hourly message: "Jinxin-7, you will be retired to the weapons testing room. We need our subjects alive, send Fredson-1 to Room M-12 for DNA experimentation. Do not screw this up, we are running out of subjects!"

"What the hell was that?" I thought. "Wow. They are sending the Mad Scientist to the morphing room? Haystack must be desparate!" Some voice. Another voice, but it sounded familiar, "Ha! So, going to the schedule room has payed off! Our little spy won't see the end of this day. And its Hegstack, not Haystack; neither is the DNA room the morphing room, even though all the experiements fail there anyway, hehe." I finally opened my eyes and there I saw Chance, or fake Chance, standing in front of my feet behind... cell doors? He was starring right at me with his Joker-like grin again!

I engaged to view my surroundings. I was on a hard metal shelf, acting like a bed. And then I looked next to me seeing my co-worker Ben, along with a German couple. A huge cell for a couple people, all metal walls and a huge light covering the entire ceiling.

The CIA or whatever agency must've captured anyone that moght be connected with the "hunt" conspiracy, a possible threat to their... community.[How would a 17 year old figure this out so soon?] This is obviously a secret government agency with all of the secret stuff they have; they thought that I knew about.[I think you do.] Why me? How secretive is this intelligence, for me to be prisoner, a... a... oh God! An experiment! Didn't fake Chance look at me while he was talking about a spy not living to the end of this day? Oh, God, I'm the spy![well yes but technically no.]

I thought this man was Chance, but while I was in my terrifying state of mind, he reached up to his... nose? While glarring at me with those wild eyes, he turned into a completely different person! Which is a relief that isn't my best friend slash homicidal maniac. His blond hair pixelated into a light brown military cut, his wild eyes didn't change much, but what was most disturbing, was his teeth. It looked like he was wearing shark dentures. I swallowed. I'm going to be turned into a monster, am I?

"KXTA Automotive system message: subject 152833 is ready to go to Room M-12."

"Did you hear that Jamson-13!" the shark man gabbled with excitement. "Ye- Yes, Eric-3 -I -I mean Leviathon! Uh... what do we do?"[he was paying attention.] Jamson13 rattled out. Now Leviathon, for once, he took his eyes off me and said," I will take 'subject 1528'- whatever to the DNA room, and you make sure none of the other prisoners escape."[foreshadowing] Jamson-13, wide-eyed bluted out" Yes, sir!" I slid backwardin the corner, scared out of my wits! I thought, if I don't get out of here, I could die from a mad experiement! or worse! Shark Leviathon searched through his back pocket and pulled out a card. He reached toward the cell door with his card, slid it, and our cell door slides open remotely and stops with a CLICK. Leviathen came in first. I noticed he had a baton on his side. Jamson-13 carried a unique pistol, like something from a sci-fi movie. Leviathon royally walked over to me. I curled up into a ball on the hard bed surface. I peeked at Leviathon: he was edging towards me, then at Jamson-13; he was eyeing Ben[why didn't he even back him up] and the German couple, all terrified, knowing they will be next after me.

The Shark man lunged toward me, wrapping his arms around me as if he wanted a hug. Now is my chance.[what, kiss him?] I dropped like a ragdoll, slipping through his grasp, then I started to dart out the cell door. Jamson-13 began to glance at what was going on, until Ben choke-held him to the floor while Leviathon was trying to get the German lady from biting his leg, while the German man was deciding whether to get the shark guy, or the gun-holder[as I was running out the cell door?] "Get out of here, Shane! I'll try to delay them as best I can!" Ben called. "No! He is getting away!" Leviathen was dragging the poor woman, trying to get her off his leg to catch me, I was already out the door and running the halls like a lost animal. I stopped and listened if they were following me. I heard quiet footsteps in front of me. Luckily, I found an empty room with the door wide open. Looks promising. I slipped inside and shut the door. BAM! "Shhh." As I turned around, it looked to be an office. I wonder if the prisoners managed to take them down. "Alert! Alert! prisoners: 152833, 152834, and 141620 have escaped and are roaming these halls, check every door from floors 12 and 13!"

"I should've seen this coming." I wispered. What was that! Heavy footsteps, I'm hearing them opening doors and edging this way! Ah ha! A box, barely big enough for me to fit in; conveniently, it was empty. I jumped in and grabbed the lid and shut myself in, curling into a ball. Seconds later, my door was kicked open! I could see through a hole so I can see what he was doing. He checked a cabinet that was far from me, darted toward the desk and looked behind and under everything, then he started coming toward the boxes! He started on the farthest one, checked up and down, up, then down, down, then up, skipped a box, turned around, away from me, going through more boxes. "Ugh, why are there so many empty boxes here?" He then went towards me, and then.... he opened the box right next to me and then-"Agh! Rat!"[mad experimentation and he's afraid of rats] He fumbled for his pistol, trying to aim at the rat. Te rat actually jumped towards him! He stepped back, tripping over a box, the gun was thrown in the air. When, it landed, it shot a bright blue lazer right through the poor soldier's head, dead center!"Holy lazer beams!"[okay Robin] I heard an army of footsteps coming to this room now. "We got a man down!" One soldier said. "The escapee is now armed and possibly trained in the martial arts!"[lol] Another spoke in a walky-talky. I sighed with relief. They all left, taking their fallen comrade with them. I got out of that small box and stretched my limbs. I closed the door, so no one can see me as they pass by. I decided to look at some of the papers and one caught my eye...[Wait, did you just rhyme? And how can you close the door when he kicked it open?]

'Mission: Hunting spies

Your assignment is to hunt down these specific targets, and bring them here. Capture anyone else that may be connected to them or a possible threat to our agency: Hunt them with pure hatred, do not listen to their lies, just bring them here.






Chance! They caught him like a month ago![how do you know?] I wasn't on the list, but I am connected with him, so... I guess. These soldiers were never given the deails of these names. "Probably a supply for their experiments." I thought.[You think a lot]

"Gotcha." "Wha-?" BEW! Everything went fuzzy, all I saw were feet coming towards me, and then the world started to go black.

"Fredson-1, he is regaining consciousness, an electric voice sounded. "Keep him restrained.." a raspy old voice commanded.

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