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Joey is forced to go to Camp Campbell with her uncle David. |
Codes -Dreams- -“N-No! D-don’t leave Marcie No! NO!!”- I fly up, my curly hair bouncing up with me. for a second, I don’t know where I am, then, I remember. Uncle David’s. I sigh angrily, and really loudly, and David pops in. “Hiya Joey! I made breakfast! It's dark in here. Let me open the curtains!” He says. “W-WAIT DAVID NO PLEASE-” He yanks open the curtain and I jump under the covers. “Finish getting ready soon! Were going to Camp Campbell today!!” He says, a bright smile on his face. “Do I HAVE to go to David?” I ask. “Yes. you have to go!” He says. I say, “What if, I make friends, then I don’t have to do the activities?” He smiles and nods. “Alright. Let’s go.” ~~~ -“Marcie, don’t go to school! I have a feeling-” “I’ll be fine JoJo, it's fine.” “But-” “It's fine JoJo, It's Fine.”- -“Wake up Joey! We’re here!!” David says happily. “Ughhhhhhhh! I don’t wanna make friends David!” I say, emphasizing David. And I jump out of the car. “Can I see your keys David?” he nods, and hands them to me, then a blur of blue rushes past and snatches them out of my hand. “Haha, Fucker! I’m out!” A tall-ish guy around my age says, smiling psychotically as he slams on the gas and crashes into a tree. “Bitch, that was MY Fucking ride!” I yell angrily at the boy. He didn’t seem to give a shit as he rolled his eyes. “So close…” he says. And David looks at us. “Language you two.” “I don’t give a fuck!” we say, oddly in unison. David smiles. “Your already making friends Joey! You guys don’t have to do the activities for today!” the kid looked confused, then shrugged. “Good enough for me. C’mon ‘New friend.’” he said and started dragging me. “ I DID NOT WANT THISS!! I yell at David angrily, and glare at him, then I yank my arm away. “Who the fuck are you?” I say, glaring at him. “Max now shut the fuck up.” I look at him. “Who made you the boss of me?” He rolls his eyes. “I did.” I roll my eyes, and walk off to find my tent.it takes me 5 minutes to find it, and then I sit down. “Good thing David gave me my own te-” I spoke too soon. David walks in. “Golly, I forgot to change your tent! You’re with max now!” David says, and shoves me into a different tent. Max glares at me. “What the Heck are you doing here??!?” He asks, sneering. I roll my eyes. “Existing, Duh,” I say, and flop onto the bed on the opposite side of the tent. Max sighs angrily and stays quiet. And I slowly fall asleep. “Marcie! Hey! Wait up!” I skip meeting her pace. She smiles “Heya JoJo! C’mon!” I pull my white bookbag up, and she gets in her car. I get in the passenger side and she pulls out. She drives to her school, letting me navigate through the music. She pulls up to her school and we walk in. it was silent. “Heyyyy is anyone here?” she asks, looking around. I look around also, sighing. Then, I hear a loud gunshot and Marcie falling, her eyes wide open in shock and pain, a guy smiles slyly, shoving his knife in front of me. “You’re next…” He kept repeating, pressing a cold gun to my temple. My breaths quicken, choking me as I feel tears dripping. “You’re next….” He says again, pulling the trigger slowly. “You’re-”- |