Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2197613-Macaroni-Umbrella
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #2197613
An umbrella has an interesting day.
Macaroni Umbrella began as a flag
but was made an umbrella by folks at Fort Bragg.
He was then shipped to Baltimore in Maryland
where he found a good home in an umbrella stand

by the door for the patrons if weather got bad;
(all those visiting Vinnie’s Cafe were so glad.)
Macaroni felt cold hands grip tightly one day
and extended himself as they went on their way.

Full deployment I am as the rain pelts my back.
This is what I am for and I do have the knack
keeping raindrops from suits, good old worsted wool wear,
but when shoes hit the ground wet attains stain down there.

As the rain slipped his back, Macaroni looked out
at the Baltimore traffic and all those about.
He was tilted a tad like the axis of Earth,
yet he reckoned his holder got his money’s worth.

Then a wind gust arrived in the wink of an eye;
Macaroni went up though umbrellas don’t fly.
There was heard from the holder a long-lasting whoa!
In some pique Macaroni thought, Why’d you let go?!

He was full of the breeze as he blew like a sheet
bumping lamp posts and cars that were parked on the street.
Macaroni careened like he was ticker tape
and ‘fore long he was trapped in a fire escape.

(On that day there was not much the holder could do
  as he watched his umbrella soar into the blue.
  Macaroni had vanished to some other place,
  and the holder ran off with the rain in his face.)

When a sliding door slid Macaroni was plucked
from the state of restraint in the weather that sucked.
Macaroni was grateful and let go a sigh;
yet when, I’ll Take the Rain played, he started to cry.

I survived in one piece through a taxing ordeal,
Macaroni lamented in umbrella feel.
I had hands on my handle and winds on my spine,
and despite all upheaval I am feeling fine.

Macaroni abides somewhere new quite content;
slightly bruised, slightly torn and a little bit bent.
All in all, glad to live after weathering ride,
now at home in a place that says, Pasta Inside!

40 Lines
Writer’s Cramp Winner
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