Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2178211-Creation
by Delia
Rated: E · Critique · Spiritual · #2178211
The light in us.
If you saw a person in captivity and devoid of life, would you want to help them? That is what God does. He wants people to be free from their captivity and empty life. Before the earth took its form and beauty was created in it, the Scriptures tell us it was in an empty, formless, and dark state. There was no beauty until God spoke the words needed to bring life out of that place.

One day as I read through Genesis chapter 1, I understood that people are in a formless, empty, and darkened spiritual place too. People are walking in that condition, but God sees what they could be. Just like He created beauty on the earth, He also desires to do the same in anyone’s life. The process needed to create a beautiful place from what it was before took time. The same happens in the life of a person who comes to know Jesus Christ. Prior to the moment of realizing their need for Him, they were in a darkened state. A place separated from God. But despite this state, we are given information that something is happening. The ESV Study Bible describes what is about to happen as, “The Spirit of God was hovering. This comment creates a sense of expectation; something is about to happen.” Could this be the work of the Holy Spirit when He draws people to the realization of their need for God? The first step for creation to take place was overcoming the darkness with light. Similarly, light overtakes the darkness when a person puts their faith in Jesus Christ. This is the new creation in a person’s spiritual life.

After the light is created, the chapter continues with other changes happening in order to create the place He wanted. Once we have a relationship with God, then other transformations take place so the we can become what God wants us to be. This is the process of us changing into the image of Jesus. By that I mean, a character that reflects Jesus’s character.
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