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by Feyre
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #2221117
A collection of my short poems. Enjoy!
You know you've lost
Your love for someone
When you can no longer imagine
A future with them.

I lean in to you
Your nose brushes mine
Every touch sends shivers
Our hands gently entwined
Closer, closer together and
Our lips brush, just barely
Creating galaxies
Within me--

I open my eyes and
Wake from my daydream.

I learned in books that when you're in love
It's like fire or falling or breathlessness when they're around
But through loving you I've come to realize
It's like walking into a house and knowing it's home
It's like slowly coming to the realization
That when they're not with you,
You can still be whole and yourself
But there's something missing
Some unexplainable part of yourself
That only you and the other person know about
It's being happy and full of hope
When a moment ago
You thought you'd never be able to feel those things again
Every time I touch you
It's not a burst of fire or electricity like all those books described
It's just warmth
And peace
And comfort
It's the calm assurance that you'll always be there
And you'll always be
My home

I'm dying and
You can't see
The light that's gone from my eyes
Like someone blowing out a candle
I'm extinguished
I am nothing
I am gone

You asked me once what my biggest fear was.
At the time, I didn't know.
Now I do.
I'm scared that I'm using you to get over him.
I'm scared that everything I do is only in my self-interest
I'm scared I'll never be able to get over him
I'm scared that everything that happened
Between me and him was all just to trick me
I'm scared that if I show you my true self
You'll go running for the hills
I'm scared I won't be able to love you fully
Because of what he did

But most of all,
I'm scared of the crushing, empty, broken feeling
Of the knowledge that the person I loved most in the world
Didn't love me anymore;
I'm scared of that happening with you
I'm more than scared;
I'm terrified
Because if I ever have to feel that feeling again,
I fear I won't live to see the end.

The passion I feel
Is not of mismatched spirits
Clinging to a hope of thriving together
When their roots cannot entwine.

The passion I feel
Is not that of desperate men
In love with their last breath
As if there's hope for salvation.

The passion I feel
Is that of two souls melding together
Until not even the whisper of discord
Could tear them asunder.

The black waves threaten to pull me with them
Out to the deadly sea, pulling solid ground out
From under my feet with every tug.

The stars spin above me,
In some kaleidoscope of dreams
Soon to be lost to the crushing waves,
The endless depths of the unforgiving sea

Dry your tears, child;
There is nothing stronger
Than a heart willing to break
And mend itself once more,
To pick up the pieces and love another.

I knew I loved you
When even the stars
Murmured your name
Like whispers of an old legend.

I knew I'd lost you
When my heart spoke of you
That way too.

I never much liked
The idea of a rebound.
Using someone else
To get over the one you love
Never seemed right to me.

But I never knew
Until I was there myself
Consumed by the need
To erase your image,
Prove to myself that
I could want another
Be loved by another.

And despite how wrong it is,
I have been all the better for it.

Your love isn't just something I know.
It's something I feel
When your arm wraps itself around my waist,
When you send butterfly kisses
Winding down my cheeks.
It's something I feel
When your words fail
And you can't keep the tears from falling.
It's something I feel
When the only thing that feels like home
Is your two eyes and a steady heartbeat.

Maybe he doesn't see
What good he inspires
But I can see
Fire in his bones
Embers in his eyes
And an inferno in his soul.

The flames lick across my skin
And I burn

I am jealous of the stars
That get to shine upon you
When I am lightyears away

He was holding me underwater
With his affection
And was feeding tainted air to my lungs.
It was intoxication of the worst kind.

When all you are is lost to me
When your familiar soul no longer resides in mine
When the brokenness I speak
Is a language you've forgotten—

I become that pain—
That pain that speaks in lost tongues
That pain that turns to poison
That pain that consumes all of me
Until the only things left
Are the traces of me you've returned
That only still exist because
They're all I've left of you.

I missed you like a moonless night—
I searched for you everywhere
And couldn't find you,
But without you there was nothing
Except pinpricks of light
From old galaxies

They told you to have high hopes
But they forgot to tell you
That if you set them too high,
You've got so much farther to fall

You know you've lost your love for someone
When you can no longer imagine a future with them
© Copyright 2020 Feyre (chimera729 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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