Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2210595-Forest-Man
Rated: GC · Novel · Horror/Scary · #2210595
An author and his dog Dancer stay in a Forest Service cabin deep in the woods.
It had just snowed when I got up it was pretty chilly, so I did my best to hurry and get the fireplace started. It was beautiful outside the pines were covered with snow and the mountains in the distance were covered also. I'm glad I cut the extra firewood cause it seems like I'm gonna need it. I've always liked morning fires it seems like that popping noise of the burning wood broke up the silence of the morning and it gets me thinking, of nothing in particular but just causes a person to just think.
Dancer my dog had woke me up about six times last night there must have been one of those four-legged prowlers during the night. Still, I wish he wouldn't wake me up so often. Just as I was thinking that Dancer brought me his food bowl. It was his way of saying that he wanted to eat, yeah, I guess if I had been up as long as he has I'd be hungry too. After feeding Dancer, I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. I threw another log on the fire and sat down on the floor with my back leaning on the old couch. As I was watching the fire I was contemplating about the book I came up here to write. I was having a hard time trying to figure out what to write about this time. My last book was a romance novel, I really disliked writing it, but my editor said I needed to write it. I dislike being told what to write but oh well a person has to eat. Dancer was done eating and was now dancing at the door so, I got up and let him out for a while so he could take care of his business. I opened the door and he (Dancer) just bolted out. I went back and sat down, just drinking my coffee and staring at the fire.           I thought maybe I'd write a bio. or something I just don't know what yet, but I had to start really soon cause time is just flying by. I then noticed that usually, I hear Dancer outside but I didn't. I got up poked my head and called out to him, Dancer! I heard a faint bark, I called again and he came from around the corner of the cabin.He seemed out of breath like he had been running, which is good maybe he'll leave me alone this morning so I can write. Maybe, I had to get out and walk a while and maybe an idea would come to me? I had to do something like I said time seemed like it was getting away from me and spring would be here sooner than I'd like. Dancer was resting in front of the fire, while I finished my breakfast. I decided to write a western, oh, yeah! That's what I'm going to write, that'll be fun. As I was concentrating on this great western novel I heard a loud noise outside first it was a sound of scratching then it sounded like a terrible scream with almost a whistle sound. Yeah, like a whistle underwater and it caused my hair to stand on end, I could feel the vibration of the sound all the way into my chest and it scared the tar out of me. I jumped to my feet Dancer ran into the bedroom. I wasn't sure what to do but there was a shotgun hanging over the fireplace and I quickly went over grabbed it. When I first moved in I made sure it was loaded I don't know why but I thought that since it was there it probably should be loaded. I heard rocks being thrown at the roof of the cabin, it was aluminum so when the rocks landed they were loud. Then all of a sudden it got quiet, real quiet. No whistling, no screaming, no rocks being thrown. What the heck! I had no idea what all this commotion was about. After about the fifth or sixth rock I ran into the bedroom after grabbing the shotgun and laid between the bed and the closet door. And now that it's quiet I didn't know which was worse the noise or the quiet. I laid there for about twenty or thirty minutes before I got the courage to look out the window. When I looked I didn't see anything but I did see rocks lying about the yard. Dancer and I just laid there and at some point, I fell asleep. When I woke up it was just past Seven O'clock and my alarm startled me when it went off. I turned off the alarm then stretched and put the shotgun away I started the coffee again and looked out all the windows and I didn't see anything. I poured myself a cup of coffee and went over and decided to take the shotgun outside with me cause Dancer needed to go outside again he was already dancing at the door. When I opened the door Dancer walked outside not the usual running and scampering. I walked out and then faced the cabin so I could see three sides of it at once. Dancer did his duty and came over to me and sat at my side and he looked up at me and I looked back down at him and we both wondered what that was last night. I remembered that there is a log that is kept and anyone staying here is supposed to keep it up and I wanted to read it and see if this had happened before. Dancer and I went back inside and I locked the doors and grabbed the logbook off the shelf and I sat and read it. It was fairly thick and by noon I was pretty much done finding the things I was looking for. It seemed that this had happened quite a few times the exact same thing and a few times things had gotten even worse, windows were broken, rocks had been thrown from all sides not just one like last night. I was glad I had packed my pistol in my bag, Last night things happened so fast I didn't even think about getting it out. I poured another cup of coffee and began thinking about what was going on here. I didn't want to say what I was thinking but there wasn't anything else it could be but a" Bigfoot "or a, " Sasquatch ".
But I never really thought of those things before. I guess they could exist cause I couldn't think about what else it could be. I better pull out my computer and find out more about these things.
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