Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2221316-Save-My-Soul
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Religious · #2221316
Growing up in a religious home
They told me when I was young
‘Baby girl, when you die
God will judge you for everything you’ve done
Listen up now, no one can be perfect
But if you want to go to heaven you have to try’

‘Cover your figure
Don’t scar ink over your skin
Your body is his temple
Don’t muddy it with sin’

‘Marry a God fearing man
Be tender, be sweet, be mild
Honey, it’s your righteous duty
To bear him a child’

‘Don’t covet thy neighbor’s wife
Or any woman at all
Don’t day dream about her smile
Or her strong body, warm and tall’

‘Keep your legs closed, girl
This one you should know
Sex is only between husband and wife
Stay pure as the driven snow’

‘Honor thy father and mother
Always do as they say
Faith is blind, child
Expect only answering silence when you kneel to pray’

‘Turn the other cheek
Your bishop knows best
Forgive all trespasses against you
Even the atrocity of incest’

‘Count your many blessings
Name them one by one
Then put your tenth in the bowl
And hope that for your dinner you’ll find the funds’

‘Read your scriptures every night
Don’t lie or gamble or steal
Wrap your individuality up in muted cloth
Fake your smile until it’s real’

‘Last thing, but listen close
This is the most important one
Repent for your sins and never repeat them
The way out of hell is his only begotten son’

I cried myself to sleep at night
Afraid my sins had turned me black as coal
I hid my face in my pillow tight
So I couldn’t see the shadows of branches on my bed
Like demon fingers creeping up to snatch my soul

I don’t cry for my salvation now
Because I know it’s too late
I’m too far gone and I don’t know how
To cleanse my hard, filthy heart
Of all the taint

When you touch me
Does it dirty your skin?
When you look, can you see?
Does it shimmer on my flesh like a brand?
Am I good at hiding my darkness within?

It’s not fair to ask
There is only one way for this to go
I need to peel off the mask
Kneel at my feet, bow your head
Will you pray for my soul?

Baby, will you save my soul?

Can I save my soul?

63 lines
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