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Dems Propose Legislation To Potentially REMOVE Trump’s Name From 2020 Ballot
Dems Propose Legislation To Potentially REMOVE Trump’s Name From 2020 Ballot

After Trump's SOTU address...The Leftist Dems went nuts. Now, they are desperately trying to revive an old stunt in order to interfere with the 2020 election, and bar Trump from the ballot. ...

Even though Trump provided the requested disclosure of his tax returns, and proved he was paying on those taxes...Dems tried to obtain copies of ALL Trump's private business information and financials, and that is an invasion of privacy that also puts Trump's businesses at risk. It was just another pathetic attempt to block Trump from being elected and doing his job...Cleaning the Dem Leftist Swamp. So now after the SOTU speech where Trump said America will never become a Socialist Nation?... Dem Leftists are pushing in their states to revive a failed proposal...

If you remember, in 2016, Republican Assemblyman David Hadley wrote an editorial saying Donald Trump should not be allowed on the California ballot till he opens his tax returns. You have Assemblyman Chad Mayes threatening to form a new political Party if Trump is the GOP nominee again. How many other Republicans would join with Mayes and the Democrats to keep Trump off the ballot, just as Democrats in New Jersey are trying to do?

“Lawmakers in New Jersey have revived legislation intended to keep President Donald Trump’s name off the ballot in 2020. Democrats have targeted Trump with a proposal that “requires candidates for President and Vice-President of United States to disclose federal income tax returns to appear on ballot” and “prohibits Electoral College electors from voting for candidates who fail to file income tax returns.”

Dems falsely reported- "As he has yet to disclose his tax returns, President Trump’s name, if all things were to stay the same,Trump would not appear on the ballot in the Garden State come 2020 if the bill were to pass.”

We need to watch this closely. Sacramento Democrats believe California is a separate nation, the Attorney General loves to sue the President and the Governor is looking to make a national name for himself. The Democrats, joined by some Republicans would love to embarrass the President. Expect this to happen in several States—California included.

The calls for the returns have only escalated with Democrats’ control of the House. As recently as November, Trump told reporters that he would block Democrats’ requests if he were still under audit, though he would consider a disclosure once the audit is complete.

The Hill, “the chairmen of congressional tax committees can request tax returns from the Treasury Department and review them in a closed session before voting to make all or parts of the returns public.” If Trump were to ignore the request, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin would have to answer.

“Mnuchin told The New York Times earlier this month that he would work with the department’s general counsel and the general counsel for the IRS to address any requests should Democrats win the House,” noted the outlet. “If the Trump administration refuses to provide Democrats with the tax returns, or stalls in providing them, the matter could end up in court.”

The New Jersey bill is sponsored by Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), Sen. Shirley Turner (D-Hunterdon and Mercer), Sen. Linda R. Greenstein, (D-Mercer and Middlesex), and Sen. Troy Singleton (D-Burlington).

So, there you have it...When Leftist Socialist Dems feel threatened by Trump's support of America remaining a free nation?...they want to audit Trump...again. It is a pathetic stunt orchestrated by a desperate, bitter,panic-driven party who fear their demise if Trump continues to expose their deeds.
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