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James and his wife bought a mirror, but now he struggles with his reflection and reality. |
I don’t understand who he is. Or how he did this. Why didn’t she listen to me? Why doesn’t anyone believe me? Why can I not seem to escape? I never paid great attention to my appearance. As long as I didn’t look like I just rolled out of bed then everything was fine, so I hadn’t really spent much time in front of the mirror before. We’d just bought a large mirror to put in the bedroom so my wife could better see her full outfit as she dressed. There was nothing special about it. It had been a simple mass produced mirror bought at a home and décor store. It took me ages to get comfortable with my reflection staring me in the face every time I closed the bedroom door. For the first few days it startled me. The more used to it I got, the longer I would pause to look at myself. One Friday evening I prepared for a business dinner party my manager held annually. Spouses or partners were invited as well. Trisha, my wife, jumped into the shower while I tried to pick out a tie. I narrowed it down to two and held them both up to my suit as I looked into the mirror. The mirror. I made a slight frown at my reflection, and it did so back to me. For a minute. I was certain my expression didn’t change, but my reflection did. It shook Its head and pointed to one of the ties. I thought I had to have imagined it. Perfectly sane people imagined strange things sometimes didn’t they? I brushed it off and we went to the party. Yet the oddity didn’t stop there. I still paused in front of that mirror. Longer. A little bit of morbid curiosity urged me to, in case there was something else to see. It wasn’t until a few days later as I gave myself a quick look over that I noticed it. I leaned closer just to make sure I saw it right. The reflection had blue eyes. Mine are grey. I rubbed my eyes quickly and looked again. Still blue. Could I be confused over my own appearance? I ran to the bathroom mirror and flipped on the light. Grey. How was that possible? “Trish!” I shouted. “What Babe?” She hollered back. “What colour are my eyes?” For a few seconds it was quiet, she probably had to think over my odd question, but she shuffled in after and leaned against the door frame. “They’re grey, Babe. Sometimes a little green.” Yeah, grey. It had to have been the lighting in the room, it played tricks on me. I shoved it back in my head and went about my day. Only the next day did I look in the mirror again. Blue eyes still looked back at me. I stayed still to study the face that I knew couldn’t be mine. My legs beneath me turned to liquid yet the rest of my body froze at once, the moment the reflection’s arms reached out and straightened my shirt. Then it smiled and walked away. The mirror didn’t show my reflection anymore, I could see the room behind me but it was like I wasn’t there. I must have gone mad No, there must have been something wrong with the mirror. I opened the door and looked at the other side just so I had something to do while I puzzled over it. Where the hell would it have gone and why couldn’t I see myself at all? I shut the door and pulled the mirror off to inspect it better, but there was nothing that set it apart from every other other floor length mirror we looked at. Trisha poked her head in. “Are you losing a battle with the furniture?” “I...” I gave the mirror another quick look and leaned it against the wall. “Look!” I pointed towards it, still with no reflection. “Is there a crack in it or something?” She ran her hand over the mirror’s surface to look for any flaw. Her reflection showed normal. “No...it..” I wasn’t sure how to explain it. “Just look, don’t you see it, or not see it?” “Not see what? It’s just a mirror.” Trisha frowned at the mirror before she looked me up and down. I grabbed her and pulled her in. “My reflection it’s not...” The reflection walked back into view, It put Its arm around my wife and smiled a devious smile at me. “I think I see my husband who needs to head to work in five minutes.” She said then kissed my cheek and walked away. I watched her leave but flipped my attention back to the mirror. The reflection only smiled proudly and folded it’s arms. I turned the mirror around and put it’s face to the wall. Perhaps I should have gotten rid of it right then. We went back to the bathroom mirrors and no bedroom mirror. For only a couple days though. My head pounded through a pile of receipts at work. It felt like it had worked up to that all week. So I headed home early. “Hello?” Trisha poked her head out of the bedroom and called down the hall to me, not really sure of who she addressed. “It’s me, Trish.” I practically crawled to the bedroom along with my voice. “Oh...” She said confused, but not unhappy to see me. “I feel like shit.” I grumbled and threw myself face first onto the bed. “Aw I’m sorry Babe. I have a lunch date with a couple friends at that new Italian place downtown. So I’ll be headed out in a minute.” I sat myself up against the headboard looked up at her, she stood in front of the mirror, which was back on the wall. “You...you put it back up.” I almost stuttered to say. I had really hoped it would just stay down, or leave the room, or hell, even be thrown out. “What?...Oh the mirror.” She turned briefly then went back to putting on her earrings. “Yeah, and it wasn’t easy to do by myself. Why did you take it down anyway?” “Look Trish, my head is killing me and I don’t want to have that conversation right now.” She made an aggravated sigh then said “OK. I’ll be back.” She gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and left the room. I listened to her leave the house and start the car engine. For a minute I laid with the mirror out of sight. But I heard it. Softly and raspy it reached my ears. “Hey...Hey...Hey!” My head still pounded. I thought for a second that I was hearing things and if I just ignored the call it would go away. “Come on James, don’t ignore me.” I rolled over and lifted my head enough to put the mirror in view. The reflection stood on the other side, with a wide grin pasted on Its face. “What are you?” I asked. At this point all I wanted was some ibuprofen and a couple hours of quiet, not to deal with a copycat that might not even be real. “Don’t I look like you?” “I don’t care what you look like!” I stopped any attempt to hide my irritation and let it all out by the final word. Then It laughed. “Don’t be such a grump. Come on in, you’ll like it over here.” “No, I will not!” I pushed myself up and stomped over to the mirror. No, I couldn’t go anywhere that thing wanted me to. I had to get rid of It, that mirror had to go. I had to fight through my head ache. I yanked the mirror off the door and dragged it out to the trash. The garbage men could deal with it. For a moment I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought my troubles were over, my headache even cleared up. I figured I’d still take a power nap though. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like me?” The same voice, only significantly louder, called just as I passed by the bathroom. My blood stopped and I was glued in place. Did I not get rid of it fast enough? Could It travel through any mirror? I had to give myself a pep talk to open the bathroom door, but there It stood. Still dressed with a grin, on the other side of the cabinet mirror. “I’m not disposable, I’m only part of you.” It said proudly. I hated the way spoke like It was right, like It had any room to talk about me like that. “You’re not even real, I don’t have to like you.” The reflection shook Its head, but It slowly backed away until out of sight. My headache came back twice as bad. All I could really think of doing was getting some rest. My nap was light enough that something at the foot of the bed woke me. Before I was completely awake I lifted my head and looked over. Trisha sat on the end pulling her shoes off. “Oh, hey Babe.” She said when she noticed me. “How are you feeling?” It took me a minute to really tell, but at least my head wasn’t trying to murder me. “Better.” “Good. What happened to the mirror?” “I uh...It had a crack, I got rid of it.” “A crack?” Trisha asked rhetorically. “I didn’t see a crack earlier.” “Well, I did so...” “Alright whatever. “I got a call from Wendy at work, one of her kids is sick so I’m filling in for her tomorrow. I wanna get a new mirror though. I really like having one that big.” The thought of seeing that reflection again chilled me, but against my own judgment I replied “fine.” Fine. I hoped it would be. But that thing was still in my bathroom. I wanted to think that maybe I was anxious over nothing. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t actually do anything. Oh I was proved very wrong. I avoided looking in the mirror as much as I could, but I could hear it whisper. I kept the light off when I walked in to brush my teeth, but I missed the toothbrush with the toothpaste and gave up. I turned on the light. “How long are you going to ignore me James? Are you afraid?” I leaned against the counter and glowered at It . “I am not afraid. I’m not afraid of something that doesn’t exist. You’re annoying.” I had to be blunt, if I believed it then it had to be true. Faster than I could think It reached out and grabbed a hold of my collar. “I could show you something great. Something you’ve never done before.” That something had a dread filled ring to it. That something, was probably something I’d never done for a reason. I tried to yank my shirt away, but all it did was stretch the fabric. “Come on James.” It’s voice melted into Trisha’s, and then it’s figure as well. “Come on James I have something to show you.” “I don’t want to.” I said, I wanted it to sound forceful, angry, but I sounded just like a terrified child. “Come.” The fake Trisha said in almost a moan. “Come.” “No-” I meant to argue to free myself, but the second I grasped it’s wrist it grabbed mine. “Help me out James.” It said desperately. I pushed against the counter with what was free as it dragged me closer and closer to the mirror. “Help me out.” It continued to whine. Help! Yes, I should call for help! My voice wasn’t fast enough to scream before my face was pulled beyond the mirror. I shut my eyes as water hit my face. My entire body was pulled through water until I was completely submerged. For only a second. I was numb and there was nothing around me. Nothing I could see in the darkness. The only light came in from a window behind me. I spun around and ran to it, hoping that I could get through. Something hard stopped me. Beyond it I saw the bathroom, as it had been, and the fake Trisha, It,stood in my place with a smile. “James?” I heard the real Trisha’s distorted voice break through. Its form shifted into someone I didn’t recognize. “Yeah?!” It called back. “Have you seen that little box I keep my butterfly earrings in?” “Yeah it’s right here.” Trisha walked into the room and began to take off her earrings. “Ugh, I can only wear these things for like an hour, they’re so heavy.” She said to It as if nothing were out of place. “I’m glad no one expects me to wear them.” It said. “Hey!” I pounded on the window. “Trisha in here!” I yelled. But she didn’t even blink, she just went on to wash her face. “Trisha I’m in here!” I screamed over and over trying to get louder as I went on. Nothing I did was even noticed. All I could do was watch my wife and that thing get ready for bed then leave the room. The light went off. There was nothing to see, nothing to feel, and I was alone. Something inside my gut pulled at me, but to or from where I couldn’t tell at first. It pulled me downward until I lay flat on the ground. I was unable to move, unable to speak, so I fell asleep. When the light switched back on I woke, but I didn’t hurry to the window. I saw It turn on the shower and step in. “Let me out of here!” I yelled. It had to hear me, It just had to. “LET ME OUT PLEASE!” All it did was wash, dry, and leave the bathroom. Alone and stuck I watched them. For how long I don’t know exactly, days, weeks even. I tried to break the window with my fists, and my feet, but all that did was hurt my knuckles. Frustrated and discouraged I sat down and hugged my knees. Was I never getting out of here? Why was there even a here? Why, was I meant to watch someone else live my life? I couldn’t do that. I wouldn’t sit back and let myself be consumed by this nothing. So I stood. I put my hands out as I walked in the hopes that I would touch something. My hands felt nothing but I saw another light. A bigger light! I ran to it, and almost tripped myself along the way. I slammed into the same barrier that kept me out of the bathroom. The other side showed the bedroom, from the door. It was dressing in my suit while Trisha fidgeted with her nice red dress. “Are you sure you want to go out tonight Babe? I know you haven’t been feeling great” She asked. “No!” I shouted helplessly. “Yeah, if it’s what you want.” It answered. Trisha picked up her purse and pulled out several of its contents. Mostly old receipts and ladies things. She opened up a small compact mirror. A mirror! If I could get to that mirror then perhaps at least I could see what went on from there. I looked about a second until I saw a small circular window a few feet away and ran to it. Only a second later it snapped shut. I was in darkness again, where no lights broke through the unending black. I tried to bite my lip, clench my fists, do something that would tear me away from this nothingness. I couldn’t feel a thing though. All there was to do was wait, wait and then watch that thing pretend to be me. A light sudden light came on from a direction I hadn’t been before. I slowly drove myself that way. There was no way I was getting out, why should I bother? I watched It, washing Its hands in a public restroom. It stopped to give me a grin and say “I really like it here. Your job isn’t the greatest, but your wife sure is.” “What are you doing, what did you do to her?!” It could hear me, but It only grinned and shook its head. “Come on, answer me at least!” My fist hit what felt like water and pushed right through to the other side. I reached as far as I could and grabbed the edge of the counter. Surprised, It watched with horror on Its face. I pulled myself through the water and tumbled out and off of the counter. I jumped back up ready to fight that thing with my bare hands, but It was nowhere. I was alone and in the suit I saw It put on earlier. A bang from behind me made me swing around. It yelled and hit the mirror just as I did. “You can’t keep me in here forever! You can’t! You can’t!” It sobbed in Trisha’s voice. I only turned and walked away. “I’ll get out! I’ll get out again, you can’t keep me in here forever!” It was right though. As long as there were mirrors nearby It wasn’t going to leave me alone. I stepped out into the hall and although I didn’t know where to go I went straight back to the little table Trisha sat at. “Let’s go, now.” I said hastily. “I thought you wanted dessert.” She said with an added confused look. “I...I changed my mind, we have to get going.” “Alright, alright. Wait a minute so we can get the check.” She spoke calmly, but I could see frustration and fatigue in her face. We paid and went right home. “Babe, what is wrong you-.” Without meaning to I slammed the car door shut and dashed inside the house. The mirrors, I had to destroy the mirrors, after I explained things to Trisha, she’d understand. First I had to find something strong enough to break them. “Babe, talk to me...What are you doing?!” I picked up a chair from the kitchen and dragged it to the bathroom with Trisha right behind me. “What’s the chair for? Where are you- James!” It glared back at me from the mirror. “You wouldn’t dare.” It hissed. “James stop!” Everyone, everyone shouted at me to stop, but I couldn’t. I slammed the chair into the mirror. Not a crack could be seen. I had to do something though. I hit the mirror over and over until a creak oozed out and a crack ran through the middle. The thing gave me another terrified look before It turned and ran off, off to another mirror. I looked down at the chair, now with one leg broken off. Trisha cried and stood in the doorway, in my way. “Move!” I ordered her, all or any patience I had dissipated. “James please talk to me, what’s going on?” “I have to destroy these mirrors.” I told her trying to show the importance through my voice. “What is it with you and mirrors?! You keep missing work, you’re not you anymore, all you do is stare at that damn mirror!” That made me stop. Only for a second. I could try and figure out what went on while I was away, later. I stomped down the hall and to the bedroom. I slammed the door shut and stared down the mirror and It. I prayed that this would work, that without these mirrors in the house It couldn’t get through. I pulled together every ounce of strength I had and smash the chair into the mirror. But it was the chair that broke in two, and It laughed. It laughed at me. A chair wasn’t going to stop anything, I had to take It out. I immediately opened the closet and pulled out the safe. I knew the combo but my hands trembled with the dial. “James...talk to me.” Trisha’s wavered voice said from behind. Once I had the safe open I pulled out the gun we stashed for safe keeping. Trisha stood a few steps away from me, makeup ran down her face, she shook and clutched her phone. “What are you doing James? Please stop.” She said in a meek tone. She stepped away slowly, but not quick enough, and not in the right direction. I pushed her aside and pointed the barrel at the mirror. Both It and Trisha cried stop! Over and over growing desperate. “Shut it!” I roared. It was enough to freeze them all. I tried to steady my hand, without a lot of luck. Then I pulled the trigger. The second passed by and although I could tell Trisha cried, all I could hear was the breaking of he mirror. It was gone, and everything was silent. Sounds slowly came back. The sound of Trisha crying. The sound of a dog barking outside. The sound of sirens. My legs began to give way and I fell onto the wall. I hadn’t realized it at first. Not until I looked down. The gun was still tight in my grip. Blood seeped through my shirt and jacket. “Oh my god. Oh my god!” Trisha whispered. She inched forward, but hesitated to come too close. I could feel it then. It burned its way through my stomach until it took a bite out of me. I raised my shaking hand that held the gun and Trisha stepped away. The gun fell from my grip. I couldn’t sustain the weight of my own arms. I didn’t even try to move, I couldn’t, I didn’t want to. But while I struggled to remain awake I looked back up at the mirror. The mirror was intact. I saw myself, on the floor, covered in blood. I saw It on the floor beside me, covered in blood. But the mirror was still intact. |