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Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #2207922
A young man finds his wife stuck in an awkward position and struggles to get her free.
Twenty-five year old Colin Thompson had just returned home after a day of work and couldn't find his wife Linda until he walked out to the garden and burst into laughter when he saw her barely-covered backside sticking out of a fence and went over to investigate.

The young man was 5'5, 175 pounds, had short black hair, blue eyes covered by glasses and was wearing a white shirt with a blue tie and a blazer jacket over the top of it and black trousers.

The extremely confused Colin asked, "Linda, why on earth is your backside sticking out of there with your underwear showing, you look absolutely ridiculous right now, are you stuck in there?"

The curvaceous young blond, who was wearing a pink t-shirt and a short dark blue skirt with black tights explained that she had accidentally tripped over a rock and her wedding ring had come off and she gotten herself stuck while retrieving it and that the two's dog Baxter had ripped off the seat of her skirt and tights while trying to get her free.

The young man said, "Sounds like you've had a difficult day but don't worry honey, I'll pull you out and then make us dinner," as he then grabbed onto his wife's hips and pulled and pulled with all his might.

Linda placed her hands against the fence and pushed and the two pulled and pushed with all their strength but despite the fence making a few creaking sounds, it just simply refused to release it's grip on the young woman.

"It's no use honey, you just won't budge," said the tired young man as he then asked his wife if she wanted him to call for more help.

"Please don't, I don't want anyone else to see my underwear, could you please try and pull me out again," said Linda.

Colin said, "All right Linda, we'll try again," as he quickly grabbed onto her legs, placed his feet against the fence as the two pulled and pushed with all their strength for several minutes without any success as the young man lost his grip and tumbled onto the grass.

"Well I think we're established that pulling isn't going to work," said Colin as he tried to think of how to free his wife.

Linda then said, "go inside and get the better and rub it on me and maybe I'll come free."

Colin did as he was told and returned with the butter and rubbed it around Linda's lower half and then tried to pull her free again but couldn't get a good grip on her hips due to the butter.

The young man then decided to pull his wife's legs and pulled and pulled with all his might while Linda pushed but to the two's disbelief, the fence just creaked loudly and still refused to let her go.

"I think I'm going to be stuck in this stupid fence forever," said the young blond.

Realising that his wife wasn't coming out any other way, Colin backed up before running towards Linda and rammed his right shoulder into her curvaceous behind,causing her to loudly say, "OW," as a POP sound was heard.

The annoyed Linda said, "why did you do that," before she noticed that she could see her lower half again at last and got up to her feet and ran over to Colin, who lifted her over the fence as the two hugged and kissed.

The young woman thanked her husband for freeing her as she then used her hands to cover up the hole in her skirt as the two began laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation as they went inside to relax with Baxter after all their efforts.
© Copyright 2019 Kieran1998 (kierannorth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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