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My reaction to a criticism of my Governor who has single-handedly taken on COBID-19 in MD! |
This post, I started writing about a week ago in response to another post and decided not to finish it. Today, after reading it over and over again, I decided that I needed to post it if only for my peace of mind. Some of us grassroots, on the ground, in the ditches, foot soldiers have had our sleeves rolled up since day one. We are working with no budget, limited information, and at best piecemeal information with "real people." They are going to bed Hungary, watching their loved ones suffer and die, and could care less that a hoot about where or how COVID-19 got started. Us unimportant people honestly wanted to believe that everyone had their best interest at heart and were working to contain and stop this virus that appears to only be killing the poor, the old, the sick, and the uninsured (highly insured -- $39,000 a pop for every dead COVID-19 per pronounced dead by the virus, including suspected because no one will be able to prove otherwise)! So, here is what I would have posted several days ago. I woke up this morning with a different message on my mind than the one I am writing, so I guess it is the one that is most needed. LOL I am ready, past ready, to END the blaming game. People are dying. Homes are being shattered. Lives are being changed forever, and our leaders -- the ones responsible for making life-altering decisions are throwing dirt/rocks at each other. I cannot wait until the ordinary citizens become the blame for COVID-19 and its rapid spread. More specifically, Black people. Blame and blaming is not the answer or a path forward to a solution. So, I encourage my Congressional Representatives, my State Representatives, and my County Representatives to get on one accord and find answers to: 1. Getting people fed 2. Getting unemployment checks out to those most in need 3. Getting people tested 4. Getting test results back and acted upon quickly 5. Getting masks to people so that they can comply with executive orders 6. Protecting health providers, first responders, essential personnel at all leaves 7. Getting people connected to resources 8. Communicating honestly and accurately to constituents 9. Sharing information across governmental lines 10. Slowing and stopping the deaths in the Black community 11. Poverty conditions in our community are not new and did not need COVID-19 to point out the inequities 12. Stopping the rhetoric. Stopping the lies. Stopping the excuses. 13. Get serious with the situation and understand that Black Lives Matter is NOT JUST A SLOGAN 14. Congress/Federal Government high uppers are all sitting on their money – in the 100,000.00 plus range with stocks and bonds and investments, and retirement, and health insurance, etc. making decisions about people making $7.50 for minimum wages while talking about rolling up their sleeves to get minimum supplies to the most vulnerable in our society. (Congressmen/Congresswomen ascend into their seat rather poor but leave filthy rich, and that is no accident. Check out their financial standings.) 15. STOP playing politics with people's lives. In Maryland, along with more than 1000+ new cases of the virus show up with no end in sight, and we are still talking about the economics of the situation. The economics that only increases the wealth of the wealthiest! The rest of us will go back to squabbling over the 1000s of minimum wage jobs that's been added to the system just to show us how well the economy is doing. 16. STOP the fear-mongering. Folks are dying in about the same number of other diseases and causes every single day. Those deaths did not stop. Is COVID-19 real? I believe it is. Are people dying from it? They are definitely dying, the numbers they are sharing and the temporary morgues, I'm told are filling up rapidly. The problem is that everything seems to has taken a back seat to COVID-19 – the election – the census – education – and most of all, PEOPLE! I am downright ashamed of where we are on this day in history in America. Blaming China and everyone else in the world will not contain nor stop this pandemic that everyone seems to love, so to talk about. Wanna roll up your sleeves, do ya? Well, roll them up with the scientists and others to find a cure, vaccine, antidote, whatever the heck it is that is needed to change the direction we are going! Killing off the old, weak, and unwanted is NOT THE ANSWER. Government officials were elected to represent the best interests of the people. It's way past time that they got back to the business of doing just that! Peace and blessings always, and more now than ever before! |