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This is only the first chapter so I'm looking for feed back. |
I’m running,running through cramped alley ways that zig zag left and right all the while bullets whiz pass my head. Pling! A 7.62×51mm bullet strikes a nearby dumpster,and flies straight through it into a solid brick wall. I make a sharp left around a corner and leap up onto a fire escape. I climb frantically up the ladder missing a rung and hitting my ankle hard against the cold steel. I let out a yelp of pain but keep climbing as bursts of pain shoot up and down my leg. When I reach the top of the roof I see them, snipers. Three of them perched on top of a large worn down apartment complex Wearing black leather coats, black cargo pants,combat boots, and ski masks with sunglasses and bandannas to hide their face each one of them holding a M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. I hurriedly look for a place to take cover, quickly running over to an air conditioning vent. A bullet was fired just missing my head as I felt the hot metal shell soar past my face. I take out my phone and call kate. “What?” She answers in a dreary tone “In a bit of a sticky situation here, I was wondering if you could help?” “What kind of situation?” “ A situation in which multiple men with snipers are shooting at me!” I yell into my phone as bullets are still being shot at the vent as if at any moment one bullet was going to kill me. “Again?” sounding annoyed. “Yeah sorry but this time there's a good reason you should save me.” “And what’s that?” she asks “I might have just stolen one of the most important weapon blueprints in the world from the most secure vault ever created!” I yell excitedly into my phone. “Ok I’ll be over in about ten seconds.” “What?” I asked unaware of the plan she was coming up with. All of a sudden I hear a buzzing sound of a drone that zips over my head. I turn around the drone looks about one foot long and one foot wide. The snipers stop focusing on me and start firing at the drone. The drone does some clumsy evasive maneuvers before firing a small package that lands at the feet of one of the snipers. Plink! All of a sudden the sniper’s roof top is filled with white smoke. I see my opportunity I climb down from the rooftop and run out into the open street just in time to see a taxi and hail it. I get in briefcase in hand and drive away into the cold rainy morning of New York City. |