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Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2210762
For years and years I waited and searched.
For years and years I waited, searched.
For centuries, I fought and battled, yearned.
Fought for the love I needed, for the love I desired.
My searches were in vain, for she wasn't about.

I could hear her calling, seething at my disappearance.
I longed for her, longed for her touch.
Climbed mountains, searched forests.
I nearly gave up but her calling was strong.

At last I have found her, we finally met.
The search over, the fighting done.
No more am I the lonely one.
Her love is mystified, special and strong.

For I will cherish her long awaited love.
For she is the special one, through and through.
I gave her the golden shoe, to help see her through.
Above the glens she rises, over and over.

God's blessings are mine and hers.
Like a wonderous woman, she sings and purrs.
After years of searching, she came to me.
I will never forget her, she sets me free.

Another time, another realm.
I still be with her all the time.
I won't let her go now.
For she is sacred, she showed me how.

Sweetheart, you are the love of my life.
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