Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2182482-Male-Morgans-Mission-ends-in-failure
by Hiccan
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2182482
The Male Morgan embarks on a quest to save his mother from her ticklish captivity.

Morgan's mother had been missing for almost a month. The Mystery Tactician Robin had left under cover of night on a secret mission of her own devising. She'd planned to infiltrate Castle Muspel and try to sneak out some of the Heroes held captive there while Surtr and Loki were away. Only one in the entire Order of Heroes knew what she was doing that night and so it had been hard for her male counterpart to keep quiet on the matter. She'd sworn him to secrecy and only told him on the condition that should anything happen to her that he would take care of her darling son. The Lad from Afar had wondered why the male version of his mother had been so considerate of him lately. Finally, his suspicions had gotten the better of him and after trapping the white-haired strategist in one of his pitfalls interrogated him by withholding aid. Once he'd been told of his mother's plans he'd thanked him and promised him that he would tell the tacticians daughter where he was on his way out.

That had seemed like ages ago now as Morgan lead his troops into the forest surrounding Castle Muspel. His troops, as well as his mothers, were all well trained and as such were doing great at keeping the noise down on this stealth mission. Too well in fact, as the young tactician's inexperience had shown as he'd lost track of a large portion of his forces in the dark forest. Against his better judgment, he'd ordered the rest of his men to disperse in an attempt to reconnect with the main force. He bit his lip cutely in frustration at his own failings costing them precious time. In open combat, they wouldn't stand a chance against any of the royals of Muspel with their new found strength gathered from the strange rituals they'd taken to performing.Time was of the essence as he ordered his last remaining troops to also spread out and search. Ignoring their complaints that he was making the situation worse. He needed them back together as quickly as possible if they were going to find and save his mother.

His grip tightened on his tome at what sounded like the faint sound of metal being drawn in the forest. The short 19-year-old's hand glowed as he readied a spell then lobbed it into the gloom. A pillar of purple fire signified it going off and Morgan moved forward to investigate warily. Peering into the bushes all he could find was a charred rabbit which caused him not only guilt at having ended the woodland critters life but embarrassment at having jumped at such a thing as if he was still a frightened child. Closer inspection though revealed a small blood trail leading away. The young mage followed it deeper into the forest until he came upon a wounded Muspellian thief bracing himself against a tree.
Morgan drew closer to the wounded soldier while keeping his eyes low to check for snares and pitfalls.
"How many in your company?" He demanded sternly of the rogue who responded with only labored breathing as he sank against the tree.
"Who is your commander?" he tried as the enemy weakly waved him away. Finally giving into his better nature he sighed.
"Wait here. I'll bring some healers when I find them."
At this, the man smiled but it wasn't until his tome was snatched from his hand and thrown to the wounded man that he realized it wasn't at him. A powerful arm wrapped around the short teen's waist and lifted him up to lock eyes with none other than the crown princess of Muspel Laegjarn. She smirked as the young tactician in training desperately tried to wriggle free of her grip.
"Such a noble young man. To try and offer aid to even an enemy in war."
She brought her free hand to Morgan's chin to force the wriggling little mage to look her in the eyes.
"Commendable. What is your name little lamb?"
"L-let go! Fight me with honor damn you!"
"Oooh, you want to fight? Do you think that wise? You seem to be a mage with no tome against a warrior."
Morgan squirmed and kicked in the Princesses grip as she turned to the downed thief and handed him a vulnerary.
"Drink this then head east to the troubadors deployed there."
The grateful man nodded and beat a hasty retreat into the brush as Laegjarn turned her attention to Morgan fully. She fingered the fabric of his coat as he beat on her arm in futile protest.
"Now what do I have here? This coat is quite similar to one worn by a mage we captured a while back. Are you two in the same unit perhaps?"
"I knew that you monsters had taken her! Release her and me at once!"
"You act like we just came and took her. She was captured skulking about in our castle. Thank goodness our slaves captured her."
"She was there to save our friends who you made into those "slaves" monster!"
"Such a reaction. Was she your wife then?
"She is my mother!"
"Is she?! My, my she didn't look old enough to have a son let alone one of your age. How fascinating I wonder how much of her sensitivity you've inherited."

A hand invaded under young Morgan's coat and found the mage's ribs. At first, they simply fluttered and brushed over the skin causing him to giggle sweetly and squirm in Laegjarn's grasp causing her to smile as well. Once she dug in though she hadn't expected the Hero to go quite so wild.
"Oooh, your definitely your mother's son. If anything I think you're even more ticklish than her at least on those ribbies. Now, where should we try next?"
With a surprising burst of strength, the mage managed to loosen the princesses grip enough for him to wriggle free. Out of reflex he positioned himself to cast a spell but realized that he didn't have his mothers tome. The young adult cursed in his head at such a childish mistake while his opponent laughed at him.
"Oh, how very adorable. Do you want to still fight? You should try to run instead I'm allowing it due to the kindness you attempted to show to my subordinate. I'll let you go and he and I will agree to say we never saw you. What say you?"
"Will you release my mother and the other prisoners as well?"
"My sweet boy you ask far too much. Rest assured if you were here against my father or Loki at this point you'd be begging to be let go. If you had been unfortunate enough to run into my darling sister or any of my father's new monsters you wouldn't even be talking right now as they don't play with their food. So I will offer you one last chance to flee and forget anything in your darling head about helping the others."
"Never! I will save my mother and the others! Even if I have to go right through you!"
"Ahhh you seemed like such a smart boy but I was raised to admit when I am wrong. Very well you can join your mother as a tickle slave than in the castle!"

Laegjarn charged at the Hero with her sword Nul at the ready. She chopped right at the mage's neck but Morgan avoided it remembering his acrobatics training from his "Uncle" Gaius. He dodged to the side not just avoiding the blade but also just dodging the grabbing hand of the princess. He turned and tried to scan the ground for his tome but was startled by Nul zipping right by his head and embedding itself in a tree. As scary as that was it was nothing compared to the feeling of a strong gauntleted hand closing around his wrist and pulling him back into the embrace of Laegjarn who wrapped her hands around his waist and smothered the short strategist from behind. Her devilish lips blew a stream of hot and wet air right into his rapidly reddening ears as he tried to worm his way free from her again.
"So your ribs are just as ticklish as your mothers. Now are your ears just as bad? Want to just tell me and save us both some trouble?"
Morgan made the wrong choice by lying to the powerful royal who was easily keeping him under control.
"N-no they-they're not the slightest bi-biIHIHAHAHAHANONONOHO"
Gently but with the slightest hint of strength Laegjarn had taken ahold of Morgan's ear with her teeth and was gently nibbling on the sensitive skin while being careful to keep her thrashing charge from hurting himself.
"Mmm such a liar. A tasty liar though. Do you see how easily I've got you trapped here? Any of the others would have you on your way back to the castle by now but I am trying to offer you a chance to run. You should take it little one."
"Heheheenohohonoo! I wohohn't leheeheve my mohohohther! Heheeheehahe!!"

Laegjarn clucked her tongue and used one arm to reach for her sword but again the boy surprised her. Remembering his training from his Uncle Frederick about how to free himself from the grip of a larger opponent. The short mage planted his feet and stuck out his rear before pulling on his attacker's arm with all of his might. The Princess Laegjarn was astounded as her young attacker pitched her over his shoulder and into the ground. Even Morgan was astounded for a second until he realized that this was his chance to find his tome. If he could capture the Princess Laegjarn maybe he could arrange a trade of sorts with Muspel for his mother. He thought he saw something shine like the gold embroidery of his book for a second before everything went dark.

Much like how Morgan had received training since he was a child so too had the Princess Laegjarn and so it was in seconds that she was back on her feet and behind the distracted mage. She seized the hem of his oversized coat and lifted it up and over his head obscuring his vision and pulling his arms over his head. In seconds she pulled the belt from her trousers free and used it to bind his arms above his head in a way that he couldn't get them back down. In a second Laegjarn had turned the Lad From Afar into a ridiculous trapped pet who this time she pulled into her lap as she adopted a sitting position right there on the forest floor. Morgan wiggled squirmed and kicked his booted feet in desperation at what he knew was coming. Inside his dark prison, he couldn't see a thing of what was happening outside with his captor. So when he felt cold steel placed on his stomach he thought he knew what Miss Laegjarn was doing but the feeling of dulled fingernails lightly tracing his defenseless armpits made the smart lad realize that now she'd discarded her gauntlets.

She started off on Morgan's armpits just like she had in their battle. Slowly and teasingly. She placed those evil nails into his undershirt just enough to twirl them in the fabric. Just close enough that he could practically feel them in his mind just digging into the sensitive hollows. They hovered there teasingly for what felt like an eternity before she spoke up.
"You're already trembling you know. Shaking like a leaf and I haven't even touched you. As adorable as I find that I'm going to offer you another chance. Say you'll go home and I'll release you. You're clearly outmatched and if you continue onwards all that will happen is you'll end up in chains right alongside your mother. She wouldn't want that and neither do I."
Laegjarn stroked her nails along the taut undershirt protecting Morgan's deathly ticklish pitties from her. Completely by accident, she poked a hole in the with her pinky finger illustrating just how thin the fabric was.
"Your mothers were so ticklish she shrieked when we first tickled them. Judging from how nervous you're acting here I don't think you're much better. Leave. Come back with an army if you wish to save the others instead of essentially delivering yourself as a gift to make us more powerful."
".....Ne-never. I'll never leave her with you. I'll never go home without her. If I don't go home then so beEEEEEEIHIAHHAHAHHA!!!"
The fiery princess interrupted her victim's noble sentiments by driving her fingers straight through the undershirt and into the ticklish armpits beneath them. Just like his mother had, Morgan's voice pierced the clearing with his scream of absolute ticklish shock and agony. He kicked and bucked in her grasp like a fish dying on the line but that only made it worse as the princess was dug in deep enough to his sensitive pits to literally steer the young man as he sat in her lap.
"Behave and it'll go better then. Settle down or I'll just simply have to make you."
After giving Morgan a minute to catch his breath Laegjarn asked him again.
"Now will you be good? Or will we need a bit more time on those ticklish armpits?"
"Ye-yes. I'll be good."
"Good then. So let's talk."
Laegjarn reached up and undid the belt binding Morgan's arms above his head and keeping him trapped in his coat. She pulled the coat down and actually ruffled the hero's hair. He tried to stand up only to be roughly be pulled back down into the princesses lap and to have those damned fingers take positions right on the edges of his pits.
"No, no your not going anywhere. I gave you plenty of chances to leave. You're staying here now instead. If you won't go home then I'll just keep you myself. I'll go easier on you than the others would at least."
"Y-you clearly don't like this any-anymore than I do. Wh-why don't you help me instead?!"
"You think I would betray my family and help you save yours? You overestimate just how good a person I am and how persuasive you are. Now we're going to sit and talk. There are many of you heroes in serving Askr now so forgive me if I must ask your name."
Morgan fidgeted in her grip but kept himself calm through sheer force of will.
"I'm Morgan son of the famous tactician Robin."
Laegjarn slipped Morgan's coat off his and pulled it down slowly while he went on.
"What-what are you do-doing?!"
"Shush now. I will hear your voice answering only my questions or screaming in ticklish pleas. Your choice prisoner."
"I-I answered y-your question."
Ignoring that Laegjarn removed Morgan's coat and folded it neatly before placing it beside where the two of them were sitting.
"How old are you?"
Having removed his coat, Laegjarn now set to rolling up Morgan's tunic beneath so as to expose the lad's belly to the cold night air. Inch by inch more of his pale stomach was revealed.
"I-I-I'm twenty."
"Mmm? I don't like liars usually."
She placed her hands threateningly on Morgan's tummy making her intentions clear.
"Really? So small for one of your age. Does your darling mother not feed you?"
As Laegjarn admonished him she motioned for him to raise his arms an action which he obliged without thinking so that she could remove the tunic completely from her embarrassed captive.
"My mother f-fed me fine, She's short too!"
"Yes, she is. She also had a ridiculously tickly belly for a mage. Maybe that's why she used to wear such baggy clothes? Is that why you wear them too?"

Morgan tried to move his hands to protect his sensitive tum but they were quickly seized by Laegjarn who gently placed them back down into his lap while whispering into his ear.
"No, no, no. Don't fret now my dear. Don't try to stop this little hero. You keep those right there. Now let's see what other gifts your mother left you. Laegjarn's fingers dug into Morgan's soft belly and simultaneously pulled the teen closer to her as he tried to twist away.
"So dramatic. Still, I think you're more ticklish here than your mother as well. How could she have ever expected such a short, weak and ticklish boy as you to fight?"
Despite her taunts, Laegjarn was having some difficulty. She had not expected just HOW wild her victim would go at having his belly tickled. Despite how much stronger she was due to the power her fathers ritual still she was just barely managing to restrain this wild ball of energy in her lap. She supposed he wasn't lying earlier as despite his height and boyish good looks this was very well beyond the strength of a grown man. His hands flailed wildly as they tried to slap hers away still she couldn't help notice that they never simply seized her hands and held them still. Could her little prince charming here be enjoying this?

The feeling of warm fingers squeezing her hip bones snapped her out of attention as she burst into breathy giggles herself.
"Nooohoo doohn't!!!" She squealed falling backward into a laughing pile. Morgan looked back in befuddlement unsure of what had happened before noticing it. When Laegjarn had removed her belt earlier it had caused her trousers to sag beneath her form-fitting armor leaving a sizable strip of Laegjarn's delicious caramel belly exposed as well as the tops of her scrumptious looking hips. Morgan swallowed at the sight of the gasping warrior woman laughing up a storm in the dirt. While he wasn't ignorant of sex he had yet to experience it. Due to the burden of planning a war his mother had left having "The Talk" with him up to his father Donnel who at the time had only been a few years older than him due to the odd circumstances of this campaign. His own father had been quick to divulge that most of the romantic life of his parents had been just like the battles they had fought side by side as they fell in love. That is to say meticulously planned by his mother down to the last detail with no room for deviation. This had extended to his and the Mystery Tactician's love life which had also been Donnel's first. So it was that the Village Hero had taught Morgan to respect women due to the quiet fury they harbored. A phrase that at this very moment Morgan realized did not help in this situation. Instead, the young adult gave in to base instinct and dug his short nails into that exposed flesh he had seen and dug them beneath the armor.

"NOOOHOO PLEEHEESE DOOHN'T!! EHHHUEHHAHA! PLEEEHEESEE!" the Princess breathily screamed as Morgan's fingers dug under her armor for those hipbones. She tried to roll over onto her belly in protection but only managed to pull the short mage over so that now he was sitting atop her lower back. He took advantage and tickled away at the small of her back, dancing his fingers over the sensitive skin and worming them down to tickle even more of her sensitive skin under the cold armor. As she pounded the ground in frustration she left fist-sized divots in the forest floor. Morgan couldn't help but notice how Miss Laegjarn never simply tried to grab his hands with her obvious strength and stop him. He felt a gnawing urge and started pulling down her armored greaves to expose more of her ticklish hips and buttocks for his hands to play with.
"OHH YOOHOHU NAHUHGAHTTY BOHOHYEHEHHEE HUAHHA!" she gasped as he fumbled with the clasp at her hips before finally getting it free and pulling free to expose her chocolate colored rear wrapped up in a modest set of white lace undergarments. He twiddled a finger back and forth under the exposed area of her left cheek and grew hot at how it jiggled. A voice that sounded like his said "So the mean and smoky princess can dish it out but she can't take it? Feel like helping me now or do we need to do some more persuading?" which didn't sound like anything he'd say.
"Fiend?! I came here to save my mother and I'm the fiend?! The one who you tortured and tickled the bejeezus out of first!? Then try this on!"
The small mage pulled down the lacey undergarments protecting the Princesses ample bottom and threw it to the side before quickly pressing his lips to the caramel colored globe and...

Morgan blew a wet hot raspberry right into his victim's buttcheek making both of their faces red and her eyes water.
"What's that? I can't understand you. You just keep laughing at me. Well, that's rude so maybe I should teach you some manners. PPBBBPTTP!!!"
With that, Morgan went down for another Raspberry on the other cheek making his former captor go wild.
Morgan stopped her in her tracks by digging his fingers into the jiggly skin making her burst back into squeals. He slapped her across the backside and smiled at how it jiggled until she rolled back over and sat up with an expression that made his smile disappear.
"Too far?"
"A bit." She said as she grabbed him and pulled her barechested prey back into her embrace.
"You know I didn't hate that. In fact, I might honestly venture so far as to say I enjoyed it. I haven't been tickled since I was a child and never THERE since it was by my father. I will say I am abit self-conscious about my laugh though."
While she waxed on so mundanely her actions were anything but. Like a spider that had trapped a helpless fly, she wrapped her prey in her arms. Turning him around and sitting him down on her lap again. The fingers of one hand skittered along his neck while the other arm wrapped around his waist and kept him from running.
"To be honest I'm self-conscious about my laugh you know. It's nothing but ugly snorts and breathy chuckles. Yours though is like your singing. Mmmm I could listen to it all night. It's so soothing."
Morgan tried to reach up and stop her only to get his hands slapped away and his body pushed down until now he was laying on the ground with his head in Laegjarn's lap. Her long legs wrapped around him and pinned his arms to his sides and his hands in his lap with her armored boots resting atop them.
"Let's slow it down abit so we can chat lover."
"Wait wha-HEHEhehehhenahat thihis agahainhehuh!!"
Laegjarn idly played with his ears. Pinching the sensitive cups and twirling her fingers inside them. She slowed down as she continued their chat to having one just occasionally swipe the sensitive ear at random intervals
"So no matter what I do you won't just go home, right? Accept that your mother is a lost cause and go back to Askr or even your own realm?"
"No! I will savEHEEHEE her! No matter how mAHAHEny times you asSAHAHEk!"
"As I thought so naturally, you're going to end up in the castle. You think as a conquering hero. I say it will be as a broken tickle slave. Either way, though I've realized something in our time here. I like you, Morgan. I enjoy tickling you and in turn getting tickled by you. So I propose a game where if you win I'll help smuggle you into the castle and help you in your quest to save your mother."
"You woulDAHEHEE? I would assume the game is TIHIHIHEEckling?"
"But of course. Why not stick with what we're both equal at? You seem to have quite the talent as well. Don't think I don't notice what you're trying down there.
Morgan glanced nervously up from where he'd been furtively trying to get Laegjarn's boot clasps undone."
"This soUUAHEEHEnds too good to be true. So I assume there's a catch? What happens if you wiHHIHIn?"
"Oooh so wary! Always on the lookout for traps! I'm sure you've at least partially figured out my end. If I win you come back with me to the castle with no fuss."
"To be aHAHAHA slave? You cAHAHEHEn't expect me to agree to thHAHHATOOHAHARD!! that!"
"Oooh so sorry. You're just too cute when your laughing. Anyway, that's why I had a special part for my side of the deal. I enjoy not only tickling you but I also enjoyed the other end more than I thought I would. So I would tell my father and the others that I'd broken you out here myself and already dusted you up. That way I'd get to keep you to myself entirely. As long as you played along we'd both be fine. You wouldn't worry about your mother or the war or anything but when I would come back and the two of us could play."
"So I'dEHEEHEHAA still be a slave?"
"More like a servant. You would get to keep your mind and I'd treat you much better than the others get. You'd also sleep in my chambers with me, unlike the other slaves who just get into a pile in my father's room and tickle each other unconscious."
"You mean my mother? And my allies?"
"They'll only be that if you win. Lose and they'll stay exactly what I said."

"If I wiIHIHIHEEn though you'll HEHEHHAlp me save them then help us baHAHAAHAHOHAWCK to Askr?"
"Yes just as I said."
"Could I add onto our deal?"
Laegjarn's finger froze just as it was about to swing back for another tickle.
"What did you have in mind?" She purred to her captive.
"If I win you come back with me to Askr as well and stay there."
"Hmmm? You want your own slave too-"
"You don't like it here, do you?"
Laegjarn froze for a second before bristling at the implication.
"I serve my father and homeland as is expected of me."
"Then why this game? Why not carry me home to be tickled senseless?"
"You offered that man aid so I'm giving you a chance with this game..."
"Then I'm making it more interesting. Do we have a deal then?"
"Only if we raise the difficulty as well. Boots off young man. We start this with weaknesses exposed."
"You're much stronger than me so I assume you'll be doing the same?"
"Well, I-"
"Also your still wearing armor. I'll be in trousers and socks only. Hardly fair is it?"
"Mmm, you do have a silver tongue, don't you? The things I'll make it taste once I get you home."
"You'll have to win though. Otherwise, it's off to Askr with me once we've saved the others."
Laegjarn undid her boots and wiggled her still socked toes at Morgan as she winked.
"I did say that, didn't I? The rules of our games are as follows. We go until one gives up. How that's achieved is entirely at our discretion."
"That's a bit boring, to be frank," Morgan said as he removed his own boots.
"Why not add some more drama? First to three wins?"
He placed his socked foot next to Laegjarn's and couldn't help but notice how it was almost twice the size of his own. She saw him staring and placed her own socked foot atop his as she drew him closer.
"How about we make it a game of wits as well? We're not allowed to tickle any place more than once. Including the one we just used. So you couldn't touch my hips and in exchange your neck, ears, and ribs are safe."
"Your hips are that ticklish? Of course, I'll take the deal but still my goodness."
"Don't you worry about that sweetie. We'll play with yours later." Laegjarn began stripping off her armor until she stood before him in only a thin undershirt that barely concealed her own undergarments.

"Now I'll give you to the count of ten unless you would prefer to just grapple here. One."
"Wait a second are you looking down on me?"
"Five. Do get moving I'd like some sport."
"Hold on you've skipped a few-"
Noticing the devious smile on the princesses face Morgan took off running just as she screamed TEN and lunged towards him. She just missed him as he took off as fast as his socked feet could carry him having figured out her plan mid-sentence.
"YOU REALLY ARE QUITE CLEVER!" she yelled as Morgan ducked into the bushes. The short teen heart was pounding as he searched for a place to hide where he could come up with a plan. The sound of a twig snapping alerted him and he ducked just in time to avoid a pair of hands trying to seize him.
"Oh pooh." was all the Princess could muster as she crashed through the bushes and landed in a heap. Thinking quickly the short mage scrambled over and flipped her over before straddling her on the ground. He raised his hands above his head and wiggled his fingers menacingly before she turned the tables on him quickly by sitting up and wrapping her arms around his waist then driving her face into his belly.
"EHHHEEEHAHAHIHO!!" Morgan shrieked as he tried to grab at her shoulders and push her away. Her grip was like steel though and she remained stuck fast to the warm stomach where he could feel her taking another deep breath in preparation.
"NOOOO DON'T!" He screamed in desperation but was met only with another loud and wet-
causing him to collapse over Laegjarn's shoulder, a complete red-faced wreck from laughter. He tried half-heartedly beating his fists on the broad shoulders of his captor but got a light buzzing of the lips right smack on his belly button each time.

The feeling of a hand reassuringly patting him on the back did the opposite as he instead started to go limp due to the hopelessness of the situation he'd gotten himself in so quickly after starting this game Laegjarn braced her silly sack of strategist over her shoulder and got to her feet careful to never loosen her grip on her prize even for a second. She stood up still holding her victim and beamed brightly before placing her lips back to the soft belly, puckering them and...
Laegjarn pouted before carrying Morgan over to a tree and carefully sitting the exhausted and sweaty tactician against it to rest. She pushed a few strands of his hair from his face and smiled at her own handiwork. Their tickling game hadn't begun fifteen minutes ago and now her opponent's face was the same adorable shade of pink as the abused parts of his tummy she had just been doting on. Morgan's body heaved with exhaustion and as he desperately tried to keep his eyes locked on her to try and distract her still it was plain to see how tight his pantaloons had gotten.
"Looks like the first point is mine and so quickly as well. I'm a bit disappointed as I was kind of hoping for abit more of a fight so that I could unwrap these pretty little presents down here."
She pinched both the big toes of Morgan's feet through his socks and his hands clapped to his mouth instantly. Laegjarn smiled at the daggers he stared at her while she chuckled.
"Don't worry I'll wait for you to get your breath back. I'm just teasing you for the moment because I'm wicked. She rocked the feet back and forth by the toes while Morgan caught his breath humming happily to herself.
"Make no mistake though Morgan. These two are my next target and I am going to enjoy playing with them. Until then though let's make them feel better."
"No! Let's just get on with this already. I want a longer lead this time. An ACTUAL ten seconds."
"Oh? So forward. Fine, then we can go on to the second round. Before that though..."
Laegjarn leaned over and planted a big, wet kiss on Morgan's. She lingered there for a second until Morgan got over his shock at her forwardness and pushed her away. He rubbed at his now wet cheek as he got to his feet.
"I should get something for my victory. So let's get started then. One, two, three,"

Once again Morgan fled this time with his mind racing with ways to win the game. If he could find a place to lay low for abit he could prepare a pitfall to catch the Princess unawares.
He could hear her coming and faster than he'd expected. His eyes lighted on a fallen log and he wondered if he could hide in there.
The log it was he decided as he started to climb in. It was a tight fit at first but he felt it start to open up once he got his knees in.
"Ohh? Your kind of taking the fun out of this. I wanted a bit of a challenge here."
An arm wrapped around his ankles as Morgan realized a number of things simultaneously.
-The log had gotten tighter farther in and now he was stuck. He wiggled and struggled but he was stuck tight. One of his arms was pinned tightly to his waist by the log and the other could only grasp about inside the log.
-He was not as far into the log as he had thought. In actuality, Morgan's ankles stuck completely out of the log leaving his white-socked feet completely exposed where they stood out easily for Laegjarn to find.
-Morgan was not as smart as he thought he was. He realized this now as Laegjarn had his feet at her mercy just like she said she would after he had just essentially gifted them to her.

Laegjarn tightened her headlock around his ankles and ran a singular finger to teasingly slow up his sole.
"Nnneneeheh Don't! Please, Miss Laegjarn!"
She worked a finger under his sock and hooked it before gently tugging and the thin cotton protection.
"Why do you call me that?" she asked as she played with the material between her fingers. Rolling it up and over his ankles slowly.
"Why do you call me Miss Laegjarn like that hmm?"
His feet were wiggling back and forth madly in terror of what was to come at this but a swift and stinging slap from Laegjarn across his sole stopped that.
"Settle down. So? Answer me. Or do you want to just get straight to your surrender?"
"I-I-I don't know why!! I-I-I just d-do that when I ge-get ne-nervous" Morgan was stammering at this point from the tension of when this madwoman would begin her assault on his tender tootsies. She was rolling down his sock on his right so damn slowly. His ankles had just been passed and even the lightest feeling of her nails on his heels back there had him clutching his mouth shut to dam the giggles.
"So you're nervous around me? We've been through so much together at this point though. Honestly, I feel more comfortable around you at this point than any other man I can think of besides my father and maybe the slaves back at the castle."
"Tho-those are m-my friends!" Morgan hissed through his teeth at the Princess.
"No they used to be your friends. Loki saw to it that nothing of what they once were is left in those empty heads of theirs. Now they are just silly puppets for us to play with. Whether you join them here is up to you. But honestly? I think you want me to win here."

She'd rolled his sock down far enough that his heel was fully exposed to the night air. He tried to shield with his other socked foot but it was quickly chased away by her devilish fingers. She hadn't even begun to torture him yet but inside the log, Morgan was going wild. He was trying with all his strength to dislodge himself with his free arm but was only serving to work up a sweat on his already red face. Laegjarn meanwhile on the outside was cool calm and collected as she tapped one impatient finger on his heel and cleared her throat. His toes flexed in fear as she simply reached back into the log up inside it and...
The log itself rolled just ever so slightly at the force of Morgan's surprised jump from Laegjarn's pinching of his rear. Morgan flushed red hot inside the log at the embarrassing display and cursed not only Laegjarn and his own name but trees in general for the slight part they played in this his farewell to his dignity. Still, the message was received and he settled down inside the log earning his bare heel a gentle pat from his cruel mistress as well as a reassuring.
"Good boy."
He clenched his fist inside his prison at the humiliation and the feeling of her resuming the rolling of his sock once more. His instep was slowly revealed next and a finger was gently stroked along it. So very, very light was the contact on his skin because Laegjarn's intent actually wasn't to tickle the boy. She herself was actually mesmerized by the creamy shade of white that the sole was, she had to touch it. She was trying to do it in a gentle way to not frighten him but still even this...
Even though the sturdy log that kept him trapped was quite thick. Even though he kept his hand clapped over his mouth tightly to try and muffle himself. Even though Laegjarn wasn't even actually tickling him and was actually just resting her finger on the delectable skin in incredulity at how sensitive this boys feet were. Morgan was still squealing inside there loud enough for Laegjarn to hear him clearly. When Laegjarn's sister Laevateinn had first gotten ahold of the tactician Robin she'd been a wild one who had fought her every step of the way. When she had gotten the Plegian mages boots off though she had immediately tried to beg and plead her way out before she was even touched on her feet. However, Laevateinn in her typically merciless fashion had ignored her completely and quickly made her shriek loudly enough to wake the entire castle. Laegjarn had arrived at the scene last of the royals and had found Morgan's mother hogtied with her own clothing and the Princess Laevateinn reclining atop her. She had her own large bare feet up and was running her own toes over the upturned soles of the naked tactician who was going insane under her interrogation. Laegjarn remembered the woman begging Laevateinn to let her give her information on other heroes locations weaknesses and strengths in exchange for mercy. It was there that they had extremely sensitive and ticklish feet was a condition that afflicted not only her but also the male version of her from another realm and even her own adopted sister Aversa. It was the reason behind their fondness towards heavy boots and just like all of his mother's ticklish spots and her height he'd inherited it and it was even worse for him.

Despite herself, just the sight of Morgan's toes had Laegjarn licking her lips. She snuck one finger in under the sock as she saw those sneaky little toesies trying to keep the sock from rolling on over and exposing them to Laegjarn's tender games. She scratched a nail at the tender stalks of each toe making the bubbly little digits quiver as they tried so desperately to hold onto the sock.
"Nnnehnnooo..." Morgan groaned inside his prison clenching his fist so tight that his knuckles were going white.
"C'mon Morgan just let go. C'mon cootchie cootchie wet go..."
The tickle talk was actually bringing it to a new level for Morgan but he was still barely hanging on.
"These gitchy little things are determined. Oooh, I just can't wait to play with them. Cootchie, cootchie coo widdle Morgan. Just let go and give up."
"N-nee-neheehe-neheverr!" Morgan stammered. He tried to offer his foot in distress aid by attempting to block it with his other foot but it was not only pushed away but then pinned and mercilessly drilled with one finger. A series of hard twisting pokes into that socked foot taught it what happened when it didn't mind its own business.
Morgan beat his fist on the roof of the log and actually managed to knock a few chips loose and let in some air.
Before he could focus on that though Laegjarn resumed her offensive on the other foot with her sneaky toe teasing but with a new twist. She lifted the foot and pressed her lips to the heel. Morgan felt her teeth nibbling on his heel and broke.
"AHAHAWHAHAH!! WHAHT ARHAHE YOHOHU DOHOHING?!" Morgan screamed as he pulled at his hair inside the log to which Laegjarn simply barked "Winning." as she watched Morgan's toes finally let the sock slip. Like a flash, she quickly drove her thumbs in between the little toes and forced them to splay out before her as her hungry mouth descended on them. She trapped the little toes in her warm mouth and held them still with her teeth so that her tongue could have its way with them.
Morgan was shrieking in hysteria inside at the assault on his tender digits. He desperately tried to use his free hand to pull himself away from Laegjarn and in another burst of his father's strength actually managed to dislodge himself from the blockage in the center of the log. "Am I actually free?!" He thought to himself. He tried to scramble deeper into the log for safety but Laegjarn held tightly to his one foot and refused to let it escape. She bent all of his toes each which way and scratched them all over the stems with her thumbs.
"Oh? Somebody get a bit more wiggle room in there? How about a congratulatory smooch?"
Morgan felt his trapped foot start being showered with Laegjarn's wet kisses and snickered. It still tickled but not as bad as when she was trying earlier, It also didn't hurt might actually admit to liking the feeling. (Just not to Laegjarn.) He used this needed break to assess his situation and come up with a plan. It would require sacrifice on his part and quite abit of risk but it was all he had left.

"Alright ready to resume? Or do you maybe give up?"
"I-I do..."
"Hmm? What was that Morgan?"
"I give up. You win again."
"Ohhh that's too bad. I was just starting to enjoy myself out here."
"My feet can't take anymore."
This was true. Morgan's feet still tingled from Laegjarn's assault but his plan also required it. It took all he had to not pull his legs away and to his chest the moment Laegjarn released them but he needed her to keep thinking he was stuck.
"So we're on to round three I believe?"
"Wa-wait Lae-Laegjarn pl-please..."
"Hmm, what is it? Oh, are you still stuck you poor thing? Here let me help you."
Laegjarn took ahold of Morgan's ankles making him yelp even though he was expecting it. Ignoring just how cute she found that the Princess planted her own socked feet and pulled. Morgan held on inside the log for a few minutes fighting against her until he believed she'd sufficiently strained herself at which point he released his grip and let himself be dragged out of the log.
"There we go. Now, how abou-Wha-HEY!"
Quick as a flash as soon as Morgan was out he sat up and sprung on his "rescuer" burying his face in her neck.
"Morgan you little snEEEHEEHEEAK!!"
He started nuzzling and nibbling at her neck sloppily while wrapping himself around her. Laegjarn stood up with Morgan still hanging off her and began to try and dislodge him through her increasing peals of laughter.
She tried to chide him for his sneaky plan but kept breaking down into her snorting belly laugh she was so ashamed of due to the mages new strategy of nibbling different parts of her neck at random. Despite his advantage, Morgan held on for dear life knowing that if she managed to get him off of her that it would be game over for him as she would most likely not let him go. He stopped his nibbling onslaught to stick his tongue and she acted as if she had been hit by lightning.
"You'd have to get loose first!" he taunted back before going face first back into her neck. Laegjarn stumbled about with the boy trying to dislodge him before crashing into a tree behind her and collapsing to her knees. Morgan spared a look and saw her cheeks flushed bright pink and a thin line of drool starting to leak from the corner of her mouth. She caught him staring and sent him a brave smile that he could clearly see was holding back a flood of breathy giggles. Acting completely against any thoughts in his head Morgan leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek. They both froze in shock at the smooch. Her at the unexpected forwardness of it and him at the stupid move he'd just made.

The two sat in silence with their faces burning for a moment before Laegjarn threw her hands up.
"Fine! Point to you."
"I wasn't getting you off anytime soon and honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to...so point to you."
"But-but...okay. So now it's two to one. So how about my headstart?"
Laegjarn wrapped her arms around Morgan in a big bear hug and pulled him close. He kicked and wiggled but she kept his arms pinned to his sides with her own.
"No, no, no. You just showed you don't need a headstart so you won't get one anymore."
She planted a big kiss on his left cheek and enjoyed his squirming.
"There's that kiss you asked for before mister winner and one to celebrate your well-earned victory."
Another kiss for Morgan's other cheek had him flushing almost the same shade of pink as his captor's hair and despite himself, he was starting to relax in her grip and melt in the princess's arms. She turned him around and gave him another kiss to relax him.
"You really are the son of a brilliant tactician. To come up with such a brilliant strategy."
Unbeknownst to the little son of a strategist, the princess was enacting her own plan on him. She slipped off her socks while he was distracted and tied them together behind his back while he was distracted. She then pulled his arms behind his back and looped the length of cloth around his wrists before pulling it tight to bind his hands together.

"Huh?! What are you doing?! Let me go!!"
"Did you forget yourself in the game? I'm still playing. With you!"
Morgan pulled at the binding as Laegjarn pushed him to the ground.
"Wait no do-Mmmppmm!!"
Morgan's protests were cut off by Laegjarn's large feet pressing over his face. She rubbed them over his cheeks and nose while smiling at the bound boy laid out for him.
"Now where haven't we played yet? Your ears were certainly ticklish as well as your neck."
Morgan wouldn't say anything under threat of actual torture but he wasn't disliking this.
"Your pits were quite fun but your belly? Now that we both enjoyed and you can't tell me any different."
Morgan at the time had hated Laegjarn's wet raspberries and tongue in his navel but now that he was trying to he couldn't remember exactly what he had disliked about it. The smell of Laegjarn's feet wasn't what he expected. He didn't know if it was because they'd just recently come soap that her socks but he never would have expected the large feet of a warrior general to smell so pleasant.
"Ohhh but your feet were adorable! The tiny little toes wiggling and waggling. The feeling of the soft skin of your soles with just the littlest bit of floof from your socks left. I only got to play with one of them but ohhh do I want to take my time with it. A faint scent of lavender hid in the stronger scent of soap that came from the caramel feet that were tormenting him. His head was swimming with his desire to save his mother but also with a new overpowering desire that was roaring in his head. He tried so hard to resist it but the smell was so strong and Laegjarn's feet so soft that...that...he just couldn't

"What the-OH!! OhhhheheeHOHO!!"
Morgan's tongue lapped up Laegarn's soft skin and the princess erupted into laughter. She tried to pull her feet away in shock but Morgan chased after them. He rolled over atop them and began licking at the tops of them while she bucked under him.
"Ehuhwaihit! D-dohohn't!!"
Morgan cinched his legs around hers and brought his knees up to trap the gorgeous feet. He ran his tongue up the foot from heel to toes and nuzzled at the now wet digits with his nose, savoring the smell of soap. Laegjarn held her belly as if it could literally burst with one hand and with the other tried to reach down and disentangle Morgan from her but found herself blocked by his adorable feet. She lightly brushed them aside only to be chided by her own torturer.
"Hehehey cheeheeater! You said no tihihickling the saahaaame spots!"
"Ohhhhoho yoohohu dehhehevious thihiIHI-EHEHEEHUAHAHH STAHAHP IT!"
Morgan smiled around the big toe he was currently nibbling at. He'd had to move fast but it paid off. He kept a sidelong eye on Laegjarn to block her whenever she tried to stop him. She'd tickle his feet just a little until he reminded her of the rules of her own game. It didn't stop her from trying though and Morgan let her get a little further each time before warning her away. Meanwhile, he kept her toes trapped in his mouth where his tongue could ravish them. They kept themselves in this stalemate for almost an hour. Morgan giving the size eleven feet a tongue lashing while blocking Laegjarn by offering up his own size eights until he would be forced to beg off. Still, it was clear to any observer that Laegjarn was getting the worst of it. It was no surprise when she raised her hands and admitted defeat.

"Ohohkay ahahlalright you wihihin!"
Morgan released the toes trapped in his mouth with a smirk before sneaking a kiss to the big toe instinctively. This turned out to be a mistake as he was immediately seized and dragged up into another big hug from Laegjarn. She planted another big wet one on Morgan's cheek and nuzzled the wet spot.
"Well now, aren't you just the best at this. You tied us up so quickly!"
"Y-yes but then you tied me up. How about you untie me so that we can make this fair?"
"Hmm? But both times you've lost due to your own plans going so adorably poorly. I haven't beaten you once yet, you've just lost twice. So if anyone deserves an advantage I think it should be me."
"W-wait but-"
"Sure those devious little hands of your are out of the picture but that devilish little mouth of yours is still pretty dangerous. My poor toes can attest to that. In addition, my handicap is certainly holding me back. Where on you is even left to tickle?"
She hugged Morgan close again and looked him up and down. She scratched at his button nose and smiled at how he threw his from side to try and escape it.
"Ooh, so even that little thing is ticklish? How cute. Cootchie, cootchie!"
She seized Morgan by the back of his neck and held him so that she could tickle away at his nose. He quivered and screwed up his face at the attack as he tried to hold back the inevitable.
"Nehehe noohoohoo. Stahap pleeheesee!
"Awww what's the matter? My little hero, is this really bothering you that much? You could just give up you know. Do you give up?"
"Awww too bad."
Laegjarn took a lock of her hair and used it to tickle right on Morgan's poor aggravated nose."
Morgan's body was wracked with uncontrollable sneezes brought on by the torment. The short mage's whole body jumped with each burst despite Laegjarn's efforts to calm him down.
"Oooh, a spirited little thing you are."
Eventually, Morgan managed to regain his composure and calm his breathing.
Laegjarn rubbed her hand over his back and cooed into the sniffling heroes ear.
"There, there yes that did seem unpleasant didn't it. I'll take note that you're cute little nose is a dangerous place to play."
"D-don't d-do that ag-again pl-please."
"We won't today don't worry. When I take you home after I win though? Only for special occasions. Do you give up?
"That's good."

Laegjarn placed another kiss on his cheek and proceeded to gently lay, Morgan, down on his back. She propped her own knees under him in a way that kept him propped up just enough to leave his hands dangling uselessly under him and then proceeded to humiliate him even more. Her fingers reached down and began undoing his belt. He paled at what that meant and started fidgeting and squirming but found that the position she had placed him in left him with no way to escape with his own power. His hands were dangling under him with nothing in reach and his legs were being kept in a headlock that kept him stretched out and helpless as Laegjarn pulled down his trousers. He was left exposed with only his undergarments keeping the Princess from his privates. The smallclothes had been a gift from his auntie Anna on a bygone birthday and it was a secret shame of his that not only did they still fit but that he considered them his lucky pair. The strange fabric breathed well but still kept the youths bits cradled in a comfortable way. The design she had picked for him though...
"Treasure chests? I didn't know I'd find something so valuable digging down here."
His ears burned at the same joke he'd heard so many times. Laegjarn ran a hand over the fabric and grinned stupidly at the feeling of what was beneath twitching at her faintest touch.
"Mmmm, maybe later. So where next? Hmmm, maybe these knees are ticklish?"
She lifted Morgan's now bare legs up and placed them so that his ankles rested upon her shoulders. She lightly spidered her nails on the backside of Morgan's right knee and was delighted at how the whole leg jumped in an attempt to escape her. She looked down to see her helpless prisoner fighting with all his might against the goofy grin that was clearly conquering his youthful features. Not for the first time in his life, Morgan cursed his mother for the lack of height she'd given him. Even now as a teenager of nineteen years the short tactician of Plegian descent still stood almost three inches above her son and the female version of himself from another realm was almost a foot taller than him now! Morgan was convinced that it was his short stature to blame for his current bizarre situation where the Princess of a hostile nation had him bound and laid out before her and was placing her painted lips to the underside of his knee-
oh, gods no she couldn't be about to-
please for all that is holy don-
begging you not to-
"Bbbbttzz" was the sound Laegjarn's lips made as they buzzed Morgan's skin.
"OOOAHAHAHAHAHEEHAW!!" was the closest way to describe the screaming laugh Morgan let out at the attack.
Laegjarn's tongue snuck out and licked at the skin. Savoring the faint taste of sweat and smacking her lips to the sound of Morgan's shrieks.
"Why Morgan can you maybe not stand this? Would you like some help?"
"Whaahat do you mean?!" the bright red magician asked. Welcoming the reprieve he was being given.
"Well, you seem to be in a bad way here, Morgan. No way out of your binds, helpless before me and of course extremely ticklish. Would you like a hand in the game? I can give you one. All you have to do is give me what I've given you all game. A kiss for the winner of a round is what I want. I'm owed. In return, I'll let these giggly knees rest."
"F-fine. H-help me up."

Laegjarn sat Morgan up and patted him on the head before turning her cheek to him and waiting expectantly. Morgan's ears were almost hot enough to cook on as he pressed his lips to her cheek for a quick peck.
"There are you happ-MMPPH!"
Laegjarn seized him by the shoulders and crushed her lips to his. In shock, his mouth had gone wide and so Laegjarn's was able to invade freely. Morgan saw stars at the tricks Laegjarn was performing inside his mouth as he melted in her arms to the point that when she finally pulled away from him he whimpered at the loss of contact. She purred and patted his head as he thought about how his first kiss had not been something he had expected to lose tonight. He couldn't say he was upset though.
"So?" Laegjarn asked snapping him out of his thoughts.
"So what? Are you going to give me another headstart?"
"For what? Wheres my other kiss? I won two rounds you know."
"You are ridiculous," Morgan said right before puckering up and laying another peck on Laegjarn's cheek.
She blushed and hugged Morgan tight making the bound and almost naked boy blush as well. Suddenly she forced something between Morgan's lips and secured his own belt over the hero's mouth.
"Mmmmpp?? MMMHM!!!"
"I said I would help you, didn't I? Now you have another advantage in this competition. Now no matter how much you want to. You'll never give up. Let's say I get into these tasty ribbies of yours."
She dug her fingers into his ribs as he jumped and danced in her arms.
"Mmmhmm! Hmmpphm!!"
"Oh, I bet that tickles. I could tickle you all over these. In between them-"
She dug into the ribs and buzzed her fingers."
"On top of them-"
She scratched at the skin covering the ribs and smiled as Morgan crumbled. He fought as hard as he could to stay sitting up but-
"And everywhere else as well!"
She went wild all over Morgan's ribs and belly and chased him down as he fell. Spidering fingers over his belly and sides before digging a pair of evil fingers into his navel.
"But no matter how much it tickles. You'll stay strong for your mother like a strong hero."
Morgan found himself on his back before Laegjarn with her knees coming up again under him. He tried to protest how he'd been tricked but all that would come out was of course more-

Once again he was stretched out before the crown princess of Muspell who once again was now placing his ankles upon her shoulders. He wondered why she'd went to all of the trouble to trick him into a gag until her fingers scratched up his sole.
He went wild as Laegjarn broke her own rules in the game by tickling his poor feet. He tried to desperately call her out on her cheating through his own hysterical laughter but it all blended into more muffled grunts through his gag.
"Mmmm these little feet of yours are wonderful. I can't believe I haven't played with them yet, or have I? I just can't seem to remember...oh well a nice hero like you would let me know if I had."
Morgan was doomed and he knew it. Laegjarn had outwitted him and trapped him in this game with no way to fight back or even to try and stop her cheating.
She nibbled at his big toe and delighted at how he thrashed futilely. He shook his head side to side frantically as she turned his sole over and began nibbling at the side of it like an ear of corn.
"Mmmmpgfff!! Ahmm gmpfff!!"
His eyes were screwed shut with salty tears still running out as Laegjarn finally finished her games with his poor foot.
"You poor thing. You just look so defeated. Are you though?"
Morgan shamefully nodded his head and waited to be teased for his loss. When nothing came through he hazarded an eye open and saw the princess pointedly looking away from him and his concession of defeat. His mouth gaped at the realization of Laegjarn's true goal. She had just wanted to extend his torment!

Without looking at him Laegjarn ran a hand down Morgan's leg to his thighs. He tensed in anticipation of what was to come as her fingers hovered over his bare thigh. However, once again he was outwitted as Laegjarn's other hand came up under him and danced its fingers over his underwear-clad bottom. He jolted in surprise at the attack and jumped up right into Laegjarn's waiting fingers. She chased his ticklish thigh down back into range of her other hand and trapped in a ticklish hell sandwich by attacking it from both sides.
"Mmmphhmm! Mmmppmm!!" He pled through his gag, begging for his captor to stop.
"Tickle, tickle little hero. My you're so determined. I would have given up ages ago. At this point, you're in such a bad situation that there's no way for you to get out. Let alone win. You're so much stronger than me. I can't wait to learn from you when we're living together."
She let up on Morgan's thigh and snuggled with one of his legs as he got his breath back. Morgan's ears burned at how humiliating this was but his skin was also hot for another reason. He was really starting to get into this. Something about the way Laegjarn was playing with him so sweetly was making the teen's insides burn. Maybe this whole living in her room thing wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him. This was starting to feel good to him. Laegjarn leaned over him and eyed the part of him that he'd hoped she'd leave be. Her fingers poked and prodded at his junk through his embarrassing undies as he snorted and tried to squirm out from under her. She kept him steady though as she moved on up his body leaving his fully erect cock aching. He groaned through the belt as her hands settled right on his nipples. He shook his head in a futile attempt to try and dissuade her, to try and communicate that he surrendered, anything to keep her from that!
"Now Morgan I think it's time for me to go treasure hunting. I want that precious golden-throated little tickle toy that I've heard about in legend. Wouldn't you know it though there appears to be some kind of puzzle? Maybe if I try playing with these adorable little pink dials."
She scratched at Morgan's nipples and delighted at how he reacted as if he'd been shocked. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he desperately tried to get away from those devilish nails of hers. She chased him wherever he twisted though tweaking and pinching his delightfully pink nipples as he gasped into his gag.

When she lowered her mouth down to the sensitive nubs Morgan broke a new plateau of ticklishness that he hadn't even known existed. He screwed his eyes shut as if not seeing it could make it go away but could picture it perfectly in his mind's eye as Laegjarn's tongue assaulted the ticklish little-
Morgan went sheet white at what he had just done and prayed she wouldn't notice but her going down to Morgan's smallclothes told him that she had noticed right when he had. A little bit of white liquid dribbled down his leg as she smiled at him.
"Make a mess there cutie?"
He looked away with his face burning as if she would simply forget about it. Never did he expect that she would simply rip his last bastion of protection down so that she could gaze upon his sticky shame. He didn't even attempt to resist, knowing it was pointless. She brushed the back of her hand up his still quivering cock to try and clean away some of the mess. She brought her knuckles up to her lips and tasted of her trophies semen. She made a face at the taste but still smiled.
"Salty but not unpleasantly so. That you were enjoying this game that much though is surprising to me. Safe to say you yield?"
Laegjarn leaned down and helped Morgan sit up. She undid the socks binding his wrists and hugged the mage's back as he undid his gag.
"Y-yes, fine I yield. You win."
Morgan's shoulders sagged as he said the words.
"I'm sorry, mother. I just wasn't strong enough to save you."
Morgan's lip trembled as he mumbled an unheard apology to his mother before Laegjarn pinched his cheek and shook a finger in his face.
"I apologize for her fate but it is as I told you. She was gone before you came here. Loki's brainwashing scrubbed away any trace of her in that body and left behind only a silly slave to her lust. You should be thanking me for defeating you like this. You winning would have only had us you join her and perhaps even me. Now a deal is a deal so no grumbling. If you're to come back with me to the castle you'll need a smile to replace that frown."

She closed a hand around the heroes ankle and pulled it right out from under him, putting right back on the ground. Her fingers danced over his tiny sole as she chided him.
"Now give us a smile, lover."
"Nuh-uh, my magical muffin. From now on in the castle it's princess. If anybody catches you being too familiar that they'll figure out our fib and we'll both get worse than this. Much worse. Father has a trophy room being made and there's a lot of empty stocks waiting to be filled."
"I never did get a thank you for saving this silly strategists apprentice."
Laegjarn simply frowned. She bent back Morgan's toes and dug a finger into the undersides.
"Now say that your mine. All mine from now on. Every gitchy, giggly silly inch of you. It all belongs to me. Say it."
"....I belong to you from now on."
Laegjarn dug her fingers into his toes again showing no mercy. Morgan flailed and wheezed on the ground but she didn't even slow. After a solid five minutes of his toes getting it, he popped again under the torture.
The white glob spray caught him in the cheek and hung there. Laegjarn looked at the pathetic sight he had become and tapped her foot.
"Well? Don't try to be cute either."
"I'm yours... All yours from now on. E-every...gi-gitchy, g-gi-giggly and si-si-silly inch of me is yours. So please...mercy."
Laegjarn got on her knees and helped him up once again, embracing him.
"There, there. I'm sorry but from this point on there will be no room for mistakes. Come, we'll take my wyvern to the castle."
"I-I need a moment, please."
"Sorry but you're free life is over."
"I'm so tired though..."
"Are you? Then let's get you some sleep."
Laegjarn reached down and placed Morgan's lilted organ in her palm she blew a little warm air on it causing it to stir.
"Wa-wait...no....Laegjarn..don't..." Morgan stammered drowsily. He weakly tried to stop her only to have his hands forcefully batted away. Without the strength to stop her anymore, Morgan could only watch helplessly as she extended a finger and stroked it along the top of his penis as it lay across her palm. His manhood twitched and shuddered as she stroked and scratched along the top of it. For all intents and purposes, it was as if the powerful princess known as the Sheathed Steel of Muspel was simply playing with a small animal in her palm. For the Lad from Afar though it was searing torture that he still couldn't bring himself to.
Morgan swayed drowsily as he weakly tried to stop her only to have his hands forcefully batted away. Without the strength to stop her anymore, Morgan could only watch helplessly as she extended a finger and stroked it along the top of his penis as it lay across her palm. His manhood twitched and shuddered as she stroked and scratched along the top of it. For all intents and purposes, it was as if the powerful princess known as the Sheathed Steel of Muspel was simply playing with a small animal in her palm. For the Lad from Afar though it was torture that he still couldn't bring himself to ask for the end of. His organ jumped and stood at a kind of lilted half attention before it began to shudder.
Throwing his head to the sky Morgan's body was once again wracked with an explosive climax. His seed dribbled down his shaft weakly as he finally lost the battle with his increasingly heavy eyelids. He slumped forward over Laegjarn's and dreamed of better times.
"So precious. Sleep now. I'll wake you when we arrive she whispered to her dozing as she carried him off to her wyvern and his new life.

Morgan could hardly believe how much his life had changed in the month since he had lost to Princess Laegjarn. He sat upon her downy bed idly as he waited for her to return from her mission. He hoped she wouldn't be much longer as he wasn't fond of waiting for her like this. His size 8 feet were both locked in a set of wooden stocks that kept his soles facing the doorway. Ever since he had been caught in the hallway three days ago by General Loki this is how he was to spend his alone time when the Princess wasn't about. It wasn't UNcomfortable he supposed and it did beat the alternative.The last time he'd been caught out in the castle had been by Loki and he'd spent three nights sleeping in the massive strategist's bed. He hadn't even known back's could be ticklish until her and her depraved twin servants had their way with his. When Laegjarn had returned from somewhere it had been to find Loki already drawing up plans to remodel her bed to allow three pairs of stocks. With him sandwiched firmly between Giggle Boy and Girl. Laegjarn had a put her foot down on that and insisted he was hers and hers alone. He'd been confined to her room in these stocks until she returned from her missions. It wasn't thrilling but it beat being tickled mad under Loki until sunrise. Surtr's massive footman came in to check on him twice a day and on more than one occasion had chased away some tormentors he'd gotten(Giggle-Boy and Girl had not been happy with how he'd monopolized their mistresses attention.) Though the changing of the sound of the laughter from outside the door led him to believe that they'd gotten the better of the scarlet-haired tickle slave.

His mother came by as well. She had been put in charge of feeding him while he was locked in here and despite what Laevateinn had dubbed her Tickle Maid said while she did it, Morgan felt that he could see the slightest spark of recognition from Robin while she fed him. Still, whenever he tried to start a conversation with the Tickle Maid she eventually turned it back to the same topic.
"Isn't this outfit wonderful? My mistress Laevateinn is so kind. She says that she truly loves the sound of my laugh so very much."
He nodded along knowing how much that the frilly Nohrian maid's outfit meant to her. Laevateinn had simply taken it from another hero she'd defeated in battle to humiliate her is what he'd heard from Laegjarn. In actuality, Laevateinn had simply ruined the tactician's clothing completely during her capture due to how eager she had been to redeem herself in her father's eyes after how she had released that maid she had defeated. Morgan himself was in a similar situation now as he'd only the set of clothes on his back when he'd departed Askr and Laegjarn had herself ruined all of those save his underwear, which he'd ruined and the oversized coat his mother had left him. That he still wore but due to the lack of boy's clothes in his size it was over naught except for a pair of frilly lace panties. He'd been mortified by how he was being forced to wear women's undergarments at first but now much like Laegjarn had done with him and tickling. Being forced to wear it now he was causing him to begin to enjoy it. The current pair though that Loki had forced on him was not something e enjoyed. Emblazoned right across the buttocks was the embarassing nickname that she had coined for him, Much to his chagrin Laegjarn had also adopted it too. She teased him now by calling him her Tickle Teddy. Now her Tickle Teddy sat here nervously waiting for her to return. He heard heavy footsteps approaching and swallowed hard at the sound of King Surtr coming to punish him again.
''Please come back soon...''
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