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by EK_H
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #2181079
A little story idea I wish to expand, but I want to try out a sample of it.
“And for the next performance… we have the one and only… Starshine!”

A gigantic roar erupted within the massive audience. They sat in a fan-shape seating arrangement, with the organizers sitting upon spinning chairs on a platform in the front of the stage. The aforementioned stage was in a spectacular arrangement of searchlights, glowing neon lights, and a projector screen on the floor. There was also a giant label hanging atop the stage, with big numbers showing how much money the show had raised. The lighting in the building had turned colors from standard white to a dark blue, near the lighting needed to have glow-in-the-dark colors. Then, the crowd went silent as a woman wearing a sparkling pink t-shirt, skin tight turquoise pants, a large cape with silver glitter on the outside and purple glitter on the inside, and a skirt with a literally animated rainbow coloring--there were strips of colors shifting from red to orange to yellow, and so on.

I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was actually going to watch the Starshine make a live performance in front of my eyes!

“Rose? Rose?” said a voice.

I looked from the TV to the direction of the voice. It was my friend Valerie. She was sitting on the couch with me, holding a bowl of buttered popcorn.

“You gonna eat some? It’ll get cold soon,” she continued.

I accepted her offer. The delightful taste of buttered popcorn mixed with salt was exhilarating. Not to mention, my best friend was watching alongside me, and the both of us were sitting on a Saturday night in the comfort of my home. Such a way to become prepared for the one and only Starshine to perform live!

“So, what’s this for, again?” Valerie asked while she had a mouthful of popcorn.

I answered as direct as possible. “The people here asked Starshine if she could perform live for the fundraiser they’re doing for cancer research. She just couldn’t resist to help out!”

“Okay, then. I just hope she’s not just doing it for publicity.”

The lights in the studio turned off. Starshine raised up a magician’s wand. Little sparks of varying colors began leaking out from the top of the wand, almost acting as fireworks. Then, she waved her wand around in an actual wave pattern. She twirled her body around as the wand produced more and more sparks from the top until she finally raised the wand up above her head and stopped spinning. A firework shot up into the air, producing a large pattern of light in the shape of an elephant, then a tiger, and then a housecat. Another firework shot from the wand, this time creating the shape of a heart, a smiley face, and a whale. All of the shapes were animated! They actually moved! Unexpectedly, the remains of those light displays started weaving together, gathering into the center of the stage above Starshine. Once every single spark was gathered, it produced a big ball of light. The ball began expanding, while Starshine was waving her wand around. Suddenly, the glitters from her cape were disconnecting from the cape and entering the ball of light! The glitters flew onto the large ball and started decorating the surface area of it until it looked like a disco ball. Finally, Starshine swung her arm down, and the ball exploded. Dozens upon dozens (if not a hundred!) of little firework patterns of unbelievable colors flew above the audience. A unicorn, a manticore, a friendly alien, a princess, and even Godzilla! Everyone applauded and cheered extremely loudly, and I nearly did the same (had Valerie not been right next to me).

And Starshine wasn’t finished yet. She raised her wand again, this time calling for all the shapes to return to the wand. Once they did, she held the wand in front of her and closed her eyes. I waited in intense anticipation of what she was about to do. I couldn’t imagine what she would do next. Then, she opened her eyes, and her wand transformed into a glowing piece of light--and she still held onto it as if it was just a baton! She started twirling around the stage, and as she did, the light started to leave behind trails of what looked almost like bright fantastical stardust. She even threw the glowing baton into the air various times. After a little while, she stopped, rested her arms, and struck a pose. Once I saw the remains of the baton’s light, I was in complete and utter awe and excitement. Starshine made a glowing heart, containing a glistening star within. The colors burned brighter than any star in the night sky I had ever seen. The audience went completely wild, and so did I.

“Wow, that sure was awesome,” said Valerie.

I squeed. I wasn’t afraid to hold back in front of her anymore.

“I know, wasn’t it?” I eagerly replied. “Starshine is so amazing! I really wish I could have been there in person to see the colors and lights even better.”

“I know you do, Rose, but it’s all the way in Hollywood. We can’t go there now. It’s the middle of the school year, and we’d be deliberately missing out on school. This is junior year, and I wish to maintain a good attendance and good grades.”

I knew that. It was a shame that I couldn’t make it to a live show. Never have I ever been to one of Starshine’s shows in person, but someday, I wish to be there. I didn’t care that I was starting to get a little old, but I just love her shows too much to forget them. I wish to at least see her in person one day. Wouldn’t that be a delightful treat?

There was the interview of Starshine. The interviewer asked her several questions, such as if she was nervous while doing the performance--she wasn’t--and if she was happy to be there. Her answer, in the simplest form, was that she loved to be able to support a good cause one way or another. Not only did she love being able to show the world that magic is truly amazing, she wanted to help out the ones in need. All in all, though, she wanted to be able to inspire others to never give up and to embrace happiness. I squeed, and I got out my phone and onto my Paypal account.

“I love her so much!” I screamed out.

Valerie, in a fit of shock, said, “I can tell. She does seem to be genuinely nice person, but could you tone it down just a bit? I’d like to have my hearing.”

“You don’t understand how much I want to see her. I would die if it gave me a chance!”

“Now, now, Rose. Let’s not get too hasty and irrational, now. You might jinx yourself.”

The interviewer had said his farewell to Starshine. However, before she left, the interviewer stated that there was a special donation for her. I figured it was another creepy fanboy sending a love letter, but to my complete surprise, that wasn’t the case. It was…

“Fifty dollars from Rose Heartsman from Sacramento,” he read. “‘Starshine, I wish to let you know that you have been an inspiration in my life. You keep doing these amazing things everywhere, and you always keep a big infectious smile while doing so. My one wish is to finally meet you in person, but at the very least, I will leave you with this: keep being the light of hope and love that shines across the world.’”

“Wow,” said Valerie in amazement. “You actually sent that? Right now? Rose, kudos to you and your pure-as-heaven heart.”

I didn’t respond. I just looked down, but with a smile and a nervous laugh accompanying me. I wished to not look Valerie in the eye at the moment, but she pieced it together that I was blushing super hard (and that I was super adorable while doing so). Why wouldn’t I be? I just had my fangirling donation be read on live TV, and even the interviewer and Starshine was in amazement and tears of joy!

Starshine, after wiping the tears, said to the camera, “Thank you so much, Rose! Your words mean so much to me, and I will indeed keep going on with inspiring the world. There’s nothing better than being able to let people know that there is a bit of magic everywhere they go, whether it’s by an actual magician or a little spark in our lives. I hope for you to also do the same, Rose.

She turned to the interviewer. “And hey, you said she was from Sacramento, right? Well, actually, my next gig is in Sacramento. Rose, if you wish, I’d love to be able to meet you in person. I’m sure one of my agents can find you safely, and we can talk some more. Alright, goodbye, everyone! Have an amazing night!”

“Rose? Rose, you okay?” called Valerie.

I was frozen. Was she…?! No way! And was she…?! She wants to meet with me? It was a dream come true! I was going to meet my hero!

“Dang, Rose. I have never seen you this excited before, and I’m talking about years since first grade. The closest thing I can remember was you getting the winning goal in our soccer unit in PE class in seventh grade.”

“Well, yeah! Valerie, I’m gonna meet the Starshine! She’s coming here, and she wants to talk with me! I just--I just-- I need to breathe. I can’t contain myself. I just--Oh my god!”

“Calm yourself, Rose. She’ll be here. Though, one thing bothers me.”

My excitement had toned down. I asked her what bugged her. She said that she wonders why a famous star like Starshine would just set up a meeting with some random fan. She also questioned how exactly would Starshine’s “agents” find me. Were they going to do a background search, Valerie wondered. Any sane star, according to Valerie, would avoid setting up meetings like this to reduce the risk of harassment.

“Don’t ruin my excitement with logic, Valerie!” I snapped at her. “Can’t you just let me meet her? You saw how good-hearted she was, so just let me!"

She sighed. “Alright, fine. But I’m gonna come with you to make sure no funny business goes down.”

I squeed again and hugged her. The more time passed, the tighter I held her. Sometimes, I didn’t know my own strength.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Valerie, as a person not fond of hugs, asked me to stop so she could breathe. I did as she told.

“Hey, I’m just doing this for you. Plus, it’s a bit of repayment for helping me with the math test last week. I wouldn’t have been able to pass it without you, so I should do something in return. Just, please don’t hug me to death.”

I laughed, and I accepted her offer.
© Copyright 2019 EK_H (ek_h at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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