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When death takes her mother from her, Krystines world changes in ways she never dreamed. |
"Nid oes gan farwolaeth afael ar gariad" I mutter for the hundredth time as the plan sinks down towards the airport at Port Angeles, WA. Gripping the arm rest as the plane bucks a bit, the pilot calling back "hold tight Miss, bit of cross wind this time of year!" his voice thick calm and light hearted even as the plane bucks a bit more. "no worries, just get us down in one piece please" I call back, closing my eyes, having always hated small planes in general. I focus on the events that brought me here... 3 months before "Krystine, for the billionth time, will you focus!" my teacher bellows from the front of the classroom, bringing me out of my daydream. "yes Mr. Blankenship.. am with yea" I smile, ignoring the quiet laughs, and rolling of eyes by several in the class. He nods and resumes his oh so amazingly boring lecture on ancient battles in some far distant past that I have zero clue on or care for. Instead, I think about the image I had in my head, of a woman of pale skin, short dark hair, dark brown eyes that seem to phase to gold or black at times, and the most stunning smile I have ever seen. The image seems ingrained in my head, yet I have no clue if she's real, or not. Sighing, I stand as the bell rings, and gather my things, pausing as I notice the principal Mr Stewart talking to my teacher, they both keep looking at me. "Ms. Morgan, please stay behind" Mr. Blankenship says, his voice holding a touch of sadness. I frown, and wait as the other students hurry out, no one really seeming to care, my list of friends so small its practically non existent. Once all are gone, Mr. Stewart walks over as my teacher closes the door. "Krystine, your mothers plane... " I stare at him as dread and darkness start to fill my mind , "your mothers plane crashed.. They found no survivors, I am so sorry" he says, warmth and sadness in his voice. "No... she promised.. No, your lying!! " I yell at him, shoving past him, causing him to get thrown back few feet into my teacher, both ending up askew on top the desk as I run from the room, the door slamming against the wall, shattering its glass. I run for what seems forever, yet is only short time till I collapse, crying feeling the darkness enveloping me as I realize my mother is gone.....my rock, my comfort, my best friend.. gone. First my dads passing when I was 6, and now my mother.. I rock and cry, kneeling on the damp ground in the empty small park till I realize its getting dark, and I have been here for few hours. Standing, I slowly make my way back home.. home, yeah.. Right. Now just a word for the house I once shared.. Time got away from me, first some people came to the house, and I was told I could not live alone, not old enough, being only just shy of 17. My grandmother comes, my fathers mother, who I barely know. She helps me pack up moms things, and get through all the dealings that come with a death. She's a strong woman, yet makes it clear, she does not want to raise me. So, my Aunt Sophie is contacted, and gladly agrees to take me in. Catch is, she's up north, in Washington state.. So, I get to pack up my things to move.. As I am packing up last few things of my mothers, I find her jewelry box. Smiling a sad smile, I sit down on her bed, my bed now, well till I move. I slowly open it, staring at the inside, a picture of her and I at the beach. The smiles on our faces seeming to make the picture glow. A tear slips from my eye, as I remember the fun from that day. Wiping my face, I look at the small amount of necklaces and rings in the box, then notice the slight gap in the bottom of the box. Curious, I dump the box on the bed, and get a nail file, wiggling it in the gap till the bottom pops out, revealing a small compartment. In it, is just a black silk bag, small , yet very well made. I pick it up, and feel that something's in it, dumping it out in my hand. I gasp softly, seeing a intricately made silver ring. The ring has small black lines running around it in circular fashion, making the silver sparkle in the light. There's a small stone set into the ring, and as I stare at it, it seems to shift and show green and red specks moving in it. I slide it on my finger on my right hand, and suddenly feel a warmth from the ring. In a panic I try to remove it, but cannot move it, when suddenly the world goes dark.... I appear to be standing in a small glade in a forest, yet there's no sound of forest life. I turn quickly, a bit scared, and even more confused till I hear her, my mother. "shh my baby, all is okay, I promise." she steps from the darkness of the forest, shining like a beacon of warmth and love. I run to her hugging her tight as she embraces me, kissing the top of my head. "its okay my little one, all is okay. " I hear her, as I cry "you left me.. you.. I miss you.. " She strokes my hair as I babble, "I know, but I am never far krystine. Now you need to listen to me." she lifts my face gently, sitting down on a chair that suddenly has appeared, and pulling me into her lap. "I do not have long, and there is so much to tell you. Your life is about to change, for the better, and some bad." I start to speak, she touches my lips with a finger "no.. Just listen. You are wearing my ring, the one I made in case of my death. It allows us to talk, and for me to give you the gift that you are destined to have. Your father and I were not what you think.." And with that, mom tells me what I am, what they made, and what I now have become... A/N-Okay, let me start with, I do not own anything Twilight related, that creative genius belongs to Stephenie Meyer's. I do claim any non-twilight characters as my own! That said, enjoy! The plane lands with a small bounce, causing Krystine to jolt out of her thoughts, and look out the window at the small airport. "ahh, fellas, this does not look like Port Angles." She says with a slight rise in her voice. The pilot calls back as he brings the plane to stop near a silver Audio Q8 prestige, "No Ma'am, was a bit of issue there, plus Miss Black requested the change just bit ago, I apologize for the confusion. And here we are, safe and sound" he grins, and walks back the small aisle between the seats, and opens the door, securing it and the steps before exiting to assist if needed. Gathering her things, Krystine exits the plane, and looks around more before stepping down the short bit of steps. The slightly chill air catching her dark copper hair, causing her to pause to tuck a bit behind her ear. "I really need to cut this.." thinking slightly about her shoulder length hair, then dismissing the thought as she spots her Aunt. Waving she makes her way over to the audi, and the taller woman with long thick, shiney dark hair done in soft waves around her shoulders. The woman smiles more at her she approaches, her dark heavy lidded eyes sparkling under her long lashes. She could be seen as very arrogant and powerful, if not for the dazzeling smile she is currently giving. Sophie beams a smile seeing her beautiful niece coming across the tarmac to her, and opens her arms, pulling the slightly stunned Krystine into a tight embrace, whispering in her ear "I am so sorry this has happened Krys, I am here for anything you need" kissing krystines hair, before pulling back slightly. Krystine gets over the initial shock of the unexpected hug, as Sophie was always more reserved in the past "Thank you... I just want to focus on future for now.. if that's okay" she smiles up slightly at the taller woman who nods in agreement smiling still. "of course dear, well, lets get you home shall we?" she says taking krystines bags, and loading them in the trunk, as the pilot helps stuff a trunk in with it all, before disappearing around the plane. Sophie slips into the car as krystine gets in, both of them buckling in. "So, just few things" she says as she starts to drive, the car silent on the road, the feel of it comforting to them both in a odd way. "Forks is a small town, so rumors run wild when new faces appear, so be ready for that" she smiles. "I have enrolled you in the high school, as you wanted, and you start in few days if your up for it. Also, try to not wander to far in the forest, it is very large, and you can get lost easy. Theres a native American reservation on the island west of town, though they tend to stay to themselves, so try to not push in there" she pauses thinking "I am sure I am forgetting something, but no matter" she smiles at krystine. Krystine nods as she listens to her Aunt taking it in before replying "thank you for it all, I will keep it in mind. As for school, I suppose I cannot put it off for to long." Looking at the town as they drive through it, taking note of the diner, stores, and such before it turns back into forest as they head out. Before she can ask, they turn up a narrow drive, that ends in a large two story stone and log home. "holy shit" she blinks seeing the huge house..then realizes "that's the same house I meet her in.." she says not so quietly.. Sophie shuts the car off, then hears about meeting someone.."who are you talking about?" she asks with confused voice.. Krystine can only blush and stammer "ummm.. ahhhh" |