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Rated: E · Documentary · Emotional · #2179181
A true story of my 2 year life HELL.
My husband Jason had, had a lot of health problems like blood clots and the biggy various vains. We became pregnant with our 8th child now 2 but at the time jason was in a lot of pain with his right leg and had to be signed of work when I was about 7 months . We were in at the doctors at 37 weeks due to engaging and dis engaging and then my back locked and told got to go to hospital as they can't do any thing. In the mean time I felt so sorry for Tyrone my older son as he was doing all the school pick ups for me as I could only do the morning runs . Got to the hospital and she did the check on me and then went to talk to someone higher then her so it was a waiting game, it felt lime ages worrying about what they were going to say what they were going to do . She came back and told us " we are not going to Barack your waters as you could go into labour in the car park...(we got bus in ) so we are going to enjuice you on the 23rd Sep at mid day. We were so pleased but also very worried because by time I got on the bus the contractions had started again and half way home throught have to go back to the hospital and Jason's leg was starting to give big problems ...but we got home just where we just flopped onto the sofas . The count down started and what a little sod he was he was born on the day I was due to be enjuiced but at 10am in the morning my son Tyrone had to be my birthing partner at home for half an hour ( we had joked about this a month before hand ) an poor boy got a taster session of what it will be for him with his wife when it's time. At this point jason can nearly move and in so much pain and had to stop taking his gaverpentin and his tramadol that was of high doses. We got into hospital an the wanted to put a canular into my arm now I could be on my death bed an you would have a battle to get a needle into my arm it wasn't gonna happen I'm terrified of them hs a big hold on my life jason told them wait till she has a contraction then do it ...it worked . After he was born not given anything to put him in no pain relief like promised the birthing room was dirty blood up shower curtain nothing to eat in 4 hours after giving birth tried to fulse me to have clotting jab said no way not happing. We got home not even five hours later my husband was complaining of chest pains we put it down to some gel I can't remember that we used on his back . Come 3 am Sunday the amblance was called out it was that bad the wheeled him out in a wheel chair and there outside my house for over half an hour. Bearing in mind just given birth and the ambulance crew were aware of this and let me in to see him ..My eyes are welling up as I write this . I was shocked big time he had all thesebwires leads the lot I looked at him and cried and I couldn't even be with him cos I had to be with new born it was the worst day of my life were I'm not able to be with my jay the way he was with me (Tyrone my son) went with him . The things that went through my head ...I've just give both to Dakota and he's not gonna get to kn his dad what do I tell him , so hard I couldn't even fuction as a human being I was a zombie and very tired and not much sleep due to it all . Once he came home he could even hold his new born they had used him as a bloody pin cushion. They had pumped blue die through his vains that went through his vains and once hit hit near his bits he said " felt like I wet myself ". It was over about 5 days before holding his baby. Year and a half on been signed off and have hospital appointments done still nothing doctors chasing nothing and being told January be done. November we got a phone call saying they can get him in on the 29th . We saw a lady come out walking but jason didn't and I saw him an broke down couldn't understand why he was like he was . It wasn't till 8 days later we found out why ....they had butchered him in his right leg as it was the worst . His vains were so twisted due to the 2 DVTS that were missed by the hospital they struggled to get the needle into his vain to burn it. Yes my husband had both his legs burned to a 120 degrees. They had him on a bed with it tillited and his legs in the air he was biting his thumb due to the pain ( he has a very high pain thrush hold as this made it had for amblance crew) so for him to bite his thumb tells me he had tea had his limit. Both legs done now and we are now starting to get round as a family now. Dakota and Tobias are now getting there daddy back and that thrills me because it was backing my heart that they weren't getting what the others had, Tobias got a bit more then Dakota but that's not the point the hole family missed out on so much time together time that we can't get back.
I k ow my spelling and punctuation isn't great but u still give it a go.what I'm trying to say is DON'T always take for granted that a person is always gonna be around becuause they could just up an leave or they could die either ore is it worth the gamble
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