Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2220726-Tailor-Tales-Fanfiction
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2220726
Thank you Celianna for letting me write this. It'll be a collection of ff eventually.
Caine Gets Glasses

"Y/N, you've got something on your face." Caine pointed out to me one morning while I was working diligently on a new outfit I had been commissioned to make. I turned to look at him, wondering what he was talking about since I had no way of seeing my own face without a mirror.

"What, where?" I quickly pat my face, trying to find the stray hair, eyelash, or piece of fuzz that probably fell onto it. Caine walked up to me, trying to point at the area on my face, but he missed it by a good 2 or 3 inches and brushed past my cheek. In frustration at touching nothing but air, he tried to poke the area once more, his finger still as far from my face as it had been the first time around.

"Caine, is there something I need to know?" I asked him in genuine concern. Not only had he missed my face, but he seemed a little confused on what he was even trying to find in the first place. "Also, there's nothing on my face at all Caine." I huffed. He seemed determined that something was on my face and pouted in response.

"But it's all fuzzy, there's gotta be something on your face." He insisted. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Caine, follow my finger." I leisurely raised my pointer finger, waving it just in front of me to see if he'd be able to follow it. No response.

"It's all blurry, I don't know what you're talking about!" His face was red as if he were angry, whether at himself or the situation, I couldn't necessarily say. I gestured him closer, pulling him down to eye-level since I was seated and he was standing. A smile appeared on his face, a sense of relief painting his features.

"You're right, there is nothing on your face. I don't know why I thought there was." He shrugged, giving me a quick kiss. I stared at the red-headed boy knowingly.

"Of course not, did your eyesight just fall off the face of the Earth?!" I exclaimed.

His features contorted to one of faux hurt.

"No, my eyesight is perfectly fine! Maybe my eyes just needed to adjust a little bit." He declared, I blinked at him.

"No, why would your eyesight need to adjust, it shouldn't ever take that long to adjust. Did you take another beating and hurt your eyes somehow?" I asked him seriously.

"Well, I did run into someone I knew from high school, but I didn't think it'd end badly." Caine admitted, I sighed lightly. I loved him, but his fighting spirit was sometimes a bit much for me to handle.

"How come your face is unharmed?" I questioned.

"He only got in a punch to my head before I knocked him om his ass." He smirked, seeming proud of himself.

"Oh put a sock in it." I groaned, making a face at him. "Stop getting into fights or you really might find yourself in a situation you can't get out of." I flicked his forehead, he stuck his tongue out at me playfully. I stood from my chair, walking over to the other side of the room to pick up some more fabric since I had run out. Caine watched me walk away.

"You're all blurry again, y/n." He stated.

"Oh for fuck's sake." I sat down the fabric I had grabbed and made my way back over to Caine. I grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him out the door and to a nearby eye doctor.

"It's fine, y/n, really!" He declared, looking at me with another pout. I shook my head at him and went to speak to the receptionist.

"Hi, uhm, do you guys do same day eye exams?" I asked, trying to be as polite and patient as I possibly could be. The receptionist nodded and asked for some information before they took Caine back to get his eyes looked at. About 30 to 40 minutes later, he came out with a sour look on his face.

"What?" I asked him, wondering why he looked so peeved.

"They said I need to get glasses because my eyesight is poor." He explained, frowning. "I don't really have the money for glasses right now, besides, I've gone this long without them, right?"

"Yeah, no." I walked up to the desk with his prescription that the doctor handed him before picking out a cute pair of glasses for him. They told me they'd arrive in the mail when they were ready, but I was glad I'd only have to herd him around in public for a shorter time than I thought.

When the glasses came in the mail, I brought them to Caine excitedly.

"I'm not putting those on." He deadpanned.

"Oh yes you are." I insisted, pushing the glasses into his palms.

"I don't need them, y/n, I've been doing just fine!" He huffed at me.

"Yeah, come back and tell me that when you stop running into poles." I snickered.

"Hey, that's not fair, I only see those like a split second before I smack my head against them." He pouted at me.

"Yeah, that's the problem." I took the glasses from his hand, forcing them on his face.

He blinked for a moment before looking around at our surroundings.

"Woah, everything is so clear!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I glared at him.

"Go figure." I said sarcastically. "Almost as if I've been saying that this whole time."

"I love you, y/n." He grinned at me, I shook my head before cracking a smile.

"I love you too, butthead."
© Copyright 2020 EmiliaWrites (emisohma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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