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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #2194256
I dreamt of getting stung by a stingray and I remembered every detail and decided to share
Floating on clear blue waters so I can clear my head to get some ideas on what to write about. I spaced out too much that I didn't see the stingray swimming my way. I had felt something on my foot. I jerked my leg causing the sting ray to pierce right through me under my 'and here you are living despite it all' tattoo. Ironic isn't it. Living despite it all, yet I'm not even quite sure if I'll make it out of this one. Although if I do it'll just give the tattoo that much more meaning. The beach looks pretty deserted. Knowing I'm running out of time I start searching for the first sign of help anyone can give me. Depending on my right leg to do most of the work and dragging my left leg behind. I see a woman outside. I try screaming help but I lost all my energy that it came out as a whisper. Luckily I was close enough that she heard my foot dragging and says oh dear. Could have sworn I saw a smirk for a quick second does she think what happened to me is enjoyable or what?...or maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. Maybe she didn't know I was hurt and just wanted to be friendly. Either way I need her help. She helps me up the steps and we go inside. We walk down to the kitchen on the left and I see her husband and son at the table. Seeming overly excited to see me, a stranger. I tell them my situation in which the husband informed me that he used to be a doctor. He can take it out if I just asked. I said "I just need you to take me to the hospital." He said "if you want to sure, but the first hour is crucial and we're losing time." Weighing my odds I'll take his help cause it's getting more and more painful by the minute. He knows how to take it out and it needs to be now. "Yeah..okay let's do it." He gave me a list to gather the supplies in the garage. I had kicked the tweezers under the crack under the garage door so I begin to pull it up with my hand to retrieve the tool. As I pulled it up I heard someone rush inside. That was odd... I let the garage door drop down, now that I have everything i can go back in and get this over with. As I approach the kitchen I over heard the husband telling his wife outside "I'm not to sure if she saw what I was doing or not, what do we do?" The conversation starting fading out. I fell on the floor my vision fading out.
I woke up.
I'm in bed? Is it that couples bed? Was it all a dream?...hopefully. I check my leg. The barb is out thank God. It is a bit sore still. So I guess that means it all really did happen. Time to get the hell out of here. Using the bed as leverage I try standing up with my hands on the bed just in case. My leg is a bit wobbly but doable I'm sure it's cause that guy took so long removing the barb. I try making it to the bedroom door but I see a cord....what the hell is that to? Following it behind the cabinet next to the bed their camera monitors? Knowing I'm not supposed to see this I move it back and get moving to the bedroom door. As I left the room I heard the couple arguing and took that as my cue to leave. I turn the knob and I hear...
"What was that? Go Check on the patient!" I open the door and hear "DON'T LEA..." As I shut the door behind me. Trying to run on my tippy toes to relieve the pressure on the leg as much as I possibly could. A long run later, I return home. I pick up my phone to call my boyfriend Alec and told him what had happened. He tells me to go to the police and I said no that if I go to the police then the crazy couple might come back after me cause I made a claim against them. I don't want to take that chance. We decide to call up our close friends and go grab a drink to hopefully forget the day I just had. I go to the bar and order myself a rum and coke. My leg sparked conversation with the person behind me in line. Told him a sting ray got me but it's good now. He asked "What did the doctors do to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that's a pretty big wound, bigger than any sting I've personally seen."
I walk back to the table and start drinking immediately. Jenna said
"Woah there girly slow down, what's the rush?"
"I'm not too sure what those people did to my leg" While jenna and I were conversing I was oblivious to the fact that Alec was eyeing down the guy that asked me about the scar and his friends. They make their way over to our table and before they could even get a word in Alec says "Hey we're trying to have a night out would you mind going back to your table." I'll always be on Alec's side over a strangers any day so I just ignored the situation and let it play out. When they left Alec started saying
"We came out here for you, and then you ignore me for most of the night for strangers??"
I reply "I didn't see it that way at all. I appreciate you guys doing all this. They just asked questions about my leg at the bar and I didn't want to be rude is all."
"Like me?!"
"I didn't say that"
"Didn't have to" suddenly gets up and leaves. "Guess we're leaving...sorry about that jenna."
"It's cool, I got free drinks and I'd rather not get involved between you two right now is all."
"I get it. I don't want to be involved in this situation either at the moment." Most awkward car ride I've ever been a part of....not familiar with this path though...
"Where are we going?"
"We're taking a detour"
"Where to?..."
"You'll see"
He pulls in a driveway. Tells us he'll be back to stay in the car.
Hey that truck looks just like the one at the..oh no. Jenna we have to go in. I think he's loosing it in there. Those are the guys from the bar! We walk in, and everything went black
Woke up hands tied up to a shower head and I look down I'm Naked...then I turn to each side of me to find the same thing for the others.
He's gone mad! "Is this what you wanted!" He exclaimed. "I just wanted your time tonight but you had to spend your time with everyone else but me. Now It's too late. Now you can spend this time with your new friends that you picked over me." He starts turning on the showers one by one on the hottest temperature. Causing them to burn slowly and me only able to watch. Maybe if I can get my water to turn on cold then maybe I can at least save the ones on each side of me. My water is disabled....they're all going to die painfully and there's nothing I can do.....
flash backs to the beach before it all went wrong take over. Putting my feet in the water looking up to the clouds. Watching birds fly. How peaceful it all was before the sting.
Should I have just let the sting consume me. Without me in the world things wouldn't have turned out this way. Should I have stayed at the crazy house. Should I have taken my chances with the hospital. Should I have gone to the bar to order my drink. My story is just one of many outcomes. Actions have consequences.
The question is, which consequences are you okay living with?
© Copyright 2019 Iamalostboy (iamalostboy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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