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Rated: XGC · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #2194407
Theodora continues to struggle with her past. Thankfully Adrienne is pretty understanding.
         "I can see that," Theodora beamed, then frowned, realizing that the reason Adrienne was so grateful for Theodora's aftercare was because she'd never received any before in her entire relationship with Jaxon.
         "As she should be," Theodora's pain-in-the-ass shoulder devil said with a cigarette hanging from her lips, "that little bitch should worship the ground you step on. She's never had anyone treat her the way you treat her."
         "Well she is grateful," Theodora and the angel quipped almost in unison. "So what is your problem?" Theodora cocked her hip and rested her fist upon it.
         "All you two have done is fuck!" the imp spat, tossing her metaphoric cigarette. "Anyone would love being cuddled and loved on after they fuck."
         "Actually," the angel said informatively, "most people in this generation fuck once and as soon as they're done send the other one on their way. Your point is invalid."
         "Angel one, devil zero," Theodora chuckled as the tiny devil crossed her arms.
         "Look DevTheo," the angel said peacefully, "you have no leg to stand on here. Why don't we call a truce? Like she said, Adrienne is eventually going to hurt her and vice versa. You just got to find out if she's worth the pain. Why don't we give Adrienne a fair chance huh?"
         The devil looked at her feet, but nodded in defeated agreement. "Fine," she muttered, "We'll give her a chance, but the minute she fucks up--"
         "The minute she fucks up, we'll let Theodora decide how she wants to handle it. She's a grown, intelligent, independent woman who can think for herself. She doesn't need us at every situation. If she deems Adrienne worthy of forgiveness, then we must respect her decision to forgive her."
         Devil Theo sighed, but nodded again. "I just don't want to see you go through what you did with Christina," she said, gently patting Theodora's jaw.
         "Theo knows the signs that she ignored with Christina," the angel explained, floating over to the opposite shoulder to hug the demon, "we'll just have to hope that she'll trust her instincts this time."
         "I will guys," Theodora smiled patting them both on their heads, "thanks for the input and the constant reminder of my past mistakes. It's kept me vigilant, but I think, in order to get closer to Adrienne, I need to let my guard down. I think I've just been fucking her brains out to avoid chipping away at my walls."
         "I agree," the angel said with an affirmative nod. "You need to let her see your other emotions. You being in constant domme mode just shows one side of your beautifully faceted personality."
         "Yeah," Devil Theo chirped, "You're fucking kick ass! Show her that."
         Theodora chuckled, but nodded.
         "Take it slow," the angel chided, "peel back your layers. It's okay to be vulnerable, just knowing when to stop or when to trust her enough to peel back that next layer is the key."
         Theodora nodded, and just as the two tiny entities vanished, Adrienne came into the kitchen in one of Theodora's plush, comfy robes that she kept on the back of the bathroom door with her hair wrapped in a burgundy towel. She had removed her makeup, but even without it, Theodora thought she was drop dead gorgeous. Adrienne smiled as she walked into the kitchen standing and wrapped her arms around Theodora's waist.
         "It smells great, Theodora," Adrienne smiled and released her arms from Theodora's waist, " can I help with anything?"
         "Everything is done, darling," Theodora smiled as she walked around the island to pull out Adrienne's stool for her.
         Adrienne walked in the opposite direction and perched on the offered seat and kissed Theodora's cheek in thanks. She looked down at the plate in front of her with the fragrant garlic green beans and beautifully seared steak and fluffy baked potato, and her mouth began to water. Theodora grabbed some butter and some sour cream and set it on the island.
         "It looks just as good as it smells," Adrienne smiled as she pulled her phone from the pocket of the robe and snapped a picture of her food for instagram. She set her phone down and picked up her fork. "Time for the real test. Does it taste as good as it looks and smells?"
         "Go on then," Theodora smiled as she rested her chin on her knuckles, "I'll wait till you take your first bite to make sure it's not poisoned."
         Adrienne smiled and cut a small bite of steak and placed it between her teeth and chewed slowly, savoring the flavor of the meat. Those gorgeous blue irises disappeared into the back of her head, her lashes fluttered, and a muffled moan sounded from deep in her throat. Her eyes came back and she finally swallowed the piece of steak.
         "This is absolutely amazing," Adrienne smiled as she shoved a forkful of green beans into her mouth. "Ugh," she groaned, "so delicious."
         Theodora smiled at Adrienne's reaction, loving how grateful and appreciative she was of her cooking. "I'm glad you like it. Please, take your time and enjoy it."
         Theodora cut into her own steak and took a bite, savoring it as well. It really was amazing. The meat was perfectly medium rare and tender. She looked over at Adrienne who was trying to chew as slowly as possible to savor the flavor and sad when she swallowed it. It made Theodora smile, but she remembered the conversation she and her little shoulder buddies had had right before Adrienne came back and remembered that she needed to let Adrienne in, or at least unlock the door so she could come in.
         "Adrienne," Theodora began, wishing she'd held her tongue so she'd have a bit more time to prepare what she was going to say.
         "Yes, Theodora?" she smiled at how her name had dripped from Theodora's lips, slow and precise like honey from it's iconic dipper.
         "Please, call me Theo," she blurted; she'd never been so ill-prepared in her entire life. She'd also never been so nervous in her entire life before. She stuffed her mouth full of potato to keep her from saying anything else she wasn't quite sure about yet.
         "Okay," Adrienne smiled, a bit confused, "if that's what you prefer."
         Theodora nodded once and stuffed more food into her mouth to buy herself some time, grateful that Adrienne was too preoccupied with her own nourishment at the moment to really notice Theodora's inner discomfort. She was honestly surprised Adrienne hadn't asked why she wanted her to call her by the nickname she had never let anyone else but her parents use, not even Christina. She was curious as to why now and voiced the question to Adrienne.
         "Don't you want to know why?" Theodora asked abruptly.
         "Why what?" Adrienne swallowed her mouthful before responding.
         "Why I told you to call me that?"
         "Of course. I mean I'd assume it was simply because it's a bit shorter and easier than Theodora, but I never would've thought to call you that. I'm not really good at thinking up nicknames, especially when you're name is so beautiful to me. I love the way it rolls off my tongue. Theodora."
         "The only people I allow to call me Theo are my parents," Theodora explained, "I never even let Christina use it."
         "Then I feel very honored to be able to use it. Thank you for entrusting it to me. And, of course, you already know my nickname: Addy. And you're more than welcome to use it too."
         "Thank you, but I find your name beautiful as well. Adrienne."
         "Why so sudden with the nicknames, though?" Adrienne asked, her brow quirked.
         "I have a bit of a confession," Theodora said, out of time and out of ideas.
         Adrienne remained silent, mostly due to the fact that her mouth was full of food, but she gave Theodora a look that told her she had her full attention.
         "I've gone over this a lot in my head," Theodora began, but bit her lip trying desperately to think so she didn't have to admit to Adrienne that she'd simply been fucking her to keep herself from having to be vulnerable, but in her own mind, honesty was the best policy as the old saying went. "I, er, have had to do a lot of healing over the past few years and I, um-," Theodora drawled, not sure of how to word her thought, "I like the feeling of being in control."
         Adrienne nodded, letting her know she understood and indicated for her to continue as she took her last forkful of food between her pretty pink lips.
         "I used to be the woman who had schedules for everything, almost up to and including restroom breaks. I like order a-a-and structure," god she'd never actually stuttered before in her life, "N-no, not so much order as much as I like for things to go the way I plan for them to. Christina made my whole world crumble when when she left and I-I."
         Adrienne cocked her head and wrapped her arms gently around Theodora, and only then did she realize that she was trembling slightly with frustration, anger, sadness, some unidentified emotions, but Adrienne's gently hug made her come to and she was able to breathe and calm the tremors that had taken over.
         "It sounds like you're beating around the bush about something," Adrienne said as she pulled back to look into Theodora's gorgeous hazel eyes, "I can't promise that I won't get mad at first if it's something that's going to anger me, but I do promise that I will forgive you. Please, just come out with it, Theodora. I'm not as fragile as you might think."
         "I think, subconsciously, I've been fucking your brains out because it keeps me from really having to open up to you emotionally, and I get to keep my upper hand. As a domina, I'm not used to showing much emotion because the girls I've played with, while friends, romantically, mean absolutely nothing to me. So, in this mindset, I feel, er, in control...of my emotions, of my fears, of-,"
         "Me?" Adrienne blurted.
         "You," Theodora agreed with a nod, capturing Adrienne's soft chin between her fingers. "I have to be in control of you, always," she said in an almost predatory tone, "If I don't, I fear you'll be my undoing."
         "So, you're telling me that you've been fucking me just so you don't have to let yourself be vulnerable?" Adrienne asked, sounding a bit hurt.
         "I,er," Theodora stammered, but finally let Adrienne's chin go and hung her head and affirmed her defeat, "yes."
         "I understand, Theodora," Adrienne said with a nod, "Of course, I'm a bit hurt that I wasn't given the benefit of the doubt, but I absolutely understand that you've been hurt previously and are merely being cautious."
         "S-so you're not mad?" she said, sounding unsure for the first time.
         "Absolutely not," Adrienne draped one leg over the other and straightened her posture, "If you think about it, you wanting to be in control and not get hurt has given me the same opportunity to protect myself."
         "Explain," Theodora said as she sat back on her stool.
         "I have a little confession of my own," Adrienne began, "when we first met, hell, scratch that. When I first lay eyes on you, I knew there was something special about you. Sure, you were beautiful, but there was something deeper there, something more than just your body that attracted me to you. I was turned on, very very turned on, but I didn't just want to have sex with you. I wanted to know you, be a part of you life somehow. I don't know how to explain it. I wanted more than just sex from you from the very beginning. I wanted a relationship with you, I wanted to be more than just a play thing, I wanted to be more than just a friend, but I didn't want to be Stacy, but I did. I want you to tie me up and fuck me and all that good stuff, but I want you to kiss me and hold me, care for me....love me."
         Adrienne's voice hadn't quite hit hysteria, but she certainly had gotten a bit louder than when she'd started, but now she was silent. She had spilled her guts all over the place like a samurai committing seppuku to restore his honor and Theodora wasn't quite sure how to react. She knew, deep down, that she wanted the same thing from Adrienne, she just wasn't sure how quickly she was willing to allow Adrienne, or hell, even herself to move with those emotions. Adrienne bit her lip, and Theodora knew she was waiting for some kind of response.
         "I-I'm sorry, Adrienne," Theodora began, "I'm just not sure how to respond to that."
         "Oh," Adrienne's whispered as her face fell from expectant to disappointed in a single, fluid motion and she sulked visibly, "I see."
         Theodora saw tears begin to well in Adrienne's eyes, and she realized that's not how she'd meant to respond. It had simply been a lot to take in, but she really did feel the same way about Adrienne, it was just taking her a bit longer to admit. She had accepted that Adrienne made her feel like she was losing her fucking mind, she just wasn't quite ready to let Adrienne know that. She could understand, though, how Adrienne could perceive it as some sort of mild rejection and quickly grabbed her hand.
         "That didn't come out quite the way I wanted it to," Theodora said, squeezing Adrienne's hand reassuringly.
         "How did you mean for it to come out, Theodora?" Adrienne said, fighting to keep her tears contained.
         "I just meant that it was a lot to take in all at one time and I was caught a bit off guard, is all. Could I just have an hour or two to process all the information you just threw at me?"
         Adrienne nodded, as though she didn't trust her tears not to fall if she used her voice. She then grabbed the empty plates and began loading the dishwasher since Theodora had already cleaned most of the mess as she'd cooked. Theodora watched as Adrienne tried desperately to keep herself busy; she'd already accepted defeat. She thought Theodora didn't like her or want her in the same way that Adrienne wanted her. That simply wasn't true, but that's what Adrienne thought and Theodora had a feeling that it was going to take a lot of convincing to prove to Adrienne that she felt the same way.
         "I'm just going to go take a shower," Theodora said as she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. Adrienne gave a single nod and continued wiping down the already cleaned counter and cabinets. Theodora practically ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, tapping her forehead against the closed door.
         "Stupid, stupid, stupid," Theodora groaned in unison with her thudding cranium.
         "Smooth move, Grace," her tiny devil said as she lounged on Theodora's shoulder in a black bikini and sunglasses.
         "Make up my mind," Theodora grunted, "Do you like her or not?"
         "Hey, I just thought we were giving the girl a fair chance here, remember?" the devil lifted her shades up onto her head.
         "Whose side are you on anyway?" Theodora said flicking her off her shoulder, making the demon unfurl tiny, leathery, bat-like wings to catch herself.
         "Hey, don't get pissed off at me because you can't express what the fuck you want from the girl!" the imp spat angrily.
         "I know what I want from her!" Theodora almost yelled before remember this was a figment of her imagination.
         "Yeah," her angel popped in, "but you damn sure don't know how to say so."
         "Seriously?" Theodora raised her brows incredulously, "now you're siding with Devil Theo?"
         "'Fraid so, kid," the angel crossed her arms, "what happened out there?"
         "I told her what happened."
         "And she basically told you she loved you," the devil shrieked, throwing her arms up, "I'm not saying you had to say it back, but damn, 'I don't know how to respond to that'? Really? The kid spilled her guts all over the floor and you basically just stomped on them. For fuck's sake, when I told you to be cautious, I just meant don't make the first move. She makes the first move and you just shut down. Real fucking smooth."
         Theodora leaned on her palms against the counter and looked at herself in the mirror, "I just don't know..."
         "Just don't know what, exactly?" the angel fluttered into Theo's view.
         "It took me so long to get over Christina and actually heal properly and I'm just supposed to push all that aside?" Theodora closed her eye and gripped the counter in frustration.
         "Oh yeah," the tiny devil crossed her arms and cocked her hip, "because Adrienne hasn't been with a complete fucking scumbag for most of her young adult life or anything. She faced her fears of getting brutalized by the man she was getting beaten on probably daily to be with you."
         "She could've just told me that so I'd protect her," Theodora retorted, furrowing her brow as she opened her eyes to look at herself in the mirror.
         "Oh okay," Devil Theo chuffed, "she's been dealing with this man beating her and verbally brutalizing her for years. You think she just had enough of all of that just after the first couple days she met you and told you something she'd literally never told anyone else because she didn't want to be with you and simply wanted your protection? Let me tell you something: you couldn't protect her. If he really wanted to hurt her, there'd be nothing you could do to stop him. So don't think so big of yourself. The girl likes you, hell, is falling for you and you hit her with they coyness act. You know you like her too, don't fuck with her head like that. She's already been through enough; as have you. You both deserve to be loved and you both have been through the experiences that teach you just the right ways to do just that for each other."
         "We're being hard on you cause we care, Theo," the angel placed a tiny, gentle hand on her neck. "You went through a lot of pain with Christina. You've healed, but does that mean you're not going to love again? You have so much to offer and I'm not talking materialistically. You're kind, smart, funny, and you have a great personality. Show Adrienne that. Be a little vulnerable. You don't always have to be the one at the helm. Adrienne's a grown woman too, she can take control every once in a while too. Maybe not in the same ways as you do, but in her own little ways. You just have to let her."
         "Be gone," Theodora waved her demon and angel away, "I'm getting in the shower to wash away my shame and then go and tell her that I feel the same."
         The two tiny entities disappeared in clouds of glitter and smoke as Theodora started the shower and began to strip. She looked at herself in the mirror, she wasn't extremely cocky, but self image had never really been an issue for her. She was beautiful and she knew it humbly, but, she was having trouble believing that Adrienne really loved her.
         "You are worthy of love," Theodora said sternly to her reflection. "Adrienne is an amazing woman, but so are you. You deserve Adrienne and she deserves someone just as great as she is, and you are."
         Theodora smiled as she stepped into the shower, knowing exactly how she was going to broach the subject when she got out of the shower.

         Theodora emerged from the bathroom, all plush robe and roiling steam, looking like some drop-dead gorgeous villain straight out of some over-sexualized vampire-werewolf movie. Her hair cascaded in beautiful dark crimson waves down her back. She walked down the hall, past the kitchen and into the living room where she found Adrienne on her phone, awaiting Theodora's return. She looked up at Theodora, eyes no longer teary but still tinged with pain.
         "Feel better after a shower?" she asked sweetly with a tiny sniff.
         "Yes," Theodora said with a soft nod, "I'm ready to talk if you're ready to hear me out?"
         Adrienne nodded to the spot beside her on the couch and shifted to drape one leg over the other, remaining silent as Theodora took the seat next to her. Theodora took a slow, shaky breath and closed her eyes for a moment as she held the captive breath and slowly began to let it out, eventually opening her eyes. Adrienne tugged at a loose strand of fabric on the robe as she gave Theodora time to collect her thoughts and composure, almost jumping out of her skin when Theodora finally spoke.
         "Adrienne," Theodora said firmly, but with a bit of uncertainty lingering in her tone. "I meant what I said, about you catching me off guard with your confession. It was simply that last thing I expected to hear cross your lips, but make no mistake when I tell you that it made my heart explode with excitement."
         Theodora swallowed and ran her hand through her hair nervously, but Adrienne waited patiently for her to calm down and begin speaking again.
         "When I first saw you, I knew that you were a virgin," she began, "well, a BDSM virgin anyway. I could tell from the look of wonder on your face that you had never seen or experienced anything like what I had performed at the club that night. I knew you were intrigued and I was pretty confident that I could seduce you and convince you to come home with me, maybe even let me show you the ropes...literally, but the second we met, those thoughts just...poofed. I can't be certain as to what changed my mind, all I know is one minute I was thinking about introducing you to the sexual pleasures that accompany BDSM to wanting to meet your mother."
         Adrienne cocked her head a bit, making Theodora revise her speech a bit.
         "Okay, okay, so maybe not that drastic of a change, but you know what I mean. It went from me wanting to play with your body to me wanting nothing more than to just pick your brain and borrow some of your time. I guess what I'm trying to say, Adrienne," Theodora paused momentarily, taking Adrienne's hands in hers, looking deep into those soft, sad pools of blue, "is I feel the same. I want to kiss you whenever I feel like it. I want to hold you and console you when you're hurting. You've already trusted me with something so personal and so painful that you literally hadn't even told Skylar, and I want you to trust me with everything. I've wanted all this and more since the moment we met, Adrienne," Theodora's voice had begun to rise and crack as tears began to glaze her eyes, making them look like shimmering hazel pools as she squeezed Adrienne's hands tightly. Her voice was barely a choked whisper when she spoke again. "I'm just so scared."
         Adrienne cocked her head in confusion, her soft gaze empathetic as she moved her thumbs gently across Theodora's knuckles. Theodora was losing control and she was hating every second of it. 'Curse you, Adrienne Thorne,' she thought to herself as she tried to regain her composure, finding it hard to even think to begin her breathing exercises, but dragged slow, ragged breaths into her lungs, releasing them with shaky expulsions. She closed her eyes and sat silently for several minutes, only opening her eyes when she trusted her voice not to fail her. Adrienne was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes. Adrienne sat, patiently waiting for Theodora, remaining silent to let her have her moment, to let her get a handle on her emotions. She gave a warm, soft smile and nodded to Theodora. Theodora felt hysteria begin to bloom again; those blue eyes, those pretty lips with that gorgeous smile. Adrienne was driving her mad. The death grip that she'd had on her control was slipping quickly, and the next words out of her mouth was just going to make it that much more slippery.
         "I have only ever let my guard down for one person in my entire life," Theodora began, her voice low and husky. "She had me wrapped around her finger so tight I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I wasn't me. She wasn't into the lifestyle, which isn't a must, I suppose, but it's a plus, but she wouldn't even try. She wouldn't let me tie her up, she wouldn't let me even use fuzzy handcuffs. She wouldn't even let me spank her a little. She said she wasn't a toy like all the girls I'd played with before and that she wasn't going to allow me to treat her like one."
         Theodora took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Sorry, I'm rambling. My point is she wouldn't try some minute thing like a little bondage or something small when I was bending over backwards for her. I would pleasure her, whether it be with my hands, my mouth, a faux cock, whatever, but she would never go down on me or really fuck me even. She never---she never--,"
         "She never gave," Adrienne completed Theodora's thought, "she'd always take, take, take, and bleed you dry until you had nothing left to give."
         "Yes," Theodora said, nodding slowly, "that's exactly it. She broke me, Adrienne, not just my heart, but my soul, my entire being. I wasn't myself, I was so in love with her that I pretended to be something and someone that I just wasn't. I do not want to lose myself again, not after having worked so hard to find it."
         Theodora dropped her head shamefully, making Adrienne scoot closer along the pristine white couch and planted her nail under Theodora's chin, making her look into her eyes."
         "Theodora Alvarez," Adrienne said sternly, cupping Theodora's face between her hands, "I would never want you to change who you are for me, or anyone or anything else in the world. I was smitten the moment we met, chains and whips and all. You didn't scare me, you intrigued me. You made me realize that being tied up isn't always used as keeping one captive or that being submissive to someone isn't always scary or painful in a bad way. You showed me that pain can feel good in the hands of the proper person. I know it's not just her reaction or lack thereof to the bondage or the rough sex or the submission that ruined your relationship between the two of you, but being a dominatrix is a large part of who you are, and even if it wasn't such a huge part of you, you enjoy it. I never want to take something you love or enjoy away from you. Now, that being said, if we do date, I would like to be monogamous, no other girls, no subs, no playthings, etc. I will be all of that and more for you. You can tie me up, spank me, bend me over whenever and wherever you want. I would also be more than happy to pleasure you, whether it be with my hands, my mouth, a faux cock. Hell, I'd be fucking honored to slip my tongue between those hot, little lips of yours. Long story short, Theo: I'm not that bitch. I AM going to have you wrapped around my finger, don't get me wrong, but I'll be wrapped around yours too. I want you to experience every feeling, every wave of pleasure that you make me feel. I want to reciprocate everything. In the words of Destiny's Child: I want to cater to you. I never ever want to take you for granted. I want us to each be one hundred percent into this...if you want to that is."
         Theodora chuckled at the DC quote and smiled widely, "I love you and want to love you more, Adrienne, if you'll give me the time and patience that I'm going to need to fully get there."
         "I've spent the best years of my life with a man I cannot fucking stand," Adrienne tosses her hands and screws her eyes toward the ceiling, "what's waiting for you to actually love me and care for me the way I need? Certainly not that long, I'm sure."
         Theodora reached out and stroked Adrienne's baby-soft cheek with her thumb. "You've already grown quite a bit on me, my little succulent."
         Adrienne smiled and snuggled close to Theodora, laying her head on her chest, "I can't wait to grow with you Theodora. I cannot wait to begin this new adventure."

         Later that evening, after discussing their feelings for each other, Theodora had poured herself a glass of wine and turned on the TV, but it only ended up being background noise. Theodora had pulled Adrienne close to her on the couch, cuddling her and letting her lay her head on her shoulder, but Adrienne had other ideas. Adrienne's soft pink lips found the golden skin of Theodora's neck, caressing it with sweet, little kisses and tiny playful nips. Theodora bit her lip, but tried to keep her breathing as even as she could, trying to not let Adrienne break her control...again. Adrienne was relentless though, her soft kisses turned feverish and needy, her breathing growing heavier against Theodora's neck and ear. Adrienne slowly crept her hand up Theodora's stomach, slowly sliding her hand under the plush robe Theodora had donned after her shower, her pretty manicured nails finding Theodora's erect nipples, and those she couldn't feign or hide.
         "You're either freezing or very aroused," Adrienne noted, "now in So Cal, which of those seems more likely?"
         Theodora's hand found Adrienne's long, slender throat and her fingers begin to bury into her soft skin, gently beginning to restrict her breathing. Adrienne moaned, but it wasn't her usual, long deep moans; they were choked and gasped as Theodora began to tighten her grip around Adrienne's throat. Theodora watched as Adrienne's pretty pale face began to redden as she gripped tighter yet, those baby blues a bit wild due to her reduced airflow. Theodora leaned close as she pushed Adrienne back against the couch, grip steady around her neck.
         "Did I give you permission to touch me, Ms. Thorne?" Theodora purred, her lips tickling Adrienne's ear. Adrienne opened her mouth to reply, but merely shook her head when Theodora gripped her neck tighter yet. "So why are you?"
         Adrienne's hands had wrapped around Theodora's wrist and arm at some point, and her nails were digging into Theodora's bronzed skin, surely leaving little crescent marks there, but Theodora was so focused on not giving into the little blonde that she barely noticed.
         "I want you," Adrienne choked, "I need you."
         Theodora's felt her grip falter as well as her facial expression, if just for a millisecond before correcting herself. Raw need had smothered Adrienne's asphyxiated voice, and Theodora had seen it in her eyes; Adrienne absolutely craved her and wasn't afraid to admit or show it. It was such a heady feeling, being wanted, being desired. Sure, the women that she played with wanted her, but not like Adrienne did. Adrienne didn't just want to be tied up and fucked and sent on her way. Adrienne wanted feeling, Adrienne wanted Theodora to want her just as much as she wanted Theodora, Adrienne wanted Theodora for her, flaws and all.
         Theodora straddled Adrienne's lap, using both hands to choke her gorgeous roommate, making Adrienne drag her nails down both of Theodora's arms, faint red lines beginning to bloom along her caramel skin. Adrienne's robe had begun to fall open, revealing a bit of cleavage, making Theodora want to see those pretty, pink nipples that she just knew were sensitive and engorged. Theodora slid one hand from Adrienne's throat to push the robe open to reveal her perky breasts, confirming her theory of Adrienne's tumescent nipples. Adrienne arched her back, pushing her breasts up toward Theodora, her face slowly paling again as Theodora loosened her grip a bit.
         "Please," Adrienne's first full breath after Theodora had choked her for about five minutes came out ragged and pleading. Adrienne reached up to open Theodora's robe, revealing her breasts and dark, engorged nipples, licking her lips, looking up at her with pleading, longing eyes. Adrienne's pretty nails found Theodora's swollen nipples, again without her permission and Theodora wrapped both hands back around Adrienne's neck and squeezed even harder than before.
         "Looks like you need to be taught a lesson on asking permission, huh?" Theodora stood, pulling Adrienne up by her neck, walking her backward, her grip never faltering until she pushed Adrienne through her bedroom door and threw her on the bed. Adrienne took advantage of not being strangled and took several deep breaths as she watched Theodora grab a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, and a heavy-looking paddle from her chest and walk quickly back toward her with fierce determination. She grabbed Adrienne's ankle and dragged her across the bed toward her, gripping her hips to turn her onto her stomach, peeling the robe off of her as she turned. She yanked Adrienne's arms behind her and made quick work of her arrest, then shoved her face into the mattress after tying the blindfold at the nape of her neck.
         Adrienne squirmed, trying to turn her head for air, but Theodora wasn't letting up. Adrienne heard the swing of the paddle only a millisecond before it connected with her ass. She'd been right, the paddle was heavy as hell. Theodora let Adrienne come up for air, but she let out a small whimper of pain instead. Theodora hadn't hit her that hard...yet. She had no intention of stopping any time soon though. Adrienne really needed to learn to ask permission before she touched her, and she was going to make sure she took all she could away from the lesson.
         "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Ms. Thorne," Theodora growled, not sounding very apologetic at all as she swung her arm again, this time landing a little heavier, making Adrienne arch up off the bed. "Now, should this become too much for you, just say 'roses'. Understood?"
         Adrienne nodded affirmatively, but Theodora wanted to hear her say it.
         "I don't think I heard you, Ms. Thorne," Theodora said sternly with another firm smack to Adrienne's ass.
         "Y-yes," Adrienne whimpered softly, her lip quivering a bit.
         'Smack.' "Yes what?" Theodora demanded.
         "Yes, Mistress," Adrienne sniveled, squirming a bit.
         Theodora smiled at Adrienne's already-reddening ass and gently caressed her soft cheeks with the paddle, letting the smooth wood slide against her sensitive, pink globes. She swung again, but not hard. Theodora knew that paddling Adrienne hard would make her tire quicker than taking her time with nice even swings and she'd still get the same result: a sensitive, red, little ass and a lesson taught, and maybe an orgasm or two from her new girlfriend. She didn't want to hurt Adrienne, not really, just make her understand the importance of asking permission, so she took her time with her gentle torture method.
         "Now, Ms. Thorne," Theodora cooed as she gently knocked Adrienne's legs apart and ran the paddle over her soft, smooth mons, toying with her slit a little, glad to see a bit of moisture coating it when she pulls it back. "Tell me what you've done wrong."
         "I d-didn't ask permission to touch you," Adrienne blurted, sounding a bit flustered, but Theodora could tell just from the low rasp that accompanied her words that it was more from arousal than the pain she was inflicting.
         "Maybe I need to teach you two lessons," Theodora quirked a brow as she let the paddle smack into the palm of her hand as she circled Adrienne like a predator, bringing the paddle down onto Adrienne's backside with an even swing of her arm. The way Adrienne's ass jiggled slightly when the paddle connected made Theodora smile, as did the soft, little groans the paddle elicited from the blonde's lips. "What's my name, pretty girl?"
         "I'm sorry, Mistress," Adrienne fumbled, sounding genuinely apologetic. "It's just taking a little getting used to. I promise I'll do better."
         Theodora beamed at Adrienne's response and moved up behind her, dropping to one knee and rewarded Adrienne with soft, sweet kisses to her paddle-warmed flesh, dragging long, breathy moans from deep in Adrienne's chest. She stood back to full height, and when Adrienne said nothing, she replaced those kisses with another firm smack."
         "I've met both of your parents, Ms. Thorne," Theodora reminded her, "and I know they are both very well-mannered people. I know they taught you to be the same. So, where in the world are your manners?"
         "I-I'm not sure what manners I'm missing," Adrienne stammers, and quickly adds, "Mistress."
         "What do you say when someone does something nice for you?" Theodora asked crossing her arms over her bare chest, her nipples stabbing into her forearms.
         "Oh," Adrienne let out a soft giggle, "thank you, Mistress."
         "Is something comical, Ms. Thorne?" Theodora pulled her arm back, ready to strike Adrienne's cherry-red ass for laughing, but gave her a chance to respond.
         "N-no, Mistress," Adrienne stuttered, "I was just laughing because it should've been so obvious, but this lifestyle definitely takes some altered thought processes."
         Theodora smiled softly at Adrienne's answer. She was actually learning something, and Theodora was proud to be the one to teach her BDSM etiquette.
         "You learn quickly, Ms. Thorne," Theodora smiled as she began to move again, quiet as a cat, but letting Adrienne know where she was by dragging the paddle across her ass again, "or maybe you just have a silver tongue?"
         "Maybe both," Adrienne chuckled, earning herself a swat.
         "No need to get smart with me, brat," Theodora scolded.
         "Yes, Mistress," Adrienne nodded, "I'm sorry."
         "So," Theodora drawled as she walked over to her chest of strap-ons and dildos, grabbing a belt and stepping into it, plucking a decent sized dong from her collection and fixed it into the harness, "what have we learned, Little One?"
         "To always ask permission to touch, say thank you when given kisses or any type of reward, and to always address you as Mistress."
         "That's my good little slut," Theodora said, sauntering up behind Adrienne, who was still bent over the bed. "Now, would you like to be fucked, Ms. Thorne?"
         Adrienne's breath caught in her throat and she squirmed wiggling her soft, reddened ass at Theodora.
         "Yes, please, Mistress," Adrienne begged in a whimper, "Please fuck me."
         "Good girl," Theodora purred as she rubbed the head of the cock against Adrienne's slit, the silicone slipping and sliding easily between her drenched lips, pressing against her fat, throbbing clit. "Do you want me inside you, Ms. Thorne?"
         "Y-yes Mistress," Adrienne arched her back, wiggling her hips in desperation, "please."
         "You're going to have to work for it," Theodora chuckled at Adrienne's distress, gripping her hair and bringing the blonde to her knees. "Open your mouth."
         Without a word, Adrienne did as she was told and parted her pretty pink lips. Theodora gripped the shaft and guided it between her soft lips and, without instruction, Adrienne slowly began to massage the cock with her mouth, parting her lips more to slide her tongue underneath it, flicking the tip of it against the faux balls as she deepthroated the dildo.
         'Fuck,' Theodora thought to herself. She'd never seen any of her girls do that before. She bit her lip and gripped the back of Adrienne's head with one hand and pinched Adrienne's nose shut with the other. Adrienne whimpered, but planted her knees firmly as she began to bob her head faster, unable to breathe, drool beginning to drip in a long string onto her lust-laden breasts, making Theodora absolutely drenched. 'Nasty little slut.'
         "Where did you learn to perform such fellatio, Ms. Thorne?" Theodora asked, trying to keep the excitement from her voice as she pulled the cock from Adrienne's throat and released her grip on her nose.
         "Well," Adrienne tilted her head up in Theodora's direction, "I let myself believe that you were a man for just a moment, or at least that you had a penis, thought about how much I long to please my Mistress, and did what I thought would feel good...even if it's not a real cock."
         Adrienne's facial cheeks turned the same color of that of the cheeks of her ass at the confession, and so did Theodora's and she'd never been so grateful for a girl to be blindfolded in her entire life. It was such a sweet response. Adrienne didn't even like men or their anatomy in any way, but she'd taken the time to think of Theodora, pretend it was actually hers and gave her head like she'd give anything to please her.
         "Good," Theodora said for lack of any other thought rolling around in her head but Adrienne's confession of her desire to please Theodora. She then pushed the cock roughly back into Adrienne's mouth and the girl performed just as before, doing her best to please Theodora even though she couldn't actually feel it. She gripped Adrienne's head with both hands and fucked her throat. She could literally see where the tip was sliding in and out of her throat. She bit her lip and pushed her hips to Adrienne's face until the faux balls against Adrienne's chin stopped her from pushing any further. She pulled back, a long string of saliva clinging to the dong, connecting it to Adrienne's pretty lips until breaking when Theodora gripped it, instructing Adrienne to stick her tongue out, slapping the shaft against her wet, little muscle.
         "You're such a fucking slut, Adrienne," she growled as she sat down on the floor, tugging the cock as if she could actually milk cum from it. She grabbed the key to the cuffs off of the nightstand and unlocked them, knowing Adrienne's shoulders must be on fire by now. "Crawl toward my voice."
         Adrienne dropped to hands and crawled toward Theodora blindly, making Theodora yank the silicone dong harder. 'God, if she doesn't look like a fucking porn star,' Theodora thought to herself, 'all on her knees, sucking cock and crawling to me like a sex-deprived little slut. All for me. You, Adrienne Thorne, are all fucking mine.
         Adrienne was finally close enough for Theodora to grab her by her hair and untie the blindfold, letting it fall from her eyes, letting them adjust to the dim light of the room. Theodora looked into those pretty blue pools and found desire, need...love? They'd talk more about love later, right now, she wanted Adrienne's firm, little ass slapping against her thighs.
         "Come sit on my cock, Ms. Thorne," Theodora instructed, holding the shaft still. Adrienne smiled and nodded.
         "Yes, Mistress," Adrienne responded, tossing one leg over Theodora's lap, squatting down until the cock was buried to the hilt inside her warm, dripping pussy.
         "Now ride me like your very life depends on it," Theodora instructed, slapping Adrienne's ass with her open hand.
         Adrienne began to bounce slowly on the balls of her feet, groaning as the cock pulled in and out of her nice and slowly, filling her fully. She gripped Theodora's thighs for leverage, but earned herself a smack to the rear.
         "Did you ask to touch me?" Theodora reprimanded sternly.
         "N-no Mistress," Adrienne stammered and removed her hands, "may I hold onto your legs?"
         "You may not," Theodora grinned, glad that Adrienne was faced away from her since she couldn't contain her wicked smile. "And don't you dare even think about releasing without my permission, bitch."
         Adrienne let out a soft groan at the derogatory name and bounced harder and faster, the slapping of her ass against Theodora's hips and the deafening squelching of her drenched cunt around the cock, making Theodora about ready to burst. She needed to regain control, she needed to fuck Adrienne now before she came without intention. She gripped Adrienne's hair, using her own gravity against her and shoved her face to the floor, standing up behind her, pinning her blonde head down with her foot and slid the dick inside of Adrienne and began to pump into her slowly but firmly.
         "Do you like being called a bitch and a slut and a whore, Ms. Thorne?" Theodora asked as she reached down to pull Adrienne's arms behind her back, using them as leverage to shove deeper inside her.
         "Y-yes Mistress," Adrienne whimpered breathlessly, "I love when you call me those things."
         "Do you like when I fuck you like this?" she asked, pretty breathless herself, "Like you're nothing?"
         "Yes, Mistress," Adrienne swallowed, "compared to you, I am nothing."
         Adrienne's response made Theodora falter slightly, but she quickly corrected herself, pumping into the little blonde harder and faster, almost unable to mentally recover from her words...almost.
         "And don't you forget it," she emphasized every word with a thrust inside Adrienne who was drooling all over the floor.
         "May I please cum, Mistress?" Adrienne pleaded sweetly under Theodora's step on her head.
         "You may," Theodora smiled.
         As if those had been the magic words, Adrienne shuddered underneath Theodora with a long, loud moan that was almost a scream as she practically melted into the floor, spent and breathless. When she was able to take enough air into her lungs to speak she uttered three, raspy words: "Thank you, Mistress."
© Copyright 2019 Veronika Baron (kelsprincess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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