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Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Educational · #2179736
Week One Assignment Part 1 for Exploratory Writing Workshop
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake Series Book 1)
Kerrelyn Sparks

Chapter 1

Chapter Word Count: 4,439

Back Story – 246 words 5%
Character Development – 1173 words 26%
Scene Setting – 629 words 14%
Exposition that moves the story along – 643 words 14%
Dialogue that moves the story along – 1471 words 34%
Foreshadowing – 73 words 1%
Symbolism – 21 words 1%
Interior Dialogue – 294 words 6%
Subtext – 37 words 1%

Template Word Count: 4,587

Back Story

Not all modern-day vampires were ridiculously rich like Roman, and even with his company making synthetic blood affordable and accessible, those who were financially challenged would always be tempted to feed off a mortal for free. The victimized mortals tended to take offense. Then they would hire a few Buffy wannabes, and those vicious little killers would destroy every vampire who crossed their path, even the peaceful, law-abiding Vamp who wouldn’t bite a flea.

The Malcontents were the most dangerous group of vampires in existence. The secret society called themselves the True Ones and spurned the more evolved sensibilities of the modern-day Vamp. The Malcontents could afford to buy the richest blood manufactured by Romatech Industries. They could afford the most exotic gourmet blood from Roman’s most popular line of Vampire Fusion Cuisine. They could even afford to drink from the finest crystal. They just didn’t want to.

For them the thrill of drinking blood was not the blood itself. These creatures lived for the bite. They believed nothing could replace the intense pleasure of sinking one’s fangs into the warm, pliant, skin of a mortal’s neck.

In the past year, communication between the Malcontents and modern Vamps had degenerated until an undeclared state of war hovered over them.

The Gala Opening Ball was scheduled two nights from tonight. All of the major coven masters from around the world would be there. As master of the largest coven in America, Roman was hosting the big event.

Character Development

Roman Dragonesti knew someone had quietly entered his home office. Either a foe or a close friend. With his excellent night vision, Roman suspected he could see much better than his uninvited guest. His suspicions were confirmed when the dark silhouette stumbled into a Louis XVI bombe chest and cursed softly. His guest whipped around and squinted in Roman’s direction.

Gregori Holstien, a friend but an annoying one. The Vice President of marketing for Romatech Industries tackled every problem with tireless enthusiasm.

His past was a subject he would discuss with no one. He’d learned his lesson long ago. A relationship with a mortal could only lead to heartbreak. And he’d rather not experience a steak through the heart. This heartless existence would stretch on and on for centuries. And it would never change. No wonder why he was depressed.

What a great choice he had for companionship – a dead female Vamp or a live woman who would want him dead.

So what if he was close to a breakthrough on a formula that would allow a vampire to stay awake during the day? What would he do with those extra hours? More work? If he stayed awake during the day, there would be no one to even talk to. He’d only be adding more hours of loneliness to his so-called life.

As a scientist, he could usually find something intriguing to occupy his mind. He had centuries ahead of him for work.

And that was when he had given up and come home. To be alone in the dark, listening to the monotonous beat of his cold, lonesome, heart. Relief would come at dawn when the rising sun would stop his heart, and he would be dead during the day. Unfortunately, he was beginning to feel dead all the time.

Roman could see only the back of the false female, but her long blond hair and rounded derriere certainly looked real.

Roman glanced down at Gregori, who was kneeling between the female’s legs admiring the view, then at Laszlo who was slipping his finger in and out of the doll’s mouth. God’s blood. If he were capable of getting a headache, he’d have a migraine by now.

And too dangerous. Roman pulled his gaze away from the doll’s beautifully shaped breasts. Maybe Gregori was right, and he should enjoy himself with one of the lady Vamps. If mortals could pretend this doll was alive than maybe he could do the same with a vampire. But how could a dead woman warm his soul?

Roman sighed. This mortal sex toy was supposed to solve the Malcontent problem? They were wasting his time, not to mention making him feel horny and damned lonely at the same time.

Roman glanced at his vice president and found him raking his teeth over VANNA’s big toe. The red glow in Gregori’s eyes served as a different sort of indicator light.

Roman gritted his teeth, remembering first to make sure his fangs were retracted. Otherwise, a Vamp could accidentally pierce his bottom lip.

Roman took a deep breath and wished he could pray for patience. But no self-respecting God would want to hear the supplications of a demon with a mortal sex toy.

First. Roman’s gaze swept over the doll’s perfect body, a body that now pulsed inside with life-giving blood.

Roman arched an eyebrow at his vice president of marketing. No doubt, this testing was Gregori’s idea. He probably thought his boss needed a little excitement to feel alive. Unfortunately, he was right.

Roman extended a hand to touch VANNA’s neck. How long had it been? Eighteen years?

The pulse spread inside him, filling his empty heart and all his senses. His nostrils flared. He could smell the blood now. Type A Positive. His favorite. His entire body throbbed in sync with the female. His rational thought seeped away, overpowered by a driving sensation he had not experienced in years. Bloodlust.

The erotic sight was almost too much to bear. The small amount of blood in Roman’s veins cried out for more. More woman. More blood.

Her dopey smile was a bit disconcerting, but easily ignored. As he leaned over, he caught sight of a reflection in her blank, glass eyes. Not him for his form could not be mirrored. All he could see were the red glowing lights of his own eyes. VANNA had turned him on.

His fangs sprang out, causing a ripple of pleasure to surge through his body. The scent of blood rushed through him, stripping away the last threads of self-control. The beast within was unleashed.

He bit her. Too late, his frenzied mind realized an unusual fact. Her skin might feel soft on the surface like a human’s, but the inner texture was totally different. Tough, thick, rubbery, plastic. If this was relevant, it didn’t register, for the smell of blood shattered his thoughts. His insticts claimed victory, howling in his brain like a starving animal. He sank his fangs in deeper and deeper, till at last he felt that sweet pooping sensation as he broke through the arterial wall. Heaven. He was swimming in blood.

What a fool he’d been content to sip blood from a glass. How could that replace the hot gush of blood flowing through one’s fangs? By the devil, he’d forgotten how sweet this was. It was a total body experience. He was rock hard. All his senses were on fire. He’d never drink from a glass again.

With another tug on her neck, he realized he’d drained her dry. Good to the last drop. But then a touch of clarity broke through the sensual haze. Bloody hell, he’d lost control. If she were mortal, she’d be dead. And he would have murdered another child of God.

How could this possibly advance the cause of civilized vampire behavior? All he could think about now was biting the first live female he came across.

He’d explain his unfortunate conclusions later. For now, he needed his fang fixed.

Damn. He’d have to use mind control then wipe the dentist’s memory clean afterward. Otherwise no mortal would be willing to help him.
God’s blood! Roman gulped. How could he have forgotten the annual spring conference? The Gala Opening Ball was scheduled two nights from tonight. All of the major coven masters from around the world would be there. As master of the largest coven in America, Roman was hosting the big event. If he showed up, missing a fang, he’d the brunt of jokes for the next century.

Roman removed the handkerchief and tooth from his mouth so his directions would be clear.

Roman watched the chemist’s hand curve around one plump buttock. God’s blood, with all that has happened, he was still hard. His body thrummed with desire, craving more blood and more female flesh. He could only hope that this dentist would be male. God help any mortal female who crossed his path right now.

He still had one fang and he was afraid he’d use it.

Scene Setting

Roman Dragonesti knew someone had quietly entered his home office. A foe could never make it past the guards stationed at each entrance of his Upper East Side Manhattan Townhouse. Or past guards stationed on each of five floors.

His suspicions were confirmed when the dark silhouette stumbled into a Louis XVI bombe chest and cursed softly.

Gregori groped along the wall till he located the switch. The lights came on with a muted golden glow.

Roman leaned back into the cool leather of his wingback chair and took a sip from his wineglass. Roman set his glass down on the mahogany desk in front of him.

He noted Roman’s half-empty glass. Gregori strode to the wet bar. He grasped the decanter and sloshed red liquid into a wineglass.

Gregori stalked toward him. Gregori wrenched the glass from Roman’s hand and set it down out of his reach. He adjusted his black silk tie.

Roman jumped to his feet, grasped his wineglass, and zoomed to the wet bar with vampire speed in one second. Roman poured the blood and garlic concoction down the drain then emptied the remainder of the poisonous brew from the decanter. Roman ambled back toward his desk. Roman sat heavily in his chair.

Gregori tugged on the cuffs of his snowy white evening shirt. Gregori zoomed to the door and opened it.

Roman jumped to his feet.

Laszlo marched into Roman’s office with a female clutched in his arms as if the two of them were doing the tango. Not only was the female taller than the short vampire Chemist, she was noticeably naked.

Gregori leaned toward Laszlo.

Laszlo set the female in a wingback chair. Her legs stuck out so he leaned over to bend them. With each adjustment her knees made a small pop.

Gregori squatted beside her. With a grin, Gregori nudged her legs apart.

Roman eyed the curly hair, trimmed in a stripper style, between the false female’s legs. Roman gulped. He cleared his throat and tried again.

Laszlo pried open her mouth. He inserted a short, stubby, finger.

The short chemist struggled to free his finger from the doll’s greedy mouth. His finger was released with a small pop, then the doll’s mouth relaxed into a frozen smile that seemed to indicate she was enjoying herself.

Gregori ran an approving hand down her leg. Gregori lifted one of the doll’s feet for a closer look.

Laszlo tapped the doll’s head, producing a ripe-melon echo.

Gregori scowled as he cradled the doll’s foot to his chest.

Laszlo fiddled with the buttons on his white lab coat.

Gregori gave the doll’s little toe a playful tug. Gregori stroked the arch of her foot.

He leaned the doll forward and brushed her hair to the side.

Roman studied the small switch and U-shaped cut. At the base of the U, a small tube protruded with a clamp on the end.

Laszlo ran his finger over her body to show the location of the false artery. Laszlo pointed at the doll’s neck.

With a low growl, Gregori dropped the doll’s foot.

Laszlo flipped on VANNA’s switch.

Gregori smiled as he smoothed his black dinner jacket.

With lightning speed, he tossed her onto a velvet reading chaise. She lay still, her legs still bent and sagging open at the knees.

Gregori zoomed to Roman’s desk and began opening drawers. Gregori located the black phone directory for vampire owned businesses and flipped it open to reveal the white pages within. He ran a finger down the advertisements.

Roman slumped into a wingback chair.

Laszlo dashed to the wet bar and grabbed a roll of paper-towels.

At the desk, Gregori thumbed through the Yellow Pages.

Laszlo threw the bloodied paper-towels in a trash can by the desk.

Exposition that moves the story

Gregori tossed back a good portion before slamming the glass down with a victorious sneer aimed at Roman. Then his eyes widened. His normally pale face turned a purplish red. A strangled sound vibrated in his throat, and then the sputtering began. Coughing, followed by choked curses, followed by more coughing. Finally, he pressed his palms against the bar and leaned forward to gasp for air. Gregori took a deep shuddering breath. Gregori jerked to an upright position.

Roman’s mouth curled into a slight smile. Roman’s attempt at a smile faded into oblivion.

Gregori’s impatient look melted into speculation.

Roman clenched his hands into fists. Roman took a deep breath and relaxed his hands. Romans hands fisted again.

Gregori gave him an exasperated look. Gregori watched him warily.

Roman noted the doll was still smiling, though her blue glass eyes stared ahead with a vacant look. Roman glared at him.

Gregori laughed, apparently unconcerned by his boss’s anger.

Laszlo twirled a loose button on his lab coat. Obviously, he took the boss’s temper much more seriously. The loose button tumbled onto the floor. Laszlo picked it up and stuffed it in a pocket.

Roman gave his Vice President of Marketing a worried look then turned to Laszlo.

Gregori’s voice sounded muffled.

The skin was cooler than a real human’s, but still very soft. Beneath his fingertips, the artery throbbed strong and constant. At first, he felt the pulse with only his fingers, but then the pounding sensation crept up his arm and into his shoulder. He swallowed hard. A growl vibrated deep in his throat. His groin hardened. He curled his fingers around the doll’s neck and drew her toward him.

The pulsing artery in her neck sang out. Take me. Take me.

He sat and brushed her blond hair away from her neck. He turned her face away to expose her neck. With a low growl, he pressed against her body.

With a long suck, the blood gushed into his fangs and filled his mouth. He gulped it down and greedily drank more. He smoothed a hand down to her breast and squeezed.

This doll would remind every vampire how intensely pleasurable it was to bite. No vampire, even the most evolved, modern-day Vamp, could part-take of this experience without wanting the real thing. VANNA was not the answer to human preservation. She was the death knell to their existence.

With a groan Roman ripped his mouth away from her neck. Blood spattered onto her white skin, and at first, he thought she’d sprung a leak. But no he was sure he’d drained her dry. Damn the blood was coming from him.

Roman looked at her neck and there lodged in the tough plastic was one of his fangs.

Gregori stepped closer for a good look.

More blood dripped from Roman’s mouth. Damn, he was loosing his lunch.

Laszlo attacked another button with his nervous fingers.

Roman wrenched his fang from the girl’s neck.

Gregori handed him a white handkerchief.

Roman pressed the handkerchief against the gaping hole where his right fang should be.

Gregori leaned over to look.

Roman released his hold on the tooth and attempted to retract his fangs. The left fang did as it should, but the right one fell from his mouth and landed on VANNA’s stomach. More blood seeped from the wound. Roman stuffed the handkerchief back in his mouth.

Laszlo picked up the fang and offered it to Roman. Then he proceeded to wipe the blood off VANNA. He gave Roman a worried look.

Roman sat up. Roman stood.

Laszlo fingered a button on his lab coat.

Gregori grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down the address. Gregori zipped over to his boss and handed him the address of the dental clinic.

Roman gave his two employees a stern look.

Laszlo picked VANNA up.

Dialogue that moves the story (Roman, Gregori, Laszlo, Guard)

“What do you want, Gregori?”

“Why are you sitting alone here in the dark?”

“Hmm, tough question. I suppose I wanted to be alone. And in the dark. You should try it more often. Your night vision is not what it should be.”

“Why bother to practice my night vision when the city is lit up all night?”

“Is there a purpose for your visit?”

“Of course, you left work too early, and we had something important to sho you. You’re going to love it.” “We had an amazing development at the lab.” “I feel like celebrating. What are you drinking?”

“You won’t like it.” “Take my advice and get a new bottle from the fridge.”

“Ha! If you can drink it so can I.”

“Have you recovered?”

“What was in there?”

“Ten percent garlic juice.”

“Have you gone mad? Are you trying to poison yourself?”

“I thought I’d see if the old legends are true.” “Obviously, some of us are more susceptible than others.”

“Obviously, some of us like to live too damned dangerously!”

“Your observation would have more merit if we weren’t already dead.”

“You’re not going to start the ‘woe is me I’m a cursed demon from hell’ crap are you?”

“Face the facts, Gregori. We have survived for centuries by taking life. We are an abomination before God.”

“Listen to me. No vampire has done more than you to protect the living and tame the cravings within us.”

“And now we’re the most well-behaved pack of demonic creatures on Earth. Bravo. Call the Pope. I’m ready for sainthood.”

“Is it true what they say, then? You were once a monk?"

“I prefer not to live in the past.” “I believe you mentioned some sort of development at the lab?” “Then I suggest you begin. There are only so many hours in a night.”

“And I’m going clubbing later with Simone. She just flew in from Paris and boy—“

“—are her wings tired. That was old a century ago.” “Stay on the subject, Gregori, or I will be forced to send you to your coffin for a time-out.”

“I only mentioned it in case you wanted to join us. It’s a hell of a lot more fun than sitting here drinking poison.” “You know Simone has always been hot for you. In fact, any of the ladies downstairs would love to cheer you up.”

“I don’t find any of them particularly cheerful. The last time I looked they were all dead.”

“Well, if you’re going to be picky about it maybe you should try a live one.”

“No.” “Not a mortal. Never again.” “End of discussion.”

“Are you all right, Roman?” “I’ve heard that sometimes the really old ones like you get down in the dumps.”

“Thanks for reminding me. And since I am not getting any younger, perhaps you could bring Laszlo in from the hall?”

“Remember the mission statement for Romatech Industries? Make the world safe for vampires and mortals alike.” “The major threat to peace has always been the poor and the Malcontents.”

“I believe I put you in charge of the poor problem.”

“I’m working on it. I’ll have the presentation ready in a few days. Meanwhile, Laszlo had this brilliant idea for handling the Malcontents.”

“Have Laszlo come in.”

“We’re ready.”

“About time.” “The guard out here was about to perform a cavity search on the guest of honor.”

“Och, ye have a bonnie there.”

“Leave her alone!”

“You brought a mortal here? A naked mortal?”

“Relax Roman, she’s not real.” “The boss is a little nervous about mortal females.”

“I am not nervous, Gregori.” “Every nerve ending in me died over five-hundred years ago.”

“She’s very life-like, don’t you think?”

“Very.” “Apparently, she’s a dyed blond.”

“Look.” “She’s fully equipped. Sweet, huh?”

“Is this –“ “Is this some sort of mortal sex toy?”

“Yes Sir, she is.” “Look she even has a tongue. The texture is incredibly life-like.” “And the vacuum causes a very realistic sucking sensation.”

“Shall I leave you three alone?”

“No Sir.” “We just wanted to show you how real she is.”

“She’s amazing.” “Laszlo sent for her in the mail.”

“It was your catalog.” “I don’t usually have mortal sex. Too messy.”

“This little babe is tempting, though.”

“All the Vamps I know prefer brain sex. I assume it’s the same with the Malcontents.”

“Not possible with this one, I’m afraid.”

“So, she has the same IQ as Simone.”

“Hey.” “That’s not nice.”

“Neither is wasting my time.” “How can this toy possibly solve the problem with the Malcontents?”

“But she’s much more than a toy, sir.” “She’s been transformed.”

“Into VANNA.” “Sweet little VANNA. Come to Papa.”

“Enlighten me, please, before I resort to violence.”

“VANNA is a Vampire Nutritional Needs Appliance.”

“She is the perfect substitution for the vampire who is still compelled to bite. And she’ll be available in whichever race or gender you prefer.”

“You’re going to make male toys too?”

“Yes, eventually.” “Gregori thought we could advertise her on the Digital Vampire Network. You’d have your choice of VANNA Brown, VANNA Black –”

“And this would be VANNA White?” “The legal department will love this.”

“We could take some promotional pictures of her in a fancy evening gown.” “And some sexy high-heeled sandals.”

“Are you saying this doll can be used for feeding?”

“Yes!” “Just like a live female, she’s capable of multitasking, satisfying both your sexual and feeding needs. Here let me show you.” “I did the work back here where it wouldn’t be so noticeable.”

“You put a tube in her?”

“Yes. It’s specifically designed to simulate a real artery. We developed a circular pattern inside her.” “It travels through her chest cavity then up one side of her neck and down the other, finally returning to the chest.”

“And you fill it with blood?”

“Yes, sir. She’ll come packaged with a free funnel. Blood and batteries not included.” “She’s easy to use.” “You remove the clamp, insert the small funnel, select two quarts of your favorite blood from Rometech Industries, and fill her up.”

“I see. Does she light up when she is running low?”

“I suppose I could include an indicator light –”

“I was kidding.” “Please continue.”

“The switch here turns on a small pump inserted inside her chest cavity. A false heart, so to speak. It will cause the blood to flow through the artery and simulate a real pulse.”

“And that is where the batteries come in.” “Has she been tested yet?”

“No, sir.” “We thought you should have the honor of being first.”

“So, at last, a vampire can have his cake and bite it too.”

“The taste test challenge. Enjoy.”

“I’ll take her.” “The plastic –” “The plastic is too tough and rubbery inside. Not at all like human skin.”

“This is terrible. The texture was so real on the outside. I didn’t realize… I’m so sorry sir.”

“That’s the least of our problems.”

“You’re still bleeding.”

“The feeding vein that connects to the fang is still open.”

“You could use your own healing powers to seal up the vein.”

“It would be clothed permanently. I’d be a one thided eater for all eternity.”

“Sir, I suggest you go to a dentist.” “I’ve heard they can put a lost tooth back.”

“I need a vampire dentitht.” “Look in the Black Pageth.”

“The Black Pages?” “You know you’re starting to lisp.”

“I have a bloody rag in my mouth! Look in the bottom drawer.”

“No dentists.”

“I’ll have to go to a mortal.”

“We may have trouble finding a mortal dentist who’s available in the middle of the night.” “Sir, it might be best for you to keep the tooth in your mouth.”

“There’s a ton of dentists.” “I found it! SoHo SoBright Dental Clinic – open twenty four hours a day for the city that never sleeps. Bingo.”

“What a relief. I’m not sure, since I’ve never heard of anything like this happening before, but I’m afraid if your fang is not successfully implanted tonight, then it never will be.”

“What do you mean?”

“Our injuries are naturally healed while we sleep. If dawn comes and you fall asleep with your fang still missing, your body will close the feeding veins and the wound for good.”

“Then it mutht be done tonight.”

“Yes, sir.” “With any luck, you’ll be in perfect shape for the annual conference.”

“Here you go. You want us to come with you?”

“Laszlo will drive me. We’ll take VANNA with us so everyone will assume we’re taking her back to the lab. You, Gregori, will go out with Simone as planned. Nothing will appear out of the ordinary.” “This incident will not be spoken of again, not to anyone. Do you understand?”


Roman Dragonesti knew someone had quietly entered his home office.

The Vice President of marketing for Romatech Industries tackled every problem with tireless enthusiasm.

“You won’t like it.”

A war that could result in many deaths – both mortal and vampire.

He could only hope that this dentist would be male. God help any mortal female who crossed his path right now.

He still had one fang and he was afraid he’d use it.


Relief would come at dawn when the rising sun would stop his heart, and he would be dead during the day.

Interior Dialogue

A friend, he decided.

Gregori Holstien. A friend, but an annoying one.

God-awful stuff.

God-awful stuff, indeed. Roman thought.

So what if he was close to a breakthrough on a formula that would allow a vampire to stay awake during the day? What would he do with those extra hours? More work?

God’s blood. If he were capable of getting a headache, he’d have a migraine by now.

And too dangerous. Maybe Gregori was right, and he should enjoy himself with one of the lady Vamps. If mortals could pretend this doll was alive than maybe he could do the same with a vampire. But how could a dead woman warm his soul?

This mortal sex toy was supposed to solve the Malcontent problem?

First. Roman’s gaze swept over the doll’s perfect body, a body that now pulsed inside with life-giving blood.

How long had it been? Eighteen years?

Type A positive. His favorite. His rational thought seeped away, overpowered by a driving sensation he had not experienced in years. Bloodlust.

More woman. More blood.

The pulsing artery in her neck sang out. Take me. Take me.
Heaven. He was swimming in blood.

She was delicious. She was his.

What a fool he’d been content to sip blood from a glass. How could that replace the hot gush of blood flowing through one’s fangs? He’d never drink from a glass again.
Good to the last drop. Bloody hell, he’d lost control.
How could this possibly advance the cause of civilized vampire behavior?
Damn the blood was coming from him.

Damn, he was losing his lunch.

God’s blood! Roman gulped. How could he have forgotten the annual spring conference? If he showed up, missing a fang, he’d the brunt of jokes for the next century.


The Gala Opening Ball was scheduled two nights from tonight. All of the major coven masters from around the world would be there. As master of the largest coven in America, Roman was hosting the big event.

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