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Triton faces his guilt and plans his next step against Dahelna. Dahelna finds a new ally. |
Chapter 11 Dahelna drags herself along the white hellscape, her left leg useless as her right thigh, both cut comparably to like that of a brisket. As is her entire right arm. Her blood trail is thick, fortunately for her it's stench is painful for the multitude of creatures that would want to eat her. Another fortunate happenstance for her is the slightest drop in temperature from day to night keeps the multitude of creatures that would eat her in different horrible manners, dormant. It takes her the entire night to reach the welcoming, beautiful, black abyss that is the ocean at night. The stars perfectly reflect off its flawless, calm, black surface, creating a mesmerizing mirror which allows the two great unknowns to face one another. It disgusts her to know that something that isn't Pantheon can hold a greater beauty than her. Her eyes and hands light up as she throws her left arm to the left screaming from the pain and anger. Once again the water obeys, folding the mirror on itself before crashing into distorted pieces. The sight of having her power back and the feeling of invincibility that it brings with it relaxes her. While on the other hand, she still forces herself to face the pain instead of healing herself for as long as possible. So that she can understand somewhat of the pain the heir no doubt had to face his whole life. So she can then prove to herself that she's as strong as him. For if the pain even does give her at least some semblance of an answer as to how the heir survived for 85 years. How a boy, survived on the surface on his own until he became a man and mastered the unknown. When she has spent but 2 days and 3 nights on the surface and she's almost died 4 times. The thought of knowing she only survived because she was near water, had water or liquid nearby when the heir had nothing. Creates an admiration towards him and hatred towards herself for feeling that way and for being so weak, so pathetic. She reaches the edge of the white earth realizing that trying to ascertain what the heir went through is hopeless. Then again she realizes that she simply can't take the pain and so to avoid contemplating her weakness. In she dives and the black abyss welcomes her. With its cold, unjudging, and unquestioning embrace. It wraps itself around her healing her wounds and filling her body with the power that she so desires. Which brings her warmth. She curls up in a ball as she accepts such warmth and comfort and almost lets herself get lost in it. Until she realizes she learned nothing from the pain. Nothing except that she wasted 2 days and 3 nights doing nothing but somehow finding herself to be, attracted, to the heir. For he's stronger than her, not only in body but mind as well and now all she desires is to meet him. Butcher Talani. Kill the council since she has to take her anger out on something. So that when she does butcher Talani as slowly as possible, her anger won't take control of her. Therefore allowing her to take as much time as she wants butchering Talani in front of every Atlantean, and enjoy it. Enjoy seeing the horror on every Atlantean's face, even her own army. knowing that once she's queen she'll allow the rest of the Pantheon army into Atlantis to slaughter every Atlantean. Therefore; the Pantheons will finally claim their rightful claim of Atlantis, have the rightful claim as the true children of Poseidon, and true rulers of the sea. Dahelna takes her time swimming through the ocean, her ocean, letting it warm her mind and soul. While giving it back the comfort of her power as she now imagines feeling that same warmth in the arms of the heir. Sadly this fantasy of hers is interrupted by a sudden large shift in the water, a large force headed towards her. She keeps her eyes closed knowing she doesn't need to even open them to face this enemy, enemies. Her forearms glow and despite her eyes being closed her enemies can still see the blue light emanating from them. She stops swimming, stays calm, and waits for her enemy to attack as they have now surrounded her. "Weee doo not wishhh tooo doo youu harmm Queeen Dahelna." An unfamiliar rasped, hissy, whisper of a voice says. She opens her eyes to see nothing but leechers surrounding her. In a pillar from the top of her ocean all the way down to the sand at the bottom of her ocean. "Then why have so many of you, things come to speak to me?" She asks not knowing who she's talking to exactly. Out from the pillar swims a leecher unlike any of the others or any leecher she's ever seen. This one has armor, proper armor on its body; 4 small golden eyes, a small triangular shaped thin mouth with a layered gunmetal helmet, two rows of razor-sharp teeth with teeth and gum protruding out of its mouth a little. His neck, its neck is thin and strained, its skin is gray and has muscle but thin, two shoulder pads the same color and layered the same as its helmet. With straps connecting them to its leather belt, it has gauntlets and leather thong like undergarment and has shin guard like armor. "To showw youu that wee are all withh youu, if youu would have usss." "Yet this." She points past it with her eyes "Is not all of you." "Wee did not wisssh too give youu thee wrong impressionnn." "What is it that you want?" The leecher commander or as this thing seems to be simply smiles. A female Atlantean, sky blue skin, cute round face, bunny like ears that point down, thin, humanoid body with vase like curved thighs. Two large round eyes that look like marbles between black and sky blue, no lips but has a mouth, no nostrils but has a cute nose shape. On her back are almost glowing natural pink designs and on her shoulders. She's only dressed in a tight, black, one piece that leaves her back and arms exposed. This innocent Atlantean along with hundreds more are currently in line and in chains on their way to be killed and skinned. As is how and where Dahelna's Atlantis gets its supply to create the new fashion. They're surrounded by soldiers, blood stained, thick metal walls, with tracks of hangers. Half are carrying the cleaned skins of an Atlantean on its way to be fashioned into clothing or some form of home dor. The other half are empty and on their way to have said skin be clipped into it. This Atlantean is not the only one of her race here in the factory, in fact her race is the most common in it. As her race's skin is most sought after for dresses since their skin is so smooth, durable and beautiful. She looks at a handful of her own race that are bunched up at the entrance to the kill floor, which is a smaller metal box within the factory with a track going through it. For the skins to be placed then cleaned by other Atlanteans not good enough to even be used for fashion. She nods to the handful of her own race before she lets herself fall to the floor. "Get back on your feet!" A soldier shouts. She stays down hoping her plan works while everyone else in line either ignores her or is fearing for her. "If you're not dead then I'll make it so! I don't care how valuable you are!" The sound of footsteps getting closer makes her smile which confuses everyone else in line. The handful of her race seem to ready themselves for her plan, as soon as the guard gets close enough they're to jump him, take his explosives, and destroy this hell. As the steps get ever closer hesitation starts to take hold of the handful and when the footsteps stop right behind her plan fades away back in line. Disappointment and despair floods her body and she closes her eyes now ready to die for at least she'll leave this hell. The soldier grabs her ear and pulls her over on her back and sees that she's not really dead or tired at all. The soldier's taken aback by the sight of her after quickly looking her up and down. Keeping his gaze at her chest for her cleavage is great because of the one piece. The soldier has a sick smile letting her know what he's now planning to do to her. She immediately tries get up to run but he kicks her knee out then steps on her right calve. He grabs hold of her left ear and tries to drag her away but she fights him so he sheathes his blade to grab her other ear which causes her so much pain she no longer fights. However she grabs hold of his forearms to spare her ears a greater pain. She looks for help from any of the 10 lines of 30 that are leading to their own kill floor metal box. None even bother to acknowledge her existence since they don't want to meet the same fate or worse. The soldier makes it to the closest exit door which opens on its own before he reaches for it. "Thanks." He says thinking it's a fellow soldier. He takes two steps towards the door and they are his last. He coughs up blood which prompts the young woman to look up and see 3 sharp prongs coming out of his chest. The soldier looks down at himself to see the 3 prongs for himself causing his eyes to go wide. The girl sees someone, no, something, a black armored being behind the soldier. Before she can scream the soldier is flung back into the factory and smashes into a track of filled hangers. Unbeknownst to the soldier and everyone else the black armored being activated the soldier's grenades on his back. The track he hits explodes into pieces and the blast wave causes a chain reaction disrupting the rest of the tracks. All remaining 74 soldiers make their way to him ignoring the hundreds running for the exits but are stopped from the shock from their collars. Triton quickly looks around for the source of the shock collars to find it in the hands of a short, dark gray, stingray humanoid creature. That's staring back at him with such anger his upper lip twitches from the urge to shout. "The one who kills that thing gets to choose however many girls as he wants to spend the night with!" The short boss shouts. The young girl manages to slip past Triton undetected and gets outside as fast as she can. She too is shocked but not by a push of a button but by the limited range of the collar. She hears screaming and shouting from the soldiers partnered with many blasters and clashes of metal. Soldiers fly out of multiple spots from the factory, some are missing limbs while others have large holes and tears in them. It's not long after when it all ends and silence overtakes her senses, silence and fear. Her collar makes a light ding before floating away from her which brings her confusion and happiness. The short stingray boss flies out of the wall and lands face first into the sand right next to her. Slowly one by one her fellow captives make their way out and surround her and their master. This confuses her greatly especially given how calm they all are. The clarity to her confusion is the last to walk out of the door, which is her savior in all his black armored glory. He walks into the middle of them and stops right in front of her with a hand held out for her to grab. She does and is shocked by his strength as she barely does anything yet she finds herself on her feet. He lets go of her hand as soon as he sees she's comfortably on her own feet to turn his attention on her master. He tries to crawl away but the savior stabs his trident in front of him and he stops moving. "Go to the old district, you'll find food, shelter, and security." The savior says without taking his eyes off their master. At first they hesitate to move, not sure whether or not to believe that the old district is safe or has food. The young girl he saved is the first to follow his order, but before she leaves the circle she stops and turns to face her savior. "Thank you." Her tears float away as she walks away followed by those that believe their savior until the circle is gone. When he knows they're out of sight and sound Triton steps on the back of the master's head. Burying his head into the sand. "It stops when you tell me who and where your master is?" The stingray boss fights to get free at first, scratching and clawing with his short arms and legs. But he soon discovers he's nothing compared to the strength of this alien or whatever he is. The master stops and shows a sign of surrender with his hands and Triton removes his foot. The master pulls his head out of the sand desperately gasping for air before coughing up sand and blood. The boss sees the shadow of Triton and that he's lifting his foot again. "Dahelna! Dahelna's my master!" Triton kicks him back on his stomach then steps on his head burying it deeper than before. The master immediately surrenders again but Triton keeps his foot down. Finally anger overcomes Triton, anger at this thing beneath his feet, anger at Dahelna for wanting all this, and anger at himself for allowing Dahelna to exist. He wants to suffocate this thing and be done with it but he can't give in and let it out. Only the great Poseidon knows how badly he wants to crush this little creature, every fiber of his body aches to make the kill. Even so, Triton lets out his anger with a scream that turns into a roar before he releases his foot. The little boss once again tears himself free gasping for air. "In the name of Poseidon his names Prixis alright! He lives in the new district! In the center of it in a 4 floored house!" The boss shouts as he gets on his knees in a begging position. Triton kicks the boss back on his stomach before stomping on his back. He keeps his foot on his back as he squats down next to him. "You will go and tell Dahelna what happened here and that I'm ready when she is." Triton stands to leap away when. "Wait!" He stops. "I don't understand, what about our deal?" "What deal?" "The-the-the deal with your kind, we give you the fashion no questions asked and you grant us a privileged life like you!" A weight like none other in the form of a punch like none other strikes Triton in the heart and soul. His body falls on its own in the horror, in the realization of just how bad it truly is here in Atlantis. How it's been since he and his parents have been gone. Guilt comes from the sand and wraps around him, the feeling of such a weight makes him clueless. He doesn't know what to do, say or even think. This feeling, these feelings are something he's never felt before all he can think of is an escape from them. His mind tells him to kill the boss, half his body agrees while the other half doesn't and that half is the reason the boss isn't dead. Triton looks to the factory and manages to force his body to move towards it, away from the whimpering boss. He leaps at the building of death, crashes through it like a pencil through aluminum. He grips the closest wall to him and piece by piece wall by wall he tears the building down letting out a grunt of anger with each piece. Leading to the power source of the building. He stares at it with all the hatred and anger he's had since his parents died. To his satisfaction he smashes it with a mere two strikes of his fists, but the flood gates are open. He grabs the now separate halves and rips them completely from each other while screaming. This scream is the rage of a boy, a teen, a man, and a king over 87 years. Joined by the filter of the helmet creating a roar far greater and fiercer than the titanic centipede. Let alone any surface beast or even any leecher horde he's ever encountered. A pretty boy of the same race as Triton is pulled out of his bed and out from under 5 naked women of the same race. He cries out when he sees his assaulter to find that its a pitch-black faceless alien. He starts to whimper after realizing that the alien is using one arm and is using it with ease. He cries out after seeing the alien take 3 prongs off its back. Luckily for him the 5 women he was sleeping with were louder than him when they screamed as they ran out. Now that they're gone he can scream all he wants, which is what the alien wants. Therefore all of the starving servants and patrons in his mansion can hear their master be just as powerless as them. The alien waits for the sound of the people storming their master's 4 story home after hearing his cries. Unfortunately for the pretty boy the sound is not heard and the alien looks back at him with a curious dog head turn. It slams him against the ceiling which makes him make a sound that's more of a squeal than a scream. It stabs the prongs next to his head, still no scream. The alien lets go of him allowing him to drop to the floor which makes him lose his breath. Not scream. The alien steps on his crotch which finally makes him scream. The world goes silent until the rumble of footsteps begins and once they reach their floor it shakes. The civilians at first are taken aback by the sight of the alien but soon see what it's doing. The alien grabs their master by the hair and slides him across the floor with enough force so he stops perfectly at the feet of the people. He looks up at them hoping one of them, any of them will help him, somehow help him. They don't and he whimpers knowing, or well thinking he knows what they're going to do to him. The alien places the prongs on its back before turning around to leave through a window behind it. "Wait!" It stops. "Why did you come for me!? I did everything she asked me to!" The alien's body tenses up and it turns its open hands into fists. "Do you think I wanted to do the things I did?!" The alien stands there in silence making them all think its going to change its mind. In reality its taking its time to contain itself from ripping the pretty boy to pieces. "And yet, you did them." The alien's voice makes them all shiver and it's not the fact that its philtered. "It's not my fault, she, she can do things no one else can! Her power! Its unbeatable!" The alien smashes through the window before disappearing, leaving the pretty boy all alone with the people he's forced to work the forgelines. Starving while making the armor and weapons for Dahelna's army under guard for decades. Resulting in many deaths of loved ones and children to be. Without any time to sleep, eat, or mourn. Talani paces back and forth across Deeju's room with her hands behind her back as she waits for her hearts return. Imagining what he's doing and how he's doing it, hoping that he doesn't let out the titanic monster that's been growing inside him his whole life. Hoping that he doesn't make too much of a commotion and ruin their element of surprise. Giving Dahelna their location, thus inviting very painful and prolonged deaths upon everyone they've saved. She knows only Poseidon knows what Dahelna plans to do to her and her heart. That's even if she can hurt her heart. The mere thought of their meeting and inevitable battle shakes her to her core. For the consequences of such a fight with such power would destroy Atlantis. In which case it wouldn't matter who the victor would be anyways. On the other hand depending on who the victor would still be, no Atlantean would want to be alive anyways. Now the thought of doubting her heart pains her but she can't help in not giving herself false hope. Although the thought of seeing her heart defeating Dahelna and freeing Atlantis, is too good of a future to give up on. Or doubt. She unsheathes her blades to check them for any damage or if they need sharpening. She knows it's a pointless gesture for her blades can't get damaged, become dulled, or be broken. Still it keeps her mind busy, somewhat. To change that somewhat into a what, she remembers all the lives that she's taken with them, all the lives she hasn't. As well as all the lives that they've taken in the hands of her family before her. She knows she has to kill, she doesn't mind it, but what she minds is why she has. The only life that she doesn't regret or question taking was the one that betrayed her family. The leader of the squadron of soldiers that chased her to the surface world. The means as to which she found her heart. "You love him and know he's going to be a great king, yet you doubt him." Deeju's voice is a welcomed one but only so she can now focus on not hitting him. Talani doesn't bother turning around or asking the obvious question of how he got in. "I know you don't know much, about living beings and I may not know that much apart from the bad. But I know that I know more than you." She turns around to face Deeju. "Triton is my heart and he will be the greatest king in Atlantis history. But he has a monster in him." Talani gets in Deeju's face, something she'd never do however she's trying to hide her fault. "As do we all, but his." She backs off. "Talani." Deeju says in a surprisingly affectionate tone but she's too caught up in her own mind to notice. "It's unlike anything I've ever seen. Until I met him I thought I had the greatest monster. Which is one of the reasons why I connected so quickly with him, because he knew how I felt. And it doesn't help that guilt is eating away at him which is only fueling his anger." Talani converses with a wall as Deeju acts as said wall. "Talani." Deeju urges. "Anger that will no doubt set that titan in him free. It's my job, our job to make sure that doesn't happen." "Talani-I-I-I." Deeju speaks in a tone as annoying as possible. "What?" She finally acknowledges Deeju to see him pointing to the second window on her right where an unmasked Triton squats on the rim with a plate of food in one hand and keeps his balance with the other. Oba arrives in the doorway next to Deeju out of breath and happy. Despite putting himself in danger by recklessly running into the building and up the stairs just to see Triton as soon as possible. Talani goes stiff unable to know what to do or say except to feel embarrassed. "Hey Oba, let's go join the other kids, and I will inflate myself, so you guys can, play again." Deeju suggests before looking back at Talani in a you were saying way. Letting Talani know she was wrong about him regarding his lack of knowledge of how living things talk. When in fact he knows exactly how to handle this situation. Which finally gets her to do something even if that something is be angry. Oba knowing he should leave with his head down starts to walk away back down the hall for Deeju to follow. "Oba hold up." Triton says as he gets inside and sets the plate of food on a counter next to the window. Oba excitingly walks over to Triton who squats down to meet Oba at eye level. "What is it?" Oba asks hoping for his first official personal request to help Triton, his savior, his king. Triton sees and knows this and can't help but chuckle and press on his belt which opens up revealing a series of brand-new toys. Gifts from the slave masters across the city. Oba's eyes light up and he gasps and steps back with a hand over his mouth and the other pointing at the toys. Triton chuckles once again and holds them out to Oba to take. He does, carefully and happily. "I always wanted something like these when I was a kid, but instead all I got was this boring suit." Oba laughs. "I'd rather have a suit too, only if I could fit in it that is." Oba corrects himself as to not sound ungrateful. Triton pets Oba's head which gives him the energy to run out of the of room, down the hallway, and out of the building. Still in the doorway Deeju looks to Triton letting him know that he has his trust, and his privacy. Deeju takes his leave and Triton walks over and closes the door before setting his trident on the aged violet shell dinner table. Talani is ever silent and still, afraid of what he's going to say. "I thought you would want some food." Triton breaks the awkward delicate silence. "And the window?" She goes along with the tension breaking but still unsure if it's okay. "A surprise?" He says in the same manner as her which makes her feel even more guilt for doubting him. He can see this in not only her face but her body language. Suddenly the same newfound weight from before takes hold of him once again. He can't move, think, or say anything nor does he know how or what to do. His body becomes so heavy and his mind blank as if he's been awake for an entire week. Tears fill his eyes, anger shackles him and anger weighs him down so much so his knees give out. He loses control of his body leaving it to fall on its own as he crumbles into his shame. The shame and embarrassment of not being able to keep control of his emotions. To allow himself to be weak at all. Talani's there to catch him, sliding onto the floor to get to him in time. "I'm, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, and I'm sorry!" He wails again and again however whether he's apologizing to his parents, his people, or to her she doesn't know. She holds him in her arms with tears floating away from her face, he doesn't move or acknowledge her touch. She knows everyone outside and inside the building can hear him, their hero protector, their king. Making it awkward and confusing for the people outside and inside the building and for her. except this time she knows what to say, as much as she doesn't want to admit it. "My parents made me swear to would leave them when the time came. To let them die, alone, so I could live to find you. They believed in you as I do. As Deeju, Oba and everyone else that you've saved does. You listened to your parents as did I. and for years I ran and I hid throughout Atlantis or anywhere I could hide in the ocean. Telling myself that I'd find you just so that the guilt wouldn't consume me, the same guilt that you feel." She takes hold of his face in her hands so he can look her in the eyes, so she can look into his. "I saw it in your eyes the first time I saw them." She smiles. "Actually saw them." Her smile alone comforts him. "And I know you saw that in mine. You've had to carry this undying weight far longer than I have. I don't, didn't know how to hold it up. I didn't know what to do or how to even do it. So much so I, I was..." She looks away from him for a second while she gets the courage to face him before admitting her secret. "when I." She looks away again. "I went to the surface because I knew I'd die up there." Triton's mind comes back to him and the only thing on his mind is to comfort his heart. "But then I was saved by you." She sniffles with a smile. "Then I saw you, how you live, how strong you are, how you let that guilt turn you into the king we all need. And that when I knew that their deaths weren't for nothing." "I'm not." She grips his face hard. "You're allowed to feel Triton Seidon, just as you're allowed to eat, and to sleep." She loosens her grip and scoots back to lay his head on her thighs. "To love." They rest their foreheads against one another with their eyes closed. "I'm glad you were the one that saved me." "Well, I'm glad you were the one that came into my life and turned it upside down." She playfully smacks his chest but doesn't open her eyes nor does he. "You're welcome." She kisses him letting him know and he gladly kisses her back letting her know as well. "How's your pain?" He asks and she gives him a cute inquisitive look which makes him smile and knowing that she doesn't know she's making the face. Makes it all the more enjoyable. "Your body cramps?" He illuminates. "Oh, it seems, every time I eat the pain goes away for a couple of hours before returning." "Any other changes?" "Not that I'm aware of." She says with a chuckle. "Would you like to see for yourself?" She asks which prompts the two of them to separate so Triton can give her the satisfaction of looking at her himself. He does. "Well?" "Somehow, you look better than before." Talani blushes. "Oh and I have a gift for you as well." He opens the other half of his belt to reveal a set of golden silverware. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Hilarious." She takes them from him and looks at them and can see her reflection as well as his and she sees that something's wrong. Something else, that is. She looks back up at him and asks with her eyes. "I want to kill the people's council as my next step, will you help me?" The boldness of the statement and the precedent it will set, aided by his change in tone and stature takes her by surprise. So much so she drops the silverware but he catches them before they hit the floor. "I'll take that as a no." "Triton, it's the people's council, people's. If we walk in there and kill them where anyone and everyone can see. We'll be just as bad as Dahelna, as that's what wishes to do. But she needs them to fake her claim to the throne." "Which is why they need to die." "we can't just." "They're just slave masters." The air and conversation goes silent as she stares at him at first since she doesn't understand. It takes her less than 30 seconds to realize the obvious truth. "Okay, but I mean--its' just this is a big leap, you went from wanting to get justice for me and freeing slaves to royally crippling and pissing off Dahelna. When you don't even know if the rest of the people will except you. "I will let the people I saved, see me. The real me as I did to the others." "What?" She stands up to join him. "I will show them who and what I am, whether they see their king, savior, or an alien is up to them. But what I do know and what it will accomplish is gain their loyalty and trust." "Anyone of them will tell Dahelna knowing they'll get whatever they want in return." She exclaims. "They were forced to starve, slave, and die because they didn't look how Dahelna wanted them to. She won't allow a single one of them near her, even if they have information about us. Me." "I can't believe I'm saying this, but we, I want to know what Deeju thinks." Talani says looking sick to her stomach. "I think it's a sound and logical plan." Deeju says with a straight face with a hand on his chin actually sounding impressed. "What!?" Talani exclaims. "What Triton says is true, no one will dare go to Dahelna let alone any of her soldiers or the people's council. Let alone be allowed to go anywhere near Dahelna." "How can you be so certain?" "Because I know what its like to starve, be alone, have nothing, while watching those around me die. I also know what its like to be freed from that life." Deeju's tone lets her know of his annoyance at the fact that he has to say what should be obvious. While he stares at her. "Even if it was by the doing of an alien." Deeju switches his gaze to Triton and gives him a quick smile and he returns the smile. "I know it is my birthright to serve him. However even if I was a different race, I'd still serve him until the day I died for what he did for me." Deeju goes back to an annoyed tone. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am studying what makes children so happy about playing with small versions of soldiers." He directs at Talani. He turns back to Triton at attention. "My king, and my friend I will gladly join you on your mission. If you'll have me." Deeju bows to Triton before taking his leave back to the children down the street. "We leave after dinner." Triton finally speaks to let Deeju know that he has his time for his studying. "Thank you, my king." Deeju says before turns his body as he lets himself fall. "Going down." Right as his body is about to touch the sand he inflates himself. "Play." The kids cheer before, as, and after they jump on him once again and exclaim their toy's story before fighting one another. "I thought I was bad, but he really needs to finish his schooling." "Just because he doesn't show it or say it. He understands people, mostly. It just seems he doesn't see the need to let anyone know. Unless its someone he cares about. Or someone he wants to prove wrong." Triton looks at Talani. "He didn't like me first." "You sound like a child." She punches him in the arm and he laughs. "I'm going to go eat." She stomps away and Triton follows. "Alone." He obeys her with a mocking bow and a smile on his face knowing what to say next. "Don't forget to use the utensils!" He shouts to her before looking to watch Deeju and everyone else enjoy the little freedom he gave them. Studying them all himself to see if Deeju's claim about how his people will follow him is true. It is. "Hey Oba." He calls out which causes the children playing with Oba to admire how cool and lucky Oba is. Oba lands on Deeju's stomach one last time before rolling over and looking at Triton with a smile. Oba runs as fast as he can to get to Triton who's only meters away. "Yes Mr. sir Triton?" Oba excitingly asks with his hands behind his back to be formal yet he can barely stay still. Triton knowing this smiles. "Talani, Deeju, and I will be gone again after dinner." Oba calms down at this news. "But there will be refugees like you who I also saved." An idea finds its way into Oba's head. "They will be coming here." Oba's curiosity turns to hope. "I need you to greet, feed, and help them in finding shelter. Can you do that?" Oba's eyes go wide and a smile like he's never made before finds itself on his face. A happiness he never thought he'd ever feel fills his body. Yet hesitation takes hold of him. "Well, until then, will you come play with us?" Triton fights the guilt. "You did say you always wanted toys like the ones you got me." He finally allows himself to take the offer of goodness, but only for Oba's sake. Not his own. Talani watches from her window with the food in hand and fork in the other. Triton, Talani, and Deeju stand at one another's side at the end of the neighborhood as they look on at the people's council citadel. "Now, when we get there, you two can't just do your thing and destroy everything." Deeju walks in front of the pair giving each one a prolonged glance with his hands behind his back. He decides to keep his glance longer on Talani despite Triton being the more powerful one. Talani returns a mocking glance, like that of a child. Which is what he wanted and she notices and becomes irate. "Well we aren't all going?" "Yes we are." "What?" "Say no more Triton, I understand your decision. However I would be amiss if I did not recognize how grateful I am." "And why is that?" She grumbles out. "Because unlike you, the building is very old and full of knowledge." Talani takes a step forward ready to throw a punch but Triton steps in the way. "Knowledge we need." Deeju adds reaching his head out from behind Triton. "What knowledge is that?" Triton asks to break the tension and to ask the question Talani wants to as well, but she's too angry to speak words. Deeju keeps his face visible to Talani. "Proof. Proof of your heritage." "We have the trident, and well, look at him." Talani thinks she finally has the edge on Deeju. As she stays behind Triton with her arms crossed across her chest and her forehead resting against his back. Deeju is going to say what he would say until Triton gives him a look. "Anyone, Dahelna, can have the trident and look like whatever it is you think he looks like. Although I acknowledge his skin is one of a kind as are his eyes and hair color. But this is Atlantis, no one but children and their parents look the same." Although logical and not against his usual train of thought, Deeju regrets putting it the way he did, considering his king's, friend's life. "But its not exactly proof for you my king as Dahelna has seen to it that your family records have been destroyed. It's more for the two of us." Again Deeju regrets saying the words but he can't help it, especially speaking so cold as he does. "So in all truth, the reason we can't cut loose and destroy the people's council hall is because you want your precious knowledge?" Finally Talani has the upper hand on Deeju. Sadly for her, in truth Triton already guessed this. She and Deeju haven't noticed this but Triton has found out when Deeju is hiding something. What he does when he's hiding something or lying is that he refuses to look at the person he's lying to. Despite him being logical and not afraid to express his superior knowledge. "In other words the council will be my proof if I, we get them to confess the truth to the people." Triton asks unaffected by Deeju's, use of words while looking at him. "Well yes and no, we could do that or." Deeju looks at Triton. "Only the true heir can open the royal citadel. On the other hand, that is truly better said than done." "And why is that?" "Because Dahelna sits right outside of it. With her ridiculous army around her, and it, and on top of it." Deeju speaks as if its sigh of relief knowing he can answer like he wants without any sign of emotional repercussions. Triton noticing this smiles. "So this great Dahelna is stuck sitting outside my family's citadel?" "House." Deeju corrects. "Without the means to get in and yet, her army follows her?" "You won't think that way once you see her power." "As I keep hearing." Triton's annoyed. "Can we let loose there?" Talani interjects. "Oh yes, the royal citadel is practically indestructible and has stood since the beginning of Atlantis. Not even Dahelna could get break down those doors. No matter what she did." "Do you want to go there instead then?" Talani asks Triton, not Deeju. Triton finally turns around to face Talani. Triton doesn't speak and Talani doesn't know why but Triton does. "As a matter of fact it was the first building molded and sculpted by the great Poseidon." Deeju interrupts before Triton can speak which is met by an amused look from Triton and an annoyed look by Talani. "No, the peoples council has to fall publicly then we'll go to the citadel and end this." Triton answers Talani while still keeping an amused gaze on his friend. "Why not go to the citadel first, don't you wish to battle Dahelna?" Deeju asks with genuine curiosity. "I won't need to." "What?" Talani exclaims and Deeju even gives a look of perplexation to his king. "Once we make the council confess, publicly, before executing them. We'll then have an audience." He looks at Talani. "A loyal audience to follow us to the citadel." "Then everyone will see you open the citadel." Deeju finishes his king's thought. "How will we fight her army when we'd be putting all those people in danger?" Talani once again interjects her logic. "We won't have to fight them either." Triton answers crossing his arms with a sigh knowing how she's going to reply. "How?" Talani exclaims her disappointment when Deeju, now understanding his King's train of thought simply raises his eyebrows. Impressed by his King's knowledge. "If she allows her army to attack the people then she won't have anyone to rule over." Triton replies as he continues to think his plan through. "So you want to use your people as a shield?" Talani asks with disappointment. "Witnesses." Triton corrects her. "What will they be witnessing exactly?" Triton knowing what she really means by that simply smiles at her child like demeanor since she seems to not notice it. "If Dahelna wishes to challenge me, then they'll witness her defeat. When she's defeated her army will stand down and the people will witness how weak their oppressors really are. If she doesn't challenge me then they'll simply witness their king take the throne and bring peace and justice back to Atlantis." Triton's tone leaves no room for hesitation or question and the two seem to obey his wishes. It's in this moment of all moments that he realizes how fortunate he is to have met them. How the first person he ever met on the surface turned out to be his heart for life. How the first person he met in Atlantis ended up being the friend he never had whose friendship will last until one of them is dead. It's far too good a fortune that he does not deserve and yet he's received it. Instead of allowing his mind to once more go down the rabbit hole of, why and/or how he was granted such a good fortune. He decides that it must've been the work of the great Poseidon, his blessing on Triton's quest so to speak. "Mr. sir Triton?" the voice of the ever adorable Oba undermines Triton's tone and its implications. "How long have you been there Oba?" "Uhm, well, about the whole time." Oba speaks thinking he's in trouble with his hands behind his back and his head down. "Why didn't you say something?" "I didn't want to interrupt. It sounded really important." "it's fine, I was going to find now that we're done." "really?" "yes I need to ask you to do one more thing." Triton squats down in front of Oba. "Okay." "Now this thing is very important Oba." Triton teases. "Whatever it is, I can do it." "you sure?" "sure." "When the time comes, you're going to need to lead everyone to the council hall." Oba's eyes go wide as he realizes his size and his voice and imagines his little self, trying to lead all these tall strangers. "Uhm, how will I know, though?" "You'll see it." Triton smiles before his helmet covers his head and he stands back up and nods to Oba. Oba returns the nod giving Triton permission to turn around and leap away before blasting into a swim. Deeju and Talani are about to follow him when Oba hugs Deeju's right thigh. "Don't let him get hurt Mr. Deeju." Deeju thinks of what's the appropriate response. "I won't." Deeju hugs Oba back and he lets go to which Oba then looks at up at Talani with a mean face. "And you Ms. Talani need to stop being so mean to Mr. Deeju." He folds his arms. "But he." "You heard him." Deeju gives a nod to Oba and he returns it giving him permission to leave. Talani stands there staring down Oba with the same mean face until Talani, like an inferior predator knowing it shouldn't fight. Backs away slowly before turning around and swimming away. |