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It is a sermon to people who are giving up in life. |
According to Merriam Webster's dictionary, writing off is defined as the elimination of an item from the books of account. In layman's language writing off is regarding an item to be lost. The dictionary also defines depreciation as reducing the book value of an item. There are so many things God created, including you. He created you with a certain value that he attached it to you in specific. There is no man who has no value attached to it. The only limitation of realizing our true value is our culture, oneself and our relationship with God. When we look at the scriptures, we find out that the heroes of faith underwent a lot of traumatic and bitter experiences. They dreamed on, pushed on and forged forward. You also should dream on, push on and forged forward. Abraham was old and yet promised a son, he was a liar and yet God called him the father of faith. Moses was a murderer and yet God called Him to be a deliverer, he was not eloquent yet he was to address pharaoh. David was small and young yet he was to kill Goliath. Solomon out of wedlock yet he is the wisest King history has ever recorded. Jeremiah was young yet he was to be a prophet of a very large nation. Jonah was running from God yet he was the one to preach to Nineveh. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute and yet she was the one to anoint the savor of the world. Rehab was a prostitute yet she was the one to save the men of God. Joseph was the hated by all his brothers, went into the pit, sold as a slave, sent to prison yet he proved that he was not all this, he was a prime minister. Paul was a persecutor, yet God knew he was the greatest preacher the history will ever record. What is your experience? Have you ever observed that in most cases we give up before God giving up on us? In the first place, note that the greatest liabilities in our lives are the negative thoughts we entertain. Most of the circumstances we find ourselves in are a product of our thoughts. Those who believe in their own greatness and the power of God in their lives usually make it in life regardless of the pain they go through. There may be pressure, criticism, and underestimation of our true potential. Honestly, that will be there. There will be sufferings, trauma, and uncertainties however that doesn't limit us. It's only our potential that defines our true nature. It's only God who knows our true potential and no man knows anything about our destiny. Don't, therefore, believe any person definition of you for they may know a lot of staff but they know nothing about you. In the deepest of our agony, in the loneliness of our betrayal, in our failure of each trial, in the anguish of our souls, the grief of our loved ones let us not succumb. In all these, God is still on the throne. He sees the weakest of His child; He sees and counts every drop of tear. We sob in distress and wonder whether God is there, the good news is that he is still sitting on the throne. We give up too early thinking that God has depreciated our potential or he has written off our dreams, vision, and plans. He has never! Your future is still bright as long as you cling on the belief that you can do it. As long as you express your passion fully that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. According to God, the plans to prosper you are for your future, not yesteryears. God is looking forward to seeing a child of His who has peace that surpasses all understanding. He is waiting to a time when you'll have total rest from all anxieties and cares of this world. Just take him at his word. God has neither written you off nor your vision, dreams and potential. |