Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2203200-Thelma-Nellie
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Drama · #2203200
Thelma, Caralin and Elsie are just your average teenage girls.
Chapter 1


I slam my hand on the snooze button. "Just five more minutes!" I say to myself as I rolled over to see what time it really was. The alarm clock was a unique one, it showed the time on the clock and on the ceiling. I rolled on to my back and looked at the ceiling where the giant red numbers rested. "Shit! I'm late!" I hadn't realize I slept through almost the entire alarm! As I went jumped out of the king sized bed, I didn't realize that my foot was wrapped in a silky dark grey sheet until it was too late. "AHHH!" THUD "FUCK!" I try to get up off of the floor, as I'm holding my nose and mouth, I noticed a few drops of ruby red blood on the floor. I fall back down and hit my face once more, I look to see my foot still stuck in the sheet. "Ugh! This can't be happening to me right now! Today is the first day of High School!" I run to my bright baby blue colored bathroom and quickly turn the faucet on and close the drain. The well water is filling the Grail China vessel sink. While I stand there waiting for the sink to fill, drops of blood are now attempting to stain my white marble counter as if it were hair dye. Suddenly, there's loud knocking on the door. "Thelma!" The banging on the door continues as if I were an armed criminal and they were the police on the other side of the door. "Thelma Nellie! You answer me when I call you the first damn time!" "Sorry, a little preoccupied mother!" "Well move your ass! You miss that bus and you're walking to school!" I mouthed the words "fuck off" then shut the faucet off and began drenching my hands in the warm water and splashing it on my bloodied face.

Shit. Shit. Okay, this is NOT how my first day was supposed to go!


I answer the phone and put it on speaker.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Where are you? The bus will be here soon!"
"I'm running late, I did the usual Thelma moves. I'm going to have to walk to school. My mom isn't going to take me to school. What a bitch."
"Well, it looks like I'm going to walk with you. Be there in 5."

Caralin hangs up before I can say anything else. I look at the phone and chuckle a little, what a dick. I don't mind being late for school, honestly I could care less but she will be late and I don't want her to mess up like I do. Her dad is going to kill her, he dropped her off at the bus stop specifically so she would actually be on time for school. Maybe she can come up with an excuse, a believable excuse this time. She's my best friend and her dad doesn't like her hanging out with me. I'm a "bad influence". Even though all the stuff she's done, started way before we became friends. Today is going to be just.... great.


"Hey, it looks like Caralin and I aren't going to be on time and YES I know it's the first day of school but we are going to be late because fuck it, why not?."
"Haha, Thelma you are something else. Let's go get some breakfast, our treat and we will make it for 2nd period.. Maybe. See you in 15. K, BYEEEEE!"

Elsie also hung up on me. Why is everyone hanging up on me today!? Elsie doesn't take the bus nor does she walk to school. Her boyfriend takes her because, "his queen doesn't need to walk anywhere when she has him." Elsie is more of a wild girl, I'm not too sure on how Caralin and I actually met her but we all have became really good friends throughout the years. Elsie's parents are a lot less strict than Caralin and mine. Elsie brings out the wild side of us. I hear a knock on the door downstairs, crap, I'm not even ready! I run downstairs to answer the door, "COMING!". I opened the tall mahogany door that, according to my parent's, was antique and I had to be careful with it. Caralin instantly was angry and said, "Why the fuck is this door locked?! It's never locked when I come over." "Caralin, it's 6 o'clock in the morning, do you really think we leave doors unlocked at night around here?" We giggled and headed back up the spiral staircase.

"You look like shit, come on Thelma, we are supposed to be twinning today and I'm not busting my face up." Caralin says as she's laughing.
"Shut up and fix my face before Elsie gets here!" I bark at her.
"Els--" she begins to say before I cut her off.
"By the way, Andre and Elsie are on their way to take us to breakfast since we are going to be late anyway."

Caralin is standing there trying to figure out where to begin, she starts pulling and tugging at my hair.

"Be easy!"
"Sorry but you've got bed head, now sit still!"

30 minutes go by, it's getting humid in the bathroom as she straightens my hair, it smelled like burnt chicken feathers in the bathroom. Ugh, I hate the smell of burning hair. She stops doing my hair, and smiles.
"Is it done? You know you could be easy, my head is tender!"
"Yes, your hair is hung like a dark river now!"
"And you have hair like Rapunzel, now hurry the hell up."

Now the makeup portion begins. As she's putting foundation and powder on my face, I start coughing and she drops the powder in my lap. It splashes up like a clashing tide and destroys my outfit.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident! Here let me---"

Today is not going as planned! As I'm stripping down bare, I can hear in the far distance a constant thud and bumping sound, anything that isn't bolted down is vibrating.

"Is that who I think it is!?"
"Yes, we have to hurry!"
"But I haven't finished your makeup and we aren't going to match!"
"Who gives a shit! She's here, we have to go."

Before I turned to grab a new outfit from the closet, her eye's were dull and empty. Her shoulders were slumped and her steps were dragged as she turned to head for the door.

"Fine, fuck it. We can at least wear the same colors, look through my closet. We will find something to match."
"Yay!" She yells as she perks up.

Elsie starts honking the horn to get us outside. We run down the stairs as if we were running for our lives, I felt a sense of excitement as Caralin did. The front door flew open and a bright light came in blinding me. I missed a step running down the stairs and I begin tumbling down the stairs. Caralin manages to catch me before I land at the bottom.

"You are so clumsy! I just spent the last 45 minutes getting you to look amazing." She says as she's laughing hysterically.

We finally get outside, and Elsie is standing on the passenger seat hanging out of the window. Her glossy locks lifted in the wind. She removes her sunglasses showing her stunning milk chocolate eyes.

"Look at you!"
"Oh stop Thelma, I know I look hot!"
"Elsie, what took you so long anyway? You said 15 min-- you got laid didn't you? I knew I recognized that smile! You horn dog!"

The girls all start laughing, Elsie jumps out of the car to give us a hug.

Andre lays on the horn looking angry. "I don't have all damn day Elsie! Let's go! I have to get to work in an hour and an half." Andre is Elsie's much older boyfriend, and he's.... well a dick. But Elsie seems to be happy with him so we put our feelings to the side unless we really have something to say.

"He's a dick to me sometimes but it is what it is, time to go."
"Where are we going to eat anyway?" Caralin says.
"We are going to the Pancake House!" Elsie replies.

While they stand there talking about where we are going for breakfast, I'm already in the car, dancing and singing along to the music. I'm sure they haven't noticed I'm not standing there still. I stand up in the backseat and hang out the window like Elsie did.

"Are we going or are you chatty Cathy's just going to stand there?" I laughed.

They both look at me and giggle. They jump into the white 1990 Chevy Tahoe with limo tinted windows and Elsie turns the music up on full blast. Caralin rolled her window down to let the wind roll through her hair as it was doing to mine. Elsie and Andre kiss once Elsie gets in the car then puts her sunglasses on and they both smile. Andre speeds off and of course the tires squeal.
"Now we are talking!" I yell over the music and everyone starts laughing.
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