Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2211726-giantess-farts-on-shrunken-man
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2211726
You are a guy named spencer who goes to your friends house only to get blasted with a ray.
You are in you 1998 mustang GT driving to your friends house, caroline on her birthday. When you walk through the door after driving up to house, only to get blasted with a bright ray from a gun. Suddenly, you feel a tingling sensation as you decrease in size, you where shrunken. You see caroline walk up to you and pick you up only to be shoved in her asshole, with a "pop", your inserted in her butthole. "Enjoy, you'll be trapped in there for the rest of your pathetic life sniffing my farts." You wonder what you did to diserve this. As soon as you go to breath, an awful smell goes through your nose, you realize the hell your going to go through. Caroline shoves you deeper inside, and with a "bbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaappppppp" you go to breath only to get blasted with a droning fart. "Damn, what has she been eating," you wonder while practiclly choking on the fithy air. But little did you know that was a practical joke compared to what is to come. The anal walls close in on you and you get caked in her anal juices while you here a grumbling noise. With a "bbbbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaaapppppppffffffffftttttttttttthhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH" You realize a fart started to slip out and drenched you in its greasy and sticky substance. Immediately, you slip down in the abyss called her asshole, then you land twenty minutes later on something soft and squishy you the realize your in her awfully green, sticky diarrhea. You then start to sink in the pile of shit like quicksand, an hour later, your completely sunken in it and it forces it's way in your mouth and you very slowly suffocate in the shit. Caroline decides to finish you off with the worlds worst smelling and longest fart in history, so she unleashs hell on you as a 4 hour shit smelling, wreaking fart forces it way in your nose. You open your mouth so you don't smell as much, but immediately regret doing so as the shit seeps through your mouth you gag and gag, but it only allows more to gradually flow through. Worse yet, you feel a godly force pull you down and you sink so far down at such a high speed, you are pulled down to the very bottom of her shithole. You then are blasted with heat, a putrid smell, and pressure. Caroline has completely forgot about you as she is hit with the urge to take a dump. You then are shocked with the fact you were being shit out and hit the water in the toilet, in pain, you open your mouth, but the rest of the shit comes down and you are at the bottom of tis wreaking pile and then are flushed, but you just went to the septic system and die in the decripid substance called shit from the huge amounts of shit that forced its way through your mouth.
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