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This is the story of a 3 inch boy who finds out his mom's best friend has a big surprise |
"Tommy, wake up." The loud roars of a maternal voice rings out through the room. "Five more minutes." You yell, followed by a yawn as you rest your head back onto the pillow. "When I come back to your room, I want you dressed. I have a lot to do today and I can't be picking up your slack. I have to finish packing up for my trip." Your name is Tommy Morrison, you'd like to say that you're just a normal sixteen year old kid from Kentucky but being three inches tall is not normal. You were born with a rare condition that left you a fraction of the size a normal person would be. It was quite a surprise when you were born and the doctors found your tiny baby body buried in the placenta. Luckily you are not the first person born with this condition and its more common than people think. Common enough for there to be procedures to care for a newborn so small at least. Outside of being 3 inches tall, you are a completely healthy teen, thin, in shape, and a thick head of brown hair. You live at home with your mom, Chelsea Morrison. She is the sweetest person you know, which isn't a very large pool due to the fact you get home schooled by tutors. Its so you don't get lost among the kids in public school, where you can also be crushed, squashed, kidnapped, or mysteriously disappear. A lot of bad things can happen when you can easily be stepped on without no one noticing. At least you have the internet and online gaming to make friends, so you get that social interaction. Its just been you and your mom you've never known who your father was and your mom always changes the subject when its brought up. Your mom has a bit of a homely shape to her, curvy at least and chubby at most but that just means there is a lot to love. Her dark hair goes to the back of her neck and she wears thick glasses of which she is blind without them. If they were to make a live action Scooby Doo movie, your mom would be perfect for Velma. "Are you dressed yet Tommy?" "Just need a minute." You hop out of bed and rush over to your dresser. The good thing about being small is that you don't take up much space. You basically live in a dollhouse in the smallest room. The dollhouse is an antique though, carved out of wood which makes it feel more genuine than a plastic toy one. You change out of your pajamas and into some jeans and a t-shirt. Your mother comes into the room and picks you up for some breakfast pancakes on the kitchen table, a short stack already waiting for you in your custom seat. "So, looking forward to your vacation?" You ask your mom as she finishes up packing and sits down to devour her stack of golden brown flap jacks. "I just hope I don't forget anything. I haven't been on a plane for such a long time, I'm afraid I'll lose something in customs or something." "Well, sorry I'm not airplane friendly. Not my fault they don't have a plane that takes tinies. We still have fun on our road trips though." Road trips are the only way you and your mom can travel. Although she has to secure your carrying case or else you get motion sickness from rocking back and forth. "Right, right. Like the time we drove to Florida." You remember that trip, it was so hot that your mom's shirt was drenched in sweat by the time you reached the hotel. Tropical weather my foot. You see Chelsea's fork stab into the large slice of pancakes, which was twice as big as you, being brought to her face and disappearing past her lips with a huge chomp. "Remember to be good to Donna. I don't want to hear you've been pulling pranks on her." "What, me? Never." You say over dramatically. Donna Reed is your mom's BFF, Best Friend Forever. The two of them go way back to high school and she is no stranger to you. You've known Donna for your entire life practically. You hate to admit this, because it is embarrassing, but Donna is the first woman you've ever had a crush on and probably the first person you've jerked off fantasizing about. Who could blame you though. She looks like the girl next door's older and hotter sister. Bleach blond hair waving in the wind with perfect volume going down her back. Amazing figure with thin waist, long legs, wide hips and those enormous breasts. Like a hot Pamela Anderson with a voice that sounds like Jennifer Tilly. With your mom going away for the week, Donna agreed to babysit you for the entire time at her place. After breakfast your mom drove you to Donna's house which was a couple of blocks away. Not too far to most but for you it might as well be in China. "Now remember to behave and have fun. I'll be back before you know it. Oh I'm gonna miss you." Your weeping mom brings you up to her face and kisses you with her big red lips. "Mom, stop. You're getting me covered in lipstick." You try pushing away from her but your arms slide past and go inside her mouth. "Sorry honey. I'm gonna miss you." You are taken out of the car, along with a duffel bag of your things and brought to the front door of your family's friend. The door opens and you see the blond bombshell excited to see the two of you. "Chelsea." She cheers happily with her high pitched voice and gives her friend a big hug. You being held at chest level just sees her D-cup breasts in a white shirt coming close to you until you get sandwiched by the two women's busty boobies. If there is a heaven it has to be like this, you think to yourself as the soft, squishy mammaries squish you in their warm embrace. Before you pass out from being smothered though, Donna pulls away and you see her face moving towards you. "And Tommy." She gives you a big kiss which is not too different from the one your mother gave you earlier. "Oh we are gonna have so much fun together. Don't worry Chelsea I got everything handled." The two women exchange goodbyes then your mom rushed off to make it in time for her flight. The tall, blond giantess closes the door and her attention goes back to you. "How are you doing Tommy?" "I'm doing good, Aunty Donna." You say while trying to hide the erection you got from being smothered in booby heaven. "I don't think I've ever been over your place yet." "Then let me give you the tour." Donna shows you around her condo which has white walls, ceiling and hardwood floors with white carpets. The front door leads into the living room which consists of black furniture like a couch, a DVD rack and a coffee table which faces towards the flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Behind that is the kitchen which has your typical oven, microwave, fridge, and gray marble counter tops. As you get the tour of the house you notice articles of clothes laying around, dirty dishes in the sink and the trashcan in the kitchen almost overflowing with garbage. You figure she didn't get a chance to clean up but with how oblivious she was to the mess, its possible you've never noticed how much of a slob Donna is. This is something you weren't expecting. She then takes you to the bathroom, bedroom and finally the guest room. "And this is where you'll be staying." She points to the mostly empty room with a mirror closet and twin sized bed. It is easily the cleanest room in the house but that's mostly because there isn't anything in here that can be considered a mess. "So, what do you think of my pad?" "Its big. Then again, everything is big to me." You laugh trying to be nice to the person who's gonna be looking after you. "I bet. Oh this is gonna be so fun. It'll be like we're roommates. Need any help unpacking Roomy?" "If you can set me down and open up the duffel bag, I can handle the rest." "Sure thing little guy." Donna places you in the middle of the room and opens up your bag. Pulling out what looks like a shoe box sized camper, she places it next to you and opens it up. It has a bed and dresser which you already packed with your clothes. "Thanks Aunty Donna. I just need a minute to organize some things." "Alright, I'll come back and get ya." "Thank you." "Also, Tommy. Since we're gonna be roommates, just call me Donna." "Okay... Donna." She smiles back at you and walks away. You get your things set up, unfolding your tiny bed and moving some of the clothes into your tiny closet. Your giantess caretaker comes back for you and takes you over to the couch to watch some Netflix. After a while Donna gets a text on her phone. "Oh shoot. I gotta go take care of something at work. You'll be alright by yourself for a little bit, right?" "Yeah, take your time." You say as the gigantic lady gets up and heads out of the condo. You sit back into the black leather of the couch with the remote next to you and continue watching stuff off of her streaming services. An hour or so passes by and you feel nature calling you. You hop off of the couch and make your way down the hallway to the bathroom. The restroom has white tiled floors with a fluffy pink carpet in the middle of the room. On one side there is the sink with a mirror on the wall and the other side has the bathtub and a glass shower stall next to it. In the far side of the bathroom is the toilet, with your 3 inch body, it would be extremely tough and dangerous for you to use that. So you go to the shower. Pulling open the glass door, you walk in and relieve yourself right into the drain. Unbeknownst to you, Donna came back. "Hey Tommy, just gotta use the little girl's room real quick, be right back." She says to the empty couch she assumes you're on. After finishing up your business, you hear her voice and the thumps her footsteps make as she gets closer to where you are. You then had a great idea, a perverted idea. You go over to hide behind the porcelain throne, planing to get a view of your first crush using it. You know its wrong, and creepy, and might backfire, but you are a hormonal 16 year old boy with a raging libido. The beautiful giantess enters the room and locks the door behind her. You cover your mouth to not make a sound and be spotted, you would get into a mountain of trouble if anyone finds out. *Thud* *Thud* You see her sandal wearing feet land in front of the toilet, your hand rests against the porcelain then notice that its wet with pee. How can a girl miss the bowl that much, that's usually a guy's problem. You look up past her legs and see Donna unzip the fly on her jeans, then she pulls out something you really didn't want to see nor expect to see from Donna. This blond goddess pulls out a massive cock from her panties. You freeze in both shock, surprise, and horror that the person you've jerked off to has a cock that would make a male porn star feel uncomfortable around and a female porn star feel nervous. You watch as in slow motion as she pulls her manhood out of the pants, watching inches of thick shaft coming out until she reaches her base and two enormous testicles fall out. Donna's balls look so bloated that you can probably rent them out and have space left over. Her scrotum sack holds onto her wrecking balls as they hang low between her thighs, your nose gets assaulted by the salty smell of her crotch musk which reaches to you down on the ground. You also notice the carpets match the drapes as she has a giant bush of blond pubic hair throughout her nut sack and on top of her schlong. This is the most traumatizing thing you've ever seen and whats worst is that your dick has stayed hard for the entire thing. Poor little guy must be too terrified to go flaccid. You want to look away but can't, its like being forced to watch as a powerful stream of yellow urine blasts out of her piss slit like a fire hose. The giant dickgirl cocks her head back, enjoying the feeling of emptying out her bladder as she lets go of her dong and aims with her hips. Sadly she has a lousy aim and the stream goes too far towards the side you're on which causes the stream to pour out of the bowl and runs down the side, almost touching you. She must retain water like a camel because you're sure its been over a minute of her peeing before her stream drops down to a couple of drips. Donna grabs her flaccid shaft with one hand and tries to shake out those last drops by violently swinging her cock in every direction. Its like she is taunting you with her size, as if mocking you and saying "Hey, look at this huge meat I have between my legs." You see large drops of piss fly out from her shacking, some of them landing in front of you and splashing upon impact with the white tiled floor. At least that is over, you wait for Donna to put her dong away but instead she has an itch to scratch. You watch as her manicured nails go south of her dick and disappear into her bush as she scratches her balls. It must be an intense itch because her fingers travel all around her wrinkly sack, tracing each ball until the sensation was gone. The well hung futa then brought her hand up to her face and *SNIFF* sniffed her fingers ending with a satisfied sigh. "Man that stinks. Its been a week since I washed this thing, I really should have freshen up yesterday before I had company but oh well." You waited for the person you were spying on to stuff her massive sausage back into her pants, then left the bathroom. This event really did backfire on you and another thing you noticed is, she didn't even wash her hands. You stood a while in thought, shocked at the unbelievable thing you saw in Donna's pants, how was she keeping something so huge hidden? Did you're Mom know or is she as in the dark as you were? "Tommy, where did you go kiddo?" Your thoughts are broken as you hear the high pitched voice of your babysitting crush. You run out of the bathroom, making your way from the hallway to the living room. "Here I am. Was just in my room." You lied. "Oh good. I'm gonna get started on dinner, how does meat loaf sound to you?" "Sounds good." Your mind flashes to the loaf of meat she has between her legs right now. Donna plucks your body off of the ground and plops you onto the coach to watch TV while she cooks in the kitchen behind you. You wrestle with your thoughts, trying to forget what you saw but that task is impossible. At first it makes you want to throw up but you can't lie that it was kind of turning you on. "Damn hormones." You say under your breath, they're making you so horny that you're actually aroused to something so disgusting. You are repulsed by dicks but is it because it's Donna's dick that makes it okay to you? You try picturing a guy and it makes your skin crawl but with Donna it doesn't. Your thoughts are interrupted as dinner is finished and you're brought to the dinner table to eat. "So, Tommy. How is school going?" Donna asks as she cuts a small piece of meat loaf and places it on your plate that you packed in your bag. You can't help but smell the scent of ball sweat coming off of her fingers as they get near you. "Well, I'm home schooled, so its just me and Mrs. Applegate but I'm doing good in my work. A's in English, Math, History, we just finished learning about the thirteen colonies." You go on making small talk with the titanic sized dickgirl, your mind constantly thinking about the bulge she must have under the dinner table. "That's good." She says as she cracks open a can of beer and takes a couple of gulps. As a 16 year old, its cool to see someone casually drink a beer. A smile comes onto her face as she looks at you. "I know I'm not suppose to do this." Your heart starts to beat faster. You think she's about to ask you out or something, is she coming on to you? "Do you want to try some beer?" "Yes!" You say loudly as your voice cracks. Your heart slows down as you realize your crush wasn't gonna ask you to do it with her. Still, your first time drinking alcohol will be fun. "Alright, but don't tell your mommy, okay? Our little secret." She pours the beer into your cup, the foam bubbles up and over flows a little bit. You take a sip and it start coughing. "Ha ha. That first taste is always the worst." "Why do adults drink this?" "You don't drink beer for the taste. Some people do when they develop a taste for it but its mostly to get drunk. Don't worry, it takes more than one cup to get drunk. Unless you're a lightweight." "Well, I am the lightest person you probably know." The two of you laugh at that. After dinner, Donna takes you to your room, wishing you a good night and closing the door. You can't help but to think of her cock, its gotten yours as stiff as can be and no amount of stroking it is helping. You have to see it again. You get out of bed and sneak out of your room, walking down the hallway to the master bedroom you push the door open a crack and walk in. From the ground you can't see anything but the bed slightly shifting left to right, then you look at the TV and see a porno on the TV. It was a point of view video of a girl deep throating a huge cock but even the one on the television is not as big as the one you saw Donna swinging earlier. You turn your head away from it and start to climb up the foot of the bed, pulling on the comforter you climb it like a rope ladder. Making your way to the top you see the humongous dong of Donna standing up tall like the Washington Monument, thick blue veins pulsing out the sides of her shaft as her hands stroke it up and down. Her bloated balls bulging between her legs forcing her to spread them wide, and her foreskin wrapped around her mushroom head, going up to the tip, then down to the base of the frenulum. Looking past her dick, you see the beautiful woman who gave you your first boner. She reaches over to the nightstand to her right and picks up a can of beer, cracking it open and chugging down the entire contents of the can while her left hand strokes her junk which is thicker than the beer can. She finishes the can and crushes it in her hand, tossing it to the ground next to her bed in a pile of other discarded food trash. You hear a rumbling from her stomach travel up her throat until. BBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH She lets out the loudest burp you've ever hear which vibrates throughout the room, causing you to fall to your knees. You look to your right side and see her size ten feet scrunching up as she masturbates to porn, behind you though her left foot lifts up and slams down on the bed. The force knocks the bed springs and you are launched into the air. "AAAHHHHH!" You land on a soft, warm surface, like a water bed. With the light coming from the TV, you see that you are on Donna's stomach. "I hope she didn't notice me." "Tommy?" She noticed you. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be..." Donna freaks out and pulls the covers on her to hide her privates, this doesn't work with you on her stomach and you get thrown under the covers too. She tosses and turns to get the covers off of her and jumps off of the bed, turning on the lights and spotting you on the bed. "You have a lot of explaining to do mister!" She says crossing her arms in an angry pose. You are in big trouble now with a giantess futanari in the nude staring you down. "Well you see. I was just... huh, I saw you in the bathroom and I saw your, your... p-penis." You point at the hard-on pointing back at you. The thing must be over a foot, fifteen inches at least. "I couldn't believe what I saw but I had to see it again." "Tommy, I understand that you're at that age where you can't control yourself but spying is wrong." Donna says with her arms still crossed which covers up her naked breasts from you. "I couldn't help it. I was shocked but then it was just so hot. I got so turned on I couldn't think straight." "Wait this turned you on? You aren't grossed out by me?" "No, no. I've never been more turned on." You then see the giant schlong straighten out more as a glob of pre cum squeezes out from the tip. "Do my Mom know about this?" "Chelsea, of course she knows about this. We didn't want to tell you this because we didn't know how you'd react but... I'm the person who knocked up your mom. I'm your dad." Just when you were getting use to the weirdness it just keeps getting weirder. "Are you okay kiddo?" "I don't know. I'm confused, my head is spinning, my dick's hard as diamonds and I just want to jerk off really bad." "Me too. I think I know how to help you out. Wanna watch porn and masturbate?" Donna places her hand on her cock, the thing is so thick she barley has a grasp on it and playfully strokes her meat loaf. "Yes!" You say again with your voice cracking. Your first crush turning out to have a huge dick and also turning out to be your dad is crazy but on the other hand, you get to masturbate with the person you've fantasized about for the longest time. The horny, futa giantess turns off the lights and turns the porn back on. You watch as she turns around, revealing her perfect heart shaped ass to you. The round, bubble butt cheeks comes towards you as she sits down and you quickly run away to avoid being assassinated by her ass, jumping out of the way in the last possible moment. "Can't rub one out with those on." Donna says as she picks you up with her huge hand, then proceeds to pull off your pajamas. "Look at my boy's cute little body." Your face turns red from embarrassment at the condescending tone that statement had or maybe you're nervous to be naked with someone. The horny, futa daddy sets you down next to her and starts stroking her meat with audible *FAP*FAP*FAP* sounds going through out the room. You follow suit and start jerking off your hard wood although your hand has no problem covering your dick up while Donna's donkey sized dong looks like its being held by a child as she takes long strokes up and down her vein covered appendage. Your eyes staring more at her penis then the one being sucked on the TV. Your pace going faster as she starts using two hands so she can fully encircle her thick cum cannon. "Do you wanna touch it?" "Yes please." "Ooh, so polite. Your mom did a good job raising you." You're lifted up and placed on the dickgirl's tummy. Looking back you see her hands go to her perfectly round breasts and start to caress her pointy nipples. "Go ahead Tommy. I can't wait much longer." You turn around and look at the imposing tower that is Donna Reed's manhood. The smell of salty musk has you entranced like pheromons making you hornier than ever. You walk over only to trip and fall into her big bush of blond pubic hairs. The wiry hairs tangling around you reminds you of the story of Rapunzel. You fight to get back up on your feet and finally reach the base of towering fuck stick. You open your arms and throw your body at it. You don't even reach the halfway point, the colossal cock being multiple times bigger than you. You press your dick against the warm walls of the shaft and start stroking it with your body. "OH, oh, that feels really good kiddo." You feel something pressing you into the flesh wall and realize it's Donna's hand. She moves you up and down her shaft, her body oils and pre cum lubing you up as you are caught between it and the hand. She is masturbating and using you as a jerk off toy and you love it, that is until she pulls you away from her shaft. Before you can ask her why, you figured out the answer when she pulls her foreskin back. You are horrified again when you see a thick layer smegma bursting out from under the brim of her mushroom head. "Noooo!" You yell but she doesn't hear you as she presses you into the rank smelling head cheese. The foreskin closes up behind you as Donna resumes jerking off. You feel the stale, pudding like substance creep up around every corner of your body as your environment shifts around. You try moving and crawling out, not sure which way is up so you have to guess. Every time you open your mouth to breath, a part of smeg enters your mouth and goes down your throat. It is easily the most disgusting thing you've ever tasted. "Keep moving, Oooh." You hear your captor moan as she enjoys feeling you against her frenulum. You reach out and feel the end of her foreskin. You crawl upward, no choice but to eat your way through the smegma to get out of it faster. Crawling up you see your father's piss slit as it opens and closes. Your hand reaches forward to pull yourself out of the foreskin but it gets swallowed by the pee hole, out of one trap and into another. You are pulled into the black hole as the muscles pull you in, you feel Donna's fingers grab your feet. You're saved. At least you thought you were until the fingers push you into the hole. "Sorry Tommy but I'm so horny and my cock is so hungry. Feed my Dick, Aaah." She moans as she feels the lump that is your body go down her shaft. You can't see anything but you feel like your in a wet, warm sleeping bag going down a tight water slide. You are deposited into a large area that is filled with jizz. You spit out the cock cream that enters your mouth but then realize that it tastes good. Unlike the smegma, Donna's dick milk tastes sweet. You put your hand in it and cup some of the white liquid, then bring it to your face and drink it. It was like swimming in coconut milk, you dive in, mouth open and enjoy being in your futanari dad's balls. "I feel you Tommy, inside my balls. The same balls where you were made, its so Fucking Hot. You being back home in my nuts, I, I, Oooh, OOOOHHHH!!!" SSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPIIIIRRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! You feel the liquid you're submerged in start to shift around and pulls you upwards towards the tunnel you came in from. You feel a force push you up until you see the rim of the pee hole before you are fired out like a cannonball. You fly into the air and land between Donna's tits as a heavy rainfall of sperm splashes down on you. After the first two ropes you look up and see the blond giantess's head as she bends forward and manages to get her mouth on her titanic sized dick. You see her gulping down more ropes of jizz as she cums straight into her mouth, thanking god you weren't in those shots. You didn't even notice but you came at least three times during this whole session, your limp dick looking as abused as a boxer on a losing streak. "*POP* Hi Tommy." Donna gasps as she pulls her own head out of her mouth. "That was great Donna." You say as you both lay gasping for air after the most intense masturbation session you've had. After you two have recovered, Donna brought you to the bathroom shower to wash off the sweat and love juices. "So know that I know your my dad, whats gonna happen now?" You ask as you sit on the soap shelf, using the huge bar to wash your 3 inch body. "Well, we tell Chelsea we know and don't have to hide our relationship from you anymore. Now we can be one big happy family." She says as she washes rubs off the last remaining splotch of sperm off of her chest. "Can we still have sex?" You ask while staring straight forward at her humongous schlong. "Depends, do you want to have a threeway with me and your mom?" Your dick getting erect answers that question for her. "Then we can all have fun. Do you wanna sleep in bed with me kiddo?" You nod up and down. "Then I know the perfect place to put you." The blond, giantess says after she dries herself off with the towel. You feel yourself get picked up and sees the enormous futanari grab her flaccid dong and peel back the foreskin. This time all shiny and clean with no smegma, you get tossed in there and curl up as the folds wrap around you in time for sleep. |