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An entry giving you a new perspective on life
Today I am writing with no particular purpose or one certain emotion other than life itself. As children, we cannot wait to grow up because we admire the adults that surround us. Therefore, we look forward to having a job, creating a family, finding our purpose in life. However, due to a child’s simple mind they cannot foresee the pain and hardship that comes with finding who you are and growing up. Unfortunately, as we grow in age we also grow in knowledge which allows us to see people’s true colors. The people we once looked up to and wanted to be just like in the end usually disappoint.
It’s not that those who raise us intend to disappoint their own flesh. It is the simple fact that every human is flawed. What makes one worthy to be considered a role model? The reality is no one is the perfect role model. As human beings, we all have downfalls and moments of shame. When we as individuals choose a role model, we choose someone who’s character lines up with our own moral beliefs. We choose someone who is usually full of integrity and strength. Someone who has been through so much and still comes out better in the end. Someone whom we aspire to be because of the impact they had on our own selves.
The fact of the matter is, a majority of those living on this beautiful planet, don’t spend their lives believing they are in fact role models. With every step we take, every breath of air we inhale, we are in fact someone’s role model. Even the slightest encounter with a complete stranger, can change a person. Though we are all someone’s role model, generally unintentionally, many of us do not walk around as if we influence a person. This does not mean we need to pretend to be something we are not. However, we as evolving creatures have picked up terrible habits that not only damage ourselves but future generations.
You see, we are surrounded by mirrors constantly not necessarily a physical materialistic mirror, but our entire world is one giant mirror. A mirror is simply a reflection of who you were, are, and can be. We pass by strangers along the street wishing to look more like them, or a friend brings out a trait in you, good or bad, that you never realized you had. Society has taught us for decades what the “perfect” person should be like. Woman should be tall and skinny. Men should be tall and buff. We are taught at such a young age that college is the final destination for picking your life sentence. Society doesn’t teach us about true self love. Society doesn’t teach us about careers that do not involve college for those who struggle with school but still want to make a good living. Society has wired our minds to look at everything as if we are staring into a mirror. While competing with others is necessary for our survival and our health, there becomes a point where competition begins to damage another’s soul slowly, unnoticeably, and painfully.
Instead of having the mindset, “I want to start working out and eating healthy because I love myself and want to be the best version of me possible,” we tend to have a more degrading mindset especially as women. “I wish I had skinnier thighs like so and so. I need to lose more weight because I don’t look like that other person. I need to be skinny with a big butt.” You get the picture. Although these are simple words, these words damage one’s soul, mind, emotional and mental state. A child is not born with insecurities. They are taught their insecurities. It’s a learned behavior. They see those they look up to the most shaming themselves. Mother’s constantly obsessing over their personal weight not realizing their daughter’s precious ears are learning self-hatred.
Can you imagine a world where the reality was opposite? Can you imagine what it would be like to have future generations becoming less hateful? How incredible would it be to slowly change the world’s perspective on life itself?
Today I am ending this with a challenge. Each day find one thing about yourself you love and you can’t repeat any of them for over a month. Also, every day talk to someone new. Whether it is a simple compliment, or acknowledging someone’s pain. These two simple acts of love can slowly begin to change this broken hearted world.
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