Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2199523-Little-Sisters-Blackmail
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Adult · #2199523
What's worse then being caught in diaper by your little sister? Being blackmailed with it.
Chapter 1: Fantasy
Aleshia sat at her computer, as she had all day scrolling through Tumblr and half heartedly scrolling through job sites. ever sine she lost her job at the cinemas, her parents had been pressuring her to get another job but she didn’t even want the job she had at the cinemas. That may have been why they fired her. Aleshia never sore the reasoning in needing to move out or get a career, it was just pointless to spend 80% of your time working to pay for things you never get to use when she could live with her parents and have 100% of the time to do whatever.

Aleshia sat back in her chair and looked at the time, it was almost 2:30 PM. Aleshia quickly jumped out of her chair in fright. She realised that her step sister would be home very soon and she needed to change out of the diaper she was wearing. Aleshia had a bit of a kink. She was a full blown adult baby who loved to pretend to be a girl no older then 2 years old. she had 2 full boxes of clothes and toys hidden in the attic but never really got the chance to use most of it as she definitely couldn’t go get any of it while anyone was home and she didn’t want to spend the effort getting it out during the day while her parents were at work and Lilly was at school. By the time she got the boxes down, unpacked everything, got dressed and ready to play, she would have to pack it all back up quickly and put it back in the attic because she would have run out of time.

Just knowing it was there gave Aleshia enough stimulus to do what she needed to do, and every now and then she would go and take one or two items, like the diaper she decided to wear today. Her boxes included 2 packs of special ABDL diapers that were pink with Cinderella on them, adult sized onesies and footed pyjamas, pacifiers, bibs, bonnets, baby food, teddy bears and toys. She also had a few costumes that appealed to her other kinks like a pink maid costume and a puppy dog costume. Aleshia was a very kinky girl behind closed doors.

Aleshia, now standing up and out of her chair, undid the 2 pull tabs on the sides of her pink diaper and dropped it to the ground. It was a bit soggy and so was she after taking it off. She put it in a plastic bag she had prepared earlier and wrapped a towel around her waist. she walked out her back door and stuffed the plastic bag below some other plastic bags that were already in their big bins to try and hide it in case anyone takes to close of a look next time they take out the garbage.

Aleshia then ran up and had a shower to clean and freshen up. by the time she got out, it was already 3:15. Lily should be arriving back any minute now and Aleshia quickly got dressed and ran to the kitchen. As long as Aleshia was staying at home without a job, she was given extra chores to do around the house. One of them being to take care of lily when she gets home from school. This included preparing her an afternoon snack like a PB & J sandwich which Aleshia just finished as Aleshia walked in the door.

Lily sat at the kitchen table not looking at Aleshia and ate her sandwich. Aleshia tried to make small talk.
"How was your day kiddo?"
"Don’t call me kiddo, my name's Lily”!
"Sorry, I just was making small talk."
"How about you stop being a freeloader on this family, and then we can talk."

Aleshia’s mum had only remarried in the past year to lily's father steven. Lily had never liked Aleshia from the start though. Lily had earned her way by constantly striving for better. She was in almost every high-end class that her private school offered and had already earned a scholarship to Harvard while still in 8th grade. In comparison, Aleshia was a high school dropout who couldn’t hold down a job for longer than 2 months. Lily hated Aleshia’s lack of drive and laziness.

Lily then said.
"Have you done your chores at least"
Lily looked behind Aleshia to the kitchen bin and saw it was still full. She then went to her room and saw Aleshia hadn’t made her bed or put away her clothes yet. This was also one of Aleshia’s chores, to clean Lilly’s room. As lily was very busy with school and homework and Aleshia was doing nothing, a lot of chores that should have been Lilly’s were Aleshia’s. Her parents were trying to load Aleshia up with enough chores that being at home would be just as tough as if she actually had a job. this meant that Aleshia was almost Lilly’s live-in maid but it didn’t bother Aleshia, in fact, it kind of turned her on. She always thought it was very kinky to wear her pink maid costume as she cleaned the house while lily watched. She would absolutely never tell anyone about this, but it was just her little fantasy.

Aleshia quickly took the garbage out and went to Lilly’s room to clean. Lily was already sitting at her desk on her laptop doing what looked like calalus homework. Lily folded all of her clothes and made her bed. Lily didn’t even turn her head while she did this. Aleshia finally finished and said
"did you need anything else madam" in a semi sarcastic maid voice
"just do your chores and get out, I’m busy"
"certainly madam" as she curtsied and left, laughing to herself.

5:30 rolled around shortly after and her parents drove into the garage. Aleshia had gone back to her room to watch YouTube videos and browse Facebook. Her parents shouted out
"Guys we're home. Come to the living room, we have something to tell you"
Aleshia and lily both left their rooms and greeted their parents. Aleshia’s mother had worked with Steven for 8 years as marketing organizers. They handle social accounts and marketing campaigns for other various businesses around the country. Their practice was successful to the point where they had a separate office location and several employees under them. Aleshia’s mother had always liked steven and after working with him for such a long time side by side, she decided to date him and eventually marry him.

Steven said
"Guys, we have great news. We landed the Johnson account"
Both Aleshia and lily cheered and congratulated their parents as even they had known the struggles that their parents had gone through to land this high paying account. Steven continued
"That does mean though that we will be going away this weekend. We need to fully settle the contracts in person across the country as well as we have a lot of talks we need to have with their current marketing team in how we are going to handle their upcoming marketing campaigns"

Aleshia was very excited. These kind of trips only come up rarely but it means she is able to fully indulge with her ABDL side and get everything down form the attic. She knew that lily had already planned for a sleepover with a few friends at another house this weekend so the whole house was going to be Aleshia’s. Steven continued
"We will drop you off to your sleepover at around 9 AM tomorrow before we head to the airport. We have already run it past the other mother at the sleepover and she said 9 AM should be fine. AS for you Aleshia, I guess the weekend wont really change for you. Youve got the house to yourself"
Oh how wrong he was. The rest of the Friday night was uneventful but Aleshia was trying to keep her excitement under wraps. In her head she was planning out everything that she was going to do tomorrow.

Saturday morning comes around. The family hugs and kisses each other and the parents leave for the airport while dropping Lilly off with her stuff at her friends house for the sleepover. Aleshia waits about an hour, until her parents have definitely gotten on the flight and then starts to prepare. She starts by closing up the house and blinds so that no one accidentally catches a glimpse, she then goes into the attic and gets the boxes that were shoved behind some old furniture and takes them to here room. Her whole body was shaking with excitement and embarrassment for what she was about to do.

She starts to take everything out and then strips to takes a shower and get herself ready. Once out of the shower and dry, she takes some talcum powder and rubs it against her skin in between her crotch. She starts to become aroused from the pleasures of her areas being touched and covered. The aromas its putting out is overpowering, but Aleshia controls herself to not ruin what she had planned for herself. She then lays out a pink diaper and slides it under her behind. She pulls the front of the diaper up and around her waist and tapes it around herself. Her mind already starts to drift off and enter "Baby Aleshia", but she wasn't done. She gets some white stockings from her drawer and pulls them up her legs and over the top of the diaper. You can still see Cinderella through the white stocking material poking out from her crotch. She then slides a pink onesie with poufy shoulders and ruffles across the bum over the top of her head, down her body and snaps it shut in between her legs. The onesie had a sleepy teddy bear laying on a cloud embroidered on the front. She finishes her look by putting her hair into 2 ponytails using pink ribbons, slides on 2 pink fluffy mittens and booties, sticks a pink pacifier in her mouth and attaches the end of the pacifier leash to her onsite so it doesn't get lost.

Every time she does this, she can't help but waddle over to the mirror and admire how cutesy and baby-like she looks. It gives her chills and truly allows her to get into her baby mode. She then gets down on her hands and knees and crawls. It's much easier for her to crawl places due to the thick diaper forcing her to waddle if she were to try and walk. She crawls into the living room taking her pink blankie, teddy and a baby bottle. The blankie is draped over her back and dragging on the ground, the teddy is being dragged along in her left mitten and the baby bottle is in the other mitten. Before turning on the TV, she leaves her teddy and blankie in the lounge room and takes the baby bottle over to the kitchen. She crawls in sits on her diaper butt in front of the fridge, placing the bottle on the ground. She struggles to open the baby bottle with her hands in mittens but after several tries, gets it undone. She opens the fridge from the corner of the door on the floor and tries to reach the milk. The milk is on the middle shelf at the back but as Aleshia is on the floor she can't quite reach it. She pulls herself up via the fridge shelves just a little and manages to grab it. She sits back down on her diaper and struggles to open the milk. Aleshia gets it quicker then she was able to get baby bottle open. She then pours the milk into her baby bottle, spilling some on the floor in the process due to her hands being in mittens. She closes the milk and the baby bottle as tight as her mittens will allow and puts the milk back. Finally she pries herself up to the counter and puts the baby bottle full of milk into the microwave to make it slightly warm.

She crawls back to the lounge room with her warm milk. She sets herself up on the floor leaning against the couch because in her baby mind, she knows that babies aren't allowed on the couch in case of accidents. She turns on the TV and starts to watch the kids channel which is playing a barbie movie. She rugs herself up in her pink bunny rug and hugs her teddy. Taking her pacifier out, she grabs the baby bottle and starts sipping. She was truly immersed in her little world. half an hour into the movie, she starts to feel sleepy from the warm milk and slowly lays down on the ground putting her pacifier back in her mouth and grasping her teddy. Soon after, she drifts to sleep in front of the TV.

It's almost lunchtime when Aleshia wakes up. Play school is now playing on the TV. She loves play school, especially when Jemimah comes on. She can't focus on the TV though because her stomach starts rumbling. She takes her teddy and crawls back to her room. She sorts though all the stuff on her floor and finds her bib. She sits on her cushy diaper and reaches around her neck as she puts on her tinker bell bib. She gets a jar of baby food and looks at the label. It's mushy peas. She throws its down saying
She picks up another labelled apricot and starts to jump up and down on her diaper in excitement.

She uses both her mittened hands to twist the lid holding the jar between her thighs. With much struggle she gets it open and empties it into her baby bowl with Dora print. Picking up a pink plastic spoon she starts spoon-feeding herself from the bowl sitting in the ground. Due to her mittened hands and the small size of the spoon, she finds it hard to get it in her mouth and creates a bit of a mess on her face. Half an hour goes by of her trying to eat the baby mush. Her bowl is as empty as she can get with the plastic baby spoon she has. She uses the bib to wipe her messy face and takes it off leaving the bowl and the bib lying on the floor in the kitchen.

She then crawls into the garage and looks for a box she knows hasn't been chucked out yet. In the corner she spy's it, a cardboard box with old baby toys written across the side. She stands up the best she can and waddles the box back to her room where she dumps the contents on the floor. As the box said, it's a bunch of baby toys from rattles, blocks, dolls, story books etc. Her face lights up with glee as she drops back to her hands and knees. She starts with the dolls, having tea party's with them and her teddy, playing blocks soon after, looking at the colourful drawings of the story book and drawing in some of the colouring books as well.

The time flies past and before she knows it, it's 7 pm. She crawls over to her wardrobe where in the very back she has something special. It's a puppy dog costume. She joked with her family about getting it and wearing it last Halloween to avoid suspicion but with the intention of using it for dress up in her baby play times. It's a fluffy brown jumpsuit with attached mittens and feet. The puppy dog hood has big floppy ears that get in the way of her vision when shaking her head. She slides the furry jumpsuit up and over her baby onesie while lying on her back, putting her already mittened hands into the jumpsuits fluffy brown sleeves and attached mittens. She zips it up using a pull string on her back with the puppy head tightened around her face and floppy ears flopping about. As a final touch she puts a dog collar around her neck with a pink heart shaped piece of metal with 'puddles' engraved.

Aleshia now in her fluffy puppy costume starts to play pretend and acts like a puppy dog. She starts crawling really fast like a dog running, even though the diaper made it a bit hard. She makes cute barking sounds like a puppy as she zooms on all fours from room to room. She comes to the kitchen and she sees her baby bowl on the ground and gets a doggy idea. She bolts to it and without hesitation, starts lapping up the mass amounts of baby food she couldn't get to before. Her diaper butt is sticking in the air with playful licking sounds come from her face. She imagines she’s eating wet puppy food from her doggy bowl.

By the end, the bowl was absolutely clean, she had licked every inch of the bowl and gotten a whole 2nd meal out of it. He face lifts up, with her tongue out, panting. She crawls back to her room but on the way, stops in the hallway. She feels pressure rise in her bladder. She needs to pee. Aleshia lifts one leg into the air and starts to pee into her diaper like a dog. Her face changes to one of massive relief and slight orgasm as it lasts up to a minute. She then continues to crawl to her room in her soggy diaper where she puts her mouth to the ground and picks up the pacifier off the floor and starts sucking. She then uses her mittens to pick up her blankie and teddy and crawls onto the bed. She drifts to sleep after a long day of fantasy in her soggy diaper.

Chapter 2: Found
It's now morning. Aleshia, drowsily starts to fade out of her dream as she hears something. The sound is familiar to Aleshia but her sleepy brain can't put 2 and 2 together yet. She slowly opens her eyes as she sees her sister standing in her room looking down over her bed. The sound then clicked for Aleshia, lily had started recording. Aleshia turned pale with realisation as Lilly, with a bit of a smirk crossed with confusion on her face, said "why are you sleeping like that"

Aleshia looked down and to her relief, the blanky was covering what she was wearing but she still had to explain the pink blankie, the teddy and the pacifier. Aleshia panicked and thought quickly that if she just admits to sleeping with a pacifier and a teddy, maybe the teasing might not be so bad. Heck, a bunch of people still sleep with teddies. So Aleshia said "look, I just like to sleep with a teddy every now and then, it helps me get to sleep"

Lilly, trying to hold back laughter while still recording says "well that explains the teddy... I guess. But what about the pink pacifier, the pink blankie and your cute little doggy ears" as Lilly bends over and flops the ears in front of Aleshia’s eyes. Aleshia had completely forgotten she was still wearing the doggy costume and that her head was covered in brown fluff. Aleshia makes the mistake of taking her hand from under the blanket to move her doggy ear out of her eyes. her hand, still inside the fluffy baby mitten, that was inside the doggy paw mitten is just a big ball of fluff and gives away to Lilly that more is going on. Lilly rips off the pink baby blanket and sees Aleshia wearing her puppy costume with the doggy collar. Lilly says with a smirk "well, now you also have to explain this, pacifier sucking baby"

Aleshia, hit with so much humiliation, is in shock. She starts to sit up on the edge of the bed, next to her teddy. Lilly, still recording on her phone, orders Aleshia to stand up. Aleshia, scared and embarrassed out of her mind, obeys her sister. Her rear makes a squidgy sound as she stands. While standing, it's glaringly obvious that Aleshia is wearing something underneath the doggy costume. Lilly does a lap around her sister first and plays with Aleshia’s tail. Lily brushes against Aleshia’s rear and hers the crinkle and squidge of the wet diaper but she's not able to figure out exactly what it is yet. Coming back around to Aleshia’s front where Aleshia has the reddest face, is still saying nothing and looking down at her feet in nervousness.

Lilly asks "what have you got on underneath that doggy costume". Aleshia, knowing deep down that this question was coming, slowly shifts her fluffy paws and reaches around to unzip the costume. Her face still red as a rose, she slides the head off and slowly let's the jumpsuit fall to her feet revelling the poufy pink onesie and fluffy pink baby mittens. Lilly finally breaks out laughing seeing her sister dressed as a big baby after just watching her suck on a pacifier sleeping with a teddy. It then hits Lilly that what she felt before was a diaper and stops laughing for a second in amazement as she says "come on then baby, I know it's under there. I can see it and felt it before. Unbutton your onesie and lift up so I can get a good look."

Aleshia unbutton her onesie from between her legs using her fluffy mittens and slowly lifts the edges of the onesie to above her waist. Lilly making sure to keep capturing every second of it on her phone. In the corner of Lilly’s eye, she spy's the pack of diapers on the floor hidden under a bag surrounded by the baby toys Aleshia got from the attic. Lily picks the pack up to show to video but as she does she notices something different to the diaper she is wearing. Both the diaper lily is holding and the one on Aleshia have Cinderella on the crotch but the one Aleshia is wearing as a pink line running through the picture where as the still folded new one doesn't. That's when Lilly she's on the pack 'new wetness indicator'. Lilly can't hold back and laughs harder then ever before. She starts saying in a condescending voice
"did the little baby wet her diaper? Well did she? Answer me?"
Aleshia responds in the quietest voice
"oh no, babies don't talk like that, you look me directly I. The eye and say as you are, a little baby girl"
Aleshia raises her head to meet the mocking gaze of her sister and says
"yes what, what did baby do?"
"yeth, baby went peepee in her diapee"
"and then baby slept in her pee diaper with her teddy didn't she"
"yeth, baby slept in peepee diapee"

Lilly finally stopped recording and turned around facing her back against Aleshia. Lilly, furiously typing and taping on her phone, meanwhile the whole time Aleshia is standing there completely embarrassed with no idea what is going to happen next. Lilly finally turns around showing Aleshia her phone.
"do you see this, that’s the 15 minute video I just took of all of this. The puppy dog costume, the sleeping under a pink blankie, the pacifier sucking, the wet diaper, the baby talk. Its been uploaded to the cloud and backed up everywhere. That video is now mine and there is nothing you can do about it. now do you see this?"
lily swiped on the screen to show a draft message with tons of people addressed. It had a bunch of her online friends, a bunch of friends from high school, people she used to work with and even her own parents.
"do you know what this means now?"
Aleshia gets the picture and slowly nods her head.
"Seeing as this is what you want to do instead of getting a job, you will work for me. You are mine. You are my servant. you are my maid. you are my slave. if you don’t want everyone to know your dirty little secret, then you do exactly as I say. You need to make me the happiest person on earth no matter what or this gets sent. do you understand baby? I am now your mummy and baby does what mummy says"
Aleshia nods her head again
"I cant hear you baby?"
"yeth, mummy"
Lilly reaches over and buttons up Aleshia’s onesie.
"good girl. now on your hands and knees. babies don’t know how to walk"
Aleshia kneels at Lilly’s feet. Lilly stokes Aleshia’s head and then picks up the pacifier off of the bed and drops it onto the floor in front of Aleshia.
"pick that up"
Aleshia struggles to pick it up with her mittens as she uses both hands to try and scoop it up but fails.
"well if you cant pick it up with your hands stupid baby, then I guess you have to pick it up with your mouth. Start sucking on it"
Aleshia bends her head down just in front of Lilly’s feet and laps the pacifier up with her tongue into her mouth and starts sucking as she lifts her head back up meeting gaze with Lilly again. Lilly patted Aleshia on the head again as she said
"God you are so pathetic. No wonder you acted like such a baby in life, its because deep down you knew you were"
Lilly turned around and walked out of the room waving Aleshia to follow her. Aleshia got up from kneeling and started to crawl behind Lilly with her soggy diaper squidging with every stride. Aleshia was absolutely humiliated but on a very deep level, she was the most turned on she had ever been. it was her deepest darkest fantasy unravelling itself after all, whether she wanted it or not.

They both entered the kitchen where Lilly saw the bag of baby food and Aleshia’s baby bowl and bib sitting on the floor.
"ah I see baby was hungry and needed some baby food"
Lilly went through the bag of baby food and after a lot of perusing, selected a jar. Aleshia got nervous as these weren’t small jars, they were really meant to feed a baby for a week and one jar lasted Aleshia 2 meals yesterday. she had never ever expected herself to eat a whole jar let alone in one meal. Never the less, Aleshia sat on her hands and knees in the kitchen sucking on her pacifier not saying anything. Lilly emptied the entire jar into Aleshia’s baby bowl and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. the whole room filled with the baby food smell of mushed peas. Aleshia was dreading what was about to come next, she hated mushed peas and didn’t even know why she brought it. Lilly got the bowl out of the microwave and sat it on the table.

"come here baby girl, its breakie time"
Aleshia crawled over and sat at lily's feet. Lilly got the dirty baby bib and attached it around Aleshia’s neck. Lilly then removed the pacifier and started to spoon feed Aleshia making airplane noises as she did it. it was incredibly embarrassing being spoon fed by your little sister in a wet diaper, not to mention the fowl taste and smell of the mushed peas. the spoons kept coming and coming. Aleshia had to hurry through the spoons as they came enduring the mocking words from lily. lily then unexpectedly half way through the bowl flicked the spoon downwards causing the mushy peas to splat against Aleshia’s face. lily said
"OH... is baby a messy eater. I guess that’s why she has her cute bib.... isn’t it?.....isn’t it?"

Aleshia wanted to wipe her face with her hands but as they were still in her pink mittens, she didn’t want to get those dirty, but before Aleshia could do anything, another spoonful came down into her mouth meaning she just had to sit there with the mushy peas on her face and continue eating. 7 more spoonful’s though and lily did it again on the other side of Aleshia’s face while soon after continuing to feed her. Aleshia was an absolute mess with mushy peas all over her face. Aleshia could see the bowl was finally starting to empty with only about 2 spoonful’s left. lily scoped both of those up and prepared to flick the spoon again. Aleshia thought she was going to take another spoonful to the face but instead lily splattered both spoonful’s, one after the other, onto the floor. lily said
"baby needs to lick up the mess she made on the floor otherwise mummy with have to punish baby"

Aleshia, realising all of a sudden why she did that, begrudgingly got her face to the ground over the mess and started licking the baby food off the ground. as her face got close to the floor, the mushy peas fell off her face causing her to have to lick more off the floor. Lily started recording from behind Aleshia as her diaper butt was in the air and her face was to the ground. Lily had bent right down to Aleshia’s face and gotten real closeup shots of Aleshia licking the baby food off the ground. When Aleshia was done, she knelt back up on her knees with some mushy peas still on her face. Lily said
"Good baby, now thank mummy for your yummy baby meal"
"Fank you mummy for my yummy mushy peas"

Lily stopped recording.
"Oh man, this is amazing, I can just order you to make me even more blackmail material. you are just forever my play toy"
Aleshia was just incredibly turned on at this point. She was so turned on that her diaper was becoming wetter and wetter as time went on. She had to get a release but knew she wasn’t going to be able to just do it. Lily finally says
"I think its time to change that diapee of yours, your starting to stink up the place"
Aleshia is somewhat relieved. Her diaper was starting to give her a rash. She couldn’t think of a time she had spent this long in a wet diaper. Aleshia followed lily on her hands and knees back into her room where a lot of the baby stuff was.

Lily grabbed Aleshia’s pink baby blankie and laid it out on the floor. Lily said
"ok baby, crawl over here and lie on your back. its time for diapee change"
Was lily really going to change her bigger sisters diaper, Aleshia thought. she did as she was told, still unsure if lily was going to do it herself or if she was going to get Aleshia to do it for her. Aleshia lied down on her back looking directly at the ceiling. Lily unbuttoned Aleshia’s onesie and to her surprise untapped the sides of the diaper. Lily tapped the side of Aleshia’s legs saying
"Bum up"
Aleshia did and as she did, lily removed the diaper leaving her raw on the blanket exposed to the world. Lily had full view of down there but didn’t say anything. Her facial expression didn’t change one bit. Lily got the baby wipes and started wiping her privates all over. Aleshia already on the brink started moaning, trying to keep it as soft as possible. Lily stopped wiping and walked over to Aleshia’s face. Lily stuck the pacifier in Aleshia’s mouth and said
"If you make any more noises while I change your diaper, I’m taping this used diaper to your face and you can use that as a pacifier"

Lily returned to wiping Aleshia’s privates. Aleshia was sucking on her pacifier hard. she was feeling every second of it but holding her noises in as hard as she could. Lily then took the talcum powder and wafted a hefty dose over Aleshia’s lowers. Lily then rubbed it in all over. Aleshia couldn’t hold it in any longer. her body shivered from the immense orgasm she just had and made sure to not make a peep. Lily didn’t seem to notice or at least she didn’t care as Aleshia had made sure not to make any noise.

Lily finally got a new Cinderella diaper and opened it out. she tapped Aleshia’s legs again and slid the diaper underneath. Finally lily closed the diaper up and taped the sides. Lily then said
"I don’t think one diaper is going to be enough. I’m not changing you again until mum and dad get home and that’s 2 days from now."
Lily then undid another diaper and tapped Aleshia’s legs again. Aleshia lifted her diapered butt and lily slid the 2nd diaper underneath. Before closing it up, lily took a knife and sliced the bottom of the first diaper up to allow for the absorption to go through to the 2nd diaper. Lily finally closed up the 2nd diaper and taped it as well. Aleshia had never worn 2 diapers before, it had never occurred to her to put slits in the bottom of 1 and wear another. the padding between her legs was immense. If she couldn’t walk before, she certainly couldn’t now.

Lily told Aleshia to stand back up. Lily hiked the white stockings back over her 2 new diapers but lily didn’t do up Aleshia’s onesie. Lily said
" I think its time baby plays a bit of dress up. Take off that onesie. Aleshia did just so. She felt weird now showing off her breasts to lily but she had just shown off everything else so what was the point. To that note, lily wasn’t even concerned about her bigger sisters boobs. She was too busy rummaging through the 2 boxes of baby stuff looking for something to make Aleshia wear. Lily finally settles and says
"I think you should wear this"
Lily pulls out a white teddy bear footed sleeper. It had big fluffy teddy bear ears on a hood and a pink extra fluffy love heart over the belly. It was from a novelty pyjama store that made adult footed sleepers in the form of characters, this was meant to be a rip off of a care bear.

Aleshia had gotten it secretly off the net getting it delivered to a post office and picking it up directly from there. It had gone straight into her stash of baby items and she hadn't had a chance to wear it yet. Aleshia took the footed Panama's off of lily and started to feed her legs into the jumpsuit style sleeper. She pulled it up and slid her arms down the sleeves into the attached teddy bear paws. There were basically just the sleeve closed up at the end and made to look like a teddy bear hand with no thumb or finger access. She tried to do the zippier up but because of these paws, she couldn't quite grasp the small zippier.

"can mummy help baby do up the zippy"
Lilly reached over and zippier it up as high as it could go. Lily said
"oh man if you can't even grab the zippier to do it up, that means your basically stuck in that teddy bear onesie until I undo you. Which means your also stuck in those diapers"
Lily put the teddy bear hood over Aleshia’s head as she said that. Aleshia going incredibly red in the face at that realisation. She was dressed as a teddy bear, a toy for baby's, wearing a diaper, obeying her sisters every command and stuck like that until her sister deems otherwise.

Lilly said
"now baby, I want you to entertain me. I want you to accessorise yourself to be the most embarrassing teddy bear. If I feel you have embarrassed yourself satisfactorily for my amusement then I promise to go easy on you this afternoon. You have 10 minutes"
Lily held up her phone and started recording
All of a sudden Aleshia nervously started rushing around the room looking at her baby stuff. She thought to herself.
"come on Aleshia embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing. Lily likes baby stuff, what about wearing diapers as a teddy bear, maybe like a baby bear. She pulled out another diaper and laid it out struggling with her paws. She then realised that her teddy pyjamas had a little bear tail on the back, so she took the knife between two paws and tried to cut a whole in the diaper. She kept dropping the knife between her paws so she said
"can mummy cut a hole in the diapy for my fluffy teddy tail"

Lily went over and did just so. She said
"lay down, if you can't even cut a hole in the diaper then there's no way your putting it on" Aleshia positioned her tail over the whole and laid down. Lily did the diaper up over the teddy and sat back down.

Aleshia knew that wasn't going to be enough so she kept rummaging through her boxes now making heaps of crinkling from her 3 diaper as she moved around. She then saw it. Her pink maid outfit. She thought how could that not be enough. A baby teddy bear wearing a maid dress. She dug it out and laid it on the bed. She then positioned her paws underneath the dress so that hopefully she could slide into it. She lifted her hands into the air and took the maid dress with them, the maid dress didn't slide down far enough though and ended up over her face. She said
"mummy, can you help baby bear again? Baby bear is trying to get into her dress"

Lily stood back up still filming the whole thing and pulled the dress down. Lily then spun Aleshia around so the she could do up the zip on the back of the maid dress. Aleshia then picked up the maid bonnet that the dress had and handed it to Lilly. Lilly said kneel down I'm not reaching all the way up there. Aleshia knelt at lily's feet and lily placed the bonnet on Aleshia’s head. She did it in such a way that the 2 teddy bear ears stuck out from the front. Lily then tide the pink lace around the bottom of Aleshia’s chin in a big frilly bow.

Lily said
"30 seconds to go, you can do more"
Aleshia panicked. What else could she want. Aleshia then spies her pink pacifier laying on the ground, she kneels down to try and pick it up but as always her paws can't do anything. Lilly says 10 seconds. Aleshia now panics and instead just puts her face to the ground and laps the pacifier up with her tongue. She stands back up just as lily says time.

Lily says good job baby. Talk me through what you've done. Aleshia says
"well I put on another diaper so that everyone can still see that I'm a baby and a teddy bear, plus I put on the maid outfit to make everyone who sees me know that I'm just a servant. I'm a baby teddy bear maid.

Lily says
I was going to make you eat baby food off the ground again but I think you have earned a baby bowl next meal. I'm going down to watch TV, you Miss maid bear need to get started cleaning this house. Mum and dad will be home soon and they expect it to be absolutely clean. Get started on my room, then all the public areas, then the bathrooms, and then finally your room.

Aleshia tried to waddle to lillys room but with the diapers upon diapers upon diapers plus the bear suit, it was next to impossible to walk and she fell on her hands and knees. Aleshia decided it would be better to crawl as much as she could because it would be faster then taking 1 small step and then trying to regain balance straight after. The crinkling noise she made as she crawled on her hands and knees was astronomical. She finally entered lillys room and started cleaning, picking up and folding clothes, organising items around the place. She could really only reach things that were within arms reach from the ground so for anything else, she had to try and stand which took a good minute.

All of a sudden, aleshia heard a bell being rung from the lounge room. She knew that's where lilly was so she crawled out to investigate. Lilly had a small bell on her hand being dangled off the arm rest of the recliner and she llaid back with the foot rest up.
"oh good, the baby maid understands the bell. When I ring this, you are to kneel and wait for instructions. Get me a glass of water baby bear'

Aleshia crawled off straight away to the kitchen. She pulled herself up from the counter top and got a glass and filled it with water. She carefully placed it on the ground and then got on her hands and knees next to it to try not to spill it. She then picked it up and placed it in the palm of her paw as she had a hard time griping it with just one paw. She then crawled slowly with one paw in the air with the glass and one paw on the ground pulling her along. Lilly started ringing the bell again and yelling "hurry up stupid teddy"

Aleshia scooted a bit faster and finally got to lillys side where she held her paw up and presented it. Lilly took one look at it and then said "with ICE!!!" aleeshia crawled as quickly as she could back to the kitchen and placed the glass on the ground and sshe pulled herself up from the counter top again. She opened the freezer and pulled out the ice tray and poured some ice from the tray into the glass. Lilly had already started to ring the bell so she left the tray on the ground as she made her way back over to lilly's side and presented the glass again. lilly looked and said, when you present me with something you are to do it with both paws laid out flat and head bowed.aleshia did that and lily finally picked up the glass and started to drink.

Aleshia started to move away to continue with cleaning but lily then said. Hey, i didnt say move. get back here and assume your position. Aleshia got back in place kneeling besides lillys chair, presenting both empty paws to lilly and bowed her head. it was a while before anything happened but after lilly had taken a sip of the drink she had placed the glass back on aleshias paws. Lily was using aleshia as a table, as a coaster for her drink. lily didnt even say anything or acknowledge her existance as she did it but aleshia stayed in position holding lilys drink with her fuzzy paws. In between drinks, lillys hand would hang over the arm chair onto aleshias fuzzy bear head and lilly would play with aleshias teddy bear ears giving them a flick and knocking Th back and forth in between taking sips from the drink aleshia was still holding on to with her laid out paws.

aleshia knelt there for a solid 15 minutes

it was finally time. the weekend that Aleshia had been dreading had come. after weeks of silent servitude to Lilly behind mum and dads back, mum and dad were called off again and had to go away again over the weekend. at last minute finding out about this news, Lilly organised to have a few friends over for a sleepover. mum and dad limited it to 4 but agreed saying that as long as Aleshia was there to keep control of everything. Yeah, Aleshia keep control, not going to happen. How clueless they were. Aleshia had no objections and of course agreed. As if she had a choice. If she had vetoed, Lilly would have spent the week making Aleshia do the most horrible things, at least this way, maybe she might be nicer since she was being submissive.

Mom and dad packed the car and as Saturday morning came, they left blowing kisses as they pulled out o f the driveway. finally gone, Aleshia headed inside the house, holding the door for Lilly as she walked ahead and as the door closed, dropped to her knees waiting for Lilly to give her orders. Lilly got the pink dog collar with the electric shock module and put it around Aleshia’s neck locking it in place with the pink padlock on the back. Lilly kept the key for the lock on a necklace she wore around her neck. it was the same collar as before with pink leather and pink fur lining and small metal tabs around it to deliver the shock. on the front was a metal love heart tag with the engraving 'baby'.

Aleshia showed no resistance having the collar put on her again. Aleshia had learnt from last time not to disobey. She didn't want to feel the shock ever again. Lilly then said "the girls are almost hear so go get all your stuff out and lay it on the bed. I will be in, in a moment so get undressed and lay on the floor ready". Aleshia did just that, getting all her diapers, toys, costumes, and clothes out on the bed ready and then getting naked except for the collar and laying on the floor. lily came in 5 minutes later holding a black bag and laying it on the bed. she proceeded to get Aleshia ready by taking 3 diapers, the talcum powder and a knife down to Aleshia's naked body. Lilly opened the talcum power and went to town on Aleshia covering her in a tick layer. Lilly made sure to rub it all over and getting it in every crevasse. Aleshia had still not gotten used to lily diapering her even though lily clearly had, showing no signs of slow down. Lilly cut slits in 2 of the diapers and put both diapers, one over the other on Aleshia followed by putting the uncut diaper as a final layer on Aleshia. "There. that should last you for the whole weekend".

Lilly then took a pink lacy diaper cover and wrapped it around the diapers with another lock that used the same key as the collar which was around lily's neck. Lilly ordered Aleshia to stand up. Aleshia’s crotch was so full of diaper padding that her stance was widened quite a bit. It was clear if she were to walk she would have to waddle quite a bit. Lilly picked up the bag she brought in from earlier. Inside was a myriad of things lily must have brought under her parents radar for this very occasion. The most notable was a pink frilly maid dress making the whole weekend with lily's friends make sense now. Aleshia kept a straight face from fear of the collar but inside was dreading what was about to happen.

Lily started with pink lacy stockings ordering Aleshia to lift one leg at a time as she slid them up her top-less body. She then added a pink garter just above the diaper cover that attached to the stockings to keep them up. Lily then got a set of pink satin elbow high gloves and slid them up Aleshia’s arms. Finally it was time for the dress. Lilly picked it up and held it out open as Aleshia stepped into the pink frilly dress. The dress was short enough that the diapers were clearly viable. Lilly zips the back of the dress up and locked it with another padlock.

Lilly said "you look so cutesy in that dress. The perfect look for a baby girl ready to serve. Now for some finishing touches"
Lilly added a pink baby bonnet on Aleshia’s head and some pink high heels. Finally she added a pink pacifier to her mouth but with straps that wrapped around her head the locked in the back so that she couldn't take it out. That should stop baby from interrupting us with her stupidness.

Lilly then said "now to go over the rules. I shouldn't need to tell you this but you are the maid for this weekend. That means you do anything and everything we say. I have given them all the app that controls your shock collar so make sure to do whatever they say the best a baby girl maid can do. You will not speak unless spoken to and you are to only speak from behind that pacifier. now go stand at the door ready. they will be here soon. I want you to greet them as they enter.

Aleshia stood there in her maid outfit as Lilly sat on the couch watching tv. Aleshia was counting the seconds before her life was destroyed by having others view her life this. suddenly there was a nock on the door and Aleshia’s heart sank. she opened the door to a girl half her height staring up at her. she was wearing a brown fur coat and black glasses on her face like a little diva. her facial expression was unchanged as if she was expecting to be greeted by a giant baby maid. the little girl, without breaking eye contact with the now incredibly embarrassed Aleshia, pulled her phone out of her fur coats left pocket and pressed a button on the screen.

Aleshia all of a sudden without realising what just happened, drops to her knee's grasping at her collar and whimpering behind her pacifier. the little girl, still unfazed by what’s happened, simply says
"wow, I thought it would be too good to be true but I guess the photos were all real"
the little girl takes off her coat and throws it over Aleshia’s face. the little girl walks into the house and says
"If baby doesn’t want another shock, she better undo my shoes"
Aleshia grabs the coat with her pink satin gloved hands and sets it on the floor next to her. all of a sudden Aleshia’s collar goes off again.
"don’t you dare let my coat touch that dirty floor. you pick it back up right now and put it back over your head. I gave you an order to take off my shoes, now be a good baby or ill turn the app up to 3.
Aleshia was absolutely astounded to hear that her collar wasn’t even higher then a 3. she could have sworn from the amount of pain she was feeling that it was at its max setting but Aleshia had looked up the model of collar this was after her last encounter with it. The collar went up to 9!

Aleshia grabbed the coat from beside her and placed it over her head. she then felt around with her hands to find the little girls shoes. it was tough trying to undo the buckle without being able to see but she eventually managed it. the little girl removed her feet from her shoes and started to walk further into the house. Lily came out to greet her friend.
"Samantha, glad you could make it. I hope the stupid baby girl didn’t give you any trouble"
"she needed to be given a few helpful hints but I’m sure the little baby will learn"
"say thank you to auntie Samantha for helping to train you"
Aleshia still with the coat over her head turned and said
"fank you auwnte sawmantha faw hewping twain me"
Samantha simply ignored her and lily said
"take her coat and shoes and neatly stake them on your bed then get back down here ready for our other guests"

She finally takes the coat off of her head and picks up the shoes in front of her. she takes them to her room and stacks the items on her bed. she immediately heads back out and sits on her knees looking at the front door.
© Copyright 2019 Ahumbby (ahumbby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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