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confession of the mind,body, and soul |
a soul is a bargaining agreement mind,body, and soul is a bargain bargaining a soul is bargaining, the mind,body, and soul to bargain a soul is to bargain the mind and body agreement of the soul is agreement of a bargaining agreement of the soul is the bargaining of the mind,body, and soul a soul is a agreement of a soul a soul is a agreement of a mind,body, and soul the soul is the mind,body, and bargain of the soul confusing the soul is confusing the mind,body, and soul the soul confuses the mind,body, and soul confusing of the soul is the confession of the soul confusing of the soul is confusing of a confession confession is confusing of a soul confession is confession of a soul confession is confession of the mind,body, and soul confession is confession of an agreement the mind,body, and soul is the confession of the mind,body, and soul a bargaining agreement is a confession of the mind,body, and soul a bargaining agreement is a confession of a bargaining agreement author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc… this poem is about the confession of a confusing mind,body, and soul. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing. |