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Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2186791
Jesus is making ALL things new.
When your resources are sparse,
And your options are few...
Behold! Behold!,
I Am making all things new!

If you could see the way I see,
You would not fret.
For I hold the keys of Life&Death!

I made the stars, the heavens,
and yes, even you.
But Behold! Behold!
I AM making all things new!

This trial, this pain?,
It's not yours to carry.
It belongs on my Cross,
So why do you tarry?

Come see me, come meet me,
In the Garden alone,
While the dew is yet heavy,
and I listen from My throne.

I am working at the anvil,
making fresh swords for you!
By the power of my WORD,
Behold! Behold!
I AM making all things new!

You are not alone in this!
I AM with you always,
to the ends of the earth,
beyond death and the grave!

I've got this! No worries!
I know how this plays out!
Nothing to worry about!

The things in this life,
they'll all burn away.
What matters are people,
this is why I delay.

Your purpose is greater
than gathering things,
I called you up higher,
now trust in My wings.

Come live in the Spirit!
Come dine with me!
See the peace that it brings!
Leave behind the distractions,
and all unimportant things.

Come! Climb up higher!
Beyond the dust and decay,
Where there's hope for tomorrow,
and the strength for today!

Though I have great compassion,
on all that concerns you,
I tell you it is nothing,nothing,
Behold! Behold!
I am making all things new!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2186791-BEHOLD-BEHOLD