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by Gianna
Rated: E · Fiction · Death · #2191514
A depressed girl finds her own lifeline. When gone does she survive?
I told them, I left something for them all to find and not one person came. Not one person tried to stop me. I gave them all the signs but yet again we’re all a little blind. No one cared. I wish that I could say I was surprised but that would be lying and I’m not a liar. My dad’s a liar and I will never be anything like him. I thought I laid everything out and simple for them. I guess I was just hoping that there was at least one person who didn’t want to see me die.


“Hi, I’m Scott!”

Those three words were the start of a final friendship for me. People constantly bullied me even my own family hates me. I was bullied at school, and once I came home I was abused. At school people always said hurtful things to me. Scott was my first, last, and only friend. My life as short as it was, sucked. My mom was always drunk and coming after me. My dad...he abused me. I didn’t feel safe sleeping in the house anymore, I usually went outside under the gazebo. School wasn’t much better. The girls always made fun of my wavy, dirty blonde hair, sun-kissed skin, and icy blue eyes. The guys called me fat all because my ribs stick out so much. The school counselor told me I needed to eat but I never listened. They push me around like I’m not even a person. They treat me as if I’m not human like I don’t have feelings. I’ve gotten thrown into garbage cans to be wheeled around as a spectacle for the whole school during lunch, thrown into the line of fire for dodgeball, and the girls in the locker room found it funny to take my clothes and throw them into the boys' bathroom after I shower. Never once have I had a friend, and yet, this new kid came over and talked to the girl being tossed around by the football players. He turned around and looked them right in the eyes and punched them. Someone stood up for me. The whole homeroom became silent.

“Looks like fatty has a boyfriend, everyone!” The biggest football player, Dave, shouted and our classroom became submerged in a sea of laughter. Scott looks disgusted, probably of me. I look at the floor unarmed and defenseless waiting for the next round of torture to come. Scott hit him this time. Dave turned around enraged. If this was a cartoon his face would be red and there would be steam coming out of his ears and head. He would’ve tried to hit Scott back and miss because it was a cartoon and nothing bad ever happens to the good guys. This isn’t a cartoon though. Dave turned around and slapped Scott. Scott had this look of pure terror when Dave’s hand came flying at him, but after Dave hit him he looked amused.

“Did you really just slap me? Ha! I know girls who hit harder than that!” Scott burst into hysteria. Dave gave a look to Scott as if he was silently telling Scott what he was going to do to him when he got the chance. Scott brushed it off like it was nothing and walked to his seat. Dave started to go after him when our homeroom teacher walked in.

“Good morning students! Dave, why are you out of your seat?”

“I was just greeting our new student” Dave faked a smile and walked to his seat. A little chuckle escaped from Scott and a smirk appeared on his face. As Mr. Mahogany’s lecture trailed on, I got a good look at Scott. Glowing green eyes like the lights you see during Christmas, messy jet black hair and skin pale as the snow you see outside during winter. When the bell rings and he stands up I realize for the first time just how his muscular body towers over everyone.

As the weeks dragged on I got close to Scott and we became inseparable, the best of friends. Scott joined the football, basketball, and wrestling teams. No one was bothering me anymore with Scott around. He made sure to never leave me and if someone even brushed passed me he would “Take care of them”. All good things must come to an end though as Scott was offered a semester abroad in Australia. I told him he couldn’t pass up this tremendous opportunity. He left a few weeks later and everything just fell apart. I started getting bullied again, each time worse than the last. I started to think that maybe I should just end it. For two months I suffered and gave obvious hints to people thinking someone would stop me. No one did. I would try to bury myself in movies as my life was like one. A movie that would keep on going till it found its perfect ending, its closing act. On my last day, I gave a little note to everyone telling them what I was doing and where I was going. They just laughed, probably thinking it was a joke.

I’m standing on the cliff the rocks pulling down my pockets as I look around hoping to see someone running to save me. Salt swirled in my nose allowing me to take it all in one last time. The sound of the waves crashing into the rocks below, the water clear and a beautiful teal, calling me. Telling me to jump. I told them, I left something for them all to find and not one person came. Not one person tried to stop me. I gave them all the signs but yet again we’re all a little blind. No one cared. I wish that I could say I was surprised but that would be lying and I’m not a liar. My dad’s a liar and I will never be anything like him. I thought I laid everything out and simple for them. I guess I was just hoping that there was at least one person who didn’t want to see me die. As I threw myself over I saw Scott running but it was too late. I was already plummeting into the beautiful, crystal clear water. Plummeting to my death. Plummeting to my perfect ending. Plummeting to my closing act.
© Copyright 2019 Gianna (gjensen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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