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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2206808
In the world of Monster Girl Quest, Minagi returns and puts her bandages to good use.
In ancient times, long before even the Great Monster War, the very embodiment of darkness, Goddess Alipheese, descended to the world. Looking for companions, she imbued her dark genes into six chosen targets. Thus were born a group of six monsters so powerful that they have now been classed into a league of their own: the mythological class. These six monsters served as the founders of monster civilisation as a whole, and have come to be known as the Six Ancestors. One such subject that Alipheese chose was a bat, who would become the original succubus. Her debauchery was known even to the goddess of light, Ilias herself, and she would pave the way for her many descendants for a life-style well suited to enjoying the finer things in life. Her name was Minagi. Wearing nothing more than bandages (which in no way helped to cover her body), she possessed temptation skills that were second to none and could fill entire cities with lust through her mere presence alone. It was even rumoured that she would try out her pleasure skills on her fellow founders.

However, her place on the earth would soon come to a close with the coming of the Great Monster War. With the feud between angels and monsters threatening all existence, a compromise had to be made. Ilias proposed that the only way she’d agree to stop would be if Alipheese and her six daughters were to be locked away using a potent seal known as the Six Ancestors Great Seal. This used the target’s own energy to empower it, and so escape was impossible. That is, without outside help. To ensure Ilias didn’t slaughter the monsters left behind, the seals were made so that a large release in dark energy would free the seven captives. However, the sly fox Tamamo no Mae, ancestor of the beast-type monsters, found a spell known as Word of Dispel that, if cast upon the moment of sealing, would allow her to continue living in the world in a lesser form. With this spell unbeknownst to her kin, Tamamo was left behind as the sole caretaker of Alipheese’s bloodline, the Fateburns. As for Minagi, she would spend a thousand years sealed away until the defeat of Ilias.

Whilst still very much sealed, Minagi found a way to partially escape. With a huge surge of light and dark energies being released upon the birth of Dark Goddess Ilias, Minagi was able to exploit her weakened seal and access the world of dreams. From here, she sought out the hero who defeated Ilias, attempting to weaken him with illusions of past foes. Nonetheless, this fake hero, Luka, proved he had truly earned his title as the one who defeated the goddess, and so too defeated the ancestor of all succubi. However, this was not the end of Minagi’s story, and indeed it had only just begun.

Upon waking up, Luka told his recently-wed wife and long-time travel companion, Alipheese Fateburn XVI, or Alice for short, about the dream he had experienced. Alice made it clear she was very well aware, since every time he succumbed to an illusionary monster, he would ejaculate in the real world. Fortunately, Alice happily played the role of clean up duty. However, she went on to say she found it odd that Minagi would be capable of entering his dream. The Six Ancestors Great Seal was supposed to be flawless, save for its weakness to Word of Dispel. Due to being a direct descendant of hers, Alice decided to consult one of her Heavenly Knights, Alma Elma, about her thoughts on the situation. Whilst impressed by her ancestor, she could offer no help in finding an explanation, never having heard of a succubus skill that allows one to invade dreams. She suggested it may just have something to do with the seal, but had no idea what, as seals weren’t her strong suit. This meant that next best person for them to ask was another Heavenly Knight, Tamamo herself, who was indeed an expert on the seal. After all, she was part of the group that is its namesake. She theorised that Promestein’s White Rabbit, which harnessed the genetics of Dark Goddess Alipheese herself, possibly tipped the scales on the balance between light energy and dark energy, and may have potentially weakened the seals. Alma, finding this interesting, decided to pay a visit to a certain succubus who specialised in seals. After all, you can’t trust a succubus to keep her mouth shut.

Within a month’s time, Alma travelled to Succubus Village, and after some momentary scolding for barely looking after the village she should be overlooking as queen, she was able to inform the mayor of the town, as well as the Succubus Witch who served as her right hand, about Luka’s dream and the possibility that it could mean Minagi’s seal had weakened. Succubus Witch was reminded of how she once attempted to revive Minagi, only for the corruption of her legend to cause the ancestor to become confused with Lilith & Lilim from the time of Black Alice’s reign, and thus revived the wrong targets. However, hearing that the seal had weakened boded well for her, and she decided that another crack at it could suffice. Due to Succubus Village now becoming a popular tourist attraction for perverts, succubus-enthusiasts, and those who sought a release from stress, a lot of energy had been built up. If it was true the seal was weakened, it may prove to be enough to free her. However, with the ritual having to take place at night, Alma decided she would not stay around to watch and bid them farewell, causing her to receive another earful over her irresponsibility.

That night, Succubus Witch arrived at her altar again. Using the energy she had collected, she focused it all on her attempt to revive her and her kin’s ancestor. The original succubus would walk the earth once more. Whilst Minagi was extremely powerful, and so had lots of energy to supply to her seal, the weakened state meant that just enough energy had been collected, and soon, Minagi appeared in the room in front of her comparatively short descendant. Her blue-and-pink hair was still as long and silky as the day she was sealed, her bandages still vaguely wrapped over her body, and her figure still just as prominent. The witch shyly greeted her, not sure how such an imposing yet beautiful being would react to being brought back. She was caught off guard, however, to be met with praise. It seemed as though Minagi was quite welcoming to her succubi descendants, and she was even more pleased to be informed that she had been brought to Succubus Village. However, she decided that the first thing to do was to ensure no hero, fake or not, meddles with her again. She asked Succubus Witch if she knew of Luka, to which she admitted she did (they even fought at one point, after all). His location? Hellgondo in the Monster Lord’s Castle. Did he marry the Monster Lord? Yes, he did, the current ruling monarch is Alipheese Fateburn XVI. Does he have any other allies? Yes, the four Heavenly Knights are commonly seen as those at his aid. After a few more questions, Minagi thanked Succubus Witch and decided she’d first celebrate her resurrection by paying him a visit.

In order to have the fun she so craved, she had to stop Luka from just simply defeating her a second time. Her illusions may have worked before, but there was no guarantee they’d prove successful again. Not to mention they didn’t even do a fine job of defeating him in the first place. It wasn’t long before she arrived at the Monster Lord’s Castle. Needless to say, Luka was quick to arrive and asked how she got free. Rather than stand there to explain, Minagi used her magic to extend and control the bandage around her. Wrapping it around Luka’s sword, Angel Halo, she was able to prise it from his grip and leave him without his main means of offence.

“You won’t be needing this anymore, my dear fake hero~” teased Minagi.

Before Luka could retort or attempt to reclaim it, the bandages made quick work of his clothing, removing every single item. However, rather than use her usual tactic of sexual skills, which would be more than easy at this point, she instead gave him the honour of being able to remain undrained. Instead, he would simply stay put in this castle of his. Her bandages once against quickly sprang into action, and bound his legs tightly together. At this point, he could no longer run.

“H-Hey, what are you---?” gasped Luka, unable to keep up with the speed of this wind-harnessing ultimate succubus. Sylph and Undine were miles away, and neither Serene Mind nor Fallen Angel Dance would help him at this point. The best he could do was try to struggle, but without the aid of Gnome, this amounted to little more than a few minute twitches.

“Hush, now~” cooed Minagi “My handsome little fake hero, you’ve truly proven your worth, and for this, I shall give you a reward~”.

It seemed as though every word she uttered was said with the intent of seducing the listener. Truly, her charm was beyond compare. Becoming soothed by her words, Luka couldn’t help but become somewhat entranced and felt as though he was subconsciously beginning to give up resistance.

“My my, what a good boy~” Minagi softly spoke as gently held his member in her hand. Inserting it into her own genitals, she began thrusting her helpless captive. Unable to keep up his sexual restraint and composure against the pleasure her organ brought to him, it wasn’t long before he ejaculated inside of her and reached critical ecstasy. Any fighting back he could have done was now no longer within his grasp, as he had been weakened to such a degree that he was now an easy target for mummification.

Minagi released him from the copulative embrace and began wrapping his arms tightly to his sides. Within the blink of an eye, he was almost completely covered in bandages, and it wouldn’t be long before his entire body was enveloped. However, Minagi didn’t want to go overkill on this, and upon reaching just below his nose, so that he couldn’t shout out for help, and making sure he was given a few layers for security, she stopped coiling him up. By now, he was truly helpless. To make matters worse for him, the bandages around Angel Halo had been absorbing its prowess in chipping away at the magic, strength and power of the victim, and imbued this into the bandages, essentially keeping him locked in a powerless state. This would be of more use for when his allies arrived, as she was sure they all provided tricky spells and techniques.

“Come now, let’s find you somewhere cosy to rest, shall we~?” asked Minagi to her silenced captive. “Don’t these bandages feel comfortable without any annoying clothes getting in the way~?” Carrying him to what appeared to be a living room, she sat him down on a sofa that seemed big enough to seat four. Deeming this the perfect spot, she went to find the others. However, much to her surprise, she was quickly attacked by a torrent of flames.

“Omega Blaze!” cried out a voice familiar to Luka. The Monster Lord herself had appeared and was ready to fight off the invading ancestor to pick up from Luka’s slack. Looking to Luka, she groaned a little at how he had already been so easily defeated, but was quite bewildered to see Minagi, the arguably most horny succubus throughout history, chose to punish his defeat with mummification as opposed to an onslaught of sexual acts. However, she didn’t let this distract her, and she prepared herself for combat.

“Hora hora~ So this is Goddess Alipheese’s bloodline. Why, you haven’t changed much over the generations, still donning the purple lamia look~” spoke Minagi almost flirtatiously, having dodged Alice's attack with the power of the wind. “I must say, you have good taste in husband material, I sure had fun with him the last time we met~ Sadly, we can’t have any more fun together, because he serves as my opposition. But, if I deal with those who will stop me, I can indulge in my overwhelming lust uninterrupted all I like~”

“So that’s your plan, is it?” replied Alice “Well, I’m not going to let you defeat me so easily. Don’t forget the Monster Lord is the strongest monster of her time.”

“Ah, listen to all that pent up stress coming from those elegant lips of yours~” interrupted Minagi, “I think some quality time in soft, comfortable bandages with your husband is just what you need, don’t you~? Come, let’s remove that restrictive outfit of yours~”.

Despite the fact that Alice’s outfit covered very little of her figure, it was still deemed too much by Minagi’s standards. Using the speed of the wind to her advantage, she was quick to strip Alice of every garment she had. Now exposed, Alice was caught off guard and flustered, and in this moment of hesitation, Minagi was able to tag her with her bandages.

“Urgh! N-No, the battle can’t be over already!” cried out Alice in shock.

“Oh, monster lord, listen to yourself” complained Minagi, albeit in her usual tone. “It’s a little annoying to hear that all you think about is fighting me. What happened to the lustful ways of us monsters~? Perhaps… this shall return you to the ways of old~?”.

Before Alice could even guess what was about to happen next, Minagi passionately kissed Alice on the lips, further distracting the lamia as the bandages worked along her long tail. Alice’s face turned ripe with blush, and she slowly began to drop her resistance. She quickly became infatuated with Minagi, clearly her seduction skills were beyond even that of a Monster Lord’s restraint. With Alice now playing to Minagi’s tune, she willfully allowed her arms to be bound to her side, and as Luka had been, she was gagged as well. Due to her tail simply being covered in bandages, and not really hindered, Minagi stuck some bandages to the ceiling to suspend Alice from. She was hung up in a position that gave her a good view of her husband, and Luka a good view of his wife. The two blushed quite heavily, both observing their loved one in such a state. After all, would it really be a surprise that a lamia, and the husband of a lamia, had a thing for bondage? As with Luka, the effects of Angel Halo were ever-present in the bandages around Alice, and so all her techniques and skills were inaccessible.

Minagi made her way out of the room, locking the door behind her to ensure no one intervened whilst she was gone. She was quick to find Alma Elma’s room, and was eager to see what a high ranking succubus looked like in this day and age. As she opened the door, Alma was surprised by Minagi’s sudden appearance, though not in a protestful way like her two allies from before. Though, this should be of no surprise, considering this was a succubus being greeted by a fellow succubus.

“Oh, lady Minagi, I see you have returned to this world~” greeted Alma. “I am Alma Elma, and I have been keeping your ideals close to heart~”

“It truly fills me with pride to hear the succubi still possess my nature~” replied Minagi with a seductive smile, “So, if what you say were true, would you like to indulge in pleasure with me~?”

Alma was eager to accept this invitation and threw her clothes to one side. Whilst Luka and Alice were helpless in the living room, the two succubi engaged in passionate acts. Due to being in no rush, a variety of activities were experimented with, and the session lasted almost an hour. By this point, the two of them had been fulfilled, both of them panting as their hearts raced and feelings of ecstasy flowed through their bodies.

“I thank you for your service to me, Alma Elma” spoke Minagi as she turned to her. “Though, the succubus who returned me of this world did have some words to tell me about you. You’re a Heavenly Knight, a close associate of the fake hero and Monster Lord, correct~?”

“Oh, yes, that would be so” answered Alma. “I’m actually the queen succubus~”

“Ah, is that so~?” continued Minagi “Well, another thing I was told is that your gadabout personality gets in the way of your care for your race… And so I see no hardship in adding you to my collection of captives. I’ll sit you next to that handsome fake hero~”

Since Alma was already long since nude from their passionate session with one another, Minagi had nothing stopping her from going ahead with binding her in bandages as she had done to her former two opponents. Alma, however, was a fellow user of the wind, and so was capable of dodging these bandages… to an extent. Minagi was still the superior succubus and Alma was wrapped up in very little time. Not even her tail or wings made the task of securing her difficult, and within moments, she was making muffled sounds from beneath the bandages covering her mouth.

“I’m afraid your neglect for the succubi shall now become neglect from the succubi, dearest Alma Elma” Minagi told her new captive. “You shall have to sit out of our party of pleasure, but don’t worry, you’ll have all that time to be with your little friends~”

Fortunately, Alma quickly adapted to this scenario and found pleasure out of being tied up. As expected of a succubus, really. Minagi returned to the living room and sat her down to Luka’s right.

“You three have fun now, I’m off to collect the others~” teased Minagi as she once again shut and locked the door.

Walking deeper into the castle, Minagi reached the hallway leading to the throne room. She flinched and dodged an incoming Death Sword Chaos Star. Granberia revealed herself, prepared to take on the new challenger.

“Hora hora~ Is this the second Heavenly Knight? What a cute little dragonkin~” flirted Minagi, mirroring the interest Alma showed in Granberia. “Your swordplay is impressive, though I’m afraid your focus on learning the Cursed Sword style has left you vulnerable to pleasure, am I not wrong~?”

Before Granberia could even prepare her next attack, she found her sword, armour and undergarments scattered around the floor. Barely able to defeat Alma in a one-on-one, she came into this battle knowing how difficult it would be, but didn’t expect something of this level. Granberia looked up, seeing Minagi looking down at her as she pinned the knight to the floor. Preparing to make Granberia succumb, Minagi began to use her sexual skills on her, when she suddenly found herself covered in slime akin to that of her sister Kanade. Granberia simply served as a decoy (and due to being covered too, perhaps a sacrifice) in order to restrain Minagi.

“I’m afraid your scheme ends here, great ancestor of succubi” spoke Erubetie in her usually muttered tone.

“Oh, a slime? How sweet, you must be that Erubetie girl~” mocked Minagi, her strength barely held back by this engulfment. “Truth be told, I’m not sure how to handle you, though I think I have an idea~” Simply walking out of Erubetie’s grasp, she turned to face the two knights and started to moan as she imagined Erubetie pleasuring Granberia in her mind’s eye.

“U-Urgh, let me go, Erubetie!” shouted Granberia. “She’s free, we need to work together on this!”

Erubetie nodded and quickly freed Granberia, but it seemed as though Minagi was waiting for this moment. Placing her palms on the slime queen, she cast an ice spell that froze Erubetie into a solid state, who being of liquid make-up would have been hard to capture.

“I must say, I’m quite proud of my little idea here~” teased Minagi. “That ice spell is unable to melt unless someone with fire magic is able to come to your aid. Alas, such a time will never come. You two shall be enjoying some quality time together with your friends instead~”

Minagi quickly used her bandages to stimulate Granberia and the now-solid Erubetie, causing them both to moan and lose focus on the battle. Using her infamous skill to put men in a state of ejaculating even upon something as mundane as physical contact, she made the two reach orgasm instantly as they both fell to their knees. She gently stroked them both by the hair as they submitted to her, and with their minds now full of pleasure, they offered no resistance as she wrapped the two of them up as if they were mummies, their state now emulating that of Luka, Alice and Alma.

Taking the dragonkin and slime knights in a bridal carry to the living room, she set Granberia down to Luka’s left, and placed Erubetie on a nearby armchair so that she could still see everyone, and smiled at her progress. Imbuing her ice spell into the armchair, she made sure that Erubetie would not be able to return to her liquid state.

“Hmm, so all that’s left is my sister who remained in this world...” thought Minagi to herself, before turning to her captives. “One left and then you all get to spend eternity with one another~ Isn’t that fun~?” Minagi giggled to herself as muffled protest accompanied her exit, though despite their struggles, it appeared as though none of them actually truly hated the situation.

Having sensed Tamamo’s presence when she was in the hallway, Minagi returned to where she was and headed into the throne room. However, she noticed that her fellow ancestor’s presence felt … smaller than before. Soon, she found herself face to face with a small, yet nine-tailed, kitsune sitting on the throne.

“So, you finally broke free, huh?” asked Tamamo as she got up.

“Indeed I did, all thanks to my loyal descendants~” replied Minagi. “Though, how exactly did you escape, and what happened to you?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Word of Dispel. A spell you probably could have used yourself.” answered Tamamo, not put off by the bewilderment to her new figure. “At the cost of having to wield a lesser form, the seal is likewise weakened, allowing you a chance to escape, albeit whilst your true body remains sealed.”

“Heh? As if I’d use such a spell…” said Minagi “How could I throw away this form of mine, just for the sake of being in the world for longer? I’d want to indulge with men at my best, not as someone who looks like a little girl…”

“Hehehe, you’d be surprised how fun it can be~” giggled Tamamo, before she took on a more serious look and cleared her throat. “I ask thee, eternal tim--mmmph!?!?!”

Before Tamamo even had time to recite Word of Dispel’s true potential and return to being on even ground with Minagi, she found multiple bandages plastered around her mouth. Minagi tutted Tamamo for thinking she’d be able to trick her with such an obvious tactic, and quickly removed her clothes as she had done with the others. Soon, Tamamo’s tails were all bundled together as if they were one, and she was wrapped tightly in bandages. From here, there was no escape, and the effects of Angel Halo ensured this.

“Look how cute you are now, my little sister~” teased Minagi, causing Tamamo to groan. It wasn’t long before she was sat down to Granberia’s left, the sofa now seating four people as intended. Tamamo looked around helplessly at her captured allies; it seemed as though there really was nothing they could do.

“Now then, you six enjoy some quality time together~” Minagi cheered “I’ve set up a lovely seal around this room that will ensure no one gets in or out until I say so, but it also ensures you won’t get hungry or thirsty or anything like that, so please enjoy my gift of immortality~” Despite all the protest, Minagi seemed to simply enjoy it, and made one last remark.

“You act as though you all desperately want to get free, but your faces give away that you’re secretly loving every moment of it. And Luka, something else is also giving away your enjoyment~” commented Minagi. “I made sure these bandages provide you with supreme comfort, and you’re all sitting together knowing that you’re kept safe from any and all dangers. So please, put all your minds to rest, let loose, and enjoy the situation to the fullest like your hearts are telling you.”

Upon being called out, all six of them were flushed with embarrassment, but deep down admitted they were all finding it to be quite thrilling. Minagi smiled as she had put her captives at ease, and shut the door to activate the seal. The six of them looked at each other, now all aware of their mutual enjoyment, and felt even more embarrassed. However, coming to realise this is how they would remain, they soon got over this and simply enjoyed each others company. From this point on, those capable of putting a stop to Minagi’s fun had been put out of the picture.

On her trip back to Succubus Village, Minagi began to ponder. She approached Succubus Witch, and asked her another set of questions. How had Ilias been defeated? Was she capable of coming back? Should work be put towards stopping her too? Succubus Witch admitted it was potentially possible for her to return, she was a goddess after all, and so Minagi decided to target her too. Gifting the witch with all the sealed away energy of her six captives, she wanted Ilias to be summoned. Due to being informed of the universal seal that the four Heavenly Knights had placed on the angels, she knew this would ensure Ilias would be in a tangible state. From here, she planned to capture her too, so she can helplessly watch with her all-seeing eye what the humans she had raised will come to experience. Succubus Witch was quite surprised by this, but decided it was worth a shot if Minagi desired it, and the energy proved to be enough to resurrect Goddess Ilias herself.

As Ilias awoke, she was horrified that the first thing she saw upon her return was Minagi, and this shock was enough to give the succubus the time she needed to strip the goddess. Whilst she may be a powerful goddess who looks down upon even the ancestors, she didn’t quite boast the speed of a wind-using succubus.

“Welcome back, my goddess~” seductively teased Minagi, pinning Ilias against the wall and exploiting an angel’s vulnerability to pleasure attacks in order to ensure she still holds the advantage. Her heart was pumping quite fast from the thrill that Ilias could turn the tables if she slipped up even for a moment. “You were defeated by the fake hero too? Well, losers deserve a little punishment, that’s the rule of this world, no~?”. Minagi inserted her fingers inside of Ilias’ exposed sexual organ, twirling them about to ensure Ilias stayed subdued. The goddess growled in reaction, not enjoying this nightmare of a resurrection one bit. Ilias shouted expletives and insults at her, but this was met by Minagi using her bandages to silence her. She quickly bound the goddess to ensure her capture, even her wings were secured, and soon the goddess of light was helpless. Whilst she was infuriated, there wasn’t much she could do in the face of Minagi’s trap. Minagi then turned to Succubus Witch.

“Hmm, now that we have the goddess as our prized possession, I must ask you…” began Minagi, “what happened to the three seraphim who served her so loyally?”

“Oh, erm… I’ve been told two of them have rebelled and adopted human states, one of which has since died.” answered Succubus Witch “The other is currently in Enrika. The third is still loyal to Ilias, and resides in heaven”.

“Hora hora~ You’re not a very good goddess if even your own offspring would abandon you, are you, Ilias~?” giggled Minagi. “Though, I suppose very little energy would be needed to revive the one who died a human, right?”

“Ah, correct!” affirmed Succubus Witch “I do have a little spare energy from when you just pleasured Ilias, that should suffice.”

Soon, Lucifina too was returned to the world, alive once more. Upon seeing Ilias’ predicament, she laughed at her comeuppance, however, suddenly found herself being stripped too, though her ring was kept on her finger. Due to being in a human state, she could offer virtually no resistance as she too was bandaged up, and only then was her ring removed. Returned to her original state as a seraph, all she could do was flap her wings before they too were bound securely. Towed along next to her mother, she looked angrily at Ilias, mad at the fact she had been resurrected only to be stuck next to the one she hated most.

“My my, what a beautiful daughter you have, Ilias~” flirted Minagi “This one was Lucifina, I believe. But now you two are so unlike how you were in the war, you just look so helpless~” She decided to pleasure her two victims, unable to hold back her lust and desire, before announcing they’ll be heading to Enrika.

Holding Ilias and Lucifina high up in the air with her bandages, Minagi made her way to Enrika with her new captives in tow. As Micaela sealed away her power in a ring like her sister, Minagi assumed she would be easily dealt with. However, seeing Minagi arrive, Micaela realised the situation she was in and removed her ring so that her angelic form may shine again in order to avoid meeting the same fate. She grabbed the Sword of the Heavens and made her way outside to bring about the first battle between ancestor and seraph in a thousand years.

“Oh, you came prepared~?” asked Minagi in greeting, surprised at seeing Micaela returned to her true form, though approved of how her outfit hid very little of her figure.

“Indeed, I’m not sure how you returned, but I’m not succumbing to you!” announced Micaela in a bold voice, and prepared to slash at her with her sword. As Minagi dashed at her, Micaela took to the sky and flew far from the village, having only taken that stance to lure her in. Just like with Ilias, Micaela used bluffs to her advantage, and had secured a location far from a village where she’d inevitably be holding back. With Minagi coming after her, Micaela then used her sword, now a safe distance from civilisation, but Minagi dodged it with her power of the wind. However, due to the two being close in power and speed, she was unable to avoid it as easily as she had done against Granberia, and Lucifina being dragged along by a single bandage caused her attachment to Minagi to be severed. It seemed as though making it into a two against one scenario was Micaela’s plan all along. Landing on the ground with Lucifina, she began to untie her, when suddenly she was caught off guard by the bandages tangling up around her arms, incapacitating her. It seemed the bandages were still under Minagi’s command.

“Hora hora, trying to turn the tables, are we~?” said Minagi as she groped Micaela from behind. “How foolish, the ball was in your court until your little blunder, too~”. Slipping off the green ribbons that Micaela donned and throwing them aside, Minagi kept one hand cupped around Micaela’s breast whilst using the other to pleasure her genitals. Having returned to seraph form, Micaela’s weakness to pleasure was reignited, and so Minagi’s strategy was very effective. Keeping at it until Micaela’s moans turned to a gasp from orgasm, Minagi moaned herself at Micaela’s noises, thrusting her body against Micaela’s back. With Micaela now in a weakened state, she unbound her arms from Lucifina’s entrapment and mummified the eldest seraph in her own set of bandages. Reclaiming Lucifina and adding Micaela to her collection, she looked up to the three captive angels and smiled.

“Aww~ You’re such a cute little family.” teased Minagi. “I’ll be collecting Eden now, and then the four of you can spend eternity together~”

Her teasing was much to the annoyance of all of them, however, they had little time to dwell on it before Minagi travelled to the Navel of the World. Teasing them with the aspect of making contact with the petrifying Themis Traps along the way, she made her way to Heaven’s Gate and soon found herself in Ilias’ own domain. There, she didn’t have to travel far before she met with Eden, the one who had not sealed away her power and stayed loyal to the goddess.

“Ah, the one who doesn’t have blonde hair~” greeted Minagi playfully. “The Third, was it?”

“Shut up.” quickly replied Eden with a frown. “What are you doing with those three, let them go immediately. How are Goddess Ilias and the traitor Lucifina even back here? And at that, you as well, Minagi? Your demonic presence is not welcome here.”

“Oh, I was just passing by, that’s all~” answered Minagi. “I recently had these two brought back from the dead, and thought I’d show them their kingdom before I lock them away~ Beautiful place~ Hmm, say, would you like to join my collection~?”

“Never” Eden quickly replied once again.

“Aww, too bad…” frowned Minagi, acting as though she was hurt by Eden’s response despite keeping her same seductive demeanour. “I guess in that case I’ll just have to have fun with you too~”

“Guh...” stuttered Eden “I’ll slay you before you can even consider it, you vile beast!”

Eden was much more accustomed to fighting ancestors, having fought them in the Great Monster War, and having kept up her training since, unlike her sisters. Without even having to rely on her Garden of Eden form, she engaged in battle with Minagi, making sure to avoid any sexual skills that could be used to exploit her. This partially threw Minagi off guard, as it meant her main means of subduing her targets was unavailable to her. As such, she turned to a more conventional means of fighting: martial arts. Like her descendant Alma Elma, Minagi was skilled in this way of fighting, and engaged in a close one-on-one battle with the seraph. As very few angels still resided in Heaven, the battle could rage on without much worry of the devastation it could cause as two supremely powerful beings exchanged blows. However, Eden’s nudity soon got the better of her, and upon finding an opening, Minagi quickly returned to her pleasure skills and caught Eden by surprise.

“You seraphim are such light dressers, it’s really wonderful~” flirted Minagi as she pinned Eden to the ground, rubbing her body against her victim’s in an embrace of pleasure “Your choice of outfit, or rather lack thereof, is my favourite~”. Pressing her chest against Eden’s and pushing her tongue through Eden’s lips to engage in a French kiss, it was clear that the angel had lost. Eden struggled, trying to find strength in her need to save her goddess and sisters, however, there was none to be found; her power was dwindling in the face of Minagi’s onslaught of stimulation. As much as Eden wished to restrain herself, she soon found herself unable to hold back an orgasm and all resistance she had shown disappeared. Before Eden could even try to recompose herself, she found herself being bound up like her fellow seraphim. It wasn’t long before all four of them were tightly secured in bandages, unable to speak or move. Minagi complimented Eden on how enjoyable their little session was in her usual flirtatious manner, which wasn’t well-received by the silenced angel.

Minagi returned from Heaven, proudly showing off her four captives, and made her way to Hellgondo. Unsealing the room where she had locked away Luka and company, she entered the room cheerfully and sat down the angels on a similar, four-person sofa at the opposite end of the room. Luka was shocked to see Ilias still alive, and even more shocked to see his mother again, this time complete with a halo and some bound wings. Lucifina was likewise shocked to see her son again, and was happy to see how much he had grown. Luka began to blush, realising he had now be gifted with the sight of both his wife and his mother wrapped up in bandages, complete with a tight fit to show off their elegant figures. He tried to shake off the thoughts he had about Lucifina, but his member betrayed him and made his pleasure at the thought known to everyone in the room, filling him with embarrassment once again. However, Lucifina was likewise surprised at the fantasies whirling around in her head of being able to see her son again, except wrapped up in bandages like the ones she used to wear when she embraced her position as a seraph. Those bandages were much less restrictive, though. The mother-son duo blushed at either side of the room, much to the suspicion of their company.

“Well, I hope you two groups enjoy each others company, as you have all the time you need to gaze upon each other~” teased Minagi “I hope you all have a nice time together~”

With that, Minagi left the room and resealed the door, imprisoning all her captives until she deemed it time to free them. However, with her ambition now realisable, these thoughts were quickly pushed out of her head in favour of her excitement. As the bandages sapped all of her captives of their strength, none of them, not even Ilias, were capable of escape, and so they would all remain trapped together. As such, everyone who would oppose Minagi was truly locked away, and so she began her world conquest. Before long, the whole world fell before feelings of lust and desire, even the angels who had once served Ilias. Minagi made sure the world became a haven of lewdness, and with no one to stand in her way, her desires were fulfilled. Exhausted from all the acts of passion, no one could muster the strength to even reach the door to the room containing Minagi’s mummified prisoners, and so they were never bothered, and therefore never released. From all the energy being collected from lewd acts, Minagi would slowly revive the ancestors, and then Alipheese herself. With none of them seeming to have any intent on stopping her, rather wishing to join her, the world fully descended into lewdness, seemingly never to return.
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