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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #221507
Dinner was planned. But... then what?
Working In The Twilight Zone

Chapter 5: An Evening With Ellen

         As Jeff was leaving the office that afternoon, Annie stopped him. “Hey, Jeff, I’ve been meaning to ask you. How’d the lunch go with Ms. Martin today?”

         Jeff was immediately relieved to remember he had a legitimate answer to that question for Annie. He relaxed. “Great, Annie. She said I made a hell of an impression on her father and that if I keep going the way I am now, I’ll be getting an even bigger raise when my trial period is up in three months.”

         “Great, Jeff! I’m happy for you! It’s… really nice to know you’ll be… sticking around,” she finished.

         Jeff noticed her sudden, but momentary drop in enthusiasm. He walked over to her. “What’s wrong, Annie?”

         “Oh, nothing, Jeff. I’ve just got some things on my mind. Things I have to decide for myself. I’ll be okay, Mr. Zone,” she said quietly. “Honest I will. See you tomorrow?” She smiled slowly. She needed to know he’d be there in the morning.

         “You bet, Miss Birthmark!” he said, smiling. On a sudden whim, he looked around to be sure they wouldn’t be seen, took her face in his hands, and stole a quick but probing kiss. That took care of her mood in a hurry.

         “Thanks, Jeff!” she chirped. “I needed that!”

         “So did I, Birthmark. So did I.” He winked at her, and saw her wink back as he opened the door to leave for the day.

         “I just wish I knew where this was going,” Annie said, quietly, with both impatience and a touch of sadness “All I can do is wait and see. The important thing is that I have him in my life while I have to do that waiting.”

         As Jeff drove home, he tried to decide whether or not to grab a small bite to eat to tide him over till dinner with Ellen. “I wish I knew,” he laughed out loud. “But the problem is, if it’s anything like this morning, as soon as we see each other, our appetite could go off in a totally different direction from food,” he laughed again. He decided to cover both possibilities. He grabbed a bologna and cheese sandwich at the local diner and ate it as he finished the trip home. That way he at least had something in his stomach if they didn’t eat, and not that much in it in case they did.

         Jeff pulled into Ellen’s driveway at 7:55. It was one of those circular drives that let you pull right up to the door. He got out of his Probe still wondering what to expect. If they did decide to eat, he’d decided to take her to a little Italian place he’d found a year or so ago, to kind of set their mood for later. He rang the bell, checking out the rest of the house’s exterior as he waited. “Sharp looking place for a sharp looking woman,” he said to no one in particular.

         “Hi, Jeff, c’mon in,” Ellen smiled, holding the door aside for him.

         “Thanks, Ellen,” he said as he checked out the interior of the place. Then, as he knew they would, his eyes settled on Ellen. She’d closed the door and stepped up to his side. He turned to face her. “Nice place you have here, boss!” he said, smiling.

         “Thanks, Jeff,” she said smiling back. “Um… you said you wanted to check me out again. Want to do it now?” She stood with her arms out a little from her sides, and her legs just slightly apart. “Check out anything you want, Jeff. I won’t move until you tell me you’re finished. I want you to know everything I have to offer. To be honest with you, I’m curious, nervous and hopeful about what you’ll decide you think of… me. All at the same time,” she said, nervously blushing.

         “There’s that sensitivity of hers that I love so much,” he thought silently. He looked at her face and saw uncertainty, insecurity and a touch of fear in her eyes. And it was then that he noticed their deep hazel color. “It’s a deal, Ellen. Now remember what you just said. You don’t move a muscle till I’m done. Right?” he asked gently.


         Jeff stepped up to her, placed his hands on top of her head and slowly ran his fingers down through her wonderful, long, flowing red hair.

         “Jeff, I won’t move, but I feel the urge to tell you something. While you’re… checking me out, if you… see anything you’d like me… to change, just say so and I’ll do it. I… want to be just exactly what you want in a woman. I’ll change anything you want.”

         Jeff knew it was her insecurity about a normal life, and about finding a husband doing the talking, but he also knew she meant the offer. He knew he should tell her it shouldn’t be that way, but he decided to hold off till she was more comfortable being out of hiding first. “Don’t want to knock her down when she’s just gotten on her feet. That could be even more devastating to her,” he thought silently. “What a wonderful choice to have,” he said aloud, smiling.

         “I mean it, Jeff. I’ll… change anything you want me to.”

         “I know you will, Ellen,“ he said softly as he finished stroking her long hair. “Ellen, I’d like to see you let your hair grow down to your waist instead of just to your shoulders. That would be wonderful.”

         “Consider it done, Jeff.”

He moved his hands to her shoulders, and slowly began running them over her. Down to her breasts. He lingered there, fondling her gently. He knew that was something they both wanted equally right now, especially after the early afternoon moment they’d shared.

         “Thank you, Jeff, I needed to feel that again,” she blushed. “And… thanks for… telling me you like them this way.”

         “You don’t have to thank me, Ellen. I’m just being honest. Like I was with your hair. It’s just how I feel. But remember - you promised to never change them.”

         “I know. I won’t forget.”

          Jeff slowly moved his hands from her breasts down across her firm, flat stomach to those hips, feeling every contour of them as he continued downward. He felt her jump slightly as he put his right hand beneath her skirt and pressed it against her womanhood, as she had done earlier. He decided to see if she really meant what she’d said about wanting him to know everything she had to offer. “Ellen,” he said gently, keeping his hand in place and making sure she felt him press it against her, “is there any reason you know of that you might not be fertile?”

         “Um… as far as I know, Jeff, I should be able to have children for you,” she said willingly and without hesitation.

         “Good. That’s the way it should be. We should have the choice.” He looked up and saw a warm but shy smile on her face.

          “And I don’t mind answering any question you have, Jeff. I want you to know everything about me that you want to know.”

          Jeff knelt in front of her, gently reached under her skirt, placing his hands at the top of her right leg, one on each side. Then he slowly ran them down her leg, enjoying the wonderful shape and firm feel of it. Then he gently did the same with her left leg. He was right in what he’d thought when he saw them this morning. Firm, and very shapely. He stood up.

          “Well?” Ellen queried, smiling.

          “Hush, Ellen,” Jeff laughed. I tell you when I’m done, remember?”

          “Oh, yeah. Sorry,” she laughed.

          Jeff moved behind her, ran his fingers gently through her hair again, then started down her back. That sweater didn’t leave anything hidden in the back, either. As his hands reached each side of her waist, he said, ”Yep, I definitely want your hair down to here.”

          “I promise, Jeff.” She shivered as she felt him move his hands across her bottom, cupping it in those strong but gentle hands beneath her skirt.

          “Brace yourself, Ellen,” he chuckled. I’m going to swat you. I need to see something.”

          “Um… okay, Jeff,” she said, changing her foot position just a little to brace herself. “I’m ready. OH!” she exclaimed as his hand slapped her bottom “That felt funny, Jeff. I haven’t been ‘spanked’ in years,” she laughed. “What were you checking by doing that?”

          “Needed to see if you had any ‘extra padding’ back here, Ellen. I didn’t think so, and I was right,” he finished, chuckling.

          “Is that… good or bad?” she asked, from both curiosity and anxiousness.

          “That’s very good,” he said. I like this just the way it is, too,” he laughed, swatting her again.

          “Ouch,” she laughed.

          He knelt behind her, and, reaching beneath her skirt again, stole a peek at her bottom and her bikini panties as he started running his hands slowly and gently down her legs once again.

          “Okay, boss, I’m done checking you out,” he said, smiling as he stepped back in front of her.

          “Is there anything else… you want me to… change, Jeff?” She felt both eager, and apprehensive about his answer.

          “Just two things for now, Ellen, but I’m reserving the right to add others later,” he smiled. “As we get to know each other.”

          “Okay by me, Jeff, anything you want me to change, now or anytime in the future, I will. Like I said, I want to be exactly what you want in a woman. So… what do I change for now?”

          “I like your legs. Would you be willing to stick to skirts or dresses when we’re together?”

          “Sure, Jeff. I’ll stick to them at work as well, so you can see them then, too. From now on I don’t wear anything else - no jeans or slacks - unless you say I can. And by the way - I’ve already offered to change anything you want, so you don’t have to ask me. You can just tell me. I may be your boss at work, but where my body’s concerned, from now on you’re in charge. That’s the way I want it. What’s the other thing for now?”

          “After we eat, I want to see you without your makeup on. I want to see the real you.”

          “Oh, god, Jeff, that’s scary. But, I said I’d do whatever you want so I’m stuck. I just hope you like what you see.

          “Ellen, are you really sure you want me to, as you put it, be in charge of your body and tell you what I want you to change? I… mean… that’s surrendering a lot of your personal freedom. I… don’t want you to feel like I’m controlling you.”

          “You’re not controlling me, Jeff, just my body. And yes, I want you to. Right now I… feel more secure that way. Please.”

          “Okay, Ellen, but a man like me could get used to this idea, you know.”

          “Yes, Jeff, I’ve… thought of that. I want you used to it. I want you to do that. So that I feel more secure, and I know I’m everything you want your woman to be.”

          “Okay, Ellen. I just wanted to be sure about how you really felt about it. In that case, there’s one more change I want you to make. Just for tonight. I want you to go braless for our dinner date.” He knew he was already getting used to being in charge of her body, but as lovely as she is to him, he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to see her braless, and he’d warned her about how he could get used to all this.

          “Oh!” she said, caught by surprise. “Um… okay, Jeff, you’re the boss in this case, so…” She slowly started to remove the sweater.

          “No, Ellen,” he laughed, turning away. “Don’t let me see you yet or we’ll never get to dinner.”

          They laughed in unison.

          “You’re right, Jeff, I don’t think we would either,” she agreed. “And I’m starved. I’ll be right back.” In just a couple minutes, she retuned, stepping right up to him. She swallowed hard, her nervousness evident. “Does this meet with your approval, boss?” she asked, trying a smile.

          Jeff slowly cupped her breasts in his hands through that sweater and massaged them firmly. “Yes, Ellen. Very much so.” He fondled her a few seconds longer, then pulled her to him and they shared another deep, wonderful kiss as they both felt her nipples become fully erect against him.

          “Okay … are we ready to eat?” she queried, still smiling.

          “Yep,” he said as he headed for her door to open it for her.

          “Oh, I like this!” she exclaimed as she set the lock then walked through the door. “Old fashioned courtesy! Thank you, sir!” she laughed as he followed her outside, closing the locked door behind him.

          “Where are we eating, by the way?” Ellen asked as they drove.

          “Louigi’s,” Jeff said. “Hope you like Italian, Ellen.”

          “I love Italian! But I’ve never heard of Louigi’s.”

          “It’s the Italian version of that Chinese place you took me to for lunch. The food keeps them in business against those chain places.

          They made small talk the rest of the 35-minute trip to Louigi’s Jeff figured it was because they were both nervous about later. He sure knew he was.

          “Ambrose. Reservations for two,” Jeff said as they walked in.

          “Right this way, sir,” the hostess said.

          As they sipped their cocktails and waited for the food to arrive, Ellen found the courage to restart their conversation.

          “Um… Jeff?”

          “Yes, Ellen?”

          “About… you being in charge of my… body.”

          “Yes, Ellen?”

          “I… know you’re surprised at my… offer, and maybe nervous, too. I know I am. And… you… caught me by surprise with your request that I… go braless tonight. But… please believe me. I need it this way. I’ve been looking for a way to thank you for bringing me past my own fears, and I still haven’t found that yet. But… I really need you to do this for me. It’s one less thing for me to have to worry about for now. Please… promise me you’ll stay in charge of my body for whatever length of time we… see each other, and that you’ll openly tell me - not ask me, tell me - anytime you want me to change something about myself to give you what you want. I need to know I’m doing that. Please?”

          Jeff realized, then, how truly serious Ellen was about this, and he knew, even though he was hesitant about it, that he’d have to do it for her peace of mind, if not for their relationship. He decided to remind her of one thing before answering. “Ellen?”

          “Yes, Jeff?”

          “You do remember what I said at your place about my getting used to it, don’t you?”

          “Yes, and that doesn’t change my request.”

          “OK, but what happens if I decide later I don’t want it to change?”

          “Then it won’t, Jeff. My body is yours for as long as you want it.”

          The determination he heard in her voice with that last statement left him with no doubt. “Okay, Ellen, just remember what we’ve said. From now on, I decide anything and everything I want to about your body,” he said, to put her at ease. “Does that include the right to decide when I want to be… personal… um… intimate with you?”

          “Yes, Jeff, it does. I’ll do anything you want, too. My body belongs to you to change, and enjoy, in any way you want, for as long as you wish to own it. You… um… can own it… for the rest of my life… if you want. And thank you for doing this for me.”

         He still marveled at the open relief she showed. “That includes tonight, Ellen,” he added.

         “I understand. I was hoping you’d still want to, Jeff. I need that, too.”

         “Geez,” he thought to himself. “This is every man’s dream. Am I going to be able to handle it?” he asked himself silently as the food arrived.

         Jeff was still trying to believe this was real as they left the restaurant and got in his car.

          “Um… Jeff?”

          “Yes, Ellen?”

          “We… um… can go to your place, or mine. Either one is fine with me,” she said nervously.

          “Your place is fine, Ellen, honest,” he said, reaching over and lightly fondling her.

          “Okay,” she said. His confidence was reassuring to her. “Thanks, Jeff. That feels good,” she said as he continued.

          “It does to me, too, Ellen.”

         When they arrived at her house, they walked in the front door, closed it, and stood in the entryway.

          “Um… where do you want to start, Jeff?” Ellen asked with obvious nervousness. “You’re the boss.”

          “Right here, “ he said confidently. He walked up to her, embraced her tightly, and planted his lips down hard over hers, forcing his way into her mouth before she could even respond. He suddenly felt her press herself firmly and fully against him.

          “God, this feels good!” she silently shouted. “I wish he’d done it this forcefully at work earlier today.”

         When Jeff broke off the kiss, he picked her up in his arms.           “Where’s your bedroom?” he asked warmly.

          “Upstairs, Jeff. Second door on the right, “ she said, the pleasure she felt obvious in her voice.

          “I’ll really take charge here,” he thought as he climbed the stairs with her. “Then we’ll see how serious she is about wanting to do it this way. Either she’ll eat it up, which is okay by me for now, or it will push her into wanting her independence back, which would be better for her. We’ll see. I won’t push overly hard, just enough to see if it changes her mind. She’d be better off if it does. That will come eventually, I’m just trying to give her a head start.” He entered her bedroom and stood her in front of him. “Don’t move,” he ordered, smiling.

         Surprised, Ellen froze. Then she relaxed as Jeff began running his hands over her again. “Oh!” she yiped, jumping a little at the extra firm pressure he was putting on her breasts as he felt them through that sweater.

          “Put your legs apart a little,” he said calmly but firmly.

          “Okay, Jeff.” She spread her feet a little farther apart. “Oh!” she yiped again, this time at the firm pressure he put on her womanhood with his hand.

          “OK, Ellen,” he smiled. “The moment of truth. Stand where you are, and slowly take off your clothes.”

         Jeff watched her every move as Ellen slowly removed her clothing. When the sweater came off first, he longed to take her naked breasts in his hands, but stuck to his original plan.

         Next came her skirt, then her panties. She’d slipped out of her shoes as they entered the room, and hadn’t worn panty hose, considering what they’d planned. She found it hard to keep from covering herself with her hands.

          “Keep your hands at your sides, please, Ellen,” he softly ordered.

          “Yes, Jeff,” she said nervously, doing as instructed. “You’re the boss,” she smiled.

          “Yes, I am,” he said as he approached her. ”Don’t move until I tell you that you can. Understand?”

          “Yes, Jeff, I understand.” Jeff saw a slow, nervous smile cross her shy face as he stepped up closer to her.

         He ran his hands through her hair slowly, down to her shoulders. Once there, he moved his hands across her chest and down to her breasts, taking them in his hands and slowly kneading them with his fingers.

          “Ooooohh,” she moaned. “Thank you, Jeff! This is wonderful!”

         Then, he leaned down, and, lifting her right breast to his lips, took it into his mouth, teasing the nipple with his tongue.

          “OOOOoohh, Jeff! I’ve… never felt anything… like this before,” she stammered. He put his left hand behind her to steady her as she gave in to her body’s wonderful reaction to his caresses. A few seconds later, as he did the same with her left breast, her reaction was even stronger. “OOOoooohh, Jeff! This is wonderful! Thank you!

         Next, still steadying her, he placed his right hand firmly between her legs. “Ellen, this morning you offered yourself to me. Are you still willing to surrender that important part of you forever?”

          “To you, Jeff, yes. But only to you. It’s yours if you want it.”

         Keeping his hand in place for a moment, he said softly, “I want it, Ellen.” He opened his arms, and she walked into them willingly. He embraced her tightly and they began a long, searching kiss. As they held it, he picked her up in his arms, carried her to the bed and laid her in the center of it, her head on the pillow. He could tell as he laid her down that the anticipation was already exciting her. Only then did they end that kiss. He stepped back from the bed and removed his own clothing, then slowly, deliberately approached the bed from her right side, moving into place above her. Only then did he see the longing, anticipation and desire that was deeply evident in those large hazel eyes of hers. They held that gaze for what seemed minutes, though it was only a matter of seconds. Yet in that time, looking steadily and deeply into those hazel eyes, he fully realized her desire to give herself to him was not from fear of never knowing the pleasure, or just because she had said she would, but a genuine desire, just for him. To belong to him.

         As he began to approach her, each was surprised by the other:

          “I want this only with you, Jeff. I mean that sincerely,” she whispered, not knowing he’d understood it from her eyes.

          “And I honestly want it with you, Ellen,” he said softly as he entered her.

          “ONLY… with… you, Jeff,” she stammered through the joy and the pain as she felt him fill her entire being with more pleasure and peace than she’d ever known.

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