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Rated: E · Review · Spiritual · #2198735
This Article explores the works of Jesus in relation to the Prophets and Jewish teachers.

When the world was created Jesus Christ was present and, the bible says, nothing was created without him. In the book of John in Chapter 1:14 he is called the word, which was with God and that the Word was God. Nothing was made without Him. So he was/is the son of God and God for exercising wholly all the powers that befit God the Father. The Bible says that in the heavenly a board God is in trinity- God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

In the Old Testament man was mostly dependent on prophets. Moses was one such great prophet and was the one who met God face to face and did receive the Ten Commandments inscribed on two tablets.

As time went by it became apparent that there was need for God to incarnate his one and only son to redeem mankind from the pangs of the great serpent satan. God then turned Jesus into a human being through Mary the wife of Joseph to come and save humanity by way of dying for them on the cross. Majorly, his works revolved around the prophecies. The culmination is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses and saving the sinners from the york of Lucifer. Until then it was not easy for people to understand that the prophecy came through the power of God. Refer to John 5:39, 46. In the fullness of time Jesus brought to reality what was said and done in the old days by the prophets and the teachers of the law without an iota going amiss for the word of God is perfect and truthful. Indeed the death and resurrection of the son of man was the culmination of all that pointed to salvation.

In his teaching Jesus interpreted all the things concerning himself as stipulated in all scriptures as is shown in Luke 24:27. He also expounded and clarified where the writings and holdings were not explicitly clear about what the law required law but in a simpler way.

In his teaching Jesus consolidated the law into two bits:
1. Love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind. And he says 'This is the first and greatest commandment.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

The foregoing is drawn from Matthew 22:36-38.
The explanation is that the first law above compels man to have and worship only one god the creator of all things in the universe, God, because he is the owner of all things and in particular humanity and He is very jealousy. In the first commandment he says "You shall have no other god before me". He is the only god to be worshiped. Man should seek the kingdom of God first. In Luke 4:6-8, satan tempted Jesus by saying, "I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will be yours." Jesus answered, 'it is written: 'worship the Lord your God and serve Him only'" Matthew 6:21 says, 'For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Commandment number two determines that he is the only one and true God who loves humanity such that He so jealously guards against anyone or anything depriving Him of man in anyway. This is because he is the only creator of man and man being his likeness he wouldn't love to share the likeness with any meaningless idol whatsoever. Only humanity has such value as to be capable of being transformed into the spiritual likeness of his son Jesus Christ. Luke 16:13 says 'No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both god and money'. Read also Galatians4: 7-9 where the word says man has become God's child and therefore an heir.

The third commandment is about respect. It guides man to understand that he is not the equal of mankind such that they then stand to use his name in petty endeavors including lying. His name is holy. So He says, "You shall not use the name of God in vain". Respect being the cornerstone of good neighborliness, it starts with respect to God. Here the law instructs man that they should never use the name of God in falsehoods. In Romans 1:25 they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served what has been created instead of the creator, who is praised forever amen."

The fourth law still relates to God. It instructs man to remember the Sabbath because that the Sabbath will be a constant reminder to His people of the essence of worshiping and only Him. The Sabbath is the sign of the relationship between god and man and therefore it is holy. Note that Sabbath is not necessarily a day. It is more of worshiping God than merely a day. God rested on the Seventh day after creating everything and sanctified the day to be a sign of the great relationship between man and Himself. In this commandment He uses the word remember because He knew man could easily forget to worship Him especially with the advent of sin. In John 1:1-3 it is intimated that the Sabbath was made by Jesus and therefore it should be kept sacred
To this end Jesus consolidated, for a lay man to understand, the first four commandments into one that is man should love their creator with all their heart, perfecting His will in them.
Jesus' second law is a summary of the remainder six.

The fifth commandment of Moses regards respect for one's parents. Elsewhere in the bible a parent is said to be the second god. Ephesians 6:1-4, Colossians 3;20, Ephesians 6;2-3 will guide accordingly.

The sixth commandment of Moses orders against the murder of a fellow human being. A man's life is sanctified. Since man is a very valuable creature made in his likeness and love, they should demonstrate utmost care not to, in anyway, partake in the exercise of destroying a fellow human being's life.1 John 3:15 instructs that man should not hate their brother, for whoever does so is a murderer. In John 11:1-44 in the advent of Lazarus' death and raising Jesus says he is the resurrection and life. Matthew 15:18-19, John 8:10-11. Jesus taught that no one should be killed for whatever reason. Even the woman who had committed adultery couldn't be killed.

The seventh rule regards marriage relationships. The Almighty knew for certain that man being jealousy against their sexual relationship intrusions, good neighborliness can easily be spoiled to the detriment of peace among his people. So he orders that no one should commit adultery. Adultery goes down into the roots of marriage and therefore no one should have a sexual relationship outside of marriage lest the lord punishes the perpetrator very harshly for disturbing the harmony anticipated in such relationship. 5:32, Matthew 19:9 discusses divorce and says divorcing a wife that is adultery. John 8:10-11 also applies here.

Moses eighth commandment regards stealing. God says no one should steal from another person. The Lord intends that everyone should work hard for themselves in order to achieve material gratification for self preservation. Further that each person should freely, legitimately and rightfully acquire and own property. He wants that right honored to the extent that it should be jealously be guarded, safe for helping each other.

The ninth commandment regards deceiving others. No one should lie to another. The Lord Jesus in John 14:6 is referred to as "the way and the truth". If he is referred to as such then the truth is a very valuable virtue in the eyes of God. Further in John 17:17 Jesus terms his father's word as truth. John 8:44 also refers to satan as a murderer and a lier and it warns that people should not belong to him for they will become liers like him. 1 John 4:20 if you say you love God whilst you hate your brother he is a lier.

The tenth Moses' commandment is enshrined in the value of not coveting other people's property. God knows that man naturally engulfed by the greedy ways of satan, they might improperly and excessively crave or desire other people's property. The most important point to note in this commandment is that man should not covet another man's thing because it already belongs to another man. This is to keep guard of the good neighborliness that Lord God has always craved for in his creation. Moses' laws numbering five through ten open upon the importance of good relationship between human beings in the godly language harmonious neighborliness. Jesus consolidates them all into his second law and says 'love your neighbor as you love yourself'. In other words man should do unto others what they would love others do unto them. Whoever would have loved to be wronged by another person? No one. Luke 12:15 where it is said man should not be so troubled over the possessions of this world to the extent of coveting other peoples' possessions.

Does Jesus teaching that the laws are two then imply he dismantled the first law and formed another altogether? No. Instead he strengthened it by teaching and demonstrating how it should have properly been applied. He only and properly summarized the laws into two for quick and easier reference and observation. He knew with his and the holy spirits advent man could easily decipher what is entailed in summarized law with a lot of ease.

In conclusion, it should be deduced from the foregoing that Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses to the letter without an iota of it being misinterpreted. This came in the fullness of time when man should have seen the practical holiness the prophets had represented and that henceforth none of them was required but the introduction of the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ. So the Old Testament adversely referred to as the promise and the New Testament also referred to as the fulfillment finally meet at a point where they concur spiritually as the end result of the harmonious holy activities of the creator and supreme king of all creation. All in all therefore the word is one and the same. The only divergence is in the Old Testament there were mediators in the name of prophets and teachers of the law who in a lay man's language lived in the owner's house while in the New Testament the owner of the house is present.

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