Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2218789-Timer
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Death · #2218789
Flash Fiction entry into Screams

“Hey kid, stay out of the shadows.”


“Because there are worse things in that forest than there are out here on the road.”

“How do you know?”

“Everybody here knows that. Stay in town long enough, and you’ll know what I mean.”

“What’s out there?”

“Something you don’t want to fuck with my friend. Heard tell, a mad ol timer is on the loose and hides out in the woods. He comes out to set up on the road here to trap people.”

“Trap them how?”

“Well, sonny, what did you run your truck into?”


“Yeah, oh. He’s got his eye on you. He wants you bad. You’re an outsider, new meat. Tasty, I suppose. But your his.”

“But you said if I stayed out—“

“—that doesn't matter, boy. Haven’t you been listening to what I’ve told you? He’s watching you, testing you out. Sizing you up. Won’t be long now till you hear his timer go off. That’s when you know you're really fucked.”

“What happens then?”

“Trust me, you don’t Wanna know, boy. Bad. Bad things.”

“Why aren’t you afraid?”

“Me? Afraid? Ha. I’m not scared of him.”

“Wait. How did you know I was out here on this road? How did you find me so fast, and what the fuck did I run into?”

“You would know if you woke up.”


“I’m not him. I’m you. You're trapped in your own head. You heard the timer of death now get your ass back in the truck and floor it out of here before you get us both killed!”

“I can’t find the keys. Where are the keys?!”

“Do I have to fucking do everything? The light. The streetlight ahead. Go!”

“But it’s got to be at least a hundred feet away.”

“I said move your ass.”

“What’s that sound?”

“It’s the ticker sounding. You better pick up your feet.”

“I’m running as fast as I can.”

“Then you better pray.”

“My chest hurts.”

“Don’t you dare give up, you little punk. Move! Move your ass!” Do you hear that? That snarling voice behind you? Yeah, that ain't your sneakers talking. Move! Move! Move!”

“I think—I think we lost him.”

“We didn’t lose him. He owns the shadows. I own the light.”

“But if—“

“We stay in the light.”

“What’s light got to do with it?”

“You’ll find out.”

“But what if he- it- “

“Haven’t I kept you this long?”

“So this will all be over when dawn approaches?

“I guess you can say that. But that all depends on you.”

“Not following.”

“How hard are you trying to stay?”

“Stay where?”

“In the light.”

“What do you mean? The fuck are you talking about?”

“You’ve been driving for thirteen hours nonstop. You fell asleep at the wheel about an hour ago in your own truck. The sirens are getting closer now, and dawn is approaching, I think you're safe. The timer hasn’t gone off yet. Just open your eyes and breathe. Stay out of the shadows.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2218789-Timer