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Did you know you could move your files inside your folders and reorganize them?
Hi everyone,

If you are like me, you will have tons of files in your Portfolio. But even if you don't, you likely have folders with items that seem to have no order or look out of place. Well, I have a suggestion.

Did you know you can move your files inside your folders and place them in any order you want?

For example, let's say you have a folder with eight items in it:

My First Story.
Why I like Pizza.
Is the color red really the best?
Raisins are great, but Lemon Merang pie is tastier.
My deepest thoughts about life.
Love is so wonderful.
Always look to God for support.
Suffering is not fun.

In my case, some of my folders have dozens of files. If they were as mixed up as those above, I would have a tough time finding a particular file. Instead, what I did is alphabetize them, A-Z. If we did that with the list above, it would look like this.

Always look to God for support.
Is the color red really the best?
Love is so wonderful.
My First Story.
My deepest thoughts about life.
Raisins are great, but Lemon Merang pie is tastier.
Suffering is not fun.
Why I like Pizza.

Now, you can find your file quicker. Another benefit for this is to use it in a folder where you are keeping files for a book. You can then order your files in the manner which will be easier for readers to see the order you intend to be included in your book, and the will encourage the reader to read in that order.

To use this option and organize your folders follow these instructions.

If you will go to the list at the left panel of our main screens, then click on "Portfolio." You will see an item called "Portfolio Organizer."

After you click on it, a screen will open that has a list of the folders in your Portfolio.

If you click on any folder you want to organize and it will display a list of your files.

You can move the files up or down by placing your cursor over the item and wait for a cross to appear, then click and HOLD the item and then move it to where you want it to be.

I hope this is helpful. God bless you.
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