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A young woman's attempt to surprise her boyfriend lands her in an embarrassing situation. |
Twenty-three year old Kaitlyn Thompson had arrived at her boyfriend Josh's house on Valentine's day afternoon to surprise him by making the two of them dinner as she went to open up his front door but couldn't find the key that he had given her and cursed her forgetfulness after realising that she had accidentally left it on the kitchen table. The young woman was 5'4, 143 pounds, had beautiful short light curly brown hair and brown eyes covered by glasses. Her medium-sized breasts and thin stomach were covered by a dark blue jumper with a denim jacket over the top of it. Her curvaceous hips and bubble butt were covered by a short pink pleated skirt with black tights. Kaitlyn knocked on the front door but no one answered and realised that Josh must be out and decided to look for another way inside and was about to give up when she noticed a rather small square window and went over to have a closer look. The young brunette said, "This is definitely going to be an extremely tight squeeze but I have to get inside," as she quickly realised that she would have use the window to get inside despite her worries about possibly getting stuck due to it's rather small size and her curvy figure. "I hope Josh appreciates this," She said as she placed her bag beside the frame and stuck her head through the window and after a brief struggle,her entire top half was soon inside the house,leaving only her hips,backside and legs sticking out. Kaitlyn said, "All right, I'm halfway through but now for the difficult part," as she then tried to fit her lower half through the window but it just refused to fit despite several minutes of pulling and wiggling. "I guess this is window isn't meant for someone with my figure," said the young woman as she jokingly wiggled her behind and thought about how ridiculous she must look right now then tried to back out of the window but was shocked to discover that she couldn't. "Maybe that second peice of chocolate cake was a mistake," said Kaitlyn as she placed her hands against the window frame and pushed and pushed with all her might but still it refused to release it's grip on her. The now concerned and slightly annoyed young brunette then tried to push and wiggle herself free again, even putting her right foot against the house wall for more leverage but still just refused to budge and was hit the realisation that she was in fact stuck. Oh it's no use, I'm stuck, curse my curvaceous figure" said Kaitlyn as she then thought about calling her best friend Melissa but remembered that her phone was outside in her bag and after her calls for help alerted no one, quickly realised that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Despite another 10 minutes of pushing and wiggling,the young woman hadn't moved a single inch as she suddenly felt something sniffing at her behind but was disappointed to hear the two's dog Baxter barking and, "Hi boy,I don't think you'll be any help to me," as the dog then grabbed onto the seat of her skirt and began to pull. "Hey, stop pulling at my skirt like that boy, I literally just bought it last week," said Kaitlyn as she wiggled her rear end but still the dog refused to let go and continued to pull until a loud RIP sound was heard. The young brunette's face turned beet red with embarrassment as she realised that her dog had pulled off the seat of her skirt and the back of her tights, exposing her bubble butt which was barely covered by red panties with the word thicc written in pink on the back of them. "Thanks for your help boy," said Kaitlyn sarcastically as she cursed her choice of underwear then thought about how ridiculous her predicament was and began laughing. Sara, an only slightly less curvaceous young blond wearing a short pink dress with white polka dots and black tights had just arrived at her ex-boyfriend Josh's house after being called by a neighbour and went around the back and burst into laughter when she saw the young woman's barely-covered behind sticking out of the window. "Excuse me but what are you doing in there," said the confused and suspicious young blond. The humiliated Kaitlyn explained the entire situation before Sara said, "You're the girl Josh has been telling me about,I didn't think we would meet like this,I'm Sara." "Hi Sara,I'm Kaitlyn,could you please give me a hand," said the young brunette. Sara then grabbed onto Kaitlyn's hips and pulled and pulled with all her strength while the young woman pushed and said, "OW, Ouch, OW, that hurts," as the two began to pull and push for several minutes without any success until the young blond lost her grip and tumbled backwards onto the grass. "Wow,you're really wedged in there tight but I probably wouldn't fit either, so I won't make any jokes," said Sara. Kaitlyn then asked, "Sara, could you please get my phone,it's in my bag and call my best friend Melissa?" The young blond did as she was told and Melissa quickly arrived and burst into laughter when she saw her best friend's situation. She then grabbed onto Sara's waist,who pulled Kaitlyn's hips and the two began pulling with all their strength as even Baxter helped by pulling the hem of Melissa's short dark blue skirt but still the trio's efforts proved to be in vain. "I think I'm going to be stuck here forever," said the young woman as she suddenly heard Josh say, "Honey, I'm home," before being shocked to discover her girlfriend in the window. The humiliated Kaitlyn said awkwardly, "Surprise Josh, I'm stuck in the window, happy Valentine's day, could you please give me a hand," as she then explained everything to him as he then grabbed onto her hands and pulled and pulled with all her might and asked, "Sara, Melissa,could you two please push?" Sara then placed her hands against the young woman's backside while Melissa placed her hands against the window frame and her back against Sara's as the two pushed with all their strength.The Poor Kaitlyn was streched by the epic tug of war and said, "OW, Ouch, OW, this really hurts," as Baxter grabbed onto Josh's belt as a POP sound was suddenly heard. The young woman came flying out of the window,sending her and her boyfriend tumbling backwards into a heap on the floor while Baxter looked on after letting go of the young man's belt. "Thank goodness for that,I'm finally free," said Kaitlyn as she hugged and kissed her boyfriend before hugging everyone else including Baxter, who licked her face before thanking everyone for rescuing her. "It was absolutely no problem honey, I thought you usually only showed your pants in the bedroom," joked Josh. The young brunette then remembered that her underwear was showing and quickly used her denim jacket to cover up the hole in her skirt and tights as everyone began laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation as Kaitlyn made everyone dinner to say thank you for rescuing her as Sara and Melissa left to allow the couple to enjoy Valentine's day together. |