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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Teen · #2223904
My latest story beheld on this website to give an idea of what I write about.
2020, July 5
City, State, United States, North America 6:00 p.m.

One hour for the ice cream man to go home. The grand doors of the candy store ,in which he resides, hasn’t opened for the past two hours. He wasn’t really a man, yet. A teenager, who will be turning 18 in a few months. His name tag read “Ray.” He wore sharp-square glasses making his blue eyes stand out. He didn’t have long enough hair necessary for a hair net, even though his workmate, Ben, suggested he wore it anyway.
Ray was bored out of his mind, since no one came in the store for ice cream or candy. It would be a perfect time to grab desert for families after dinner time, but there was no one. Everything on his to-do list was checked, but now that everything was finished, he just felt… useless. It seemed odd, kind of odd enough to be bothered by it. After he finished wiping the ice cream counter for the third time, he decided to chat with Ben who was over at the cash register circle, since he had nothing to do as well.
“It seems kinda strange there hasn’t been a single customer. Don’t ya think?” Ray commented. Ben yawned,” Yeah, you’d think you’d at least see some truckers fill up on gas or someone coming from the casino getting some cigarettes.” Like every Nevada town, there is always a casino nearby for gamblers to throw their life away.
“Usually 4 o’ clock is the busiest, but no one came.” Ray said.
“Everyone left at four!” Ben chuckled.
“They were like ‘four’get it.”
Ben snickered,”Pfft. Get out of town.”
“EVERYONE OFF THE CITY STREETS” a sudden voice sounded from a megaphone not far from the store.
“That couldn’t have been timed any better.” Ray commented, feeling confused at the same time.
“What the hell?” Ben jogged toward the door to look outside and Ray followed. They looked outside to find a helicopter fly over the store focusing on the town’s exit. Distant screams filled the entire town. Off in the distance Ray and Ben witnessed someone being pulled to the ground by what seemed to be a military person handcuffing the poor guy.
“Oh my God.” Ben commented.
“We need to get out of here!” Ray said.
“Shouldn’t we stay indoors?”
“In a store? Last place we want to stay!”
Ray stood in shock,”Home! Can you take me to my house Ben?”
“But look at the sky…” Ben looked out the window doors.
Suddenly, two militiamen were running towards the doors holding assault rifles.
“Uh, Okay I’ll take you home! Anywhere but here.” Ben said as they both ran away from the potential opposers to the side doors and ran for the woods behind the store.
“They look normal, proceed to find potential suspects.” is what Ray heard from the men as he looked back to see them going the other way.
“I think we can stop.” Ray said, both breathless. “You think- you think that guy they cuffed was a… extraterrestrial?”
“What are you talking about?” Ben asked.
“That guy back there mentioned… looking normal or something like that, and we weren’t one of the… potential suspects. That’s why they stopped chasing us.”
“I don’t know about any of that sort of thing, but my car is just behind the store. Wanna go now?”
“Across the town at the foot of the mountain is the neighborhood I live at.” Ray directed.
“If you still have one.” Ben obviously lived alone.
Ray followed Ben to his car. But Ray could’ve sworn he saw something in the woods, but ignored it and got into the gray BMW with him. As Ray put on his seat belt, he noticed the sky took a drastic change of blood red!
“Is this the end of the world!” Ben seemed to be asking the world itself. Ray was too shocked to say anything, but only stared at the gloomy-red sky.
Ray shook out of it, “Take me to my house now! I gotta make sure my parents are alright!”
“Calm down, bud!” Been floored the pedal and they zoomed out of the parking lot, only to be stopped by a crowd of rioting people and a SWAT team to hold them back.
“Holy sh- I don’t see them!” Ray said as he hoped they were still at the house. Suddenly, Ben swerved off the street to get around the people to be stopped by, what looked to be as if the renaissance fair revolted! What seemed like dark knights wearing bright collars, swords in hands were swinging their swords at… black smoke, as two military issued tanks were keeping them from passing over where they were.
“What the-” Ray couldn’t make anything out.
It was only a blur for Ben to find out they were being blocked by two armored trucks. “Son of a bi-” “STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE NOW!” And so they did, since guns were being pointed at them.
An officer or… what looked like an agent told the young people,”We told everyone to get off the streets but you just couldn’t listen. Do you know what you just saw?”
Both of them said,”Uh…”
“What were those-” Ben nudged Ray from saying anymore.
The man in shades caught on,”Exactly, which is why I need everyone to either stay indoors or leave town, but you guys aren’t going anywhere.”
“This is a waste of our time, chief.” another man in black exclaimed.
“No, it’s a waste of your time, officer, get back in position and stop those citizens from getting any further. I’ll handle them.”
“Yes, Chief.” Both of them lowered their weapons and the petty officer ran off as Ray and Ben lowered their hands. The ‘Chief’ took his shades off, revealing a friendly smile, surprising both of them,”Follow me, and let’s get out of here.”
“Hey, hold on a minute what's with the act in disguise?” Ben wondered.
The agent signalled forward,”I’m not in disguise, I’m getting you out of here.”
“But I want to see my parents and get them out of here, too!” Ray tried to keep up.

© Copyright 2020 RaeShae (sharper01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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