Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2218961-Lost-Holiday
Rated: E · Poetry · Holiday · #2218961
Egg White tells his eggs the hunt is off—Easter is cancelled.
’Twas the day before Easter and out on the lawn
Egg White stood by the hedge looking troubled and drawn.
He had gathered the Easter eggs all one-by-one
to announce that this year’s Easter egg hunt was done.

  Fellow eggs, I regret to inform you this news;
  as your leader I must say it gives me the blues.
  Yet I tell you that Easter is cancelled you see,
  and like you, I am hard boiled egg misery.

  I was not given reason for this major turn,
  but I do feel, within, my white albumin burn.
  We donned fine Easter colors for all to enjoy;
  it is pleasure for us, and for girl and for boy.

In the ranks was a stirring of yellow and pink;
eggs of green and of those who seemed right on the brink.
As the news of, No Easter, sunk into each shell,
even Egg White himself grew a little more pale.

There was lean in each egg both in front and in back;
then a question was posed from a member named Zack.
He inquired of White if the Bunny did know
that this Easter was cancelled—the hunt a no-go.

Quite annoyed was Egg White, yet the question was sound;
in an Easter egg hunt, Easter bunny is found.
So he tucked down his pique and he feigned some delight
in his leadership role telling all of this plight.

  I will tell you my eggs, as he shot Zack a leer,
  that the Bunny’s been told and he will not be here.
  We will not see long ears nor his big bunny feet;
  as I heard from the hare, things will not be so sweet!

Right away was Egg White filled with sense of dismay;
being truthful to his Easter eggs was his way.
He would have to come clean with his eggs all in line;
and conveying the truth would give him peace of mind.

  Though the Bunny had sworn me to keeping things mum,
  I will tell you, my eggs, that I’d feel like a bum
  and indeed all the while I’d have egg on my face,
  since the Bunny can’t come due to shelter in place.

36 Lines
Anapestic Tetrameter
Writer’s Cramp Winner
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