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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Death · #2217267
In the mind of a suicidal person. P.s I am not suicidal.
I am in a dark cold,
room hiding in a corner
with a small light shinning.
I hear the voices inside
my head, they are loud.

The voices are telling me
things I heard throughout my life.
Idiot, maroon, worthless, whore.
Why won't they go away.

No matter where I go they
are always there, at home
at school, in the movie theater.
I can't see their faces, they
are clothed in the darkness.
Teasing me, tormenting me.
Please just go away.

Is there nothing I can do
to make them go away?
To feel something, anything
except for the darkness
that surrounds me.

Maybe if I cut,
they will go away.
Maybe I will feel something
other then emptiness.

What have I done,
I said I wouldn't do it
again, but I felt pain,
something other
then emptiness.
The voices still won't
go away. I need them
to leave me alone.

If I go for a walk,
Will they will take a break?
I know it might not happen,
but I have to try.

The voices seem stronger,
like there is more.
I can't take it.
I need a way out.
I need the voices to go away.

I wonder what the view
is like up on the roof.
if the air is different, maybe
if I go up they won't follow?
it's worth a try.

The voices are not going
away. The emptiness is
still there. I see a way
out, but do I dare or
do I continue feeling
nothing at all?

The voices are gone,
as I am flying through
the air. they have disappeared.
I am finally free.
I am not scared to die
because living was far worse.

Finally, the voices are gone.
I feel at peace.
It's my time to leave.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2217267-Suicidal-Poem