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A tall tale of a young man making tough decisions. |
Once upon a time, there was a young man who was very insistent on travelling the whole world, but his parents told him the only thing that he could do in life was to stay at home and churn butter forever. This made the young man very sad, but he also did not want to disappoint his parents. Then a little goblin came up to him one day and said to him: "Hey boy! Wanna know a way to make both your dream AND your parents hopes come true? All you need to do is to give me forty years of your life! Pretty good deal huh?" The young man thought about this for a long time. He hummed and he hawed, he thought and he was distraught, he paced and his mind raced. Eventually he gave his answer to the goblin. He told him that he would agree to his terms if the goblin could promise that there would be no tricks! "Of course, of course!", said the goblin. "I would never DARE to deceive someone as smart and perceptive such as yourself!" The young man felt proud that he was called something as impressive as "perceptive", so he decided to agree to the goblins terms without reservation. "Excellent!" Smirked the goblin, wringing his hands greedily. The goblin immediately began to grow at an amazingly quick pace. He grew, he grew, and he just kept growing! He got so big that the young man could see all the way up his greedy little nose! When the goblin stopped growing, he stooped down and picked up the young man. "Thank you for the meal", he began to laugh. Immediately the young man turned into an old man and the goblin looked rejuvenated. The goblin took a stance with the man in hand and he spread his arms wide. "Have a nice trip!" Screamed the goblin in a shrill voice and he threw the man with such force that he was indeed able to go all the way around the world in one fell swoop. The End. |