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Vow of Darkness: Chapter one (needs editing) of book 2 in my series (Collared with Trust). |
The cold steel bench causes chills and goosebumps. The wind nips at the exposed skin. Watching two lovebirds at a picnic table, I remember the days when I had someone who looked at me that way. Now you have no one so forget about it and move on. You have Santo, Kensa and Ena that are like your family. Shuddering, my life amounts to minuscule amounts. The two teens, early twenties at most, stand up and leave hand in hand. She leans against him as they walk and their fingers entangle and hold strong. They act as if the entire world is standing against them. To the outside world, at least. What demons are they fighting? I stand up and make a sharp turn the other way as my mind formulates another plan. My phone buzzes. "Hey Santo. What's up?" "Not much, brother. Just checking in on you since I made you take a few days off." Santos chuckles heartedly. "Yeah, I went outta town to visit my mom. It's not like I see her much and I know she misses me." "She isn't the only one that misses you. Just saying. The two hear won't shut up about asking when you are coming back. Apparently their driver isn't to their liking." "Go figure. You got them addicted to me. And after the last fiasco a few months ago when you sent someone else to make sure ena felt welcomed..." Santo interjects quickly, "now that is still a sore subject. It crosses my mind every day wondering if they are being objectified." "Hell, if they weren't yours, the thoughts that go through my mind, alone, aren't nice or pretty but enjoyable for them at least." "Thanks. Do I need to start thinking other things when I leave them alone with you?" He chuckles through the phone. "I'm just kidding." The air gets colder. "Santo, let me hit you up later. Right now it's starting to drop and I'm outside. I'll keep you updated on my return so you can let the girls know." "Thanks, brother," the line disconnects. There is something about that man that is so arrogant, but he has the facts to back it up. I'll give him that. One day I will be like that again. Running back to the AMG that I parked on the curb a mile away, my hair rips through the wind, as it picks up. My steps sped up as I approach the luxury vehicle. Grazing the handle, the door unlocks and I plop back in the seat. I press the button so that the car's ignition starts and the heat and heated seats follow. Speeding back to the hotel, I weave through traffic. "Why don't these idiots know that the gas is on the right?! Like did they not get the memo that the left lane is for fast people that know how to drive?" I let out a sigh in aspiration. I just need to get laid. Where is the best place to go to find a one-night stand? A bar? Strip club? Dance club? Where?! I walk into the to dance club where the music is loud and thumping and the lights are strobing. The girls are grinding against guys and a few of them lead each other to other rooms of the extravagant club. I got close to one of the girls. A Kensa wannabe? Really? That's the best you got right now? What about a feisty redhead? I look around and spot a redhead looking at the walls as if in disgust. I walk up to the bar and i slide a card towards the bartender. "Open a tab under Nathyn for me and the lady." "You aren't from around here now are you?" She smiles at me. I glance over at her nonchalant. "That easy to spot?" "Come on, a suit, in a dance club? You can't really expect to get any serious moves like that." She moves one stool closer to me. Her red hair flows over her shoulders and her soft beach curls draw attention to her succulent bossom. My eyes stray, as a momentarily lapse in judgement, but I catch myself and force my attention elsewhere. "What are you drinking, sweetheart? I wanna get you a drink." "Don't tell me you think that I'll go home with you?" I chuckle. "Like you said I'm not from around here. I was hoping for a little tour to try to get my bearings around the city a little more." "Ok, Nathyn, was it?" I nod as she continues, "as long as that is all you want, then we will be good to go and I will make sure you have a better idea of our little rural town." "I'll say this, it can't be that rural with a dance club poppin' like this one is." "You sound so old right now, and from your looks I would say your mid 20's, early 30's, and that's a stretch." Winking at her, "I appreciate it. I am late twenties, but definitely still got the defiancy of a teenager. I never grew out of my rebellious stage. Some say that will be the downfall of me. What do you think..." Her name is still unknown at this time. "Most just call me Phoenix. I know it sounds really stupid, but I've always been interested in the mythical creatures and people say that I should just be called Phoenix because of my hair." "Now, the redheads I've known in the past have always been hot-headed, quick tempered and feisty as all hell let loose. Where do you fall into the spectrum at?" She rolls her eyes. As she does it, I bite my lip knowing that if she acts too bratty I'll be tempted to pull her over my lap, pull her hair and smack her ass until its as red as the lipstick she wears. "Would you believe me if I said I was the most balanced aspect of all three of those characteristics?" "It would be something that I would most likely want to test for myself." The challenge is now out there. Let's see if she takes the bait or if she leaves me waiting like a redheaded little minx. She lets out a small sigh and a chuckle. "All men really are the same. Why do you always hope that something you say will infuriate us to the point where we do something drastic? Challenging me, just saying, definitely is not the way to get me to want to show you around." "Okay, okay. Then I have another question that doesn't require us going anywhere. Can you tell me where these other pairs of people are going when the ascend through the staircase?" "There are a few different things that they could be going upstairs for. However, I try not to have all my fun at one place. It looks too suspicious if I show that much favoritism to one group of people." "Why do you care if you show favoritism?" She piques my interest more and more. "I enjoy people watching and if I do too much of it at one location then I get labeled as a creep and no club wants a creep around. Bad for business, you know?" "Ah," I sigh. "That makes more sense now. I enjoy watching people too. I like to see if I can guess what they do for fun, if they have a certain type of person that they gravitate towards, and the best part of it all, what demons do they fight?" "I always wonder if they are all alone in the world, if they have a small group of people, or if they have a full community backing them up when times get rough. I know that anytime something starts going too good to be true that it probably is. I've just learned never to trust anything and that everything good will be taken from me," she pauses, "sooner or later..." I let the sentence fade into the music. There are no words left that I need to try to say for her. We both feel the same way in this world and its so amazing. Someone who might actually understand where you are coming from. Like you both know, its all a lie and will be snatched away. Don't get close... Phoenix and I hang out around the club until it closes. When the music finally dies down, I smile. "Finally, this massive headache that I have can go away." She jokes back with me. "I hear that there is a really good way to make a headache go away," she winks at me. "Oh really now? What's that? I know of a few different ones, but I want to know what you are thinking." There is something about her that makes me smile, however, I am not getting my hopes up. I need to find that love bird couple again. I think that they are fighting more demons than they let on and I think that they would benefit from a community like what I am trying to build. "Earth to Nathyn..." I focus back on the intense redhead in front of me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to drift off there for a minute. You were saying?" "Just that I haven't ever tried it, but heard about some things on the dark web in regards to clearing a headache. It's easier for me to show you than to try to tell you." She grabs my hand and leads me up to a room upstairs. As I enter the room, it looks strange for someone in a vanilla lifestyle. There are different boxes with body parts sticking out in different directions. One box has a sexy set of legs hanging out of it barely touching the floor, another box has another pair of legs but they are restrained against the box. There is one more but it has a cut out about 9 inches around the edge of the circle. "How do you know about this place? Well," she points to a red dot on the ceiling, "I accidently stumbled across this place when I was looking through sexy webcams. I didn't even know it was right here for about another 2 months after I saw the video. Most of the time, you would request the race that you were interested in, but I watched you eye others and everyone you eyed was caucasian so I figured this was a good start." I fight the urge to resist kissing her for something that is so different but still means a lot to me. I just have to make sure that I don't lose myself here or Santo will have a fit. I can only imagine what Ena and Kensa would say...Well they might want to partake in something like this. I'll bring it up to Santo for the club he runs. "I appreciate your thought and effort. This should definitely help with any form of a headache that I might have." I walk over to the first girl that, I assume, is kneeling behind the wall waiting to take my cock in her mouth. "You might not want to stay in here for this..." I let her heed her own form of caution as I unzip my pants and remove the hardening bulge. In the background, I wait to hear the door but I don't so I go ahead and shove my cock through the hole and meet a ton of resistance. I growl, "if you bite me, we are going to have a lot more problems and this wall won't protect you." I slide my cock out and then back in with less resistance. "Good girl. Get it all wet so one of your friends can feel it and as I slam it in, they won't get hurt." I slam my cock to the back of her throat and hearing her gag makes me smile a little devilish grin. The door creaks as Phoenix tries to sneak out the door. "Oh no no no, you didn't want to heed my warning. Why don't you stay and see what they get?" I keep thrusting into the whore's mouth and watch Phoenix walk right back to her seat. "Who knows, you might end up liking what you see and hear..." "You are seriously fucked up in the head?! What makes you think that I want to stay and watch you rape these girls?" "Weren't you the one that brought me up here and selected which ones were put in the boxes? You aren't innocent in this. I bet if you went around and touched the girl in the box she would end up being wetter than anything else anyways." "No! I am leaving now." Phoenix storms out the door and I am happy to let her walk that way. Nice view for me. Who am I to object to what I see? The night continues as I pound the three girls that are in the room. One gets used in all three holes, one has two available and one lets me only to her mouth, but still plenty enjoyable for me. As the night progresses, I smile and my energy drains. I use the three girls for about 6 hours and then go back to Momma's house. I'll go back to the park next week so it doesn't look too creepy. I have a feeling they are going to be there again. It seems like they like their routine. |