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Splatoon 2 Inflation about Pearl and Marina. Inspired by Raikovjaba |
Inkopolis Square, a bustling and busy part of town where all the freshest squids hung out. However, as the clock drew near, the loud clamor came to a halt. Everyone simmered down to an almost unnatural quietness as they all tuned into Inkopolis News. - "Y'all know what time it is!" "It's Off The Hook, coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis Square!" "Yo, Marina! Tell the people the good news before we introduce the stages!" "Huh? Like, right now?! Um... What was the good news again?" “You know... The single most important celebration of our culture? The Spla—” “OOH! THE SPLATFEST!” “Ding ding ding! We've got a Splatfest coming up quick!” “Splatfests always get my ink pumping! I've gotta get my gear ready!” “Yo, Marina. What's the Splatfest theme this time?” “Haaaaah... I'm too nervous to look. You do it.” “Fine. The Splatfest theme is... WHAT?!” “What is it, Pearlie? What's the theme?! TELL MEEEEE!” “Okay, here it comes...” “*gulp*” “The Splatfest theme is...” Behind them, on the teleprompter, a large Splatfest Versus drawing appeared. One the right side, there was a cartoonish picture of a very small Inkling. To the left, an equally cartoonish tall Inkling, towering above the other. "Do you prefer rising up from the bottom?- TEAM SMALL!" "Or do you prefer being larger than life?- TEAM BIG!" "Pssh, why would you even wanna be big? You can't even go to the movies, you would block everyone in front of you!Besides, being small is way cooler." "Sneaking around, hide-and-go-seek, not hitting your head on everything. Getting children's discounts-" "You already get children's discount, Pearlie. Remember last week when you couldn't ride the rollercoaster at Wahoo World?" "..." "We'll be sure to reach victory on the top shelf!" "Ya know, "Big" doesn't always mean tall..." "..?" "Well, let's get this thing going! Head over to the Splatfest terminal and pick a side! As for the stages..." - "And that's all the time we've got! Until next time..." "Don't get cooked... Stay off the hook!" A flash of red signaled the duo that the broadcast had ended. The hustle and bustle of Inkopolis Square returned slowly, and Inklings began making their way over to the Splatfest terminal. "Phew.." Marina walked over to the table they had in their studio, and took a drink from the cup they had there. "Should we get started going over the plans for the Splatfest, Pearlie?" "Yeah, sure." Pearl plopped down on the chair opposite to Marina's, as she picked up a clipboard, which detailed the Splatfest. "Let's see... We'll be performing Color Pulse, Ebb and Flow, Acid Hues, Zest Fest, and Muck Warfare. That sound okay?" "Mhm." She agreed. "I'll also have to work on the new Shifty Station so I'll head out when the Turf War ends. "What about our outfits for it? I mean what are the colors?" Pearl asked. Marina flipped a few pages. "Um... It looks like the Ink colors are Light Green and Magenta. But I don't think we'll need new outfits for the performance." "Huh?" Pearl sat up straight. "Whatdya mean?" "I mean we can have them, but don't you think the theme of the Splatfest is already kinda represented by us?" "No, please, go on." "I mean there's no denying it Pearlie, you're pretty short. And I'm pretty tall so we fit the descriptions-" "Woah, woah" Pearl interrupted. "First of all, I may be short, but you're not even that tall! You're like uh... average height." Marina pursed her lips. "And?" "That's all I had to say." "Hmm..." Marina paused. "When I think about it, I'm not really that tall. Guess hanging around you so much makes me feel bigger than I actually am, Pearlie." She took a second to giggle. "Hardy hard har. Laugh it up." Pearl smiled. "But you know that's not a bad idea, it would be cool to have us represent the Splatfest." "Yeah, too bad we can't make me taller somehow. Otherwise I'd REALLY tower over you. Hee hee." Snickered Marina. Pearl lowered her voice. "Yeah... If only there were a way to make you bigger..." Marina continued on about the Splatfest plans, but Pearl was still stuck in thought. She kept thinking of a way to somehow make Marina taller, or bigger. She could always have her wear high heels, or even walk on stilts, but those ideas didn't exactly fit Marina's style. Pearl gazed out the studio's window. Outside, the square was busy with traffic coming in and out of the Battle Lobby. However, amid the crowd, she spotted something. There was a balloon vender, selling and blowing up balloons. She watched the vender hook the balloons to a helium tank, and as they were filled eith air and began to expand, growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger... POP!! "Pearlie!" "Ahh!" Pearl recoiled from her daydream. The balloon the vender was filling had popped. "Pearls, were you even listening to what I was saying?" "Uhh.. Yes?" Pearl lied. "Then what did I just say?" Marina stubbornly asked. "Gulp..." Though Marina would get angry at her for not listening as she rambled on about the Splatfest, it didn't really matter in the end. The two made up like always, but Pearl had a new idea. A big idea. - Colors filled the air, music blasted throughout the square, Inklings, Jellyfish, everyone, you name it, they were celebrating. Splatfests were an important part of their culture of course. "Hey Pearl, have you decided if we're gonna wear the costumes or not?" Marina asked. The duo was getting ready to perform live for the Splatfest. The two had done this many times, so butterflys and anxiety were practically gone. "Huh? Oh yeah, I decided not to after all." Pearl answered. "Well then what else should we do?" Marina asked back. Pearl grinned. "Oh, I actually have this little idea we could do, if that's okay with you." "Sure, I'm cool with that. What is it?" "A secret, here, hold onto this real quick." Pearl handed Marina a long black tube, that led somewhere in the back room. "What's up w- wait where are you going?" Pearl ran off to the back room. "Ugh, that Pearlie sometimes..." A few seconds later, Pearl came running back in. "Okay, so now follow what I tell you to do. Here, hand me the tube." Marina handed it over to Pearl. " 'kay, so now put your hands behind your back." Marina did as she was told, and Pearl walked behind her. Seriously, Pearls, what's this- HEY!" Marina glanced back only to find Pearl was tying both her hands together with rope. "Pearlie, what the heck are you doing?!" She tried to yank her hands away but it was too late by then. Pearl had already tied her hands together. "Pearl, untie my hands! Seriously, what are you doing?" Marina struggled and attempted to untie the rope. "Sorry Marina." Pearl shrugged. "I'll take it off in a second, but I had to make sure you try and try to take it out." "Take wh- MMPPFFH!" Marina was cut short by the black tube that was shoved into her mouth. She quickly realized what had been going through it, and what Pearl had in the backroom. No sooner had it started that Marina could feel her belly fill up with air. It had barely been a few seconds but she already bcome full. However, it seemed the air tube did not care, as it shoved more and more air into her belly. "I really did think your idea of us resenting the Splatfest was a real good idea, so I decided to really go all out!" Pearl exclaimed. Marina glanced down. Past the tube, she could see her belly. Once flat and trim, it had inflated into a round beer belly. She shivered to think how far Pearl would go with her idea. - Pearl felt a rush of something she has never felt before. She was excited to see her best friend become a giant balloon, and fill up with air. But there was another feeling there too. The sight of Marina was almost arousing. She walked behind Marina, and untied her hands. "You won't be needing this anymore." She was right, Marina had been developing into even more of a balloon than Pearl had thought. Almost all parts of her body were inflated. Marina's body had inflated in a way, that made her body look spherical. Her belly and butt bulged out, covering all of her leg, except for her foot. Her arms were almost useless, as she couldn't move them more than a few inches. Marina's cheeks were always full with air, making it so she could barely talk. However the biggest part of her body that had been inflated were her breasts. While always being what some would call: Huge, they had become borderline enormous. They were even bigger than her head, and covered up a lot of her sight. Marina couldn't do much about the situation she was in. She had fallen into Pearl's trap. Her body ached with the pain of being stretched out to ridiculous capacities, but she felt no resentment towards Pearl. Although she still did not want to be a giant Octoling balloon, she thought to herself, deep down inside, maybe there was a part of her that enjoyed this whole ordeal. "I think that's big enough for now." Pearl said. She walked to the backroom, and turnt off the air pumping machine. She waltzed back, and tugged the tube out if Marina's mouth. "Oohfm..." Marina moaned as the pain finally seized. If her hands weren't immobile, she would be rubbing her aching, swollen beyond belief belly. Pearl placed a hand on Marina's swelled stomach. "Wow, you sure did get real big, huh?" As if reading her mind, she rubbed her hands up and down her inflated belly. Pearl wasn't talk enough to see past Marina's breasts, but if she did, she would see her blushing. Pearl stopped, and pulled herself away. "You ready for this?" Pearl gazed up at Marina. She saw the zipper on her top was being strained to it's limits, almost coming undone. Pearl smiled a devilish grin. "Jeez, you sure outgrew these... Let me help you with that..." - Splatfest Results Popularity: Small- 12.8% / Big- 87.2 Solo: Small- 35.3% / Big- 64.7 Team: Small- 23.6% / Big- 76.4 0-3 Team Big Wins! |